European Wildlife Division, DEFRA, para. 146
Review of marine nature conservation - interim report (2001) European Wildlife Division, DEFRA, para. 146. www.defra.gov.uk/ wildlife-countryside/ewd/rrrpac/marine/10.htm
Review of Marine Nature Conservation - Interim Report
A Marine Bill: A consultation document of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
A Marine Bill: a consultation document of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2006) www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/ consult/marinebill/index.htm
Comments made by senior DEFRA representative at the Marine Bill Forum, London, 18 May
Comments made by senior DEFRA representative at the Marine Bill Forum, London, 18 May 2006.
Para 4.5 of consultation document cited in A Marine Bill: A consultation document of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Para 4.5 of consultation document cited in note 2.
Safeguarding Our Seas (2002) www.defra.gov.uk/environment/water/marine/ uk/stewardship/index.htm
Safeguarding Our Seas
The precautionary principle: "Where evidence exists of likely significant impacts or damage, we will make decisions that aim to avoid damage to the ecosystem. marine resources, human health or other users, and put in place pre-emptive measures to protect them, rather than trying to repair damage (which may be irreversible) after the event. Nevertheless, where it is in the public interest, there may be circumstances where some damaging activities will go ahead with suitable requirements for mitigation or (where possible) compensation of damage. As a final resort, those who do cause damage should be held responsible and pay for it rather than the burden being shouldered by the tax-payer - in line with the polluter-pays principle". Para. 4.10 of consultation document cited in A Marine Bill: A consultation document of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
The precautionary principle: "Where evidence exists of likely significant impacts or damage, we will make decisions that aim to avoid damage to the ecosystem. marine resources, human health or other users, and put in place pre-emptive measures to protect them, rather than trying to repair damage (which may be irreversible) after the event. Nevertheless, where it is in the public interest, there may be circumstances where some damaging activities will go ahead with suitable requirements for mitigation or (where possible) compensation of damage. As a final resort, those who do cause damage should be held responsible and pay for it rather than the burden being shouldered by the tax-payer - in line with the polluter-pays principle". Para. 4.10 of consultation document cited in note 2.
Safeguarding Sea Life: The joint UK response to the Review of Marine Nature Conservation
Safeguarding Sea Life: the joint UK response to the Review of Marine Nature Conservation (2005) www.defra.gov.uk/witdlife-countryside/ewd/ rmnc/index.htm
Adopting an ecosystem approach for the improved stewardship of the marine environment, some overarching issues
Arguments included and principles cited in
Arguments included and principles cited in Laffoley, D.d'A et al. (2003) Adopting an ecosystem approach for the improved stewardship of the marine environment, some overarching issues. English Nature Research Reports, No. 538. www.english-nature.org.uk/pubs/publication/PDF/538.pdf
English Nature Research Reports, No. 538
Laffoley, D.d'A.1
The ecosystem approach: Coherent actions for marine and coastal environments
and Laffoley, D.d'A et al. (2004) The ecosystem approach: coherent actions for marine and coastal environments. www.english-nature.org.uk/ pubs/publication/pdf/ecosystemapproach.pdf
Laffoley, D.d'A.1
Author's own ongoing research: Fishermen's perspectives on the challenges raised by no-take zone proposals in SW England
Author's own ongoing research: Fishermen's perspectives on the challenges raised by no-take zone proposals in SW England, www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfwpej/icem.htm#SWNTZ
Para. 2.3 and 4.7 of document cited in A Marine Bill: A consultation document of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Para. 2.3 and 4.7 of document cited in note 2.
"We see stewardship as entrusting people with a responsibility to care for the community they belong to. It means involving people in protecting the oceans and seas and using the resources they offer wisely. The benefits of stewardship include better decision-making, reduced reliance on regulation, generating a positive role for people and organisations and greater inclusiveness." Para. 122 of document cited in
"We see stewardship as entrusting people with a responsibility to care for the community they belong to. It means involving people in protecting the oceans and seas and using the resources they offer wisely. The benefits of stewardship include better decision-making, reduced reliance on regulation, generating a positive role for people and organisations and greater inclusiveness." Para. 122 of document cited in note 5.
Safeguard Our Seas
Section 11 of document cited in A Marine Bill: A consultation document of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Section 11 of document cited in note 2.
Box 1, of document cited in Safeguard Sea Life: The joint UK response to the Review of Marine Nature Conservation
Box 1, p. 5 of document cited in note 7.
, pp. 5
Marine Spatial Planning Pilot
Marine Spatial Planning Pilot (2006) www.abpmer.net/mspp/
Reflections on planning: The value of uncertainty
"The world moves into the future as a result of decisions, not as a result of plans. Plans are significant only in so far as they affect decisions... if planning is not part of a decision-making process, it is a bag of wind, a piece of paper, and worthless diagrams"
"The world moves into the future as a result of decisions, not as a result of plans. Plans are significant only in so far as they affect decisions... if planning is not part of a decision-making process, it is a bag of wind, a piece of paper, and worthless diagrams" Boulding KE (1974) Reflections on planning: the value of uncertainty www.fs.fed.us/ eco/co-watch/ew910321
Boulding, K.E.1
The UK Government Response to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution's Twenty-Fifth Report Turning the Tide - Addressing the Impact of Fisheries on the Marine Environment
The UK Government Response to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution's Twenty-Fifth Report Turning the Tide - Addressing the impact of fisheries on the marine environment (2006) www.defra.gov.uk/fish/sea/ pdf/turningtide-govresponse.pdf. Pp. 8-9.
, pp. 8-9