Edward Said, London
Edward Said, Orientalism, London, 1979.
way colonialism rested on the prospect of the colonized becoming part of metropolitan culture whilst it constructed the colonial subject as irrevocably other the colonial desire to produce subjects who are 'White, but not quite' is a theme in the work of Homi Bhabha, in particular the essays collected in
The way colonialism rested on the prospect of the colonized becoming part of metropolitan culture whilst it constructed the colonial subject as irrevocably other (the colonial desire to produce subjects who are 'White, but not quite') is a theme in the work of Homi Bhabha, in particular the essays collected in The Location of Culture, London, 1994.
The Location of Culture, London
his, Delhi, Marc Galanter offers an account which is not without its own problems of the process by which colonial law was 'Indianized' during the twentieth century
In his Law and Society in Modern India, Delhi, 1989, Marc Galanter offers an account (which is not without its own problems) of the process by which colonial law was 'Indianized' during the twentieth century.
Law and Society in Modern India
For the lineaments of the debate see, Cambridge
For the lineaments of the debate see Catherine Hall, Civilizing Subjects, Cambridge, 2002;
Civilizing Subjects
Hall, C.1
For a discussion of the ambiguities present within the Victorian relationship between race and empire, see, London
For a discussion of the ambiguities present within the Victorian relationship between race and empire, see Robert C. Young, Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture, and Race, London, 1995.
Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture, and Race
Young, R.C.1
produced and directed by Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hossein, 20th Century Vixen Productions
'Divorce Iranian Style', produced and directed by Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hossein, 20th Century Vixen Productions, 1998.
Divorce Iranian Style
Haji Mustapha, edition New Delhi
Seid-Gholam Hussein-Khan, Seir Mutaqherrin, or Review of Modern Times, transl. Haji Mustapha, 1926, edition New Delhi, 1986, vol. 3, pp. 191-2.
Seir Mutaqherrin, Or Review of Modern Times, Transl
, vol.3
, pp. 191-192
Hussein-Khan, S.1