Accelerated development of TEM-29 extended-spectrum β-lactamase from TEM-1 in hypermutable, mutS, Escherichia coli
In: Programs and Abstracts of the Fifteenth European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005. Abstract P475
Ellington MJ, Livermore DM, Pitt TL et al. Accelerated development of TEM-29 extended-spectrum β-lactamase from TEM-1 in hypermutable, mutS, Escherichia coli. In: Programs and Abstracts of the Fifteenth European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005. Abstract P475. Clin Microbiol Infect 2005; 11 Suppl 2: 123.
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Survey of Enterobacteriaceae producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases in a Slovak hospital: Dominance of SHV-2a and characterization of TEM-132
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