UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/12 (2003). It can be found by visiting the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library (http//wwwl/umn.edu/humanrts/links/NormsApril 2003.html). A commentary for theNorms was published as E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/38 (2003) and can be found at the same site, substituting ‘Comment’ for ‘Norms’. As thiscommentwent to press theUNSub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, acting on 13 Aug. 2003, approved a slightly revised version of the Norms. The new version is UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub, 2/2003/12/Rev.2 and can be found at the same site, substituting Aug. 2003 for April 2003. The Working Group consists of El Hadj Guisse, a retired Senegalese judge (chair),VladimirKartashkin, Professor of Law atMoscow StateUniversity, Soo Park, former Korean ambassador to the United States, Miguel AlfonsoMartinez, former spokesperson for theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, and DavidWeissbrodt, a professor of law at the University ofMinnesota.
This comment takes as its text ‘Human Rights Principles and Responsibilities for Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises’, UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/12 (2003). It can be found by visiting the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library (http//wwwl/umn.edu/humanrts/links/NormsApril 2003.html). A commentary for theNorms was published as E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/38 (2003) and can be found at the same site, substituting ‘Comment’ for ‘Norms’. As thiscommentwent to press theUNSub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, acting on 13 Aug. 2003, approved a slightly revised version of the Norms. The new version is UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub, 2/2003/12/Rev.2 (2003) and can be found at the same site, substituting Aug. 2003 for April 2003. The Working Group consists of El Hadj Guisse, a retired Senegalese judge (chair),VladimirKartashkin, Professor of Law atMoscow StateUniversity, Soo Park, former Korean ambassador to the United States, Miguel AlfonsoMartinez, former spokesperson for theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, and DavidWeissbrodt, a professor of law at the University ofMinnesota.
This comment takes as its text ‘Human Rights Principles and Responsibilities for Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises’
Wiwa v. RoyalDutch Petroleum Co., 226 F.3d 88 (2nd Cir. 2000), cert. denied, 532US 941 (human rights violations in Nigeria); Beanal v. Freeport-McMoran, Inc., 197 F.2d 161 (5th Cir. 1999).
See, e.g, Wiwa v. RoyalDutch Petroleum Co., 226 F.3d 88 (2nd Cir. 2000), cert. denied, 532US 941 (2001) (human rights violations in Nigeria); Beanal v. Freeport-McMoran, Inc., 197 F.2d 161 (5th Cir. 1999) (ecological damage frommining in New Guinea).
ecological damage frommining in New Guinea
Prof. Vernon's summary of the findings is contained in his Sovereignty at Bay (1971). For his later views see R. Vernon
Prof. Vernon's summary of the findings is contained in his Sovereignty at Bay (1971). For his later views see R. Vernon, In the Hurricane's Eye: The Troubled Prospects of the Multinational Enterprise (1998).
the Hurricane's Eye: The Troubled Prospects of the Multinational Enterprise
TheHarvardMultinational Enterprise Series included S. Robbins and R. Stobaugh,Money in the Multinational Enterprise (1973); J. Stopford and L.Wells
TheHarvardMultinational Enterprise Series included S. Robbins and R. Stobaugh,Money in the Multinational Enterprise (1973); J. Stopford and L.Wells, Managing the Multinational Enterprise: Organization of the Firm and Ownership of the Subsidiaries (1972).
Managing the Multinational Enterprise: Organization of the Firm and Ownership of the Subsidiaries
At the same time the CTC Reporter was transformed into the journal called Transnational Corporations note 10, at
For a review of the history seeWallace, At the same time the CTC Reporter was transformed into the journal called Transnational Corporations note 10, at 1082-6.
For a review of the history seeWallace
, pp. 1082-1086
inS.Rubin and G.Hufbauer (eds.), Emerging Standards of International Trade and Investment
See J.Davidow, ‘The Implementation of International Antitrust Principles’, inS.Rubin and G.Hufbauer (eds.), Emerging Standards of International Trade and Investment (1983), 119.
The Implementation of International Antitrust Principles
, pp. 119
Davidow, J.1
N. Horn (ed.), Legal Problems of Codes of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises
G.Wilner, ‘Transfer of Technology: The UNCTAD Code of Conduct’, in N. Horn (ed.), Legal Problems of Codes of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises (1980) 177.
Transfer of Technology: The UNCTAD Code of Conduct
, pp. 177
Wilner, G.1
ILM 422. ‘Transfer of Technology: The UNCTAD Code of Conduct’ note 10, at
ILM 422 (1978). For later ILO developments seeWallace, ‘Transfer of Technology: The UNCTAD Code of Conduct’ note 10, at 1080-81.
For later ILO developments seeWallace
, pp. 1080-1081
ILM 237 (2001).
, pp. 237
For a brief summaryseeWallace, ILM note 10, at 1093-4.Amore extensive treatment appears inR. Blanpain, 1976-79: Experience and Review
For a brief summaryseeWallace, ILM note 10, at 1093-4.Amore extensive treatment appears inR. Blanpain, The OECD Guidelines forMultinational Enterprises and Labour Relations, 1976-79: Experience and Review (1979), 219-28.
The OECD Guidelines forMultinational Enterprises and Labour Relations
, pp. 219-228
inM. Addo (ed.) Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations, 89, at 93-6 (giving references to OECD sources).
J. Karl, ‘The OECD Guidelines forMultinational Enterprises’, inM. Addo (ed.) Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations (1999), 89, at 93-6 (giving references to OECD sources).
The OECD Guidelines forMultinational Enterprises
Karl, J.1
111 Yale Law Journal 443, at 531; S.Webley, ‘The Nature and Value of Internal Codes of Ethics’, in Addo, ‘The European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports’ note 19, at
S. Ratner, ‘Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility’, (2001) 111 Yale Law Journal 443, at 531; S.Webley, ‘The Nature and Value of Internal Codes of Ethics’, in Addo, ‘The European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports’ note 19, at 107.
Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility
, pp. 107
Ratner, S.1
Note, 116 HLR
Note, ‘The Good, the Bad, and Their Corporate Codes of Ethics: Enron, Sarbanes-Oxley and the Problems of Legislating Good Behavior’, (2003) 116 HLR 2123.
The Good, the Bad, and Their Corporate Codes of Ethics: Enron, Sarbanes-Oxley and the Problems of Legislating Good Behavior
, pp. 2123
seeT.Friedman,TheLexusandthe OliveTree (2000),andforapessimistic one, J. Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents
Foranoptimisticviewofglobalization seeT.Friedman,TheLexusandthe OliveTree (2000),andforapessimistic one, J. Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents (2000).
(1969). For an essay on definitional problems see Y. Aharoni, ‘On the Definition of aMultinational Corporation’, in A. Kapoor and P. Grub (eds.), The Multinational Enterprise in Transition, 3-20; and,more recently,Wallace, Foranoptimisticviewofglobalization note 10, at
See J. Vaupel and J. Curhan, The Making of Multinational Enterprise (1969). For an essay on definitional problems see Y. Aharoni, ‘On the Definition of aMultinational Corporation’, in A. Kapoor and P. Grub (eds.), The Multinational Enterprise in Transition (1972), 3-20; and,more recently,Wallace, Foranoptimisticviewofglobalization note 10, at 102-19.
The Making of Multinational Enterprise
, pp. 102-119
Vaupel, J.1
Curhan, J.2
Art. 20.
, pp. 20
For a terse review of soft law see C. Chinkin, in D. Shelton (ed.), The International Legal System (2000), 21. See also H. Baade, ‘The Legal Effects of Codes of Conduct for MNEs’, in N. Horn (ed.), Legal Problems of Codes of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises
For a terse review of soft law see C. Chinkin, ‘Normative development in the International Legal System in Commitment and Compliance: The Role of Non-Binding Norms’, in D. Shelton (ed.), The International Legal System (2000), 21. See also H. Baade, ‘The Legal Effects of Codes of Conduct for MNEs’, in N. Horn (ed.), Legal Problems of Codes of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises (1980), 3.
Normative development in the International Legal System in Commitment and Compliance: The Role of Non-Binding Norms
, pp. 3
Meeran, Nollkaemper, and Betlem in Kamminga and Zia-Zarifi, Most dramatically, the government filed a statement objecting to the action brought by activists against Unocal for collaborating with the government of Myanmar in forced labour activities note 2, at
For reviews of prospects for litigation against multinational corporations in courts outside theUnited States see the chapters by Byers, Meeran, Nollkaemper, and Betlem in Kamminga and Zia-Zarifi, Most dramatically, the government filed a statement objecting to the action brought by activists against Unocal for collaborating with the government of Myanmar in forced labour activities note 2, at 241-305.
For reviews of prospects for litigation against multinational corporations in courts outside theUnited States see the chapters by Byers
, pp. 241-305