Orofacial pain, jaw function, and temporomandibular disorders in women with a history of juvenile chronic arthritis or persistent juvenile chronic arthritis
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The mandibular condyle in juvenile chronic arthritis patients with mandibular hypoplasia: A clinical and histological study
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Dentoskeletal morphology in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis compared with healthy children
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Costochondral grafts to replace mandibular condyles in juvenile chronic arthritis patients: Long-term effects on facial growth
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Early surgical-orthodontic treatment of mandibular hypoplasia in juvenile chronic arthritis
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Three-dimensionalmagnetic resonance image of the mandible and masticatory muscles in a case of juvenile chronic arthritis treated with the Herbst appliance
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Early decannulation with bilateral mandibular distraction for tracheostomy-dependent patients
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Abrupt condylar destruction of the mandibula in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
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