In Dutch known as DTO program: Duurzame Technologische Ontwikkeling
In Dutch known as DTO program: Duurzame Technologische Ontwikkeling.
The presently popular version of the IP AT equation is I=PxAxT: the environmental impact I equals the product of population size P, the degree of affluence A per person, and the environmental impact from technology T used to produce one unit of affluence
The presently popular version of the IP AT equation is I=PxAxT: the environmental impact (I) equals the product of population size (P), the degree of affluence (A) per person, and the environmental impact from technology (T) used to produce one unit of affluence.
On 26 March 1997 an international workshop was organized, together with the TU Delft and the Institute for Social Studies "The Sustainable Technological Development Approach: Potentials and Pitfalls for Developing Countries
On 26 March 1997 an international workshop was organized, together with the TU Delft and the Institute for Social Studies "The Sustainable Technological Development Approach: Potentials and Pitfalls for Developing Countries.
The SusHouse project was a collective endeavor of six research groups in five European countries which are: Technology Assessment Group/Design for Sustainability group, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands ; Szeged College of Food Industry Hungary ; Dept, of Industrial Design, Politecnico di Milano Italy, Avanzi Milano, Italy, CROMTEC, Manchester School of Management, UMIST UK, Lehrstuhl Markt und Konsum Universitat Hannover, Germany. This research has been supported by the EU DG 12 Environment and Climate RTD Programme, Contract no. ENV4-CT97-446
The SusHouse project was a collective endeavor of six research groups in five European countries which are: Technology Assessment Group/Design for Sustainability group, Delft University of Technology, (the Netherlands) ; Szeged College of Food Industry (Hungary) ; Dept, of Industrial Design, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Avanzi (Milano, Italy), CROMTEC, Manchester School of Management, UMIST (UK), Lehrstuhl Markt und Konsum (Universitat Hannover, Germany). This research has been supported by the EU DG 12 Environment and Climate RTD Programme, Contract no. ENV4-CT97-446.
The full reports on these functions are published on a CD-ROM, together with the final report, the methodology reports, and the country reports; see Vergragt 2000. CD-ROMs are available from the author
The full reports on these functions are published on a CD-ROM, together with the final report, the methodology reports, and the country reports; see Vergragt 2000. CD-ROMs are available from the author.
These methodology reports are also published on the SusHouse CD-ROM; see previous footnote
These methodology reports are also published on the SusHouse CD-ROM; see previous footnote.