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Volumn 356, Issue 2-4, 2005, Pages 279-293

A hydrodynamic/Brownian motion model of thermal diffusion in liquids

Author keywords

Liquids; Ludwig Soret effect; Soret effect; Thermal diffusion

Indexed keywords


EID: 28844447779     PISSN: 03784371     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2005.03.033     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (54)

References (64)
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    • A continuum approach to phoretic motions: Thermophoresis
    • in press doi:10.1016/j.physa.2005.03.020
    • H. Brenner, J.R. Bielenberg, A continuum approach to phoretic motions: thermophoresis, Physica A (2005) (in press), doi:10.1016/j.physa.2005.03.020.
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    • D. Enskog Ann. Phys. 38 1912 742 (Enskog's calculation is only for the case of a Lorentzian gas)
    • (1912) Ann. Phys. , vol.38 , pp. 742
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    • The experimental demonstration of thermal diffusion in gases was first achieved by S. Chapman, and F.W. Dootson Phil. Mag. 33 1917 248
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    • Chapman, S.1    Dootson, F.W.2
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    • note
    • We refer here only to unequivocal evidence indicating the existence of a force acting on a single, rigid, non-Brownian particle in a liquid, since it is strictly only to such circumstances that the phenomenon of thermophoresis refers. As such, the related interpretation of experimental data on thermal diffusion separation effects in mixtures by Schimpf and Semenov et al. [27-30] do not unambiguously impact on the issue of thermophoresis itself and, hence, cannot be regarded as furnishing direct evidence for the existence of thermophoresis in single-component liquids. This point of view is made clear by reference to thermophoresis in gases, where a clear-cut distinction exists between thermophoresis [5-7] and thermal diffusion [10-14]
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    • note
    • Ultimately, the single-particle solute mobility M is eliminated from the subsequent theory in favor of the solute's binary Fick's law diffusivity in an infinitely dilute solution via use of the Nernst-Planck-Einstein diffusivity-mobility relation set forth following Eq. (7).
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    • note
    • In Eq. (7), the temperature gradient has been supposed sufficiently small such as to enable use the classical Boltzmann distribution appropriate to an isothermal fluid
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    • note
    • In a similar context, Schimpf and Giddings [38] used field-flow fractionation methods to show that the thermal diffusion coefficient D T for polystyrene in ethylbenzene does not change upon utilizing linear, star, or comb polymers ranging in molecular weight from 97,200 to 5,700,000 g/mol. This result again accords with our generic prediction that D T, BA ∞ is a polymer-mobility-independent property
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    • note
    • While α and β are each generally composition-independent, as an approximation we have assumed their product to depend only upon the mean composition of the system as a whole, but not upon the small local variations in composition occurring throughout the system that are generated by the temperature gradient
  • 54
    • 31644439101 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The present approach can be viewed as less rigorous, but conceptually similar to mean-field approximations utilized in statistical physics. The impetus for extending our approach in such an apparently ad hoc fashion resides in the relative success ultimately achieved by empirically adopting the Stokes-Einstein approximation
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    • note
    • More quantitatively, the results predicted by Eq. (9) for gases appear to be off the mark by an order-of-magnitude as shown by the following calculations. In terms of the thermal diffusion factor, α T, BA = T S T, BA, we have from Eq. (8) together with the fact that β = 1 / T for ideal gases that α T, BA = α A / D BA ∞ ≡ (α A / D AA ) (D AA / D BA ∞ ), where D AA is the self-diffusivity of the lighter of the two gases. However, for species A, α A / D AA ≡ Sc / Pr, where Sc = υ / D and Pr = υ / α are the respective Schmidt and Prandtl numbers for the pure gas, with D ≡ D AB = D BA the binary diffusivity. Now, consider the case of a mixture of noble gases. For monatomic gases, one has to a high degree of approximation [14, p. 861] that Sc ≈ 3 4 and Pr ≈ 2 3, whence for the noble gases, α A / D AA ≈ 1.1. On the other hand, since B is the heavier of the two species, it will invariably be true that D AA / D BA ∞ ≫ 1, with the latter ratio growing larger the greater the disparity in molecular weights and sizes. Thus, Eq. (9) applied to gases would result in the inequality α T, BA ≫ 1.1. By way of comparison, for mixtures of helium (A) with the other noble gases (B), experimental values of the thermal diffusion factor α T, BA at room temperature and pressure are as follows [12, p. 129]: neon=0.37, argon=0.38, krypton=0.44, xenon=0.43 and radon=0.64. These data, together with elementary gas kinetic-theory estimates [14, p. 526] of the diffusivity ratio D AA / D BA ∞, confirm the inapplicability of the present theory to gases, with Eq. (9) predicting thermal diffusion factors which are too high by a factor of about 10
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    • R. Kita, G. Kircher, S. Wiegand, 121 (2004) 9140
    • R. Kita, G. Kircher, S. Wiegand, 121 (2004) 9140.
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    • note
    • Actually, no experiments were conducted below the 'Kraft point' of (approx.) 5 °C, the temperature at which the surfactant crystallizes from solution. As such, over the experimental temperature range upon which Eq. (13) is based, the solute always behaved thermophobically. As such, the expected change in the direction of the SDS movement at the temperature T * was never actually observed, but only implied by Eq. (13)

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