A model for the mechanism of oil recovery from the porous matrix due to water invasion in fractured reservoirs
J.S. Aronofsky L. Massá S.G. Natanson A model for the mechanism of oil recovery from the porous matrix due to water invasion in fractured reservoirs Pet. Trans., AIME 213 1958 17-19
In-situ saturation development during spontaneous imbibition
Paper SCA-9922 Presented at the Annual Meeting Held in Golden, CO, USA
B.A. Baldwin E.A. Spinler In-situ saturation development during spontaneous imbibition Paper SCA-9922 Presented at the Annual Meeting Held in Golden, CO, USA 1999
An integral equation formulation for two-phase flow and other nonlinear flow problems through porous media
Paper SPE 20517 Presented at the SPE ATCE Held in New Orleans, LA, September 23-26
Z. Chen G.S. Bodvarsson P.A. Witherspoon An integral equation formulation for two-phase flow and other nonlinear flow problems through porous media Paper SPE 20517 Presented at the SPE ATCE Held in New Orleans, LA, September 23-26 1990
Theoretical investigation of countercurrent imbibition in fractured reservoir matrix blocks
Paper SPE 29141 Presented at the 13th SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation Held in San Antonio, TX, February 12-15
J. Chen M.A. Miller K. Sepehrnoori Theoretical investigation of countercurrent imbibition in fractured reservoir matrix blocks Paper SPE 29141 Presented at the 13th SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation Held in San Antonio, TX, February 12-15 1995
Analytical solutions for 1-D counter-current imbibition in water-wet media
Paper SPE 75166 Presented at the SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium Held in Tulsa, OK, April 13-17
D. Kashchiev A. Firoozabadi Analytical solutions for 1-D counter-current imbibition in water-wet media Paper SPE 75166 Presented at the SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium Held in Tulsa, OK, April 13-17 2002
Experimental study of the impact of boundary conditions on oil recovery by co-current and counter-current spontaneous imbibition
D.C. Standnes Experimental study of the impact of boundary conditions on oil recovery by co-current and counter-current spontaneous imbibition Energy Fuels 18 2004 271-282