S/RES/1244 (10 June) United Nations, Resolution 1244, adopted by the Security Council, 4011th meeting
S/RES/1244 (10 June 1999), United Nations, Resolution 1244, adopted by the Security Council, 4011th meeting.
'Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo'
S/1999/779 (12 July) United Nations
S/1999/779 (12 July 1999), United Nations, 'Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo'.
PC.DEC/305 (1 July) OSCE Permanent Council Decision No. 305 of the Agenda item 2
PC.DEC/305 (1 July 1999), OSCE Permanent Council Decision No. 305 of the 237th Plenary Meeting, PC Journal No. 237, Agenda item 2.
237th Plenary Meeting, PC Journal No. 237
Letter exchanged between Ambassador Kim Traavik, Head of the OSCE Department, and Bernard Miyet, UN Department for Peace-Keeping Operations, 19 July
Letter exchanged between Ambassador Kim Traavik, Head of the OSCE Department, and Bernard Miyet, UN Department for Peace-Keeping Operations, 19 July 1999.
S/RES/1244 (10 June) United Nations, Resolution 1244, adopted by the Security Council, 4011th meeting paras. 10-11
S/RES/1244, op. cit. paras. 10-11.
'Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo'
S/1999/779 (12 July) United Nations, reaffirmed by PC.DEC/3005, no. 2-3
S/1999/779, op. cit. para. 79, reaffirmed by PC.DEC/3005, no. 2-3.
'Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo'
S/1999/779 (12 July) United Nations
Ibid., paras 80 and 84,
reaffirmed by the Letter exchanged between Ambassador Kim Traavik, Head of the OSCE Department, and Bernard Miyet, UN Department for Peace-Keeping Operation, 19 July
reaffirmed by the Letter as of 19 July 1999, op. cit.
'Wag the Dog: The Mobilization and Demobilization of the Kosovo Liberation Army'
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder and Wolf-Christian Paes, 'Wag the Dog: The Mobilization and Demobilization of the Kosovo Liberation Army', in: BICC brief, No. 20/2001, p. 17.
BICC Brief
, Issue.20
, pp. 17
Heinemann-Grüder, A.1
Paes, W.-C.2
'Kosovo/Kosova. As Seen, As Told, Part II. A Report on the Human Rights Findings of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, June to October 1999'
At the same time, Kosovo experienced reversed ethnic violence and a reign of terror against Serb-speaking minority groups, alleged Kosovo-Albanian collaborators and critical journalists, which led to the expulsion of thousands of IDPs and to political intimidation; OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Prishtina
At the same time, Kosovo experienced reversed ethnic violence and a reign of terror against Serb-speaking minority groups, alleged Kosovo-Albanian collaborators and critical journalists, which led to the expulsion of thousands of IDPs and to political intimidation; see OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Kosovo/Kosova. As Seen, As Told, Part II. A Report on the Human Rights Findings of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, June to October 1999', Prishtina.
'JIAS Fact Sheet: Joint Interim Administration Structure'
UN Mission in Kosovo, (7 November) This structure was mirrored at the municipal level with a threefold structure of UN administrators and local administrative councils and boards
UN Mission in Kosovo, 'JIAS Fact Sheet: Joint Interim Administration Structure'; http://www.unmikonline.org/1styear/jias.htm (7 November 2005). This structure was mirrored at the municipal level with a threefold structure of UN administrators and local administrative councils and boards.
'JIAS Fact Sheet: Joint Interim Administration Structure'
UN Mission in Kosovo, (7 November) This structure was mirrored at the municipal level with a threefold structure of UN administrators and local administrative councils and boards
'JIAS Fact Sheet: Joint Interim Administration Structure'
UN Mission in Kosovo, (7 November). A department overview on JIAS can be found at
'JIAS Fact Sheet'
The IAC agreed on 1 February 2000 on the immediate dissolution of existing parallel structures, which were defined as 'any body not authorized under resolution 1244 that claimed or exercised any form of public authority in Kosovo'; UN Mission in Kosovo
The IAC agreed on 1 February 2000 on the immediate dissolution of existing parallel structures, which were defined as 'any body not authorized under resolution 1244 that claimed or exercised any form of public authority in Kosovo'; UN Mission in Kosovo, 'JIAS Fact Sheet',
'JIAS Fact Sheet'
The IAC agreed on 1 February 2000 on the immediate dissolution of existing parallel structures, which were defined as 'any body not authorized under resolution 1244 that claimed or exercised any form of public authority in Kosovo'; UN Mission in Kosovo
op. cit.
'Parallel Structures in Kosovo'
Mission in Kosovo, (7 November)
Mission in Kosovo, 'Parallel Structures in Kosovo'; http://www.osce.org/ documents/mik/2003/10/698_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
This unit was later merged with the Municipal Assembly Support Unit and its Central Assembly equivalent; OSCE Mission in Kosovo, (7 November)
This unit was later merged with the Municipal Assembly Support Unit and its Central Assembly equivalent; see OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Mission Survey'; http://www.osce.org/kosovo/13268.html (7 November 2005).
'Mission Survey'
'Summary of the Operational Plan: Voter Registration and Election 2001'
A similar division of labour with respect to voter registration was applied in the following elections in 2001, OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Department of Election Operations, Prishtina
A similar division of labour with respect to voter registration was applied in the following elections in 2001, see OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Summary of the Operational Plan: Voter Registration and Election 2001', Department of Election Operations, Prishtina, p. 5.
'Regulation on Self-Government of Municipalities in Kosovo'
The functions of municipal institutions and their powers transferred from UNMIK are delineated in UNMIK Regulation No. 2000/45 as of 11 August
The functions of municipal institutions and their powers transferred from UNMIK are delineated in UNMIK Regulation No. 2000/45 as of 11 August 2000: 'Regulation on Self-Government of Municipalities in Kosovo'.
'Boycott at the Municipal Level'
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, (7 November)
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Boycott at the Municipal Level'; http:// www.osce.org/documents/mik/2003/05/711_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
'Assessment of Municipal Communities Committees'
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, (7 November)
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Assessment of Municipal Communities Committees'; http://www.osce.org/documents/mik/2004/03/2335_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
The appointment of municipal co-directors by the SRSG following the municipal elections in 2000 challenged the principle of the legal authority of democratically elected representatives, since most of the appointed co-directors were given exclusive financial oversight, whereas elected directors were often left with mere decision-making power and lacked financial resources to implement those decisions.
Paras. 4.6 and 9.1.45 in combination with chapter 12 of UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/9
Paras. 4.6 and 9.1.45 in combination with chapter 12 of UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/9.
This also included the recruitment of professional translators, from Albanian into Serbian, and security arrangements for Kosovo-Serb deputies.
Report Submitted by UNMIK Pursuant to Article 2.2 of the Agreement Between UNMIK and the Council of Europe Related to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (02 June) Council of Europe Document ACFC(2005)003, There is currently a lack of accurate demographic data on Kosovo. Consequently, the figure of six per cent must be considered as an estimate. The last commonly accepted census took place in 1981, another was held in 1991. A new census is planned for November 2006
Report Submitted by UNMIK Pursuant to Article 2.2 of the Agreement Between UNMIK and the Council of Europe Related to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (02 June 2005), Council of Europe Document ACFC(2005)003, p.5. There is currently a lack of accurate demographic data on Kosovo. Consequently, the figure of six per cent must be considered as an estimate. The last commonly accepted census took place in 1981, another was held in 1991. A new census is planned for November 2006.
, pp. 5
'Regulation on Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government in Kosovo'
Apart from the ten seats for Kosovo-Serbs, four seats are reserved for Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian representatives, three for Bosniak, two for Turkish, and one for a Gorani representative; see paras. 9.1.3/b of UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/9 as of 15 May
Apart from the ten seats for Kosovo-Serbs, four seats are reserved for Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian representatives, three for Bosniak, two for Turkish, and one for a Gorani representative; see paras. 9.1.3/b of UNMIK Regulation No. 2001/9 as of 15 May 2001, 'Regulation on Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Government in Kosovo'.
'Die Kosovo-Bilanz - Scheitert die internationale Gemeinschaft?'
Helmut Kramer/Vedran Dzihic, 'Die Kosovo-Bilanz - Scheitert die internationale Gemeinschaft?', Vienna, p. 260.
Kramer, H.1
Dzihic, V.2
Translators were borrowed on a case-by-case basis from UNMIK, while there was also a need for extra office and meeting rooms for parliamentarians and for technical equipment, such as computers or telephone lines, reflecting the lack of necessary parliamentary infrastructure following the first elections.
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Department of Elections - Political Party Registration Office; (7 November)
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Report on Political Party Annual Financial Reports for the Years 2002 and 2003', Department of Elections - Political Party Registration Office; http://www.osce.org/documents/mik/ 2004/06/3082_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
'Report on Political Party Annual Financial Reports for the Years 2002 and 2003'
Notably, the initiative did not include the UN pillar of UNMIK, which had expressed political reservations about being co-ordinated by the OMIK.
ASI issued a Public Hearing Manual as extra guidance for the Assembly members, Assembly Support Initiative, NDI Prishtina; (7 November)
ASI issued a Public Hearing Manual as extra guidance for the Assembly members, see Assembly Support Initiative, 'Assembly of Kosovo Public Hearing Manual', NDI Prishtina; http://www.osce.org/documents/mik/2004/ 05/2932_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
'Assembly of Kosovo Public Hearing Manual'
'Central Governance'
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, (7 November)
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Central Governance'; http://www.osce.org/kosovo/ 13370.html (7 November 2005).
'Matrix of ASI Programmes and Activities in 2004'
Assembly Support Initiative, (7 November)
See also Assembly Support Initiative, 'Matrix of ASI Programmes and Activities in 2004'; http://www.osce.org/documents/mik/2004/05/ 2931_en.pdf (7 November 2005);
and (7 November)
and 'ASI Newsletter', No. 18; http://www.osce.org/publications/mik/2005/ 07/15785_431_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
'ASI Newsletter'
, Issue.18
'Implementation of Kosovo Assembly Laws by the Executive Branch of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government - Review Period: Laws Promulgated in 2002-2003'
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Prishtina, January 2005 ff.; (7 November)
OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 'Implementation of Kosovo Assembly Laws by the Executive Branch of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government - Review Period: Laws Promulgated in 2002-2003', Prishtina, January 2005, p. 20 ff.; http://www.osce.org/documents/mik/2005/01/4099_en.pdf (7 November 2005).
, pp. 20
S/RES/1244 (10 June) United Nations, Resolution 1244, adopted by the Security Council, 4011th meeting. para.11/e
S/RES/1244, op. cit., para. 11/e.
'Standards before Status'
The benchmarks comprised functioning democratic institutions: the rule of law, freedom of movement, returns and reintegration, the economy, property rights, dialogue with Belgrade and the Kosovo Protections Corps, UN Mission in Kosovo, Prishtina, April
The benchmarks comprised functioning democratic institutions: the rule of law, freedom of movement, returns and reintegration, the economy, property rights, dialogue with Belgrade and the Kosovo Protections Corps, see UN Mission in Kosovo, 'Standards before Status', Prishtina, April 2002.
'Violence in Kosovo Calls for a Fresh Look at the Mission's Priorities'
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/IFSH (ed.), Baden-Baden: Nomos
David Buerstedde, 'Violence in Kosovo Calls for a Fresh Look at the Mission's Priorities', in: OSCE Yearbook 2004, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg/IFSH (ed.), Baden-Baden: Nomos 2005, p. 135-145.
OSCE Yearbook 2004
, pp. 135-145
Buerstedde, D.1
'Kosovo Standards Implementation Plan'
UNMIK/PISG, Prishtina, 31 March 2004 (7 November)
UNMIK/PISG, 'Kosovo Standards Implementation Plan', Prishtina, 31 March 2004; http://www.unkmikonline.org/pub/misc/ksip_eng.pdf (7 November 2005).
'Kosovo after the March 2004 Crisis'
For an overview of the immediate reactions following the outbreak of violence in March
For an overview of the immediate reactions following the outbreak of violence in March 2004 see Franklin de Vrieze, 'Kosovo after the March 2004 Crisis', Helsinki Monitor, vol. 15, no.3, p. 147-159.
Helsinki Monitor
, vol.15
, Issue.3
, pp. 147-159
de Vrieze, F.1
'Report on the Situation in Kosovo'
Eide Report, on behalf of the UN Secretary-General and submitted to the President of the UN Security Council on 6 August pp. 3 and
Eide Report, 'Report on the Situation in Kosovo', on behalf of the UN Secretary-General and submitted to the President of the UN Security Council on 6 August 2004, pp. 3 and 15.
, pp. 15
After only 100 days in office, Haradinaj had to resign from the prime minister's post after being indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The deputy head of AAK Bajram Kosumi took over as prime minister.
The initial recommendation by Eide to give Serbs more authority in areas with a concentrated population was watered down when the Serb municipalities of Gracanica and Partes, which had been foreseen as pilot municipalities, were chosen to merge with neighbouring Albanian-populated villages; ibid
The initial recommendation by Eide to give Serbs more authority in areas with a concentrated population was watered down when the Serb municipalities of Gracanica and Partes, which had been foreseen as pilot municipalities, were chosen to merge with neighbouring Albanian-populated villages; ibid. p. 3.
'A Comprehensive Review of the Situation in Kosovo'
Eide Report, on behalf of the UN Secretary-General and submitted to the President of the UN Security Council on 7 October, 'Terms of Reference'
Eide Report, 'A Comprehensive Review of the Situation in Kosovo', on behalf of the UN Secretary-General and submitted to the President of the UN Security Council on 7 October 2005, see 'Terms of Reference'.
Members of the negotiation team, including representatives from the Assembly, PISG ministries and political parties, were trained in their negotiation skills by an American law school on behalf of OMIK in October and November, in preparation for the status talks
Members of the negotiation team, including representatives from the Assembly, PISG ministries and political parties, were trained in their negotiation skills by an American law school on behalf of OMIK in October and November 2005, in preparation for the status talks.
Members of the negotiation team, including representatives from the Assembly, PISG ministries and political parties, were trained in their negotiation skills by an American law school on behalf of OMIK in October and November, in preparation for the status talks. f. With his recommendation to integrates Kosovo into international structures, it can be argued that Eide pre-shaped the vision of 'conditional independence' for Kosovo prior to the commencement of the future status talks
Ibid., pp. 15 f. With his recommendation to integrate Kosovo into international structures, it can be argued that Eide pre-shaped the vision of 'conditional independence' for Kosovo prior to the commencement of the future status talks.
, pp. 15
Members of the negotiation team, including representatives from the Assembly, PISG ministries and political parties, were trained in their negotiation skills by an American law school on behalf of OMIK in October and November, in preparation for the status talks. ff. In this context, Eide also recommended that parallel structures in Kosovo-Serb enclaves be turned into legitimate entities with decentralized competencies in areas such as the police, judiciary, education, culture, media and the economy and with horizontal links among the Kosovo-Serb municipalities, but without decision-making authority for Belgrade
Ibid., pp. 4 ff.
, pp. 4
Members of the negotiation team, including representatives from the Assembly, PISG ministries and political parties, were trained in their negotiation skills by an American law school on behalf of OMIK in October and November, in preparation for the status talks. ff. In this context, Eide also recommended that parallel structures in Kosovo-Serb enclaves be turned into legitimate entities with decentralized competencies in areas such as the police, judiciary, education, culture, media and the economy and with horizontal links among the Kosovo-Serb municipalities, but without decision-making authority for Belgrade
In this context, Eide also recommended that parallel structures in Kosovo-Serb enclaves be turned into legitimate entities with decentralized competencies in areas such as the police, judiciary, education, culture, media and the economy and with horizontal links among the Kosovo-Serb municipalities, but without decision-making authority for Belgrade; ibid., p. 12.
, pp. 12
Members of the negotiation team, including representatives from the Assembly, PISG ministries and political parties, were trained in their negotiation skills by an American law school on behalf of OMIK in October and November, in preparation for the status talks. f. In this context, Eide also recommended that parallel structures in Kosovo-Serb enclaves be turned into legitimate entities with decentralized competencies in areas such as the police, judiciary, education, culture, media and the economy and with horizontal links among the Kosovo-Serb municipalities, but without decision-making authority for Belgrade
Ibid., pp. 4 f.
, pp. 4