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Volumn 7, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 229-244

Tenuous boundaries: Women, domesticity and nationhood in 1930s Turkey

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EID: 33749418716     PISSN: 13602365     EISSN: 14664410     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/13602360210155429     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (25)

References (37)
  • 1
    • 0010803266 scopus 로고
    • Displacement and the discourse of woman
    • Bloomingron, Indiana University Press
    • Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 'Displacement and the discourse of woman' in Displacement: Derrida and After (Bloomingron, Indiana University Press, 1983), p. 169
    • (1983) Displacement: Derrida and After , pp. 169
    • Spivak, G.C.1
  • 2
    • 79958397085 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The term Kemalist refers to Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic in 1923
    • The term Kemalist refers to Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic in 1923
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    • 62949232364 scopus 로고
    • To be modern: Search for a republican architecture
    • For an extensive explanation Renata Holod and Ahmet Evin eds, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press
    • For an extensive explanation see, Afife Batur, 'To be modern: search for a republican architecture' in Renata Holod and Ahmet Evin (eds.), Modern Turkish Architecture (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984), pp. 68-93
    • (1984) Modern Turkish Architecture , pp. 68-93
    • Batur, A.1
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    • 0038900406 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The project of modernity and women in Turkey
    • For a critical account of the period Sibel Bozdogǎn and Reşat Kasaba eds, Seattle, University of Washington Press
    • For a critical account of the period see, Yeşim Arat, 'The project of modernity and women in Turkey' in Sibel Bozdogǎn and Reşat Kasaba (eds.), Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1997), pp. 95-112
    • (1997) Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey , pp. 95-112
    • Arat, Y.1
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    • 66449095562 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • While Bozdoǧan too acknowledges this point, her emphasis remains on the progressive aspects of the reforms
    • While Bozdoǧan too acknowledges this point, her emphasis remains on the progressive aspects of the reforms
  • 7
    • 79958392609 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Gendering the modern' in Bozdoǧan and Kasaba
    • In what follows I focus solely on urban architecture. The promotion of modern architecture in rural areas in relation to the status of rural women is a significant topic yet to be researched. However, the Republican reforms remained a remote ideal for the vast majority of rural women.
    • In what follows I focus solely on urban architecture. The promotion of modern architecture in rural areas in relation to the status of rural women is a significant topic yet to be researched. However, the Republican reforms remained a remote ideal for the vast majority of rural women. See, Deniz Kandiyoti, 'Gendering the modern' in Bozdoǧan and Kasaba, Rethinking Modernity, op. cit., p. 125
    • Rethinking Modernity, op. cit , pp. 125
    • Kandiyoti, D.1
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    • 0038748894 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I borrow the term 'dominant fiction' from Kaja Silverman, which is what passes for reality in a given society. London, Routledge
    • I borrow the term 'dominant fiction' from Kaja Silverman, which is what passes for reality in a given society. See Kaja Silverman, The Threshold of the Visible World (London, Routledge, 1996), p. 178
    • (1996) The Threshold of the Visible World , pp. 178
    • Silverman, K.1
  • 9
    • 79958407556 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Yatak Odalarimizi Sade Yapalim' (Let's make our bedrooms simple), Yedigün 53 (14 March 1934): 13. Yedigün was a richly illustrated weekly journal, which included a broad range of articles including politics, sports, childrearing, literature, fashion and architecture. Like other popular journals that I cite below, its aim was to educate the public along Republican ideals.
    • 'Yatak Odalarimizi Sade Yapalim' (Let's make our bedrooms simple), Yedigün 53 (14 March 1934): 13. Yedigün was a richly illustrated weekly journal, which included a broad range of articles including politics, sports, childrearing, literature, fashion and architecture. Like other popular journals that I cite below, its aim was to educate the public along Republican ideals
  • 10
    • 79958454085 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The correspondence of terms that describe modern architecture and modern woman is also mentioned in Bozdoǧan, Modernism and Nation Building, op. cit., p. 80.
    • The correspondence of terms that describe modern architecture and modern woman is also mentioned in Bozdoǧan, Modernism and Nation Building, op. cit., p. 80
  • 11
    • 79958406639 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Aşk ve Kiskançlik İçin ne Söylemiş ler (What has been said about love and jealousy), Resimli Ay 23 (January 1938): pp. 78-9. In terms of its editorial intentions Resimli Ay was similar to Yedigün. It was a monthly publication, with particular focus on literary topics.
    • 'Aşk ve Kiskançlik İçin ne Söylemiş ler" (What has been said about love and jealousy), Resimli Ay 23 (January 1938): pp. 78-9. In terms of its editorial intentions Resimli Ay was similar to Yedigün. It was a monthly publication, with particular focus on literary topics
  • 12
    • 0002762694 scopus 로고
    • Sexualizing space
    • Elizabeth Grosz and Elspeth Probyn, eds, London, Routledge
    • Sue Best, 'Sexualizing space' in Elizabeth Grosz and Elspeth Probyn, (eds.), Sexy Bodies (London, Routledge, 1995), p. 183
    • (1995) Sexy Bodies , pp. 183
    • Best, S.1
  • 13
    • 79958377308 scopus 로고
    • Istanbul, Agah Sabri Kitaphanesi
    • Celal Esat, Yeni Mimar (Istanbul, Agah Sabri Kitaphanesi, 1931)
    • (1931) Yeni Mimar
    • Esat, C.1
  • 14
    • 79958413494 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Ev Nedir ve Bir Ev Nasil Kurulmali?' [What is a house and how should a house be set up?], Modern Türkiye Mecmuasi, 2 (1938): pp. 16-17. Although the article bears no signature, both its tone and vocabulary strongly suggest that it is written by an architect. Since the majority of the architects and almost all of those who wrote on architecture at that time were male, I will use 'he' to refer to the author. Although the journal often featured architectural topics, it included a broad range of articles on almost all aspects of everyday life in Republican Turkey.
    • 'Ev Nedir ve Bir Ev Nasil Kurulmali?' [What is a house and how should a house be set up?], Modern Türkiye Mecmuasi, 2 (1938): pp. 16-17. Although the article bears no signature, both its tone and vocabulary strongly suggest that it is written by an architect. Since the majority of the architects and almost all of those who wrote on architecture at that time were male, I will use 'he' to refer to the author. Although the journal often featured architectural topics, it included a broad range of articles on almost all aspects of everyday life in Republican Turkey
  • 15
    • 79958383035 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Yeşim Arat, 'The project of modernity and women in Turkey' op. cit., p. 105.
    • Yeşim Arat, 'The project of modernity and women in Turkey' op. cit., p. 105
  • 16
    • 79958420256 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Furthermore, the guestroom' has a long tradition in middle and upper middle class houses in Turkey. It is the room that contains the most valuable furnishings and is only used upon the arrival of guests. In fact 'What is a house and how should a house be set up, begins by criticising that Turkish families think of the guestroom before their own comfort when they set up a house, as their priority is 'to show off to friends and acquaintances, As Turkish architectural discourse and practice of the 1930s indicate, there had been a considerable change in the architecture of the modern house in relation to the guest. Emphasising that modern living had externalised many activities, such as large gatherings and work-related meetings that previously took place at home, one architect stated that 'the guest room is an unnecessary luxury for our present needs, Abdullah Ziya, Binanin İçinde Mimar, The Architect in the Building, Mimar 1 1931, p. 15
    • Furthermore, 'the guestroom' has a long tradition in middle and upper middle class houses in Turkey. It is the room that contains the most valuable furnishings and is only used upon the arrival of guests. In fact 'What is a house and how should a house be set up?' begins by criticising that Turkish families think of the guestroom before their own comfort when they set up a house, as their priority is 'to show off to friends and acquaintances.' As Turkish architectural discourse and practice of the 1930s indicate, there had been a considerable change in the architecture of the modern house in relation to the guest. Emphasising that modern living had externalised many activities, such as large gatherings and work-related meetings that previously took place at home, one architect stated that 'the guest room is an unnecessary luxury for our present needs'. (Abdullah Ziya, 'Binanin İçinde Mimar' (The Architect in the Building), Mimar 1 (1931): p. 15
  • 17
    • 79958400081 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This interpretation draws from the psychoanalytic account of man 'having' versus woman 'being' the phallus. For an extensive explanation, Judith Butler, Gender Trouble New York, Routledge, 1990, pp. 43-47
    • This interpretation draws from the psychoanalytic account of man 'having' versus woman 'being' the phallus. For an extensive explanation, see Judith Butler, Gender Trouble (New York, Routledge, 1990), pp. 43-47
  • 18
    • 79958355768 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Sibel Bozdoǧan draws attention to this paradox in Modernism and Nation Building, op. cit., p. 197. Here I am interested in the mechanisms that suppress it.
    • Sibel Bozdoǧan draws attention to this paradox in Modernism and Nation Building, op. cit., p. 197. Here I am interested in the mechanisms that suppress it
  • 19
    • 79958403940 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Speech given in İnebolu on 28 August 1925, published in M. Rauf İnan, Atatürk ve Türk Kadini (Atatürk and the Turkish Woman) (İstanbul, Arkin Kitabevi, 1991), p. 52.
    • Speech given in İnebolu on 28 August 1925, published in M. Rauf İnan, Atatürk ve Türk Kadini (Atatürk and the Turkish Woman) (İstanbul, Arkin Kitabevi, 1991), p. 52
  • 20
    • 79958424017 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This point is elaborated in Sue Best, Sexualizing space' op. cit, p. 183
    • This point is elaborated in Sue Best, 'Sexualizing space' op. cit., p. 183
  • 21
    • 79958387537 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Speech given on 14 October 1925, at Women's School of Education in İzmir. Atatürk ve Türk Kadini, op. cit., pp. 54-5.
    • Speech given on 14 October 1925, at Women's School of Education in İzmir. Atatürk ve Türk Kadini, op. cit., pp. 54-5
  • 22
    • 77951951569 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cumhuriyet Döneminde Modern Kadin ve Erkek Kimliklerinin Oluşumu: Kemalist Kadin Kimliǧi ve "Münevver Erkekler"' [The formation of identities of modern women and men in the Republican period: the identity of the Kemalist woman and 'enlightened men'] in Ayşe B
    • Quoted in, Hacimirzaoǧlu, ed, Women and Men in 75 Years, Istanbul, Tarih Vakfi
    • Quoted in Ayşe Durakbaşa, 'Cumhuriyet Döneminde Modern Kadin ve Erkek Kimliklerinin Oluşumu: Kemalist Kadin Kimliǧi ve "Münevver Erkekler"' [The formation of identities of modern women and men in the Republican period: the identity of the Kemalist woman and 'enlightened men'] in Ayşe B. Hacimirzaoǧlu, (ed.), 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler [Women and Men in 75 Years] (Istanbul, Tarih Vakfi, 1998), p. 46
    • (1998) 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler , pp. 46
    • Durakbaşa, A.1
  • 23
    • 79958337353 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the emphasis on the maternal qualities of modern Turkish women in the nationalist discourse also Yeşim Arat, 'The project of modernity and women in Turkey' and Deniz Kandiyoti, 'Gendering the modern' op. cit., pp. 95-112, 113-132.
    • For the emphasis on the maternal qualities of modern Turkish women in the nationalist discourse also see: Yeşim Arat, 'The project of modernity and women in Turkey' and Deniz Kandiyoti, 'Gendering the modern' op. cit., pp. 95-112, 113-132
  • 24
    • 79958395277 scopus 로고
    • Erkeklere Yasak Olan Bir Yer: Genç Kizlar Kampi' (A forbidden place for men: youth camp for girls)
    • 11 September
    • Hikmet Feridun, 'Erkeklere Yasak Olan Bir Yer: Genç Kizlar Kampi' (A forbidden place for men: youth camp for girls) Yedigün 6/131 (11 September 1935): pp. 14-15
    • (1935) Yedigün , vol.6 , pp. 14-15
    • Feridun, H.1
  • 25
    • 79958429325 scopus 로고
    • Liseli Kizlarimizin Sihhati
    • The health of our highschool girls, 4/38 December
    • 'Liseli Kizlarimizin Sihhati' (The health of our highschool girls), Muhit, 4/38 (December 1931): pp. 52-3
    • (1931) Muhit , pp. 52-53
  • 26
    • 79958448060 scopus 로고
    • The anonymous author states that he summarises the views of a doctor published in Good Housekeeping. 'Genç Kizlarimiza Takayyütler' (Precautionary measures for our young girls)
    • May
    • The anonymous author states that he summarises the views of a doctor published in Good Housekeeping. 'Genç Kizlarimiza Takayyütler' (Precautionary measures for our young girls), Muhit, 3/31 (May 1931): pp. 44-5
    • (1931) Muhit , vol.3 , pp. 44-45
  • 27
    • 79958420270 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Cumhuriyet Döneminde Modern Kadin ve Erkek Kimliklerinin Oluşumu: Kemalist Kadin Kimliǧi ve Münevver Erkekler' [The formation of identities of modern women and men in the Republican period: The identity of the Kemalist woman and 'enlightened men'] in Ayşe B. Hacimirzaoǧlu, (ed.), 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler [Women and Men in 75 Years] op. cit., p. 37.
    • See, 'Cumhuriyet Döneminde Modern Kadin ve Erkek Kimliklerinin Oluşumu: Kemalist Kadin Kimliǧi ve "Münevver Erkekler"' [The formation of identities of modern women and men in the Republican period: The identity of the Kemalist woman and 'enlightened men'] in Ayşe B. Hacimirzaoǧlu, (ed.), 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler [Women and Men in 75 Years] op. cit., p. 37
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    • eyami Safa, 'Modern Türk Kizi,' Modern Türkiye Mecmuasi 1/1 (March 1938): p. 4; 1/2 (March 1938): p. 5; 1/4 (March 1938): p. 5; 1/6 (April 1938): p. 9.
    • Peyami Safa, 'Modern Türk Kizi,' Modern Türkiye Mecmuasi 1/1 (March 1938): p. 4; 1/2 (March 1938): p. 5; 1/4 (March 1938): p. 5; 1/6 (April 1938): p. 9
  • 29
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    • lar ve 40'larda Kadin, Cinsiyet ve Ulus' [Woman, Sexuality and Nationhood in the 1930s and 40s]
    • March
    • See, Duygu Köksal, '1930'lar ve 40'larda Kadin, Cinsiyet ve Ulus' [Woman, Sexuality and Nationhood in the 1930s and 40s], Toplumsal Tarih 51 (March 1998), pp. 31-5
    • (1930) Toplumsal Tarih , vol.51 , pp. 31-35
    • Köksal, D.1
  • 30
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    • When the Peoples Party of Women (Kadinlar Halk Firkasi) was not recognised by the government because of the political implications of the term party, it was re-founded under the name Turkish Women's Association (Türk Kadinlar Birliǧi, Interestingly, the former insisted on its non-political aims, stating that the primary duties of women consisted of motherhood, and family affairs, Zafer Toprak, Kadinlar Halk Firkasi, Women's People Party, Tarih ve Toplum 9/51 March 1988, p. 158, Both the Party and the Association placed primary emphasis on educating women along the lines of Republican ideals of civilisation and progress. Ironically, the Association actively promoted women's political agency besides organising a variety of skills-related courses ranging from driving to sewing, Leyla Kaplan, Cemiyetlerde ve Siyasi Teşkilatlarda Türk Kadini: 1908-1960 [Turkish Women in Societies and Political Organisations, Ankara, Ataürk Kültü
    • When the Peoples Party of Women (Kadinlar Halk Firkasi) was not recognised by the government because of the political implications of the term party, it was re-founded under the name Turkish Women's Association (Türk Kadinlar Birliǧi). Interestingly, the former insisted on its non-political aims, stating that the primary duties of women consisted of motherhood, and family affairs. (Zafer Toprak, 'Kadinlar Halk Firkasi' (Women's People Party), Tarih ve Toplum 9/51 (March 1988): p. 158). Both the Party and the Association placed primary emphasis on educating women along the lines of Republican ideals of civilisation and progress. Ironically, the Association actively promoted women's political agency besides organising a variety of skills-related courses ranging from driving to sewing. (Leyla Kaplan, Cemiyetlerde ve Siyasi Teşkilatlarda Türk Kadini: 1908-1960 [Turkish Women in Societies and Political Organisations] (Ankara, Ataürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, 1998), p. 141). Women got the right to political representation in municipal governments in 1930 and in the parliament in 1934
  • 31
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    • Saylav Fakihe Bursa Muhabirimize Hayatini Anlatiyor' [Member of Parliament Fakihe tells her life story to our Bursa correspondant]
    • 6 March
    • Musa, 'Saylav Fakihe Bursa Muhabirimize Hayatini Anlatiyor' [Member of Parliament Fakihe tells her life story to our Bursa correspondant], Yedigün, 4/104 (6 March 1935): p. 13
    • (1935) Yedigün , vol.4 , pp. 13
    • Musa1
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    • Zarzavatçi Fatma Hanim' [Fruit-seller Ms. Fatma]
    • 10 January
    • Mekki Sait, 'Zarzavatçi Fatma Hanim' [Fruit-seller Ms. Fatma], Yedigün, 3/44 (10 January 1934): p. 11
    • (1934) Yedigün , vol.3 , pp. 11
    • Sait, M.1
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    • Fatmagül Berktay points out that the proper women of the early Republic were portrayed either as de-sexualised public figures or as mothers of the family and the nation. 'Cumhuriyetin 75. Yillik Serüvenine Kadinlar Açisindan Bakmak', [Looking at the 75 year adventures of the Republic from women's perspective] in Hacimirzaoǧlu, (ed.), 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler, op. cit., p. 3.
    • Fatmagül Berktay points out that the proper women of the early Republic were portrayed either as de-sexualised public figures or as mothers of the family and the nation. 'Cumhuriyetin 75. Yillik Serüvenine Kadinlar Açisindan Bakmak', [Looking at the 75 year adventures of the Republic from women's perspective] in Hacimirzaoǧlu, (ed.), 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler, op. cit., p. 3
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    • Memuriyet Sizin Olsun!. Yeni Kavuştuǧum Evim Bana Yeter
    • Müfide Muzaffer, 'Memuriyet Sizin Olsun!. Yeni Kavuş tuǧum Evim Bana Yeter,' Muhit, 4/46 (1932), pp. 36-7
    • (1932) Muhit , vol.4 , pp. 36-37
    • Muzaffer, M.1
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    • Also cited in Bozdoǧan, 'Living modern' op. cit., p. 317. I thank Sibel Bozdoǧan for making this article available to me.
    • Also cited in Bozdoǧan, 'Living modern' op. cit., p. 317. I thank Sibel Bozdoǧan for making this article available to me
  • 36
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    • Saylav Türkan
    • 27 February
    • 'Saylav Türkan' Yedigün, 4/103 (27 February 1935): p. 15
    • (1935) Yedigün , vol.4 , pp. 15
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    • State fatherhood: The politics of nationalism, sexuality, and race in Singapore
    • Andrew Parker, Mary Russo et al, eds, New York, Routledge
    • Geraldine Heng and Janadas Devan, 'State fatherhood: the politics of nationalism, sexuality, and race in Singapore' in Nationalisms and Sexualities, Andrew Parker, Mary Russo et al. (eds.), (New York, Routledge, 1991), p. 356
    • (1991) Nationalisms and Sexualities , pp. 356
    • Heng, G.1    Devan, J.2

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