'From Normalcy to Lunacy'
Moisés Naím, 'From Normalcy to Lunacy', Foreign Policy, no. 141 (2004), p. 104.
Foreign Policy
, Issue.141
, pp. 104
Naím, M.1
'The Piquetero Movement in Greater Buenos Aires: Political Protests by the Unemployed Poor During the Crisis'
in Edward Epstein and David Pion-Berlin (eds.), (Lanham)
and Edward Epstein, 'The Piquetero Movement in Greater Buenos Aires: Political Protests by the Unemployed Poor During the Crisis', in Edward Epstein and David Pion-Berlin (eds.), Broken Promises? The Argentine Crisis and Argentine Democracy (Lanham, 2006), pp. 95-115.
Broken Promises? The Argentine Crisis and Argentine Democracy
, pp. 95-115
Epstein, E.1
Bolivia could possibly be such a case as one anonymous reviewer suggested.
Based on these semi-structured interviews, a qualitative content analysis was conducted that resulted in the construction of cognitive maps for the different organisations. Due to the restricted space available, however, this article can present only the general results of this in-depth analysis.
'Broadening Democracy: Latin America's Indigenous Peoples' Movements'
Donna Lee Van Cott, 'Broadening Democracy: Latin America's Indigenous Peoples' Movements', Current History, vol. 103, no. 670 (2004), p. 80.
Current History
, vol.103
, Issue.670
, pp. 80
Van Cott, D.L.1
On the following, see the sources in note 2
On the following, see the sources in note 2.
On the following, see the sources in note 2
Ibid., p. 83.
'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption. Uprisings, Coups, Rebellions, and Democracy'
In January 2000, the high command of the armed forces offered only tactical support to the rebellious military/indigenous alliance and, under US pressure, quickly dissolved the 'triumvirate' to install the former Vice-President as Mahuad's successor. As regards Gutiérrez' presidency, the new president quickly changed alliances and policies in favour of an openly pro-market, pro-establishment and pro-US stance, and, in this way, lost the support of almost all his former indigenous and non-indigenous allies. On the former see
In January 2000, the high command of the armed forces offered only tactical support to the rebellious military/indigenous alliance and, under US pressure, quickly dissolved the 'triumvirate' to install the former Vice-President as Mahuad's successor. As regards Gutiérrez' presidency, the new president quickly changed alliances and policies in favour of an openly pro-market, pro-establishment and pro-US stance, and, in this way, lost the support of almost all his former indigenous and non-indigenous allies. On the former see Catherine E. Walsh, 'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption. Uprisings, Coups, Rebellions, and Democracy', Nepantla, vol. 2, no. 1 (2001), pp. 173-204;
, vol.2
, Issue.1
, pp. 173-204
Walsh, C.E.1
'The Moral Politics of Argentine Crowds'
See Javier Auyero, 'The Moral Politics of Argentine Crowds', Mobilization, vol. 9, no. 3 (2004), pp. 311-26;
, vol.9
, Issue.3
, pp. 311-326
Auyero, J.1
'El 2005 está mostrando el mayor nivel mensual de cortes de rutas y vías públicas desde 2003'
17 August
Nueva Mayoría, 'El 2005 está mostrando el mayor nivel mensual de cortes de rutas y vías públicas desde 2003', 17 August 2005, http://www.nuevamayoria.com.
The importance of these planes for the emergence and development of the piquetero movement is emphasised in virtually all analyses of the phenomenon and has been confirmed in interviews with representatives from a variety of piquetero organisations. See
The importance of these planes for the emergence and development of the piquetero movement is emphasised in virtually all analyses of the phenomenon and has been confirmed in interviews with representatives from a variety of piquetero organisations. See Svampa and Pereyra, Entre la ruta, pp. 88-102;
Entre La Ruta Y El Barrio. La Experiencia De Las Organizaciones Piqueteras
, pp. 88-102
Svampa, M.1
Pereyra, S.2
'Die Rückkehr des Sozialen. Neue soziale Bewegungen, poor people's movements und der Kampf um soziale Bürgerrechte'
Roland Roth, 'Die Rückkehr des Sozialen. Neue soziale Bewegungen, poor people's movements und der Kampf um soziale Bürgerrechte', Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, vol. 10, no. 2 (1997), pp. 38-50.
Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen
, vol.10
, Issue.2
, pp. 38-50
Roth, R.1
It is difficult to categorise the Argentine piquetero movement. As an approximation it is possible to differentiate between the 'softer', reformist organisations that are more oriented towards negotiation, co-operation and dialogue with the state, and the more 'radical' groups that take a much more confrontational stance towards die state and emphasise the necessity of revolutionary change. The most important example of the first current is the Federación Tierra y Vivienda (FTV), one of the biggest nation-wide piquetero organisations which forms part of the dissident labour confederation Central de los Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA); it is characterised by a trade-unionist and left-Peronist orientation, and since the election of President Kirchner in May 2003 openly supports the government. The latter group - which in December 2001 formed the National Piquetero Block - combines organisations led by small parties of the traditional radical left like the Polo Obrero and various 'autonomous' movements of unemployed workers (smaller groups that can be found mainly in Great Buenos Aires). Another important organisation is the Corriente Clasista y Combativa (CCC) - a Maoist trade union with a separate and very strong piquetero wing that combines radical rhetoric with a rather pragmatic approach. For an overview see Svampa and Percyra, Entre la ruta, pp. 239-42.
Entre La Ruta Y El Barrio. La Experiencia De Las Organizaciones Piqueteras
, pp. 239-242
Svampa, M.1
Pereyra, S.2
'Ambivalent consequences of social exclusion for real-existing democracy in Latin America: The example of the Argentine crisis'
See Jonas Wolff, 'Ambivalent consequences of social exclusion for real-existing democracy in Latin America: The example of the Argentine crisis', Journal of International Relations and Development, vol. 8, no. 1 (2005), pp. 58-87.
Journal of International Relations and Development
, vol.8
, Issue.1
, pp. 58-87
Wolff, J.1
In contrast, for example, the movement of neighbourhood assemblies that literally exploded with the events of December 2001 quickly lost momentum.
'The Sovereign and its Shadow: Constituent Assembly and Indigenous Movement in Ecuador'
See for example Robert Andolina, 'The Sovereign and its Shadow: Constituent Assembly and Indigenous Movement in Ecuador', Journal of Latin American Studies, vol. 35, no. 4 (2003), pp. 721-50.
Journal of Latin American Studies
, vol.35
, Issue.4
, pp. 721-750
Andolina, R.1
'Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment'
Robert D. Benford and David A. Snow, 'Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment', Annual Reriew of Sociology, vol. 26 (2000), pp. 611-39.
Annual Reriew of Sociology
, vol.26
, pp. 611-639
Benford, R.D.1
Snow, D.A.2
'Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment'
Benford and Snow 2000, 'Framing Processes'.
Benford, R.D.1
Snow, D.A.2
'Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment'
Benford and Snow, 'Framing Processes', pp. 619-22.
Benford, R.D.1
Snow, D.A.2
'Crisis and Contention in Ecuador'
Otherwise, neither die electoral successes of Pachakutik in mestizo Ecuador nor the fact that some 10,000 indígenas supported by lower-rank military personnel could peacefully invade Congress and Supreme Court in January 200 can be explained. See
Otherwise, neither die electoral successes of Pachakutik in mestizo Ecuador nor the fact that some 10,000 indígenas supported by lower-rank military personnel could peacefully invade Congress and Supreme Court in January 200 can be explained. See José Antonio Lucero, 'Crisis and Contention in Ecuador', Journal of Democracy, vol. 12, no-2 (2001), pp. 59-73.
Journal of Democracy
, vol.12
, Issue.2
, pp. 59-73
Lucero, J.A.1
On the general consequences of Latin America's double transformation for popular sector organisations see Philip Oxhorn and Pamela Starr, eds., (Boulder)
On the general consequences of Latin America's double transformation for popular sector organisations see Philip Oxhorn and Pamela Starr, eds., Markets and Democracy in Latin America. Conflict or Convergence? (Boulder, 1999);
Markets and Democracy in Latin America. Conflict or Convergence?
'The Dilemmas of Democracy in the Open Economy. Lessons from Latin America'
Marcus Kurtz, 'The Dilemmas of Democracy in the Open Economy. Lessons from Latin America', World Politics, vol. 56, no. 1 (2004), pp. 262-302;
World Politics
, vol.56
, Issue.1
, pp. 262-302
Kurtz, M.1
'Ambivalent Consequences of social exclusion for real-existing democracy in Latin America: The example of the Argentine crisis'
and Wolff, 'Ambivalent Consequences'.
Wolff, J.1
'Que se Vayan Todos! Popular Insurrection and the Asambleas Barriales in Argentina'
Ana Dinerstein, 'Que se Vayan Todos! Popular Insurrection and the Asambleas Barriales in Argentina', Bulletin of Latin Amaican Research, vol. 22, no. 2 (2003), pp. 187-200;
Bulletin of Latin American Research
, vol.22
, Issue.2
, pp. 187-200
Dinerstein, A.1
'Broadening Democracy: Latin America's Indigenous Peoples' Movements'
Van Cott, 'Broadening Democracy', p. 80.
Van Cott, D.L.1
The internal common denominator of the Piquetero movement is represented by the (at the same time particularising) demand for social subsidies as well as by the rejection of repressive measures against the movement; their external resonance is based mainly on their general criticism of die politico-economic Argentine model of the 1990s.
See This is made clear by the president of CONAIE's Amazonian branch CONFENIAE, Luis Vargas, when he emphasises - with a view to the confederation's internal divisions - that 'CONAIE has to recapture its political project. [...] Without any political bias, [we have to] defend die pluri-culturalism, the plurinationality, the territorial rights, the ancestral rights of the indigenous peoples' (Personal communication)
See Van Cott, From Movements to Parties, pp. 106-13. This is made clear by the president of CONAIE's Amazonian branch CONFENIAE, Luis Vargas, when he emphasises - with a view to the confederation's internal divisions - that 'CONAIE has to recapture its political project. [...] Without any political bias, [we have to] defend die pluri-culturalism, the plurinationality, the territorial rights, the ancestral rights of the indigenous peoples' (Personal communication).
From Movements to Parties
, pp. 106-113
Van Cott, D.L.1
'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption. Uprisings, Coups, Rebellions, and Democracy'
Walsh, 'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption', p. 194.
Walsh, C.E.1
See The communities' needs and claims continue to centre on territorial questions and local development projects (personal communications with representatives of a broad range of indigenous organisations)
See Bretón, Cooperación el desarrollo, p. 31. The communities' needs and claims continue to centre on territorial questions and local development projects (personal communications with representatives of a broad range of indigenous organisations).
Cooperación El Desarrollo Y Demandas étnicas En Los Andes Ecuatorianose
, pp. 31
Bretón, V.1
'Sobre la base territorial de la movilización popular y sobre sus huellas en la acción'
Denis Merklen,'Sobre la base territorial de la movilización popular y sobre sus huellas en la acción', Lavboratorio, vol. 6, no. 16 (2004), p. 46.
, vol.6
, Issue.16
, pp. 46
Merklen, D.1
'Sobre la base territorial de la movilización popular y sobre sus huellas en la acción'
Ibid., p. 49.
, vol.6
, Issue.16
, pp. 49
Merklen, D.1
'Before we became the piquetero movement, it was a territorial, a neighbourhood movement, that is, social organisatins of different kinds, cultural organisation, soup kitchens, nurseries [...].' (Lito Borello, President of the FTV Buenos Aires City; personal communication)
Svampa and Pereyra, Entre la ruta, pp. 55-72. 'Before we became the piquetero movement, it was a territorial, a neighbourhood movement, that is, social organisatins of different kinds, cultural organisation, soup kitchens, nurseries [...].' (Lito Borello, President of the FTV Buenos Aires City; personal communication).
Entre La Ruta Y El Barrio. La Experiencia De Las Organizaciones Piqueteras
, pp. 55-72
Svampa, M.1
Pereyra, S.2
'The Moral Politics of Argentine Crowds'
Auyero, 'The Moral Politics'.
Auyero, J.1
'Sobre la base territorial de la movilización popular y sobre sus huellas en la acción'
Merklen, 'Sobre la base', p. 48.
Merklen, D.1
Personal communication with Juan Carlos Alderete, the national co-ordinator of the CCC piqueteros.
'La Democracia como un referente en el Pensamiento Político Indígena'
in INDESIC (ed.), (Quito)
Lourdes Tibán, 'La Democracia como un referente en el Pensamiento Político Indígena', in INDESIC (ed.), La Minga de la Democracia (Quito, 2002), pp. 38-40.
La Minga De La Democracia
, pp. 38-40
Tibán, L.1
'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption. Uprisings, Coups, Rebellions, and Democracy'
Walsh, 'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption', p. 175.
Walsh, C.E.1
'Indigene Organisationen als politische Akteure in Ekuador'
Volkmar Blum, 'Indigene Organisationen als politische Akteure in Ekuador', Lateinamerika. Analysen-Daten-Dokumentation, vol. 17, no. 45 (2000), pp. 52-3.
Lateinamerika. Analysen-Daten-Dokumentation
, vol.17
, Issue.45
, pp. 52-53
Blum, V.1
'The Piquetero Movement in Greater Buenos Aires: Political Protests by the Unemployed Poor During the Crisis'
Epstein, 'The Piquetero Movement', pp. 104-7.
Epstein, E.1
'Crisis and Contention in Ecuador'
Lucero, 'Crisis and Contention', pp. 68-70.
Lucero, J.A.1
'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption. Uprisings, Coups, Rebellions, and Democracy'
Walsh, 'The Ecuadorian Political Irruption', pp. 198-9;
Walsh, C.E.1
'Crisis and Contention in Ecuador'
Lucero, 'Crisis and Contention', pp. 70-1.
Lucero, J.A.1
'Ambivalent consequences of social exclusion for real-existing democracy in Latin America: The example of the Argentine crisis'
See Wolff, 'Ambivalent Consequences'.
Wolff, J.1
'Conflictividad socio política'
See Centro Andino de Acción Popular, several issues
See Centro Andino de Acción Popular, 'Conflictividad socio política', Ecuador Debate, several issues, http://www.dlh.lahora.com.ec/paginas/debate.
Ecuador Debate
'How to Lose by Winning: The Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement After the 2002 Elections'
Even as Gutiérrez, once elected, quickly broke with his supporters among the indigenous and non-indigenous social movements, CONAIE was not able to mount any serious challenge to his government. In the end, it was a short-term protest movement led by urban middle-classes and the 'traditional' political parties that toppled Gutiérrez in April 2005. See Paper presented at the 15-18 March 2006, San Juan, PR
Even as Gutiérrez, once elected, quickly broke with his supporters among the indigenous and non-indigenous social movements, CONAIE was not able to mount any serious challenge to his government. In the end, it was a short-term protest movement led by urban middle-classes and the 'traditional' political parties that toppled Gutiérrez in April 2005. See Scott H. Beck and Kenneth J. Mijeski, 'How to Lose by Winning: The Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement After the 2002 Elections', Paper presented at the XXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, 15-18 March 2006, San Juan, PR, pp. 22-4.
XXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association
, pp. 22-24
Beck, S.H.1
Mijeski, K.J.2
As interviews confirmed, state representatives in Argentina and Ecuador are clearly aware that policies hurting vital interests of the unemployed/indigenous could well provoke the (re-)union of the respective movements and the (re-)mobilisation of their constituencies.
'Argentina Weathers the Storm'
See Steven Levitsky and María Victoria Murillo, 'Argentina Weathers the Storm', Journal of Democracy, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 152-66.
Journal of Democracy
, vol.14
, Issue.4
, pp. 152-166
Levitsky, S.1
Murillo, M.V.2
Within the scope of this article, I can only point to the fact that the extent of political influence and success as perceived by the respective (indigenous/unemployed) organisations is rather limited while socio-economic indicators (poverty, un- and underemployment) suggest only a gradual recovery after deep economic crisis. In Argentina, socio-economic recovery is all the same quite impressive as compared to the situation of open crisis, but poverty, social inequality, informal employment (conditions) and unemployment remain severe problems.
'Sobre la base territorial de la movilización popular y sobre sus huellas en la acción'
Merklen, 'Sobre la base', p. 50.
Merklen, D.1
At the same time, the projects financed by CODENPE reinforced the indigenous organisation' orientation towards local development while indigenous participation in this para-state agency promoted clientelist relations with die state and within the indigenous organisations themselves - both, arguably, at the expense of the indigenous movement's macro-political ambitions. See
At the same time, the projects financed by CODENPE reinforced the indigenous organisation' orientation towards local development while indigenous participation in this para-state agency promoted clientelist relations with die state and within the indigenous organisations themselves - both, arguably, at the expense of the indigenous movement's macro-political ambitions. See Bretón, Cooperación al desarrollo, pp. 233-35.
Cooperación El Desarrollo Y Demandas étnicas En Los Andes Ecuatorianose
, pp. 233-235
Bretón, V.1
'How to Lose by Winning: The Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement After the 2002 Elections'
See Beck and Mijeski, 'How to Lose by Winning'.
Beck, S.H.1
Mijeski, K.J.2
'How to Lose by Winning: The Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement After the 2002 Elections'
Beck, S.H.1
Mijeski, K.J.2
'Cuando las elites dirigentes giran en redondo: El caso de los liderazgos indígenas en Ecuador'
Roberto Santana, 'Cuando las elites dirigentes giran en redondo: El caso de los liderazgos indígenas en Ecuador', Ecuador Debate, no. 61 (2004).
Ecuador Debate
, Issue.61
Santana, R.1
'How to Lose by Winning: The Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement After the 2002 Elections'
Beck and Mijeski, 'How to Lose by Winning', p. 17.
Beck, S.H.1
Mijeski, K.J.2
'Unifying die Indigenous Movement in Ecuador'
Interview (25 July) published in
Luis Macas, 'Unifying die Indigenous Movement in Ecuador', Interview (25 July 2005) published in http://www.oxfamamerica.org.
Macas, L.1
See the sources in notes 26
See the sources in notes 26.
See the sources. Marcus Kurtz, 'The Dilemmas of Democracy in the Open Economy. Lessons from Latin America', World Politics, vol. 56, no. 1 (2204), pp. 262-302.
'Democracy and Economic Crisis: The Latin American Experience'
Karen L. Remmer, 'Democracy and Economic Crisis: The Latin American Experience', World Politics, VOI. 42, no. 3 (1990), p. 335.
World Politics
, vol.42
, Issue.3
, pp. 335
Remmer, K.L.1
La Democracia an América Latina. Hacia una democracia de ciudadanas y ciudadanos
UNDP, (New York)
UNDP, La Democracia an América Latina. Hacia una democracia de ciudadanas y ciudadanos (New York, 2004), p. 39.
, pp. 39