There has been a huge shift in the tax burden from corporations to ordinary citizens. Three times as much money now comes into the federal treasury from working people's payroll taxes as from corporate tax payments
New York: Random House
As Molly Ivins and Lou DuBose summarize, "There has been a huge shift in the tax burden from corporations to ordinary citizens. Three times as much money now comes into the federal treasury from working people's payroll taxes as from corporate tax payments." Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America (New York: Random House, 2003), 283
Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America
, pp. 283
Molly Ivins, A.1
Lou, D.2
The Accidental Candidate
Gail Sheehy, "The Accidental Candidate," Vanity Fair, October 2000
Vanity Fair
Sheehy, G.1
Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century
and Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century (New York: Basic Books, 1999)
New York: Basic Books
The Triumph of Gesture Politics
January 23
"It appeals to citizens on the grounds of what their leader does as a person - probably because citizens lack the attention span to follow the things he does as head of state." Christopher Caldwell, "The Triumph of Gesture Politics," New York Times Magazine, January 23, 2005, 12
New York Times Magazine
, pp. 12
Caldwell, C.1
Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press
Here the Left might usefully heed the analysis of sociolinguist Michael Silverstein. He argues that the "conceptual elite" misunderstand the reach of the so-called Dubya-speak: "Talking politics is publicly experienced nowadays through a very different, this-world rhetorical sensibility. It rests upon a different set of intertextual connections, to what I would term corporatized language." Silverstein describes this language as one that aspires not to make claims on truth or falsehood but to "socially locat[e] speakers and addressees." See his Talking Politics: The Substance of Style from Abe to "W" (Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003), 71, 116, 121
Talking Politics: The Substance of Style from Abe to W
, vol.71
, Issue.116
, pp. 121
Without a Doubt
October 17, 106
Quoted in Ron Suskind, "Without a Doubt," New York Times Magazine, October 17, 2004, 44-51, 64, 102, 106
New York Times Magazine
, vol.64
, Issue.102
, pp. 44-51
Suskind, R.1
Neo-Macho Man: Pop Culture and Post-9/11 Politics
March 24
Richard Goldstein, "Neo-Macho Man: Pop Culture and Post-9/11 Politics," The Nation, March 24, 2003
The Nation
Goldstein, R.1
The landing was described by CNN as "picture perfect." See www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/05/01/bush.carrier.landing/ (accessed January 29, 2005)
Bush's Basket
See Goldstein, "Bush's Basket," Village Voice, May 21-27, 2003. You can see the famous shot online at www.villagevoice.com/news/0321,goldstein, 44234,1.html (accessed March 10, 2005)
Village Voice
Glimpses of a Leader, Through Chosen Eyes Only
July 13
See also Elisabeth Bumiller, "Glimpses of a Leader, Through Chosen Eyes Only," New York Times, July 13, 2003, 12, which details the working philosophy of Eric Draper, chief White House photographer. Notes Bumiller: "All recent presidents have had official photographers and all have distributed White House photographs that they hoped put the president and his administration in the best light. But photographers, picture editors, and even administration officials say that no other administration has moved as forcefully as the Bush White House to limit the access of outside news photographers to the president." Indeed, the iconic photo of our manly and possibly enhanced president striding across the deck of the USS Lincoln was supplied by the White House
New York Times
, pp. 12
Bumiller, E.1
How Kerry Became a Girlie-Man
September 5
Frank Rich, "How Kerry Became a Girlie-Man," New York Times, September 5, 2004
New York Times
Rich, F.1
The Masculine Mystique
New York: Free Press, especially chap. 8
Michael Kimmel, Manhood in America: A Cultural History (New York: Free Press, 1996). See especially chap. 8, "The Masculine Mystique."
Manhood in America: A Cultural History
Kimmel, M.1
New York: Simon and Schuster
Quoted in Bob Woodward, Bush at War (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2002), 145-46
Bush at War
, pp. 145-146
Woodward, B.1
New York: Norton
Robert C. Byrd, Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency (New York: Norton, 2004), 169. Byrd elaborates: "At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the fifty-five statesmen who hammered out our nation's organic charter provided that the president be 'Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States' but that the Congress 'shall have the power to declare war.'... There are no fewer than seven clauses within Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution that directly vest war powers in Congress" (168)
Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency
, pp. 169
Byrd, R.C.1
The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon Can Now Do in Secret
January 24 and
Seymour M. Hersh, "The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon Can Now Do in Secret," New Yorker, January 24 and 31, 2005, 45
New Yorker
, vol.31
, pp. 45
Hersh, S.M.1
Outsourcing Torture: The Secret History of America's 'Extraordinary Rendition' Program
February 14 and 21
For additional analysis of Bush rendition policies, see Jane Mayer, "Outsourcing Torture: The Secret History of America's 'Extraordinary Rendition' Program," New Yorker, February 14 and 21, 2005
New Yorker
Mayer, J.1
The Desire for Freedom and the Consumption of Politics
As she puts this in a different article, "We can and must return to the political and ethical importance of practices of individual conduct because our everyday conduct may be the missing link and source of dis junction between our professed convictions and our actual political prospects." See Melissa Orlie, "The Desire for Freedom and the Consumption of Politics," Philosophy and Social Criticism 28.4 (2002): 397
Philosophy and Social Criticism
, pp. 397
Orlie, M.1
Moralism and Antipolitics
ed. Russ Castronovo and Dana D. Nelson Durham, NC: Duke University Press
Wendy Brown, "Moralism and Antipolitics," in Materializing Democracy: Toward a Revitalized Cultural Politics, ed. Russ Castronovo and Dana D. Nelson (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002), 376
Materializing Democracy: Toward a Revitalized Cultural Politics
, pp. 376
Brown, W.1
Here again, Orlie offers a nice summary of the promise and costs of such impulses: "Practices of commodity consumption reveal a persistent desire for freedom and a capacity for the deliberate exercise of power in conditions that would otherwise appear to extinguish them. But the promise and power of such free desire are squandered when the consumption of democracy is confused with the practice of democracy." "Desire for Freedom and the Consumption of Politics," 399
Desire for Freedom and the Consumption of Politics
, pp. 399
New York: Free Press
Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook, The Winner-Take-All Society: How More and More Americans Compete for Ever Fewer and Bigger Prizes, Encouraging Economic Waste, Income Inequality, and an Impoverished Cultural Life (New York: Free Press, 1995)
The Winner-Take-All Society: How More and More Americans Compete for Ever Fewer and Bigger Prizes, Encouraging Economic Waste, Income Inequality, and an Impoverished Cultural Life
Frank, R.H.1
Cook, P.J.2
America, Inc.: The M.B.A. President
The cover of the January 14, 2001, New York Times Magazine, featuring a photograph of George W. Bush, read, "America, Inc.: The M.B.A. President."
New York Times Magazine
Bush, G.W.1
The Story Behind 'The Plot Against America,'
September 19
Philip Roth, "The Story Behind 'The Plot Against America,'" New York Times Magazine, September 19, 2004
New York Times Magazine
Roth, P.1
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
This is an argument luminously if polemically summarized by C. Douglass Lummis in his Radical Democracy (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996)
Lummis in his Radical Democracy
Douglass, C.1