Retrieved August 3, 2001
[Retrieved August 3, 2001: http: //wwwfernuni-hagen.de /ICDE/D- 2001/final/keynote_speeches/ Wednesday/taylor_keynote .pdf ]
Ministries of Education in Small States: Case Studies of Organization and Management
all retrieved July 15, 2001: http://www.Brazil.gov.br; http: //www.ibge.gov.br /ibge/populacao; http://www.socinfo.org.br /livro _verde/ capitulo_4. htm; http:// www.mec.gov.br /home/legislacao/default. shtm; http:// www.inep.gov.br /censo/censo2000/sinopse2000. htm; http:// www.inep.gov.br /noticias/news_344. htm; http:// www.fnde.gov.br/ instituicao/indicadores. htm; http:// www.unesco.org /iau/cd-data/ br.rtf; http:// www.capes. gov.br; Review of M. Bray, ed., Calgary
The factual data is this section is a composite of information retrieved from the following sources, all retrieved July 15, 2001: http://wwwbritannica. com; http://www.Brazil.gov.br; http: //www.ibge.gov.br /ibge/populacao; http://www.socinfo.org.br /livro _verde/ capitulo_4. htm; http:// www.mec.gov.br /home/legislacao/default. shtm; http:// www.inep.gov.br /censo/censo2000/ sinopse2000. htm; http:// www.inep.gov.br /noticias/news_344. htm; http:// www.fnde.gov.br/ instituicao/indicadores. htm; http:// www.unesco.org /iau/cd-data/ br.rtf; http:// www.capes. gov.br; ] The author admits to having some doubts about data furnished by governmental authorities, especially when it is very favorable, and feels more comfortable when it is not favorable. As M.K. Bacchus of the University of Alberta, Canada, noted some years ago in a book review concerning ministries of education in small states, "we must be careful in accepting reports of 'successful administrative practices" offered by civil servants currently employed." "Though close to the scene, they may be far from objective." "They sometimes conceal the major weaknesses of their administrative structures, or conveniently attribute these failings to the problem of size." Everything looks fine when discordant voices are excluded. See M.K. Bacchus (1992) , Review of M. Bray, ed., Ministries of Education in Small States: Case Studies of Organization and Management, in Canadian and International Education (Calgary), Vol. 21, No. 1, 91-95.
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