World Trade Organization, on the Internet at
International Trade Statistics 2005, World Trade Organization, on the Internet at http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/its2005_e/ its05_bysector_e.pdf.
International Trade Statistics 2005
Chinese data from China National Bureau of Statistics and China Ministry of Labor, compilers, (Beijing, China statistics Press)
Chinese data from China National Bureau of Statistics and China Ministry of Labor, compilers, China Labor Statistical Yearbook 2005 (Beijing, China statistics Press, 2005).
China Labor Statistical Yearbook 2005
G7 data are from (Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 5); on the Internet at
G7 data are from Comparative Civilian Labor Force Statistics, 10 Countries, 1960-2005 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 5, 2006); on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/fls/lfcompendium.pdf.
Comparative Civilian Labor Force Statistics, 10 Countries, 1960-2005
"Manufacturing Employment and Compensation in China"
For the original hourly compensation estimate for 2002 and the detailed explanation of the methods used, see on the Internet at or two Monthly Labor Review articles based on this report
For the original hourly compensation estimate for 2002 and the detailed explanation of the methods used, see Judith Banister, "Manufacturing Employment and Compensation in China," on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/fls/chinareport.pdf or two Monthly Labor Review articles based on this report:
Banister, J.1
"Manufacturing employment in China"
July on the Internet at
Judith Banister, "Manufacturing employment in China," Monthly Labor Review, July 2005, pp. 11-29 on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ opub/mlr/2005/07/art2full.pdf
Monthly Labor Review
, pp. 11-29
Banister, J.1
"Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China"
and August on the Internet at
and Judith Banister, "Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China," Monthly Labor Review, August 2005, pp. 22-40 on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2005/08/art3full.pdf.
Monthly Labor Review
, pp. 22-40
Banister, J.1
China's compensation data are for all employees while compensation data for other countries in this report only refer to production workers. Because nonproduction workers in manufacturing often are compensated at higher rates than their production worker counterparts, the inclusion of nonproduction workers in China's data may affect comparability with other countries.
"Manufacturing employment in China"
Town and village enterprise (TVE) data published by the Ministry of Agriculture are used in this article to represent employment and earnings in rural establishments. For a detailed explanation of why TVE data are used, see
Town and village enterprise (TVE) data published by the Ministry of Agriculture are used in this article to represent employment and earnings in rural establishments. For a detailed explanation of why TVE data are used, see Banister, "Manufacturing employment in China," pp. 11-29.
Banister, J.1
"Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China"
See for a more detailed explanation of the sources and methods used in constructing estimates of compensation costs and for the limitations of published data from China
See Banister, "Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China," pp. 22-40, for a more detailed explanation of the sources and methods used in constructing estimates of compensation costs and for the limitations of published data from China.
Banister, J.1
"Marufacturing employment in China"
See Banister, "Marufacturing employment in China," pp. 11-29
Banister, J.1
"Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China"
and for more detailed explanations of the undercoverage of these groups in China's administrative data
and Banister, "Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China," pp. 22-40 for more detailed explanations of the undercoverage of these groups in China's administrative data.
Banister, J.1
Federal Reserve historical exchange rate data for China is on the Internet at
Federal Reserve historical exchange rate data for China is on the Internet at http://www.federalreserve.gov/RELEASES/H10/hist/dat00_ch.txt.
"International comparisons of hourly compensation costs for production workers in manufacturing, 1975-2004"
See (Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 18), on the Internet at
See "International comparisons of hourly compensation costs for production workers in manufacturing, 1975-2004," (Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 18, 2005), on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ fls/home.htm.