'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
For information regarding A tous nobles, see A Case Study of A (doctoral thesis, University College London) tous nobles qui aiment beaux faits et bonnes histoires' A
For information regarding A tous nobles, see Marigold Anne Norbye, 'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War. A Case Study of A tous nobles qui aiment beaux faits et bonnes histoires' (doctoral thesis, University College London, 2004)
Norbye, M.A.1
'Unofficial Histories of France in the Late Middle Ages'
and (doctoral thesis, Ohio State University)
and Sanford C. Zale, 'Unofficial Histories of France in the Late Middle Ages' (doctoral thesis, Ohio State University, 1994).
Zale, S.C.1
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
(see note 1)
Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 21.
, pp. 21
Norbye, M.A.1
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
(see note 1) also personal e-mail from Norbye 27 January 2005
Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 34, also personal e-mail from Norbye 27 January 2005.
, pp. 34
Norbye, M.A.1
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
One of these, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. Rolls 2, it should be noted, has been edited to show an English bias (see note 1)
One of these, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. Rolls 2, it should be noted, has been edited to show an English bias (Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 59, 190-92).
, vol.59
, pp. 190-192
Norbye, M.A.1
'Scrolling through history: La Chronique Universelle, Boston Public Library Ms. Pb. Med. 32'
A recent discussion of some of these rolls is found in Boston, ed. Nancy Netzer (Chicago, University of Chicago Press)
A recent discussion of some of these rolls is found in Lisa Lisa Fagin Davis, 'Scrolling through history: La Chronique Universelle, Boston Public Library Ms. Pb. Med. 32'. in Secular Sacred: 11th to 16th Century Works from the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, ed. Nancy Netzer (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006), 43-50.
Secular Sacred: 11th to 16th Century Works from the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts
, pp. 43-50
Fagin Davis, L.L.1
At least 40 of the known copies of A tous nobles are illustrated
At least 40 of the known copies of A tous nobles are illustrated.
BNF, MS Fr. 4991, fol. 1
BNF, MS Fr. 4991, fol. 1.
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
(see note 1)
Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 93.
, pp. 93
Norbye, M.A.1
'Unofficial Histories of France in the Late Middle Ages'
(see note 1)
Zale 'Unofficial Histories of France' (see note 1), 134
, pp. 134
Zale, S.C.1
Also discussed by Norbye, (see note 1)
Also discussed by Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 548.
'The King's Blood'
, pp. 548
L'ombre des ancêtres. Essai sur l'imaginaire médiéval de la parenté'
(Paris, Fayard)
Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, L'ombre des ancêtres. Essai sur l'imaginaire médiéval de la parenté' (Paris, Fayard, 2000).
Klapisch-Zuber, C.1
The manuscripts with images of Brittany include New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, Marston 180
and Manchester, John Rylands Library, MS Fr. 54. A second map, of similar style, in the British Library's manuscript shows four bishoprics in England.
Tours, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 1039 also has churches and images of two kings, but it does not have both types of image for any reign.
The other copy with a horizontal genealogical diagram is New York, Columbia University, Smith Western Manuscript 6. (E-mail from Norbye, 27 January 2005.)
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
Norbye's examination of the volume has revealed that it suffers from an error in binding; she shows that 'the third bifolium was folded back on itself and placed after the central fourth bifolium; the correct order for reading is modern ff. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6' (see note 1)
Norbye's examination of the volume has revealed that it suffers from an error in binding; she shows that 'the third bifolium was folded back on itself and placed after the central fourth bifolium; the correct order for reading is modern ff. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6' (Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 571).
, pp. 571
Norbye, M.A.1
'Maps, knowledge and power"
For a discussion of the discursive nature of maps, see ed. Denis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)
For a discussion of the discursive nature of maps, see J. Brian Harley, 'Maps, knowledge and power", in The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments, ed. Denis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988), 277-311.
The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments
, pp. 277-311
Harley, J.B.1
'The origins of the war'
The English king Edward III claimed the crown at the death of the French king Charles IV in 1328, although Edward did not use the title King of France until 1340. See ed. Kenneth Fowler (London, Macmillan)
The English king Edward III claimed the crown at the death of the French king Charles IV in 1328, although Edward did not use the title King of France until 1340. See John Le Patourel, 'The origins of the war', in The Hundred Years War, ed. Kenneth Fowler (London, Macmillan, 1971), 28-50
The Hundred Years War
, pp. 28-50
Le Patourel, J.1
'"Des humanistes en mal d'écrire": Réflexions sur la motivation et sur la reception de la polémique, en France, à la fin du Moyen Age'
The extent to which this literature can properly be considered propaganda has been much debated, since too small a number of texts survives to demonstrate broad distribution. For a brief discussion and bibliography, see Etudes offertes à Bernard Guénée, ed. Françoise Autrand, Claude Gauvard and Jean-Marie Moeglin (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne)
The extent to which this literature can properly be considered propaganda has been much debated, since too small a number of texts survives to demonstrate broad distribution. For a brief discussion and bibliography, see Peter Lewis, '"Des humanistes en mal d'écrire": réflexions sur la motivation et sur la reception de la polémique, en France, à la fin du Moyen Age', in Saint-Denis et la royauté. Etudes offertes à Bernard Guénée, ed. Françoise Autrand, Claude Gauvard and Jean-Marie Moeglin (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1999), 637-46
Saint-Denis Et La Royauté
, pp. 637-646
Lewis, P.1
'War propaganda and diplomacy in fifteenthcentury France and England'
and ed. Christopher Allmand (Liverpool, Liverpool University Press)
and Craig Taylor, 'War propaganda and diplomacy in fifteenthcentury France and England', in War, Government and Power in Late Medieval France, ed. Christopher Allmand (Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2000), 70-91
War, Government and Power in Late Medieval France
, pp. 70-91
Taylor, C.1
'Aperçus sur la propagande de guerre, de la fin du XIIe au début du XVe siècle: Les Croisades, la Guerre de Cent Ans'
ed. P. Cammarosano (Rome, Ecole française de Rome)
Philippe Contamine, 'Aperçus sur la propagande de guerre, de la fin du XIIe au début du XVe siècle: Les Croisades, la Guerre de Cent Ans', in Le forme della propaganda politica nel due e nel trecento, ed. P. Cammarosano (Rome, Ecole franc,aise de Rome, 1994), 5-27.
Le Forme Della Propaganda Politica Nel Due E Nel Trecento
, pp. 5-27
Contamine, P.1
'Histoire et politique à la fin de la Guerre de Cent Ans: "L'Abrégée des Chroniques" de Noël de Fribois'
[Poitiers, 1986] (Paris, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques)
Kathleen Daly, 'Histoire et politique à la fin de la Guerre de Cent Ans: "L'Abrégée des Chroniques" de Noël de Fribois', La 'France Anglaise' au Moyen Age, Actes du IIIe Congrés national des sociétés savantes [Poitiers, 1986] (Paris, Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 1988), 1: 91-101
La 'France Anglaise' Au Moyen Age, Actes Du IIIe Congrès National Des Sociétés Savantes
, vol.1
, pp. 91-101
Daly, K.1
'The Mirouer Historial Abregie de France: Historical culture and politics at the court of Charles VII'
and also ed. Monique Paulmier-Foucart, Serge Lusignan and Alain Nadeau (Montreal, Bellarmin)
and also Daly's 'The Mirouer Historial Abregie de France: Historical culture and politics at the court of Charles VII', in Vincent de Beauvais: Intentions et receptions d'une oeuvre encyclopédique au Moyen Age, ed. Monique Paulmier-Foucart, Serge Lusignan and Alain Nadeau (Montreal, Bellarmin, 1990), 467-94
Vincent De Beauvais: Intentions Et Receptions D'une Oeuvre Encyclopédique Au Moyen Age
, pp. 467-494
'L'Honneur de la couronne de France': Quatre libelles contre les Anglais
(Paris, Klincksieck / Société de l'Histoire de France)
Nicole Pons, 'L'Honneur de la couronne de France': Quatre libelles contre les Anglais (Paris, Klincksieck / Société de l'Histoire de France), 1990).
Pons, N.1
'France: The Holy Land, the chosen people, and the Most Christian King'
ed. T. K. Rabb and J. E. Siegel (Princeton, Princeton University Press)
Joseph R. Strayer, 'France: The Holy Land, the chosen people, and the Most Christian King', in Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe, ed. T. K. Rabb and J. E. Siegel (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1969), 3-16
Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe
, pp. 3-16
Strayer, J.R.1
'Pro deo et patria mori: Sanctified Patriotism in Europe, 1400-1600'
See also Philippe Contamine, ed., (Oxford, Clarendon Press) I am indebted to Erik Inglis for this reference
See also Norman Housley, 'Pro deo et patria mori: Sanctified Patriotism in Europe, 1400-1600', in Philippe Contamine, ed., War and Competition between States. The Origins of the Modern State in Europe, Theme A (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2000), pp. 221-48. I am indebted to Erik Inglis for this reference.
War and Competition Between States. The Origins of the Modern State in Europe, Theme A
, pp. 221-248
Housley, N.1
Arbor genealogiae regum francorum
This is the only copy of A tous nobles with a preprepared tree, although other genealogies were occasionally prepared for later completion; see, for example, (Besançon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 854), fol. 14v
This is the only copy of A tous nobles with a preprepared tree, although other genealogies were occasionally prepared for later completion; see, for example, Bernardo Guidonis, Arbor genealogiae regum francorum (Besançon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 854), fol. 14v.
Guidonis, B.1
See above note 11
See above note 11.
Because the scribes who copied manuscripts did not always update them, it is certainly possible that BNF MS Fr. 4991 was produced after the reign of Charles VII, though neither Zale nor Norbye, both of whom have studied the manuscript closely, believe this to be the case. In separate conversations with both scholars in July 2003, they each reaffirmed a dating range between 1456 and 1461.
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
(see note 1) n.5
Norbye, 'The King's Blood' (see note 1), 570 n.5.
, pp. 570
Norbye, M.A.1
'War propaganda and historiography in fifteenth-century France and England'
5th series
P. S. Lewis, 'War propaganda and historiography in fifteenth-century France and England', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, 15 (1965): 1-21
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
, vol.15
, pp. 1-21
Lewis, P.S.1
reprinted in his Essays in Later Medieval French History (London, Hambledon Press, 1985), 193-214. It is important to note, however, that this depiction of the bloodthirsty enemy is also employed elsewhere in the manuscript, on folio 16v, which shows the Flemings defeating the French at Courtray (Norbye, personal e-mail communication, 10 January 2006).
Der ideale Mittelpunkt Frankreichs in Wirklichkeit und Dichtung
The notion that Paris was the centre of France was a common theme in French medieval literature. See (Heidelberg, C. Winters, 1913). Further evidence of the emphasis on Paris is found throughout the MS Fr. 4991 more generally, for example, in the vignettes of royal churches and abbeys drawn sufficiently distinctively to be recognized as such, one is in Paris (Sainte Chapelle), one at Vincennes in the eastern suburbs of Paris; the third is the Abbey of Chelles, also near Paris, further to the east
The notion that Paris was the centre of France was a common theme in French medieval literature. See Leonardo Olschki, Der ideale Mittelpunkt Frankreichs in Wirklichkeit und Dichtung (Heidelberg, C. Winters, 1913). Further evidence of the emphasis on Paris is found throughout the MS Fr. 4991 more generally, for example, in the vignettes of royal churches and abbeys drawn sufficiently distinctively to be recognized as such, one is in Paris (Sainte Chapelle), one at Vincennes in the eastern suburbs of Paris; the third is the Abbey of Chelles, also near Paris, further to the east.
Olschki, L.1
'The King's Blood: Royal Genealogies, Dynastic Rivalries and Historical Culture in the Hundred Years War
The text of MS Fr. 4991 is Norbye's version 5 of A tous nobles; the only other text with this version is BNF MS Picardie 6, which is bound with a variety of Burgundian texts. So it is not impossible that this version of A tous nobles was connected in some way with Burgundy (see note 1)
The text of MS Fr. 4991 is Norbye's version 5 of A tous nobles; the only other text with this version is BNF MS Picardie 6, which is bound with a variety of Burgundian texts. So it is not impossible that this version of A tous nobles was connected in some way with Burgundy (Norbye, 'The King's Blood', (see note 1) 602-3).
, pp. 602-603
Norbye, M.A.1
BNF MS Fr. 4991, fol. 5v. Norbye's reading of this rubric differs somewhat from mine: 'Ceste figure contient tout le royaume de France qui est a present exempt d-s? et? - combien? que au temps du premier nom de France le royaume - stoit (n'estoit?) pas si grant - aprez il a [est]e plus grant [et] depuis reduit - veez? - saine? ser? - rez? en [c]es presentes croniques'.
Ibid. According to the text, Marcomir changed the name of Gaul to France and Lutèce to Paris in 395.
'Le corps du roi comme "carte du royaume"'
Colloque organisé par l'Institut d'Histoire et de civilisation française de l'Université de Haifa (Paris, Picard)
Claude Gandelman, 'Le corps du roi comme "carte du royaume"', in Idéologie et propagande en France, Colloque organisé par l'Institut d'Histoire et de civilisation française de l'Université de Haifa (Paris, Picard, 1987), 19-25.
Idéologie Et Propagande En France
, pp. 19-25
Gandelman, C.1
Les Faits des Romains, a compilation of the works by ancient writers regarding the history of Julius Caesar, dated to around 1214, also says that France estoit molt granz in the time of Julius Caesar (Les Faits des Romains, 1: 79, cited by (Berkeley, University of California Press)
Les Faits des Romains, a compilation of the works by ancient writers regarding the history of Julius Caesar, dated to around 1214, also says that France estoit molt granz in the time of Julius Caesar (Les Faits des Romains, 1: 79, cited by Gabrielle Spiegel, Romancing the Past: The Rise of Vernacular Prose Historiography in Thirteenth Century France (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1993), 130).
Romancing the Past: The Rise of Vernacular Prose Historiography in Thirteenth Century France
, pp. 130
Spiegel, G.1
'Les limites de la France'
See ed. M. Frani̧cois (Paris, Gallimard)
See Bernard Guénée, 'Les limites de la France', in La France et les Français, ed. M. Frani̧cois (Paris, Gallimard, 1972), 50-69
La France Et Les Français
, pp. 50-69
Guénée, B.1
reprinted in (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne)
reprinted in B. Guénée, Politique et histoire au Moyen Age (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1981), 73-92.
Politique Et Histoire Au Moyen Age
, pp. 73-92
Guénée, B.1
Occident au XIVe au XVe siècle
See (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1971), translated by Juliet Vale as States and Rulers in Later Medieval Europe (Oxford, Blackwell)
See Bernard Guénée, Occident au XIVe au XVe siècle (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1971), translated by Juliet Vale as States and Rulers in Later Medieval Europe (Oxford, Blackwell, 1985)
Guénée, B.1
Naissance de la nation France
(Paris, Gallimard)
Colette Beaune, Naissance de la nation France (Paris, Gallimard, 1985)
Beaune, C.1
translated by (Berkeley, University of California Press)
translated by Susan Ross Huston as Birth of an Ideology (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1991).
Birth of an Ideology
Huston, S.R.1
'Recent works on early modern French national identity'
See esp. 101, for discussion of this distinction. review article
See David Bell's review article 'Recent works on early modern French national identity', Journal of Modern History 68:1 (1996): 84-113, esp. 101, for discussion of this distinction.
Journal of Modern History
, vol.68
, Issue.1
, pp. 84-113
Bell, D.1
'Maps in sixteenth-century English law courts'
For a detailed comment on the role of maps in early modern English court cases, see in the present issue of Imago Mundi. For English examples more generally
For a detailed comment on the role of maps in early modern English court cases, see Rose Mitchell, 'Maps in sixteenth-century English law courts' in the present issue of Imago Mundi. For English examples more generally
Mitchell, R.1
For English examples more generally, see eds., (Oxford, Clarendon Press)
For English examples more generally, see R. A. Skelton and P. D. A Harvey, eds., Local Maps and Plans from Medieval England (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986)
Local Maps and Plans from Medieval England
Skelton, R.A.1
Harvey, P.D.A.2
Medieval Maps
(London, British Library, 1991), 87ff; and Rose Mitchell and David Crook, 'The Pinchbeck Fen map: a fifteenth-century map of the Lincolnshire fenland', The association of maps and legal disputations appears to have become commonplace throughout Europe and European colonial territories in later times
P. D. A Harvey, Medieval Maps (London, British Library, 1991), 87ff; and Rose Mitchell and David Crook, 'The Pinchbeck Fen map: A fifteenth-century map of the Lincolnshire fenland', Imago Mundi 51 (1999): 40-50. The association of maps and legal disputations appears to have become commonplace throughout Europe and European colonial territories in later times
Imago Mundi
, vol.51
, pp. 40-50
Harvey, P.D.A.1
'The Pinchbeck Fen map: A fifteenth-century map of the Lincolnshire fenland'
and Rose Mitchell and David Crook, 'The Pinchbeck Fen map: A fifteenth-century map of the Lincolnshire fenland', Imago Mundi 51 (1999): 40-50.
Imago Mundi
, vol.51
, pp. 40-50
Mitchell, R.1
Crook, D.2
'Cartography, autocracy and state powerlessness: The uses of maps in early modern Russia'
The association of maps and legal disputations appears to have
The association of maps and legal disputations appears to have become commonplace throughout Europe and European colonial territories in later times as Valerie Kivelson, 'Cartography, autocracy and state powerlessness: The uses of maps in early modern Russia', Imago Mundi 51 (1999): 83-105 become commonplace throughout Europe and European colonial territories in later times as
Imago Mundi
, vol.51
, pp. 83-105
Kivelson, V.1
'Pinturas, land and lawsuits: Maps in colonial Mexican legal documents'
and have shown for Russia and Mexico respectively
and Georgina H. Endfield, 'Pinturas, land and lawsuits: Maps in colonial Mexican legal documents', Imago Mundi 53 (2001): 7-27, have shown for Russia and Mexico respectively.
Imago Mundi
, vol.53
, pp. 7-27
Endfield, G.H.1
'Cartes et contestations au XVe siècle'
esp. 117
François de Dainville, 'Cartes et contestations au XVe siècle', Imago Mundi 24 (1970): 99-121, esp. 117
Imago Mundi
, vol.24
, pp. 99-121
de Dainville, F.1
Cartographie reflet de l'histoire
Dainville's article is reprinted in ed. Michel Mollat du Jourdin, Lucie Lagarde, Marie-Antoinette Vannereau and Numa Broc (Geneva, Slatkine)
Dainville's article is reprinted in Cartographie reflet de l'histoire: François de Dainville, ed. Michel Mollat du Jourdin, Lucie Lagarde, Marie-Antoinette Vannereau and Numa Broc (Geneva, Slatkine, 1986), 177-99.
, pp. 177-199
de Dainville, F.1
'Cartes, portraits et figures en France pendant la Renaissance'
More recently, is quoted by Monique Pelletier, (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France) in particular 20
More recently, Boutillier is quoted by Monique Pelletier, 'Cartes, portraits et figures en France pendant la Renaissance', in Cartographie de la France et du monde de la Renaissance au siècle des lumiéres (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 1991), 9-29. in particular 20.
Cartographie De La France Et Du Monde De La Renaissance Au Siècle Des Lumiéres
, pp. 9-29
'Local and regional cartography in medieval Europe'
is also mentioned by P. D. A Harvey, ed. David A. Woodward and J. B. Harley (Chicago, University of Chicago Press) on 487
Boutillier is also mentioned by P. D. A Harvey, 'Local and regional cartography in medieval Europe', in The History of Cartography, vol. 1, Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean, ed. David A. Woodward and J. B. Harley (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1987), 464-501, on 487.
The History of Cartography, Vol. 1, Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean
, pp. 464-501
Espace français: Vision et amenagement
Some additional local maps of the type published by are illustrated in the exhibition catalogue (Paris, Archives Nationales)
Some additional local maps of the type published by Dainville are illustrated in the exhibition catalogue Espace français: Vision et amenagement. XVIe-XIXe siècles (Paris, Archives Nationales, 1987), 18-19.
XVIe-XIXe Siècles
, pp. 18-19
'Cartes et contestations au XVe siècle'
For the final quotation in the sentence, see Dainville
For the final quotation in the sentence, see Dainville, 'Cartes et contestations', 114.
Imago Mundi
, vol.24
, pp. 114
de Dainville, F.1
'La frontière occidentale du comté de Champagne du XIe au XIIIe siècles'
For a more extensive discussion of the practice of the montrée, see member de l'Institut, directeur honnoraire de Ecole des chartes, par ses amis, collègues et élèves (Paris, Société de l'Ecole des Chartes)
For a more extensive discussion of the practice of the montrée, see Jean Hubert, 'La frontière occidentale du comté de Champagne du XIe au XIIIe siècles', in Recueil de travaux offert à M. Clovis Brunel, member de l'Institut, directeur honnoraire de Ecole des chartes, par ses amis, collègues et élèves (Paris, Société de l'Ecole des Chartes, 1955), 2: 14-30.
Recueil De Travaux Offert à M. Clovis Brunel
, vol.2
, pp. 14-30
Hubert, J.1
'Cartes et contestations au XVe siècle'
(see note 35)
Dainville, 'Cartes et contestations' (see note 35), 114
Imago Mundi
, vol.24
, pp. 114
de Dainville, F.1
citing Benjamin Faucher, ed., Etat civil et documents cadastraux. Répertoire numérique des sous-séries IV E et V E et des documents analogues conserves aux Archives communales. (Toulouse, E. Privat
citing Benjamin Faucher, ed., Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne. Etat civil et documents cadastraux. Répertoire numérique des sous-séries IV E et V E et des documents analogues conserves aux Archives communales. (Toulouse, E. Privat, 1948), xli.
Archives Départementales De La Haute-Garonne
Most modern scholarship on the Salic law acknowledges that this ancient code was exhumed, distorted and deployed retroactively in 15th-century propaganda works seeking to refute the English claims to the French throne. There was no reference to it at the time of the original dynastic dispute at the beginning of the Hundred Years War. See (note 14)
Most modern scholarship on the Salic law acknowledges that this ancient code was exhumed, distorted and deployed retroactively in 15th-century propaganda works seeking to refute the English claims to the French throne. There was no reference to it at the time of the original dynastic dispute at the beginning of the Hundred Years War. See Allmand, The Hundred Years War (note 14), 146
The Hundred Years War: England and France at War C.1300-c.1450
, pp. 146
Allmand, C.1
'Mapping Eden: Cartographies of the earthly paradise'
ed. Denis Cosgrove (London, Reaktion)
Alessandro Scafi, 'Mapping Eden: Cartographies of the earthly paradise', in Mappings, ed. Denis Cosgrove (London, Reaktion, 1999), 50-70.
, pp. 50-70
Scafi, A.1
(Paris, Editions Hervas)
Colette Beaune, Le miroir de pouvoir (Paris, Editions Hervas, 1989), 164
Le Miroir De Pouvoir
, pp. 164
Beaune, C.1
'The fleur-de-lis frontispieces to Guillaume de Nangis's Chronique abrégée: Political iconography in late fifteenth-century France'
see also
see also Sandra Hindman and Gabrielle M. Spiegel, 'The fleur-de-lis frontispieces to Guillaume de Nangis's Chronique abrégée: political iconography in late fifteenth-century France', Viator 12 (1981): 381-407.
, vol.12
, pp. 381-407
Hindman, S.1
Spiegel, G.M.2
'The livery colours of Charles VII of France and two works by Fouquet'
For a discussion of these colours, see
For a discussion of these colours, see M. G. A. Vale, 'The livery colours of Charles VII of France and two works by Fouquet', Gazette des Beaux-Arts (1969): 243-48.
Gazette Des Beaux-Arts
, pp. 243-248
Vale, M.G.A.1
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cod. Gall. 6
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cod. Gall. 6.
'Un hommage de Jacques Coeur à Charles VII. Le décor emblématique de la sacristie capitulaire de la cathédrale de Bourges'
Y. Ribault, 'Un hommage de Jacques Coeur à Charles VII. Le décor emblématique de la sacristie capitulaire de la cathédrale de Bourges', Comptes rendus de l'Acad)émie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1992): 109-24.
Comptes Rendus De L'Académie Des Inscriptions Et Belles-lettres
, pp. 109-124
Ribault, Y.1
Jean Fouquet an der Schwelle zur Renaissance
See also (Dresden, Verlag der Kunst)
See also Claude Schaefer, Jean Fouquet an der Schwelle zur Renaissance (Dresden, Verlag der Kunst, 1994).
Schaefer, C.1
Chicago, Newberry Library, MS 132
Chicago, Newberry Library, MS 132
Paris, BNF MS Fr. 6470, and MS Fr. 61
Paris, BNF MS Fr. 6470, and MS Fr. 61.
For details of Nicolay's maps see also (Chicago, Speculum Orbis Press for The Newberry Library) esp. 439
For details of Nicolay's maps see also Robert W. Karrow, Mapmakers of the Sixteenth Century and Their Maps (Chicago, Speculum Orbis Press for The Newberry Library, 1993), 435-43, esp. 439.
Mapmakers of the Sixteenth Century and Their Maps
, pp. 435-443
Karrow, R.W.1