See for federalisation (London/Portland, OR: Frank Cass 'Euskadi' is another name for the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country
See for federalisation L. Moreno, The Federalization of Spain (London/ Portland, OR: Frank Cass 2000). 'Euskadi' is another name for the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
The Federalization of Spain
Moreno, L.1
'Introduction, Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought'
The shift of conventional geopolitical thinking into critical geopolitics is discussed in in K. Dodds and D. Atkinson (eds.), (London/New York: Routledge)
The shift of conventional geopolitical thinking into critical geopolitics is discussed in D. Atkinson and K. Dodds, 'Introduction, Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought', in K. Dodds and D. Atkinson (eds.), Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought (London/New York: Routledge) pp. 1-24
Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought
, pp. 1-24
Atkinson, D.1
Dodds, K.2
'1998 Introduction: Rethinking Geopolitics, Towards Critical Geopolitics'
Counter-narratives as a subject of geopolitics, see: in G. O. Tuathail and S. Dalby (eds.) (London/New York: Routlegde)
Counter-narratives as a subject of geopolitics, see: G. O. Tuathail and S. Dalby, '1998 Introduction: Rethinking Geopolitics, Towards Critical Geopolitics,' in G. O. Tuathail and S. Dalby (eds.) Rethinking Geopolitics (London/New York: Routlegde) pp. 3-4.
Rethinking Geopolitics
, pp. 3-4
Tuathail, G.O.1
Dalby, S.2
'Critical Geopolitics ad Terrains of Resistance'
For critical geopolitics and social movements, which internally contest the state-centreed geopolitics, see also
For critical geopolitics and social movements, which internally contest the state-centreed geopolitics, see also P. Routledge, 'Critical Geopolitics ad Terrains of Resistance,' Political Geography 15, 6/7 (1996) pp. 509-531.
Political Geography
, vol.15
, Issue.6-7
, pp. 509-531
Routledge, P.1
See Dijkink's conceptual framework (note 3) Dijkink's other dimensions are respectively 'model', 'mission', and 'impersonal forces', which will not be dealt with here
See Dijkink's conceptual framework (note 3) pp. 11-14. Dijkink's other dimensions are respectively 'model', 'mission', and 'impersonal forces', which will not be dealt with here.
National Identity and Geopolitical Visions
, pp. 11-14
Dijkink, G.J.1
'Introduction, Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought'
'Formal geopolitics is created by security intellectuals and academic institutions producing geopolitical 'knowledge' [Atkinson and Dodds (note) Although the scope of formal geopolitics is on security in a foreign-relations context, I will widen it to the academic legitimisation of borders
'Formal geopolitics is created by security intellectuals and academic institutions producing geopolitical 'knowledge' [Atkinson and Dodds (note) p.10]. Although the scope of formal geopolitics is on security in a foreign-relations context, I will widen it to the academic legitimisation of borders.
Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought
, pp. 10
This is particularly true for 'udalbiltza', the assembly of Basque municipalities
This is particularly true for 'udalbiltza', the assembly of Basque municipalities.
'Post-communist Eastern Europe and the Cartography of Independence'
J. Zeigler, 'Post-communist Eastern Europe and the Cartography of Independence,' Political Geography 21/5 (2002) pp. 671-686.
Political Geography
, vol.21-25
, pp. 671-686
Zeigler, J.1
'The Institutionalization of Regions: A Theoretical framework for Understanding the Emergence of Regions and the Constitution of Regional Identity'
A. Paasi, 'The Institutionalization of Regions: A Theoretical framework for Understanding the Emergence of Regions and the Constitution of Regional Identity', Fennia 164 (1986) pp. 105-146.
, vol.164
, pp. 105-146
Paasi, A.1
'Introduction, Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought'
This penetration is part of a wider process of popularisation of geopolitical imaginations, which, according to Atkinson and Dodds (note 4) can result in 'geopolitical cultures'. The shift of conventional geopolitical thinking into critical geopolitics is discussed in in K. Dodds and D. Atkinson (eds.), (London/New York: Routledge)
This penetration is part of a wider process of popularisation of geopolitical imaginations, which, according to Atkinson and Dodds (note 4) can result in 'geopolitical cultures'.
Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought
, pp. 1-24
Atkinson, D.1
Dodds, K.2
National Identity and Geopolitical Visions
(note 3) Anderson see also further below. (London/New York: Routledge
(note 3) Anderson p. 175; see also further below.
, pp. 175
Dijkink, G.J.1
'Citizenship, Identity and Location: The Changing Discourse of Israeli Geopolitics'
For Israel, see in D. Atkinson and K. Dodds (note 4)
For Israel, see D. Newman 'Citizenship, Identity and Location: The Changing Discourse of Israeli Geopolitics' in D. Atkinson and K. Dodds (note 4) pp. 302-331
Geopolitical Traditions: A Century of Geopolitical Thought
, pp. 302-331
Newman, D.1
'Religeopolitics: Dissident Geopolitics and the Fundamentalism of Hamas and Kach'
and L. Nyroos, 'Religeopolitics: Dissident Geopolitics and the Fundamentalism of Hamas and Kach' Geopolitics 6/2 (2001) pp. 135-157.
, vol.6
, Issue.2
, pp. 135-157
Nyroos, L.1
'Broken Bosnia: The Localized Geopolitics of Displacement and Return in Two Bosnian Places'
For Bosnia, see
For Bosnia, see C. Dahlman and G. O. Tuathail, 'Broken Bosnia: The Localized Geopolitics of Displacement and Return in Two Bosnian Places', Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95/3 (2005) pp. 644-662.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
, vol.95
, Issue.3
, pp. 644-662
Dahlman, C.1
Tuathail, G.O.2
'The Sociolinguistic Situation in the Basque Country According to the 2001 Sociolinguistic Survey'
Parts of Euskal Herria are nearly homogeneously Castilian or French speaking while other parts are linguistically mixed. See:
Parts of Euskal Herria are nearly homogeneously Castilian or French speaking while other parts are linguistically mixed. See: X. Aizpurua Telleria and J. Aizpurua Espin, 'The Sociolinguistic Situation in the Basque Country According to the 2001 Sociolinguistic Survey', International Journal of the Sociology of Language 174 (2005) pp. 39-54.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language
, vol.174
, pp. 39-54
Aizpurua Telleria, X.1
Aizpurua Espin, J.2
According to Arana' s historical mythification, Biscay of the ninth century was a small state and a confederation of free and independent republics; see: (Madrid: Taurus)
According to Arana' s historical mythification, Biscay of the ninth century was a small state and a confederation of free and independent republics; see: J. Corchera Atienza, La patria de los vascos. Orígenes, ideología y organización del nacionalismo vasco (1876-1903) (Madrid: Taurus 2001) pp. 210-211.
La Patria De Los Vascos. Orígenes, Ideología Y Organización Del Nacionalismo Vasco (1876-1903)
, pp. 210-211
Corchera Atienza, J.1
See accessed 5 August
See http://www.euskonews.com/0115zbk/efem11501.html, accessed 5 August 2004.
See accessed 5 August
See http://www.udalbiltza.net/espainola/conoce, accessed 5 August 2004.
See accessed 5 August
See http://www.udalbiltzainfo.com/upresentacion.htm, accessed 5 August 2004.
(30 May)
El País (30 May 2004).
El País
See accessed 10 July
See http://www.udalbiltzainfo.com/sanchoinfo.htm, accessed 10 July 2004.
'Transborder Regional Alliances in Europe: Changes for Ethnic Euroregions?'
J. Markusse, 'Transborder Regional Alliances in Europe: Changes for Ethnic Euroregions?' Geopolitics 9/3 (2004) pp. 649-673.
, vol.9
, Issue.3
, pp. 649-673
Markusse, J.1
See accessed 18 August
See http://www.lurraldea.net/, accessed 18 August 2004.
(24 August)
El País (24 August 2004).
El País
See respectively (Madrid: Espasa Calpe)
See respectively J. J. Linz, Conflicto en Euskadi (Madrid: Espasa Calpe 1986)
Conflicto En Euskadi
Linz, J.J.1
'Gernika, Guernica, Guernica? Contested Meanings of a Basque Place'
P. Raento and C. J. Watson, 'Gernika, Guernica, Guernica? Contested Meanings of a Basque Place', Political Geography 19 (2000) pp. 707-736.
Political Geography
, vol.19
, pp. 707-736
Raento, P.1
Watson, C.J.2
'Post-communist Eastern Europe and the Cartography of Independence'
(note 11)
J. Zeigler (note 11) p. 685.
Political Geography
, vol.21
, Issue.5
, pp. 685
Zeigler, J.1
'Fences and Neighbours in the Postmodern Worlds: Boundary Narratives in Political Geography'
D. Newman and A. Paasi, 'Fences and Neighbours in the Postmodern Worlds: Boundary Narratives in Political Geography,' Progress in Human Geography 22/2 (1998) pp. 186-207.
Progress in Human Geography
, vol.22
, Issue.2
, pp. 186-207
Newman, D.1
Paasi, A.2
Anonymous, (Vitoria-Gasteiz: Gobierno Vasco 1997). An identical copy without the new EU borders is available at (accessed 27 August)
Anonymous, Euskadi. Guía socio-económica del País Vasco (Vitoria-Gasteiz: Gobierno Vasco 1997). An identical copy without the new EU borders is available at http://www.lehendakaritza.ejgv.euskadi.net/r48-448/en/contenidos/ informacion/presentacion_pais/en_437/indice_i.html (accessed 27 August 2004).
Euskadi. Guía Socio-económica Del País Vasco
'Outside the Imagined Community: Basque Terrorism, Political Activism, and the Tour de France'
C. Palmer, 'Outside the Imagined Community: Basque Terrorism, Political Activism, and the Tour de France', Sociology of Sport Journal 18 (2001) p. 150.
Sociology of Sport Journal
, vol.18
, pp. 150
Palmer, C.1
(20 June)
El País (20 June 2004).
El País
Figures about TV and newspaper audiences 2004 are taken from Anuario [Yearbook] (Madrid: El País)
Figures about TV and newspaper audiences 2004 are taken from Anuario [Yearbook] El País 2005 (Madrid: El País 2005).
El País 2005
'Introduction to the Practice of Web Epistemology'
in R. Rogers (ed.), (Maastricht: Jan van Eyk Academie Editions)
R. Rogers, 'Introduction to the Practice of Web Epistemology', in R. Rogers (ed.), Preferred Placement (Maastricht: Jan van Eyk Academie Editions 2000) pp. 11-23
Preferred Placement
, pp. 11-23
Rogers, R.1
'Counterhegemonic Disourses and the Internet'
B. Warf and J. Grimes, 'Counterhegemonic Disourses and the Internet', Geographical Review 87/2 (1997) pp. 259-274.
Geographical Review
, vol.87
, Issue.2
, pp. 259-274
Warf, B.1
Grimes, J.2
For example the following Web sites connected with the patriotic left, in Spanish, French and Basque (some words in English): Some of the Web sites have an apolitical content as they provide tourist information, for example: http://iaeste.bi.ehu.es/html/en/about_bilbao.php or http://onfootinspain.com/13.htm
For example the following Web sites connected with the patriotic left, in Spanish, French and Basque (some words in English): http://euskalherria.indymedia.org/eu/2002/08/727.shtml. Some of the Web sites have an apolitical content as they provide tourist information, for example: http://iaeste.bi.ehu.es/html/en/about_bilbao.php or http://onfootinspain.com/13.htm
Several tourist sites for hotels, camping or golf links also include the southern part of Les landes. See for instance
Several tourist sites for hotels, camping or golf links also include the southern part of Les landes. See for instance http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ maison.marchand/loisirs/cartgolf.jpg
'Transborder Regional Alliances in Europe: Changes for Ethnic Euroregions?'
(note 35)
J. Markusse (note 35).
, vol.9
, Issue.3
, pp. 649-673
Markusse, J.1
'Mugarik ez! Subverting the Border in the Basque Country'
A. Leizaola, 'Mugarik ez! Subverting the Border in the Basque Country', Ethnologia Europaea 30/2 (2000) pp. 35-46.
Ethnologia Europaea
, vol.30
, Issue.2
, pp. 35-46
Leizaola, A.1
(Tafalla: Txalaparta:) The text on the back cover is: A lo largo de toda la prehistoria e historia antigua y medieval, únicamente durante el reinado del navarro Sancho III el Mayor, estuvieron unidos políticamente los territorios que ocupaban vascones, caristios, bárdulos, berones, austrigones y mś tarde, vascos o navarros. Por eso Sancho III se denominó a sí mismo rey Vascón. En este libro se nos presenta la historia de una tierra que tenía en común la misma lengua, el mismo derecho público y privado, similares instituciones y parecidos comportamientos y mentalidades. Unas tierras que, bajo distintos dominios políticos, constituían un único pueblo: Euskal Herria
J. L. Orella, Historia de Euskal Herria, los vascos de hoy y de ayer, Vol. 1 (Tafalla: Txalaparta: 1997). The text on the back cover is: A lo largo de toda la prehistoria e historia antigua y medieval, únicamente durante el reinado del navarro Sancho III el Mayor, estuvieron unidos políticamente los territorios que ocupaban vascones, caristios, bárdulos, berones, austrigones y mś tarde, vascos o navarros. Por eso Sancho III se denominó a sí mismo rey Vascón. En este libro se nos presenta la historia de una tierra que tenía en común la misma lengua, el mismo derecho público y privado, similares instituciones y parecidos comportamientos y mentalidades. Unas tierras que, bajo distintos dominios políticos, constituían un único pueblo: Euskal Herria.
Historia De Euskal Herria, Los Vascos De Hoy Y De Ayer, Vol. 1
Orella, J.L.1
Basque Ritual for Ethnic Identity
(Reno, NV: The Basque Series, University of Nevada)
T. Del Valle Korrika, Basque Ritual for Ethnic Identity (Reno, NV: The Basque Series, University of Nevada 1993).
Del Valle Korrika, T.1
has criticised the lack of Del Valle's attention to the contested nature of the ritual in the American Anthropologist
J. Urla has criticised the lack of Del Valle's attention to the contested nature of the ritual in the American Anthropologist, pp. 414-415.
Urla, J.1
'A Western Perspective on an Eastern Interpretation of Where North Meets South: Pyrenean Borderland Cultures'
For the divisive effect of Korrika on people's beliefs, see: in: T. M. Wilson and H. Donnan (eds.), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
For the divisive effect of Korrika on people's beliefs, see: W. A. Douglass, 'A Western Perspective on an Eastern Interpretation of Where North Meets South: Pyrenean Borderland Cultures,' in: T. M. Wilson and H. Donnan (eds.), Border Identities, Nation and State at International Frontiers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998) p. 83.
Border Identities, Nation and State at International Frontiers
, pp. 83
Douglass, W.A.1
A striking example can be found in: (Barcelona: Oikos-Tau)
A striking example can be found in: F. J. Gómez Piñeiro, Geografía de Euskal Herria (Barcelona: Oikos-Tau 1985).
Geografía De Euskal Herria
Gómez Piñeiro, F.J.1
For a critical appraisal of the 'Basque urban system' conceptualiation, see (note 3) (London/New York: Routledge)
For a critical appraisal of the 'Basque urban system' conceptualiation, see J. Mansvelt Beck (note 3) pp. 86-87.
National Identity and Geopolitical Visions
, pp. 86-87
Mansvelt Beck, J.1
'Citizenship, Identity and Location: The Changing Discourse of Israeli Geopolitics'
See Newman (note 15). in D. Atkinson and K. Dodds (note 4)
See Newman (note 15).
Newman, D.1