(a) Structure optimizations at the Hartree‐Fock (HF) level and with second order Møller‐Plesset perturbation theory (MP2, cf. ref. [8b]) as well as HF harmonic vibrational frequency analyses employed the Gaussian 90 and Gaussian 92 programs (cf. ref. [8c, d]). Mercury has been treated as a 20‐valence‐electron system, the 60 core electrons being replaced by an quasirelativistic multielectron‐fit pseudopotential (ref. [8 e]), as it is known that scalar relativistic effects have to be included to obtain reliable data for mercury systems (see, e.g., ref. [5]). Similar pseudopotentials have been used for Kr (8 valence electrons, ref. [8f]) and F (7 valence electrons, ref. [8g]). Contributions from spin‐orbit coupling have not been considered in the present study. The HF and MP2 calculations employed an (8s7p5d)/[6s5p3d] GTO valence basis set for Hg (ref. [8e]), a (6s6p1d)/[4s4p1d] valence basis on Kr (ref. [8f]) and (5s5p1d)/[3s3p1d] including diffuse functions on F (ref. [8h]).
(c) Gaussian 90, Revision F, Gaussian, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, 1990.
Frisch, M.J.1
Head‐Gordon, M.2
Trucks, G.W.3
Foresman, J.B.4
Schlegel, H.B.5
Raghavachari, K.6
Robb, M.7
Binkley, J.S.8
Gonzalez, C.9
DeFrees, D.J.10
Fox, D.I.11
Whiteside, R.A.12
Seeger, R.13
Melius, C.F.14
Baker, J.15
Kahn, L.R.16
Stewart, J.J.P.17
Topiol, S.18
Pople, J.A.19
(d) Gaussian 92, Revision A, ‐Gordon,. Gill, Gaussian, Inc., Pittsburgh PA, 1992.
Frisch, M.J.1
Trucks, G.W.2
Head, M.3
W, P.M.4
Wong, M.W.5
Foresman, J.B.6
Johnson, B.G.7
Schlegel, H.B.8
Robb, M.A.9
Replogle, E.S.10
Gomperts, R.11
Andres, J.L.12
Raghavachari, K.13
Binkley, J.S.14
Gonzalez, C.15
Martin, R.L.16
Fox, D.I.17
DeFrees, D.J.18
Baker, J.19
Stewart, J.J.P.20
Pople, J.A.21
Diplom Thesis, Universität Stuttgart, 1990.
Nicklass, A.1
Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, 1989.
Dolg, M.1
For an explanation of the quadratic configuration interaction singles + doubles (QCISD) method and its extension by perturbation theoretical inclusion of triple excitations (QCISD, T), see for example
J. Chem. Phys.
, vol.87
, pp. 5968
Pople, J.A.1
Head‐Gordon, M.2
Raghavachari, K.3
(a) QCISD and QCISD(T) calculations employed 8s7p5d2f, 6s6p5d3f, and 7s7p3d1f valence bases on Hg, Kr, and F, respectively, contracted in a general contraction scheme to 4s3p3d2f, 2s2p3d2f, and 3s3p2d1f. The contraction coefficients were obtained from the corresponding atomic natural orbitals (ANO, cf. ref. [10b]). All electrons outside the pseudopotential cores have been correlated. The QCI calculations used the MOLPRO92 (cf. ref. [10c]) and Gaussian (cf. ref. [8c, d]) programs.
2 is 1.873 Å, in good agreement with experiment (cf. ref. [7b]).