Teaching of occupational medicine to undergraduates in UK schools of medicine
[reproduced in Occup Med (Load) 2003;53:349-353]
Wynn PA, Aw, TC, Williams NR, Harrington M. Teaching of occupational medicine to undergraduates in UK schools of medicine. Med Educ 2002;36:697-701 [reproduced in Occup Med (Load) 2003;53:349-353].
Case studies in occupational medicine for medical undergraduate training
Koh D, Chia KS, Jeyaratnam J, Chia SE, Singh J. Case studies in occupational medicine for medical undergraduate training. Occup Med (Lond) 1995;45:27-30.
Teaching community occupational and family medicine at the National University of Singapore: Past, present and future
Wong ML, Koh D, Phua KH, Lee HP. Teaching community occupational and family medicine at the National University of Singapore: Past, present and future. Ann Acad Med Singap 2005;34:102C-107C.
Undergraduate occupational health teaching in medical schools - Not enough of a good thing?
Wynn PA, Williams N, Snashall D, Aw TC. Undergraduate occupational health teaching in medical schools - not enough of a good thing? Occup Med (Lond) 2003;53: 347-348.
Department for Work and Pensions. Advising Patients of Working Age - Key Points from a Guide for Registered Medical Practitioners IB 204. London: DWP, 2000.