For a summarized statement, see at
For a summarized statement, see H. Kelsen, Reine Rechtslehre (1934) at 117-19.
Reine Rechtslehre
, pp. 117-119
Kelsen, H.1
Henceforth I will refer to the translation of this work by Bonnie Litschewski and Stanley L. Paulson. See at
Henceforth I will refer to the translation of this work by Bonnie Litschewski and Stanley L. Paulson. See Hans Kelsen, Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory (1992) at 99-100.
Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory
, pp. 99-100
Kelsen, H.1
'The Theory of Public Law in Germany 1914-1945'
For a similar observation, see
For a similar observation, see Stanley L. Paulson, 'The Theory of Public Law in Germany 1914-1945' (2005) 25 OJLS 525-45.
, vol.25
, pp. 525-545
Paulson, S.L.1
Today, constitutional theory in Germany is in a state that Kelsen would have abhorred. It is epitomized in a jurisprudence that believes in the rational pursuit of balancing. For a strong statement of such a theory, See
Today, constitutional theory in Germany is in a state that Kelsen would have abhorred. It is epitomized in a jurisprudence that believes in the rational pursuit of balancing. For a strong statement of such a theory, See Robert Alexy, A Theory of Constitutional Rights (2002).
A Theory of Constitutional Rights
Alexy, R.1
at It means overcoming the distortions of a concept suffered as a consequence of common, ordinary understandings
M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit (1977) at 22. It means overcoming the distortions of a concept suffered as a consequence of common, ordinary understandings.
Sein Und Zeit
, pp. 22
Heidegger, M.1
For a sketch of Kelsen's neo-Kantian phase, see in S.L. Paulson and B. Litschewski Paulson (eds), at
For a sketch of Kelsen's neo-Kantian phase, see S.L. Paulson, 'Introduction' in S.L. Paulson and B. Litschewski Paulson (eds), Normativity and Norms. Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes (1998) at xxiii-liii.
Normativity and Norms. Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes
Paulson, S.L.1
at Later, Kelsen was anxious, however, to present also Rudolf Smend as a main proponent of this theory
Kelsen, above n 2. Later, Kelsen was anxious, however, to present also Rudolf Smend as a main proponent of this theory.
Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory
, pp. 99-100
Kelsen, H.1
at 'mit urspr-nglicher Herrschermacht ausgerüstete Verbandseinheit sesshafter Menschen'
Ibid at 180-81, 'mit urspr-nglicher Herrschermacht ausgerüstete Verbandseinheit sesshafter Menschen'.
Allgemeine Staatslehre
, pp. 180-181
That may have to do with the lack of clarity regarding the difference between empirical and conceptual content itself. See
That may have to do with the lack of clarity regarding the difference between empirical and conceptual content itself. See W.V.O. Quine, From a Logical Point of View (1961).
From a Logical Point of View
Quine, W.V.O.1
at 'There is not the slightest doubt that the system, under which the majority of "ruling relationships" appear as the unity of the state, is nothing other than the legal system, and that this system is reflected in Jellinek's constantly repeated assurance that the state is fundamentally the law' (my translation)
Ibid at 122: 'There is not the slightest doubt that the system, under which the majority of "ruling relationships" appear as the unity of the state, is nothing other than the legal system, and that this system is reflected in Jellinek's constantly repeated assurance that the state is fundamentally the law' (my translation).
Der Staat Als Integration. Eine Prinzipielle Auseinandersetzung
, pp. 122
Kelsen, H.1
According to Smend, the 'stately chain of life' takes effect also in the 'depths' of a 'mass'. It is mediated, for example, through participation in the World War. This participation finds its lasting impression in the feeling of belonging together. Kelsen is sceptical as to what participation in war really conveys (see at). The participant in a world war 'experiences the parade-ground drill, the trenches, the assault, the barrage and thousands of other particulars which, in their mosaic totality (the totality of experience) describe everything except the real unity of the sociological state and least of all of the unity of a particular state' (my translation)
According to Smend, the 'stately chain of life' takes effect also in the 'depths' of a 'mass'. It is mediated, for example, through participation in the World War. This participation finds its lasting impression in the feeling of belonging together. Kelsen is sceptical as to what participation in war really conveys (see Kelsen, above n 2 at 40). The participant in a world war 'experiences the parade-ground drill, the trenches, the assault, the barrage and thousands of other particulars which, in their mosaic totality (the totality of experience) describe everything except the real unity of the sociological state and least of all of the unity of a particular state' (my translation).
Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory
, pp. 40
Kelsen, H.1
Laconically, Kelsen establishes the following: 'The people that belong to a state want the same thing, namely the same state system, because they are treated-by this system, namely-as if they all knew this system and were in agreement with its content. This is the good old fiction of legitimization. The need to justify the state system leads to the thing which, from the standpoint of a particular view of value, could be a reason for the validity of the state system to be invented as a real fact. The same endeavour, namely, to strengthen the authority of the state, leads Smend to his fiction of the reality of the state association, which in the end reveals itself.' at (my translation)
Laconically, Kelsen establishes the following: 'The people that belong to a state want the same thing, namely the same state system, because they are treated-by this system, namely-as if they all knew this system and were in agreement with its content. This is the good old fiction of legitimization. The need to justify the state system leads to the thing which, from the standpoint of a particular view of value, could be a reason for the validity of the state system to be invented as a real fact. The same endeavour, namely, to strengthen the authority of the state, leads Smend to his fiction of the reality of the state association, which in the end reveals itself.' Ibid at 43 (my translation).
Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory
, pp. 43
Kelsen, H.1
at The term made furore in legal theory, in particular with MacCormick and Weinberger (see N. MacCormick and O. Weinberger, Grundlagen des institutionalistischen Rechtspositivismus (1985)), because it had always been used implicitly in legal theory
J. Searle, The Construction of Social Reality (1995) at 43-52. The term made furore in legal theory, in particular with MacCormick and Weinberger (see N. MacCormick and O. Weinberger, Grundlagen des institutionalistischen Rechtspositivismus (1985)), because it had always been used implicitly in legal theory.
The Construction of Social Reality
, pp. 43-52
Searle, J.1
The history of modern jurisprudence is largely based on the fact that this idea has not been understood as a practical standard of justification (as with Kant and later with Dworkin), but rather as theoretical assumption for the purpose of legal science. See
The history of modern jurisprudence is largely based on the fact that this idea has not been understood as a practical standard of justification (as with Kant and later with Dworkin), but rather as theoretical assumption for the purpose of legal science. See A. Somek, Rechtssystem und Republik. ber die politische Funktion des systematischen Rechtsdenkens (1992).
Rechtssystem Und Republik. Ber Die Politische Funktion Des Systematischen Rechtsdenkens
Somek, A.1
Actually, it is based on a critical examination of meaning. See, generally, at
Actually, it is based on a critical examination of meaning. See, generally, Karl-Otto Apel, Transformation der Philosophie I (1973) at 340-44.
Transformation Der Philosophie I
, pp. 340-344
Apel, K.-O.1
at 'The person of the state is the personification of the total legal system, the rest of the persons are personifications of partial legal systems' (my translation)
Kelsen, above n 3 at 134: 'The person of the state is the personification of the total legal system, the rest of the persons are personifications of partial legal systems' (my translation).
Der Staat Als Integration. Eine Prinzipielle Auseinandersetzung
, pp. 134
Kelsen, H.1
This is clear in at Students of Derrida's writings may be inclined at this point to observe that the sociological concept of the state enters as a supplement into Kelsen's concept of law
This is clear in Kelsen, above n 12 at 17. Students of Derrida's writings may be inclined at this point to observe that the sociological concept of the state enters as a supplement into Kelsen's concept of law.
Allgemeine Staatslehre
, pp. 17
Kelsen, H.1
In the sense of the word as used by (repr.) at
In the sense of the word as used by G.W.F. Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes (repr. 1971) at 72.
Phänomenologie Des Geistes
, pp. 72
Hegel, G.W.F.1
at even asserts that the relationship between state and law delivers the model for the theological determination of the relationships between God and nature
Kelsen, above n 3 at 249, even asserts that the relationship between state and law delivers the model for the theological determination of the relationships between God and nature.
Der Staat Als Integration. Eine Prinzipielle Auseinandersetzung
, pp. 249
Kelsen, H.1
'Die unterschiedlichen Formulierungen der "Grundnorm"'
The characterizations of the status of the basic norm vary in Kelsen's work. See in (Festschrift Krawietz)
The characterizations of the status of the basic norm vary in Kelsen's work. See S.L. Paulson, 'Die unterschiedlichen Formulierungen der "Grundnorm"' in Rechtsnorm und Rechtswirklichkeit (Festschrift Krawietz) (1993).
Rechtsnorm Und Rechtswirklichkeit
Paulson, S.L.1
'Die unterschiedlichen Formulierungen der "Grundnorm"'
One could, of course, ponder endlessly about the deontic format of the basic norm. See in (Festschrift Krawietz)
One could, of course, ponder endlessly about the deontic format of the basic norm. See ibid.
Rechtsnorm Und Rechtswirklichkeit
Paulson, S.L.1
at 'That a mental leap is possible from such an incredible dimension, without coming to the consciousness of the author, only explains that, through such a mental leap, a position is reached that is the expression of a way of thinking that is taking for granted as a natural and absolutely valid idea the hypothesizing of a unity of thinking into a real, strong-willed, powerful being' (my translation)
Kelsen, above n 3 at 127. 'That a mental leap is possible from such an incredible dimension, without coming to the consciousness of the author, only explains that, through such a mental leap, a position is reached that is the expression of a way of thinking that is taking for granted as a natural and absolutely valid idea the hypothesizing of a unity of thinking into a real, strong-willed, powerful being' (my translation).
Der Staat Als Integration. Eine Prinzipielle Auseinandersetzung
, pp. 127
Kelsen, H.1
This is clear in at It is all the more surprising given that Kelsen was aware that 'interpretation' also involves an 'act of will'
This is clear in Kelsen, above n 12 at 17. It is all the more surprising given that Kelsen was aware that 'interpretation' also involves an 'act of will'.
Allgemeine Staatslehre
, pp. 17
Kelsen, H.1
'Ermchtigung und Verpflichtung'
For more on this, see in S.L. Paulson and M. Stolleis (eds), Jahrhunderts
For more on this, see A. Somek, 'Ermchtigung und Verpflichtung' in S.L. Paulson and M. Stolleis (eds), Hans Kelsen. Staatsrechtslehrer und Rechtstheoretiker des 20. Jahrhunderts (2005) 58-79;
Hans Kelsen. Staatsrechtslehrer Und Rechtstheoretiker Des
, vol.20
, pp. 58-79
Somek, A.1
I pick this up in the above-mentioned second reservation in section
I pick this up in the above-mentioned second reservation in section 11.
This is what Kelsen writes about, above all in separating himself from 'experiencing of from the 'oscillating reference to the reality of the state life that Smend was so fond of
This is what Kelsen writes about, above all in separating himself from 'experiencing' or from the 'oscillating' reference to the reality of the state life that Smend was so fond of.
These quotes appear in one and the same sentence in at My talk of oscillating formulations derives from a little malice_Kelsen ranted and raved against Smend's method of 'oscillations'. See Kelsen, above n 2 at 16 and passim
These quotes appear in one and the same sentence in Kelsen, above n 12 at 16. My talk of oscillating formulations derives from a little malice_Kelsen ranted and raved against Smend's method of 'oscillations'. See Kelsen, above n 2 at 16 and passim.
Allgemeine Staatslehre
, pp. 16
Kelsen, H.1
According to Heidemann, Kelsen came to adopt this view in his 'post-neo-Kantian period'. See at What this view is precisely about and whether it was indeed ever held by Kelsen was subject to subtle controversy
According to Heidemann, Kelsen came to adopt this view in his 'post-neo-Kantian period'. See C. Heidemann, Die Norm als Tatsache. Zur Normentheorie Hans Kelsens (1997) at 66, 185. What this view is precisely about and whether it was indeed ever held by Kelsen was subject to subtle controversy.
Die Norm Als Tatsache. Zur Normentheorie Hans Kelsens
, vol.66
, pp. 185
Heidemann, C.1
'Four Phases in Kelsen's Legal Theory? Reflections on a Periodisation'
See S. L. Paulson, 'Four Phases in Kelsen's Legal Theory? Reflections on a Periodisation' (1998) 18 OJLS 153
, vol.18
, pp. 153
Paulson, S.L.1
'Norms, Facts, and Judgements. A Reply to S. L. Paulson'
C. Heidemann, 'Norms, Facts, and Judgements. A Reply to S. L. Paulson' (1999) 19 OJLS 345
, vol.19
, pp. 345
Heidemann, C.1
'Arriving at a Defensible Periodisation of Hans Kelsen's Legal Theory'
S.L. Paulson, 'Arriving at a Defensible Periodisation of Hans Kelsen's Legal Theory' (1999) 19 OJLS 351.
, vol.19
, pp. 351
Paulson, S.L.1
Somek, A. above n 53, above n 71, Somek/Forgó, above n 81 and of course the classic exposition by (2nd edn)
A. Somek, above n 53, above n 71, Somek/Forgó, above n 81 and of course the classic exposition by J. Raz, Practical Reason and Norms (2nd edn, 1990).
Practical Reason and Norms
Raz, J.1
'The Weak Reading of Authority and Hans Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law'
S.L. Paulson 'The Weak Reading of Authority and Hans Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law', Law and Philosophy 19 (2000) 131-71
Law and Philosophy
, vol.19
, pp. 131-171
Paulson, S.L.1
Faktum/Wert-Distinktion: Zwei-Welten-Lehre und immanenter Sinn. Hans Kelsen als Neukantianer
in R. Alexy et al. (eds), at
S.L. Paulson, Faktum/Wert-Distinktion: Zwei-Welten-Lehre und immanenter Sinn. Hans Kelsen als Neukantianer in R. Alexy et al. (eds), Neukantianismus und Rechtsphilosophie (2002) at 223-51.
Neukantianismus Und Rechtsphilosophie
, pp. 223-251
Paulson, S.L.1
'Gesetzesbindung als Problem der Demokratie'
See A. Somek 'Gesetzesbindung als Problem der Demokratie', Journal für Rechtspolitik 6 (1998).
Journal Für Rechtspolitik
, vol.6
Somek, A.1