Preventing Extremism Together
'Preventing Extremism Together', p. 3.
House of Commons, Report into the official account of the bombings in London on 7th July 2005 (London: Stationery Office, 2006), paras 7-37.
House of Commons, Report into the official account of the bombings in London on 7th July 2005 (London: Stationery Office, 2006), paras 7-37.
For additional details on the bombers' lives and friends, their families and neighbours' perceptions of them, see 7/7:, London: Pluto, chs 3-7
For additional details on the bombers' lives and friends, their families and neighbours' perceptions of them, see Milan Rai, 7/7: the London bombings and the Iraq War (London: Pluto, 2006), chs 3-7.
the London bombings and the Iraq War
Rai, M.1
There is considerable anecdotal evidence to suggest that 'lack of integration' is not necessarily typical of highly radicalized individuals. As 'Kaled', a former member of the UK-based group Al Muhajiroun, observed: 'The violent radicals, the jihadi, are the least alienated, the most integrated. They're high achievers': quoted in Wendy Kristianasen in 'Britain's multiculturalism falters', Le Monde diplomatique, Nov. 2006.
There is considerable anecdotal evidence to suggest that 'lack of integration' is not necessarily typical of highly radicalized individuals. As 'Kaled', a former member of the UK-based group Al Muhajiroun, observed: 'The violent radicals, the jihadi, are the least alienated, the most integrated. They're high achievers': quoted in Wendy Kristianasen in 'Britain's multiculturalism falters', Le Monde diplomatique, Nov. 2006.
Al-Qaeda blames Blair for bombs
Online, 4 Aug. 2005, accessed 21 Oct. 2005
'Al-Qaeda blames Blair for bombs', BBC News Online, 4 Aug. 2005, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4745639.stm, accessed 21 Oct. 2005.
BBC News
The excerpt of the JTAC report highlighting the significance of Iraq to the terrorist threat level in the UK was included in the House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) report of May 2006: Intelligence and Security Committee, Report into the London terrorist attacks on 7 July 2005 London: Stationery Office, 2006, p. 23
The excerpt of the JTAC report highlighting the significance of Iraq to the terrorist threat level in the UK was included in the House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) report of May 2006: Intelligence and Security Committee, Report into the London terrorist attacks on 7 July 2005 (London: Stationery Office, 2006), p. 23.
The JIC assessment was repeated in the ISC's Iraqi weapons of mass destruction: intelligence and assessments report of Sept. 2003: quoted in Rai, 7/7, p. 15.
The JIC assessment was repeated in the ISC's Iraqi weapons of mass destruction: intelligence and assessments report of Sept. 2003: quoted in Rai, 7/7, p. 15.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 'EIWG fact sheet', http://www.fco.gov. uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid= 1153388310360, accessed 19 Oct. 2006. The 'Radical Middle Way' project - http://www.radicalmiddleway.co.uk - is also supported by the Home Office.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 'EIWG fact sheet', http://www.fco.gov. uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid= 1153388310360, accessed 19 Oct. 2006. The 'Radical Middle Way' project - http://www.radicalmiddleway.co.uk - is also supported by the Home Office.
Department for Communities and Local Government, Commission on integration and cohesion: terms of reference, June 2006, http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1501522#, accessed 22 Oct. 2006.
Department for Communities and Local Government, Commission on integration and cohesion: terms of reference, June 2006, http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1501522#, accessed 22 Oct. 2006.
National culture and multiculturalism
Quoted in, K. Thompson, ed, London: Sage
Quoted in Bhikhu Parekh, 'National culture and multiculturalism', in K. Thompson, ed., Media and cultural regulation (London: Sage, 1997), p. 176.
Media and cultural regulation
, pp. 176
Parekh, B.1
From migrants to citizens: Muslims in Britain 1950s-1990s
Kylie Baxter, 'From migrants to citizens: Muslims in Britain 1950s-1990s', Immigrants and Minorities 24: 2, July 2006, p. 167.
Immigrants and Minorities
, vol.24
, Issue.2
, pp. 167
Baxter, K.1
Integration with diversity in modern Britain: New Labour on nationality, immigration and asylum
Vicki Squire, '"Integration with diversity in modern Britain": New Labour on nationality, immigration and asylum', Journal of Political Ideologies 10: 1, Feb. 2005, p. 55.
Journal of Political Ideologies
, vol.10
, Issue.1
, pp. 55
Squire, V.1
Tariq Modood, 'Multiculturalism, ethnicity and integration: contemporary challenges', paper presented at the Leverhulme Programme on Migration and Citizenship conference, 'Ethnicity, Mobility and Society', University of Bristol, March 2006, p. 2, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sociology/leverhulme/ conference/conferencepapers/modood.pdf, accessed 30 Aug. 2006.
Tariq Modood, 'Multiculturalism, ethnicity and integration: contemporary challenges', paper presented at the Leverhulme Programme on Migration and Citizenship conference, 'Ethnicity, Mobility and Society', University of Bristol, March 2006, p. 2, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sociology/leverhulme/ conference/conferencepapers/modood.pdf, accessed 30 Aug. 2006.
The retreat of multiculturalism in the liberal state: Theory and policy
Christian Joppke, 'The retreat of multiculturalism in the liberal state: theory and policy', British Journal of Sociology 55: 2, 2004, p. 249.
British Journal of Sociology
, vol.55
, Issue.2
, pp. 249
Joppke, C.1
McRoy's analysis is undoubtedly correct here, although his analytical emphasis on 'psychological' and cultural-religious dynamics arguably leaves the political importance of these events understated
McRoy, From Rushdie to 7/7, pp. 20-23. McRoy's analysis is undoubtedly correct here, although his analytical emphasis on 'psychological' and cultural-religious dynamics arguably leaves the political importance of these events understated.
From Rushdie to 7/7
, pp. 20-23
The influence of the Iranian Revolution and the Saudi response has shaped many dynamics within contemporary Islamic politics and, by extension, political activism among British Muslims. Kalim Siddiqui's foundation of the Muslim Institute in 1980 consciously drew on Iranian ideas; international in outlook and political in its ambitions, the institute also sought to exercise 'political power in a minority situation, much as the Prophet and the early founders of Islam had done. It was in an effort to consolidate this power as Iran withdrew sponsorship for sympathetic organizations abroad that Siddiqui lobbied for a Muslim Parliament in the UK. See Baxter, From migrants to citizens, p. 185. Jason Burke describes the Saudi government's response to increased post-revolutionary Shi'i influence as, in part, the 'exporting on an industrial scale' of Wahhabi teaching: Jason Burke, Al-Qaeda: the true story of radical Islam London: Penguin, 2004, p. 60. While the direct impact of this
The influence of the Iranian Revolution and the Saudi response has shaped many dynamics within contemporary Islamic politics and, by extension, political activism among British Muslims. Kalim Siddiqui's foundation of the Muslim Institute in 1980 consciously drew on Iranian ideas; international in outlook and political in its ambitions, the institute also sought to exercise 'political power in a minority situation', much as the Prophet and the early founders of Islam had done. It was in an effort to consolidate this power as Iran withdrew sponsorship for sympathetic organizations abroad that Siddiqui lobbied for a Muslim Parliament in the UK. See Baxter, 'From migrants to citizens', p. 185. Jason Burke describes the Saudi government's response to increased post-revolutionary Shi'i influence as, in part, the 'exporting on an industrial scale' of Wahhabi teaching: Jason Burke, Al-Qaeda: the true story of radical Islam (London: Penguin, 2004), p. 60. While the direct impact of this process in the UK is unclear, it certainly provides part of the context for the new radicalization of the 1990s.
Scarman considered and rejected institutional racism as a factor in the Brixton riots, stressing instead that any racism within the Metropolitan Police reflected the views of individual police officers. See Sir William MacPherson, The Stephen Lawrence inquiry (London: Stationery Office, 1999), para. 6.6, http://www.archive.official-documents.co.uk/document/cm42/4262/sli-06. htm#6.6, accessed 1 Nov. 2006.
Scarman considered and rejected institutional racism as a factor in the Brixton riots, stressing instead that any racism within the Metropolitan Police reflected the views of individual police officers. See Sir William MacPherson, The Stephen Lawrence inquiry (London: Stationery Office, 1999), para. 6.6, http://www.archive.official-documents.co.uk/document/cm42/4262/sli-06. htm#6.6, accessed 1 Nov. 2006.
Multiculturalism's legacy
28 May
Trevor Phillips, 'Multiculturalism's legacy', Guardian, 28 May 2004.
Phillips, T.1
Home Office, London: Stationery Office, accessed 1 Dec. 2006
Home Office, Community cohesion: a report of the independent review team chaired by Ted Cantle (London: Stationery Office, 2001), p. 9, http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-files/Guardian/documents/2001/12/11/ communitycohesionreport.pdf, accessed 1 Dec. 2006.
Community cohesion: A report of the independent review team chaired by Ted Cantle
, pp. 9
Charles Clarke joins Muslim veil row
16 Nov
'Charles Clarke joins Muslim veil row', Norwich Evening News, 16 Nov. 2006.
Norwich Evening News
The term 'fighting creed' is taken by Joppke from Charles Taylor's 'The politics of recognition', in Amy Gutman, ed., Multiculturalism: examining the politics of recognition (Princeton, NJ: Princton University Press, 2004).
The term 'fighting creed' is taken by Joppke from Charles Taylor's 'The politics of recognition', in Amy Gutman, ed., Multiculturalism: examining the politics of recognition (Princeton, NJ: Princton University Press, 2004).
Mohammad Siddique Khan, transcribed in Rai, 7/7, p. 131.
Mohammad Siddique Khan, transcribed in Rai, 7/7, p. 131.
speech on 'Doctrine of the international community, 24 April, accessed 9 Aug. 2003
Prime Minister Tony Blair, speech on 'Doctrine of the international community', 24 April 1999, http:///www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1297.asp, accessed 9 Aug. 2003.
Minister, P.1
Blair, T.2
Blair, 'Clash about civilisations'.
Blair, 'Clash about civilisations'.