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Volumn 35, Issue 6, 2006, Pages 2359-2367

Effects of antimicrobials, prebiotics, probiotics and herbal extracts on intestinal microbiology, diarrhea incidence and performance of weanling pigs;Efeitos de antimicrobianos, prebióticos, probióticos e extratos vegetais sobre a microbiota intestinal, a freqüência de diarréia e o desempenho de leitões recém-desmamados

Author keywords

Growth promoters; Intestinal microbiota; Performance; Weanling pigs

Indexed keywords


EID: 33846816971     PISSN: 15163598     EISSN: 18069290     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982006000800023     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (42)

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