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Het werknemersbestand in het Schildersbedrijf in 1996
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NVN-ISO/TR 11079: Evaluation of cold environments; determination of required clothing insulation (IREQ)
Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NNI, Dutch Standardization Institute). Delft (The Netherlands): NNI
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NEN 3087: Ergonomics - Visual ergonomics in relation to lighting; principles and applications
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NEN 3418: Ergonomics - Measurement of noise at the workplace; general measurement method
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NVN 3438: Ergonomics - Annoyance due to noise at the workplace; target values for sound level and reverberation time in relation to disturbance of communication and concentration
Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NNI, Dutch Standardization Institute). Delft (The Netherlands): NNI
Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (NNI, Dutch Standardization Institute). NVN 3438: Ergonomics - annoyance due to noise at the workplace; target values for sound level and reverberation time in relation to disturbance of communication and concentration. Delft (The Netherlands): NNI; 1995.
Vereniging van Verf- en Drukinkt Fabrikanten (VVVF, Association of Manufacturers of Paints and Printing Inks). Coatings care annual report 2000. Leiden (The Netherlands): VVVF
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(2001), pp. 4
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