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Volumn 4, Issue 1, 1998, Pages 21-37

Free speech and illocution

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EID: 3142517288     PISSN: 13523252     EISSN: 14698048     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S1352325200000902     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (195)

References (35)
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    • Langton, and Hornsby {see infra notes 3-5). The claim that Tree speech includes free illocution” is our own summary of one of the ideas common to these three authors (though we do not say that MacKinnon would wish to formulate the claim in this way).
    • Writers including MacKinnon, Langton, and Hornsby {see infra notes 3-5). The claim that Tree speech includes free illocution” is our own summary of one of the ideas common to these three authors (though we do not say that MacKinnon would wish to formulate the claim in this way).
    • Writers including MacKinnon
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    • N.Y. REVIEW OF BOOKS, August 15, 1991. (A nearly indistinguishable paper, on which this is “based,” is Two Concepts of Liberty, in ISAIAH BERLIN: A CELEBRATION (E. & A. Margalit eds., ).) The assumption was exposed in Hornsby, Freedom of Speech Acts? A Response to Langton note 4. It is present in Dworkin's later work, which we consider briefly in part 4 below.
    • R. Dworkin, Liberty and Pornography, N.Y. REVIEW OF BOOKS, August 15, 1991. (A nearly indistinguishable paper, on which this is “based,” is Two Concepts of Liberty, in ISAIAH BERLIN: A CELEBRATION (E. & A. Margalit eds., 1991).) The assumption was exposed in Hornsby, Freedom of Speech Acts? A Response to Langton note 4. It is present in Dworkin's later work, which we consider briefly in part 4 below.
    • (1991) Liberty and Pornography
    • Dworkin, R.1
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    • ON LIBERTY (1859) can be read as a defense (inter alia) of free expression, Chapter 2, Of the Liberty of Thought and Expression, can only be read as a defence of free speech proper. SeeF. Schauer, FREE SPEECH: A PHILOSOPHICAL ENQUIRY
    • Whereas the whole ofJ.S. Mill, ON LIBERTY (1859) can be read as a defense (inter alia) of free expression, Chapter 2, Of the Liberty of Thought and Expression, can only be read as a defence of free speech proper. SeeF. Schauer, FREE SPEECH: A PHILOSOPHICAL ENQUIRY (1982).
    • (1982) Whereas the whole ofJ.S. Mill
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    • Much confusion has resulted from Austin starting from a particular notion of a performative-“Mark I performatives” as they are called by GJ. Warnock, in ESSAYS ON J.L. AUSTIN (I. Berlin et al eds., 1977). Mark I examples are all of formulae used in institutionalized procedures. This starting point led Austin to associate the idea of convention with the idea of illocution generally. See further J. Hornsby, Things Done with Words, in LANGUAGE DUTY AND VALUE (J. Moravcsik et al eds., ).
    • Much confusion has resulted from Austin starting from a particular notion of a performative-“Mark I performatives” as they are called by GJ. Warnock, Some Types of Performative Utterances, in ESSAYS ON J.L. AUSTIN (I. Berlin et al eds., 1977). Mark I examples are all of formulae used in institutionalized procedures. This starting point led Austin to associate the idea of convention with the idea of illocution generally. See further J. Hornsby, Things Done with Words, in LANGUAGE DUTY AND VALUE (J. Moravcsik et al eds., 1988).
    • (1988) Some Types of Performative Utterances
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    • in FOUNDATIONS OF SPEECH ACT THEORY (S L Tsohatzidis ed., ). This provides a fuller account of the speech-act theoretical material relevant here.
    • In J. Hornsby, Illocution and Its Significance, in FOUNDATIONS OF SPEECH ACT THEORY (S L Tsohatzidis ed., 1994). This provides a fuller account of the speech-act theoretical material relevant here.
    • (1994) Illocution and Its Significance
    • Hornsby, J.1
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    • in certain acts, recognition on a hearer's part is necessary is inJ.R. Searle, SPEECH ACTS: AN ESSAYINTHE PHILOSOPHYOF LANGUAGE 47. In the present paper, we use “to do the illocutionary act of X-ing” (and variants) to mean what Searle meant by “fully succeed in X-ing.” Langton herself sometimes used just “to X” {see infra, note 18).
    • The idea that to “fully succeed” in certain acts, recognition on a hearer's part is necessary is inJ.R. Searle, SPEECH ACTS: AN ESSAYINTHE PHILOSOPHYOF LANGUAGE 47 (1969). In the present paper, we use “to do the illocutionary act of X-ing” (and variants) to mean what Searle meant by “fully succeed in X-ing.” Langton herself sometimes used just “to X” {see infra, note 18).
    • (1969) The idea that to “fully succeed
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    • The idea that to “fully succeed” note 3, where the argument of this and the following part is given in more detail. The example of the “low type” revolutionary is from Austin, The idea that to “fully succeed” note 1, at 239-40. The example of the actor who shouts “Fire” is from D. Davidson, Communication and Convention, in INQUIRIES INTO TRUTH AND INTERPRETATION
    • These examples are discussed in Langton, The idea that to “fully succeed” note 3, where the argument of this and the following part is given in more detail. The example of the “low type” revolutionary is from Austin, The idea that to “fully succeed” note 1, at 239-40. The example of the actor who shouts “Fire” is from D. Davidson, Communication and Convention, in INQUIRIES INTO TRUTH AND INTERPRETATION 269 (1984).
    • (1984) These examples are discussed in Langton , pp. 269
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    • at 115. Jacobson, These examples are discussed in Langton note 5 note 6 note 6, at 73. Jacobson thinks that Austin “overstates things.” Well, we noted These examples are discussed in Langton note 5 note 6 (where note 14 is flagged) that verbs for illocutionary acts, like “warn,” may be thought to have application even where the hearer does not take the speaker to be warning. We advocated putting Austin's point by saying that no illocutionary act of warning is performed unless there is uptake. Put that way, the danger of overstatement goes away. Interpreting her remarks in their context, Langton, when she says that the speaker does not refuse, can easily be read as meaning that there is no illocutionary act of refusal (in the sense we give that here).
    • Austin, These examples are discussed in Langton note 5 note 6 note 1, at 115. Jacobson, These examples are discussed in Langton note 5 note 6 note 6, at 73. Jacobson thinks that Austin “overstates things.” Well, we noted These examples are discussed in Langton note 5 note 6 (where note 14 is flagged) that verbs for illocutionary acts, like “warn,” may be thought to have application even where the hearer does not take the speaker to be warning. We advocated putting Austin's point by saying that no illocutionary act of warning is performed unless there is uptake. Put that way, the danger of overstatement goes away. Interpreting her remarks in their context, Langton, when she says that the speaker does not refuse, can easily be read as meaning that there is no illocutionary act of refusal (in the sense we give that here).
    • These examples are discussed in Langton note 5 note 6 note 1
    • Austin1
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    • Id at
    • Id at 76.
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    • 73 PHIL. REV. 439, it is said that the aim, not the achievement, of securing uptake is essential to the illocutionary act (We think that Strawson was registering appreciation of a point we acknowledged in the text 7dat74-about what appear to be necessary conditions for the application of words like “warn” or “refuse.”) Jacobson says that he will use only a weaker claim than Strawson's, that “at most the aim of securing uptake… is required” {id. at 74). Because the issue is whether there is any further requirement, it is not clear to us how Jacobson's claim can be relevantly weaker than Strawson's.
    • Id. In P.F. Strawson, Intention and Convention in Speech Acts, 73 PHIL. REV. 439 (1964), it is said that the aim, not the achievement, of securing uptake is essential to the illocutionary act (We think that Strawson was registering appreciation of a point we acknowledged in the text 7dat74-about what appear to be necessary conditions for the application of words like “warn” or “refuse.”) Jacobson says that he will use only a weaker claim than Strawson's, that “at most the aim of securing uptake… is required” {id. at 74). Because the issue is whether there is any further requirement, it is not clear to us how Jacobson's claim can be relevantly weaker than Strawson's.
    • (1964) Intention and Convention in Speech Acts
    • Strawson, P.F.1
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    • There could be a story in which Bill believes that the invitation was sent to him by mistake, and Austin then might well say that the invitation misfired and she failed to invite him. (More cautiously: one might well say that she failed to perform the illocutionary act of inviting; see notes 14 and 18.)
    • What Jacobson needs is a case where Bill does not recognize that Sally intends to invite him. There could be a story in which Bill believes that the invitation was sent to him by mistake, and Austin then might well say that the invitation misfired and she failed to invite him. (More cautiously: one might well say that she failed to perform the illocutionary act of inviting; see notes 14 and 18.)
    • What Jacobson needs is a case where Bill does not recognize that Sally intends to invite him.
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    • “[W]hat a competent auditor would take as an unambiguous warning is one” (id. at 78). The most obvious way to understand “competent hearer” here is as someone who would recognize the intended illocution. But so understood, Jacobson's apparent innovation appears to collapse into the Strawsonian view on which he claimed not to rely (see What Jacobson needs is a case where Bill does not recognize that Sally intends to invite him. note 22).
    • Jacobson wants to preserve something of the Austinian view of uptake as required for illocution, but what he himself requires is counterfactual uptake by a “competent hearer”: “[W]hat a competent auditor would take as an unambiguous warning is one” (id. at 78). The most obvious way to understand “competent hearer” here is as someone who would recognize the intended illocution. But so understood, Jacobson's apparent innovation appears to collapse into the Strawsonian view on which he claimed not to rely (see What Jacobson needs is a case where Bill does not recognize that Sally intends to invite him. note 22).
    • Jacobson wants to preserve something of the Austinian view of uptake as required for illocution, but what he himself requires is counterfactual uptake by a “competent hearer
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    • Id. at
    • Id. at 184.
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    • “[T] he constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” As this quotation suggests, debate about what may be excluded from First Amendment protection is debate about which perlocutionary acts defeat a free-speech righL The debate always assumes (without making the distinction, it is true) that illocutionary, like locutionary, acts are protected. To say that some advocacy may sometimes be proscribed is to say that some pieces of speech intentionally have such consequences that they are then not protected. (Note that there could be no objection to treating “speech,” in this formulation, as illocution.) But the immunity that is then lost, which is an immunity Mill generally advocates, is not immunity merely to do locutionary things.
    • See Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969: “[T] he constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” As this quotation suggests, debate about what may be excluded from First Amendment protection is debate about which perlocutionary acts defeat a free-speech righL The debate always assumes (without making the distinction, it is true) that illocutionary, like locutionary, acts are protected. To say that some advocacy may sometimes be proscribed is to say that some pieces of speech intentionally have such consequences that they are then not protected. (Note that there could be no objection to treating “speech,” in this formulation, as illocution.) But the immunity that is then lost, which is an immunity Mill generally advocates, is not immunity merely to do locutionary things.
    • (1969) See Brandenburg v. Ohio
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    • The question whether Dworkin can carry on with his stated defense of pornographers’ rights while allowing any genuinely egalitarian considerations to impinge as Dworkin thinks they ought to was answered negatively by R. Langton, Whose Right? Ronald Dworkin, 19 PHIL. &: PUB. AFF. 311. (Parts are reprinted in S. Dwyer ed., See Brandenburg v. Ohio note
    • The question whether Dworkin can carry on with his stated defense of pornographers’ rights while allowing any genuinely egalitarian considerations to impinge as Dworkin thinks they ought to was answered negatively by R. Langton, Whose Right? Ronald Dworkin, Women and Pornographers, 19 PHIL. &: PUB. AFF. 311 (1990). (Parts are reprinted in S. Dwyer ed., See Brandenburg v. Ohio note 3.
    • (1990) Women and Pornographers , pp. 3
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    • N.Y REVIEW OF BOOKS, October
    • Women and Pornography, N.Y REVIEW OF BOOKS, October 21, 1993.
    • (1993) Women and Pornography , pp. 21
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    • See pt. II of J. Hornsby, PHIL. TOPICS (Fall ).
    • See pt. II of J. Hornsby, Disempowered Speech, PHIL. TOPICS (Fall 1995).
    • (1995) Disempowered Speech
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    • see the section “Rights and ‘Rights,'” in J. Hornsby, Free and Equal Speech, IMPRINTS 59 (October ).
    • On “right” in “right to free speech,” see the section “Rights and ‘Rights,'” in J. Hornsby, Free and Equal Speech, IMPRINTS 59 (October 1996).
    • (1996) On “right” in “right to free speech
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    • N.Y REVIEW OF BOOKS, June 11, In the present context, of discussions of pornography, two things make Dworkin's rhetoric here seem laughable. The first thing is the mismatch between the material with prepositional content which Dworkin is actually defending (“opinions,” “convictions”) and the pornography producers’ products which he would wish to defend {i.e., the mismatch between speech proper and “expression”: see Knowing of the opposition (generally speaking) between libertarian and egalitarian versions of liberalism, one may not find it surprising that a conception of free speech like ours, whose repercussions may be egalitarian, cannot rely upon a thorough going libertarian account of the right note 9). The other thing is the motives imputed to pornography's producers when Dworkin's defense is applied to their case-“respect and concern for others.”
    • See R. Dworkin, The Coming Battles over Free Speech, N.Y REVIEW OF BOOKS, June 11, 1992. In the present context, of discussions of pornography, two things make Dworkin's rhetoric here seem laughable. The first thing is the mismatch between the material with prepositional content which Dworkin is actually defending (“opinions,” “convictions”) and the pornography producers’ products which he would wish to defend {i.e., the mismatch between speech proper and “expression”: see Knowing of the opposition (generally speaking) between libertarian and egalitarian versions of liberalism, one may not find it surprising that a conception of free speech like ours, whose repercussions may be egalitarian, cannot rely upon a thorough going libertarian account of the right note 9). The other thing is the motives imputed to pornography's producers when Dworkin's defense is applied to their case-“respect and concern for others.”
    • (1992) The Coming Battles over Free Speech
    • Dworkin, R.1
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    • But he did so elsewhere than in the chapter concerned with speech {see The Coming Battles over Free Speech note 6 note 8.).
    • Of course, Mill defended moral autonomy in ON LIBERTY. But he did so elsewhere than in the chapter concerned with speech {see The Coming Battles over Free Speech note 6 note 8.).
    • Of course, Mill defended moral autonomy in ON LIBERTY.
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    • Democracy, of course, comes in with the famous argument of A. Meiklejohn, Free Speech and Its Relation to Self-Government (1948), reprinted in POLITICAL FREEDOM: THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS OF THE PEOPIE
    • Here we can only gesture toward a wider free-speech literature. Democracy, of course, comes in with the famous argument of A. Meiklejohn, Free Speech and Its Relation to Self-Government (1948), reprinted in POLITICAL FREEDOM: THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS OF THE PEOPIE (1965).
    • (1965) Here we can only gesture toward a wider free-speech literature.

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