The Role of Women in Intifada Legends
Annelies Moors, Toine Van Teeffelen, Sharif Kanaana, and Ilham Abu Ghazaleh, eds., [Amsterdam: Het Sphinsus]
According to Sharif Kanaana, legends are "narratives, tales, or stories set in familiar locations in the recent or historical past. They are circulated by word of mouth in contemporary society and focus on a single episode related to a socially important and controversial theme. The episode is usually presented as true but miraculous, bizarre or otherwise improbable. It exists in multiple forms and is usually recreated with every new telling" (Kanaana, "The Role of Women in Intifada Legends," in Annelies Moors, Toine Van Teeffelen, Sharif Kanaana, and Ilham Abu Ghazaleh, eds.. Discourse and Palestine: Power, Text, and Context [Amsterdam: Het Sphinsus, 1994], 153-61; quotation from 153). This particular legend appeared in printed form, which gave it a factual dimension. I would like to thank Margaret Yocom for drawing my attention to the "legend" as a narrative genre relevant to this essay
Discourse and Palestine: Power, Text, and Context
, pp. 153-161
Chewing Gum, Insatiable Women and Foreign Enemies: Male Fears and the Arab Media
Mai Ghoussoub and Emma Sinclair-Webb, eds, London: Saqui Books
A year earlier a similar scare was reported in Egyptian newspapers. For a discussion of that episode see Mai Ghoussoub, "Chewing Gum, Insatiable Women and Foreign Enemies: Male Fears and the Arab Media," in Mai Ghoussoub and Emma Sinclair-Webb, eds., Imagined Masculinities: Male Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East (London: Saqui Books, 2000), 227-35
Imagined Masculinities: Male Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East
, pp. 227-235
Ghoussoub, M.1
See Al-Ayyam and Al-Quds newspapers in May, June 1997
[London: Zed Books]
There is now a growing body of literature on gender and nationalism. One interesting question concerns the relation between feminism and nationalism in colonial and postcolonial societies. There are two schools: One argues for the compatibility of the two, showing how in many third world countries, feminism and nationalism were linked in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and that nationalism and feminism fed each other (see Kumari Jayawardena, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World [London: Zed Books, 1986])
Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World
Jayawardena, K.1
[Oxford: Clarendon Press]
The other argues that things have changed since, and now there is tension between the two, with nationalism trying to subsume feminism and thus no longer playing a progressive role vis-à-vis women's liberation (see Valentine M. Moghadam, ed., Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993]
Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies
Moghadam, V.M.1
Gender and Nation
Rick Wilford and Robert L. Miller, eds, London: Routledge
For feminist scholarship on gender and nationalism see Nira Yuval-Davis, "Gender and Nation," in Rick Wilford and Robert L. Miller, eds., Women, Ethnicity, and Nationalism: The Politics of Transition (London: Routledge, 1998), 23-35
Women, Ethnicity, and Nationalism: The Politics of Transition
, pp. 23-35
Yuval-Davis, N.1
Durham: Duke University Press
Caren Kaplan, Norma Alarcón, and Minoo Moallem, eds., Between Woman and Nation: Nationalism, Transnational Feminism, and the State (Durham: Duke University Press, 1999)
Between Woman and Nation: Nationalism, Transnational Feminism, and the State
Kaplan, C.1
Alarcón, N.2
Moallem, M.3
(New York: Routledge)
For a collection that includes significant discussion of masculinity in relation to gender and nationalism, see Andrew Parker, Mary Russo, Doris Sommer, and Patricia Yaeger, eds., Nationalisms and Sexualities (New York: Routledge, 1992)
Nationalisms and Sexualities
Parker, A.1
Russo, M.2
Sommer, D.3
Yaeger, P.4
Ithaca: Cornell University Press
Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983), 57
Nations and Nationalism
, pp. 57
Gellner, E.1
The National Longing for Form
Homi Bhabha, ed., (New York: Routledge)
Timothy Brennan, "The National Longing for Form," in Homi Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration (New York: Routledge, 1990), 44-70; quotation from 48
Nation and Narration
, pp. 44-70
Brennan, T.1
Telling Spaces: Palestinian Women and the Engendering of National Narratives
Parker, Russo, Sommer, and Yaeger
Mary Layoun argues that nationalism is constructed as a narrative (Mary N. Layoun, "Telling Spaces: Palestinian Women and the Engendering of National Narratives," in Parker, Russo, Sommer, and Yaeger, Nationalisms and Sexualities, 407-23; argument on 411)
Nationalisms and Sexualities
, pp. 407-423
Layoun, M.N.1
For other discussions of the connection between nationalism and narrative, see Bhabha, Nation and Narration
Nation and Narration
Rhetoric of Otherness and the 'National Allegory
Ahmad, (London: Verso)
Aijaz Ahmad contested this claim because it homogenizes third world literature and denies issues of class, race, and gender that are strongly present in this literature. While Ahmad makes a compelling argument, Jameson's emphasis on the centrality of nationalism to third world literature is valid because often in this literature issues of race, gender, and class are entangled with the nationalist question. See "Jameson's Rhetoric of Otherness and the 'National Allegory," in Ahmad, In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literature (London: Verso, 1992), 95-122
Theory: Classes, Nations, Literature
, pp. 95-122
Permission to Narrate
ed. Moustafa Bayoumi and Andrew Rubin New York: Vintage
Edward Said, "Permission to Narrate," in The Edward Said Reader, ed. Moustafa Bayoumi and Andrew Rubin (New York: Vintage, 2000), 243-66
The Edward Said Reader
, pp. 243-266
Said, E.1
1001 Palestinian Nights
March 18
Anton Shammas quoted in Ammiel Alcalay, "1001 Palestinian Nights," Village Voice, March 18, 2002
Village Voice
Alcalay, A.1
Framing Nawal El-Saadawi: Arab Feminism in a Transnational World
I have written about this tendency in Amireh, "Framing Nawal El-Saadawi: Arab Feminism in a Transnational World," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 26.1: 315-428
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
, pp. 315-428
I Love You More
Salma Khadra Jayyusi, ed, New York: Columbia University Press
Abu Salma, "I Love You More," in Salma Khadra Jayyusi, ed., Anthology of Modern Palestinian Literature (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992), 97
Anthology of Modern Palestinian Literature
, pp. 97
Salma, A.1
Love Palestinian Style
'Abd al-Latif'Aql, "Love Palestinian Style," in Elmessiri, The Palestinian Wedding, 117-19. This poem has become one of the popular songs by the Palestinian group Sabreen
The Palestinian Wedding
, pp. 117-119
Al-Latif'Aql, A.1
Durham: Duke University Press
For a similar discussion of the wedding as a familiar trope in Palestinian culture, see Mary N. Layoun, Wedded to the Land? Gender, Boundaries, and Nationalism in Crisis (Durham: Duke University Press, 2001), 147-48
Wedded to the Land? Gender, Boundaries, and Nationalism in Crisis
, pp. 147-148
Layoun, M.N.1
My Country on Partition Day
Abu Salma, "My Country on Partition Day," in Jayyusi, Anthology of Modern Palestinian Literature, 95. Because of the idea that the martyr is a groom whose funeral is his wedding procession a Palestinian mother is urged to ululate in celebration upon hearing the news of the martyrdom of her son
Anthology of Modern Palestinian Literature
, pp. 95
Salma, A.1
Al-Nakha is the central event. It is the beginning of the narrative; online at, (March 18)
According to the "Brief History of Palestine: Al Nakba wal Sumud," Al-Nakha is the central event. It is the beginning of the narrative; online at www.pna.org (March 18, 2002)
Brief History of Palestine: Al Nakba Wal Sumud
What Zionism did was provide the Palestinians with a focus for their national struggle. . . . the origins and growth of Palestinian nationalism as a distinctive force. . . can be found in the inter-Arab processes
delineated in Muslin, [New York: Columbia University Press]
This is not to say that Palestinian nationalism was created by 1948 or by the conflict with Zionism in general. As Muhammad Y. Muslin explains, "What Zionism did was provide the Palestinians with a focus for their national struggle. . . . The origins and growth of Palestinian nationalism as a distinctive force. . . can be found in the inter-Arab processes" (delineated in Muslin, Origins of Palestinian Nationalism [New York: Columbia University Press, 1988], 217)
Origins of Palestinian Nationalism
, pp. 217
Muslin, M.Y.1
A Guest at the Wedding: Honor, Memory, and (National) Desire in Michel Khleife's Wedding in Galilee
The Palestinian groom in Michele Khleife's film Wedding in Galilee is impotent. The bride takes her own virginity to avoid scandal. Mary Layoun, in her otherwise insightful discussion of the film, does not recognize the lack of male virility as a trope in Palestinian culture (Layoun, "A Guest at the Wedding: Honor, Memory, and (National) Desire in Michel Khleife's Wedding in Galilee," in Kaplan, Alarcón, and Moallem, Between Woman and Nation, 92-107)
Between Woman and Nation
, pp. 92-107
Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada: A Cultural Politics of Violence
Julie Peteet, "Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada: A Cultural Politics of Violence," in Ghoussoub and Sinclair-Webb, Imagined Masculinities, 103-26
Ghoussoub and Sinclair-Webb, Imagined Masculinities
, pp. 103-126
Peteet, J.1
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
See also the chapter "Feday: Rebirth and Resistance" in Baruch Kimmerling and Joel S. Migdal, Palestinians: The Making of a People (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993), 209-39. The full text of the Palestine National Anthem can be found at www.national-anthems.net (April 12, 2003)
Palestinians: The Making of A People
, pp. 209-239
Kimmerling, B.1
Migdal, J.S.2
Palestine Liberation Organization Charter (in Arabic)
Palestine Liberation Organization Charter (in Arabic); online at www.palestineaffairs council.org (March 15, 2002)
Transit Citizens: Gender and Citizenship under the Palestinian Authority
ed. Suad Joseph (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press)
For a discussion of the concerns the Palestinian women's movement have with the male definition of Palestinian identity as articulated by the PLO charter, see Islah Jad, Penny Johnson, and Rita Giacaman, "Transit Citizens: Gender and Citizenship under the Palestinian Authority," in Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East, ed. Suad Joseph (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000), 143-44
Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East
, pp. 143-144
Jad, I.1
Johnson, P.2
Giacaman, R.3
The Jewish Collectivity and National Reproduction in Israel
(London: Zed Books)
Nira Yuval-Davis, "The Jewish Collectivity and National Reproduction in Israel," in Khamsin Collective, Women in the Middle East (London: Zed Books, 1987), 61
Khamsin Collective, Women in the Middle East
, pp. 61
Yuval-Davis, N.1
Identity Card
John Mikhail Asfour, ed. and trans.., (Ontario: Cormorant Booksx)
Darwish, "Identity Card," in John Mikhail Asfour, ed. and trans.. When the Words Burn: An Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry, 1945-1987 (Ontario: Cormorant Books, 1988), 199
When the Words Burn: An Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry, 1945-1987
, pp. 199
Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics
[Ramallah: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics]
According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the fertility rate in the West Bank and Gaza (excluding East Jerusalem) in 1996 was 6.24. It is 5.61 for the West Bank and 7.44 for Gaza (Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics, The Demographic Survey in the West Bank and Gaza: Preliminary Report [Ramallah: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 1996])
The Demographic Survey in the West Bank and Gaza: Preliminary Report
Yuval-Davis notes, "A common Palestinian saying a few years ago, for instance, was: "The Israelis beat us at the borders but we beat them in the bedrooms'" (Yuval-Davis, "Gender and Nation," 31)
Gender and Nation
, pp. 31
[January 16]
The most recent version of this "procreation machismo" goes like this: "Sharon is losing the demographic war with the Palestinians. What do you expect people locked-up in their homes to do, especially when the power is out and no TV?" (Ghassan Abdallah, "Palestinian Humor: Daily Life under Israeli Occupation," online at www.miftah.org [January 16, 2003])
Palestinian Humor: Daily Life under Israeli Occupation
Abdallah, G.1
London: Al Saqui Books
Sahar Khalifeh, Wild Thorns (London: Al Saqui Books, 1985), 174, 126
Wild Thorns
, vol.174
, pp. 126
Khalifeh, S.1
trans. Samira Kawar London: Garnet Publishing
Liana Badr, The Eye of the Mirror, trans. Samira Kawar (London: Garnet Publishing, 1994), 264
The Eye of the Mirror
, pp. 264
Badr, L.1
State Fatherhood: The Politics of Nationalism, Sexuality, and Race in Singapore
Parker, Russo, Sommer, and Yaeger
Geraldine Heng and Janadus Devan, "State Fatherhood: The Politics of Nationalism, Sexuality, and Race in Singapore," in Parker, Russo, Sommer, and Yaeger, Nationalisms and Sexualities, 349
Nationalisms and Sexualities
, pp. 349
Heng, G.1
Devan, J.2
This emphasis on women as producers of the nation or the collectivity is not restricted to Islamic ideology. See Yuval-Davis, Gender and Nation. Also it has been a bone of contention between feminists and Marxists in Nicaragua under the Sandinistas (Moghadam, Gender and National Identity, 5)
Gender and National Identity
, pp. 5
(August 18), online at MidEast Web Historical Documents, (January 14)
"The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)," (August 18, 1988), online at MidEast Web Historical Documents, www.mideastweb.org/history.htm (January 14, 2003)
The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
Women's Rights or a Clash of Civilization?
March 3
Bassam Jarrar, "Women's Rights or a Clash of Civilization?" Al-Ayyam, March 3, 1998
Jarrar, B.1
The Evolution of the Political Role of the Palestinian Women's Movement in the Uprising
ed. Michael C. Hudson (Washington, DC: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University)
Much has been written about the Palestinian women's role in the first intifada. See Islah Abdul Jawwad, "The Evolution of the Political Role of the Palestinian Women's Movement in the Uprising," in The Palestinians: New Direction s, ed. Michael C. Hudson (Washington, DC: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1990), 63-76
The Palestinians: New Direction S
, pp. 63-76
Jawwad, I.A.1
Palestinian Women in the Uprising: From Followers to Leaders?
Rita Giacaman, "Palestinian Women in the Uprising: From Followers to Leaders?" Journal of Refugees Studies 2.1 (1989): 1-10
Journal of Refugees Studies
, pp. 1-10
Giacaman, R.1
The Palestinian Declaration of Independence
Palestinian Ministry of Information, (in Arabic), online at the Palestinian Ministry of Information Web site, (January 14)
Palestinian Ministry of Information, "The Palestinian Declaration of Independence" (1988; in Arabic), online at the Palestinian Ministry of Information Web site, www.pna. org (January 14, 2003)
Palestinian Women Writers and the Intifada
For examples of other stories or legends about the role of women in the intifada, see Kanaana, "The Role of Women in Intifada Legends." Even when celebrating the heroism of the woman, these legends contain an embarassing if not humiliating moment for the young man. Suha Sabbagh, "Palestinian Women Writers and the Intifada," Social Text 22 (1989): 62-78; quotation from 62
Social Text
, vol.22
, pp. 62-78
Sabbagh, S.1
Eyeless in Judea: Israel's Strategy of Collaborators and Forgeries
See Salim Tamari, "Eyeless in Judea: Israel's Strategy of Collaborators and Forgeries," Middle East Report 164-65 (1990): 39-45. But what concerns me here is the hysteria regarding this phenomenon during the intifada and its cultural meanings and ramifications for gender relations
Middle East Report
, vol.164
, Issue.65
, pp. 39-45
Tamari, S.1
Boston: Faber and Faber
Edward Said, Afler the Last Sky (Boston: Faber and Faber, 1986), 271
Afler the Last Sky
, pp. 271
Said, E.1
Women, the Hijab and the Intifada
Rema Hammami, "Women, the Hijab and the Intifada," Middle East Report 20.3-4 (1990): 24-31
Middle East Report
, pp. 24-31
Hammami, R.1
(Ramallah: Dar Al-Shorouq)
Jamal Bannoura, Intifada (Ramallah: Dar Al-Shorouq, 1998), 143
, pp. 143
Bannouras, J.1
The Palestinian Women's Movement: Strategies Towards Freedom and Democracy
Rima Hamami and Eileen Kuttab, "The Palestinian Women's Movement: Strategies Towards Freedom and Democracy," News from Within 15.4 (1999): 1-7
News from Within
, pp. 1-7
Hamami, R.1
Kuttab, E.2