Elena-Mujer sin Apoyo
This prologue is based on a true case history. Ministerio de Salud-Proyecto 2000 Lima-Perú
This prologue is based on a true case history. Ministerio de Salud-Proyecto 2000 Lima-Perú, Elena-Mujer sin Apoyo, in Mujeres de Negro: La Muerte Materna en Zonas Rurales del Perú: Estudio de Casos 84-88 (1999).
Mujeres De Negro: La Muerte Materna En Zonas Rurales Del Perú: Estudio De Casos
, pp. 84-88
Not only are the centers far away and expensive to access, but indigenous women are often looked down upon and mistreated by the health center staff. Their cultural traditions and religious beliefs surrounding childbirth are generally not honored. Indeed, in general the health centers have long been known as "houses of death," where women often end up going to die because the centers do not possess the capacities necessary to resolve obstetric complications
Not only are the centers far away and expensive to access, but indigenous women are often looked down upon and mistreated by the health center staff. Their cultural traditions and religious beliefs surrounding childbirth are generally not honored. Indeed, in general the health centers have long been known as "houses of death," where women often end up going to die because the centers do not possess the capacities necessary to resolve obstetric complications. See Alicia Pinzás, Jererquías de Género en el Mundo Rural 89 (2001);
Jererquías De Género En El Mundo Rural
, pp. 89
Pinzás, A.1
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, [hereinafter ENDES]
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, Encuesta Nacional Demográfica y de Salud Familiar 2000, 115 (2001) [hereinafter ENDES].
Encuesta Nacional Demográfica Y De Salud Familiar 2000
, pp. 115
Note that revised estimates from WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA place Peru's maternal mortality ratio for 2000 at 410 deaths per 100,000 live births, rather than the 185 deaths per 100,000 live births cited in ENDES. WHO, UNICEF & UNFPA, available at www.unicef.org/infobycountry/ perustatistics.html
Note that revised estimates from WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA place Peru's maternal mortality ratio for 2000 at 410 deaths per 100,000 live births, rather than the 185 deaths per 100,000 live births cited in ENDES. WHO, UNICEF & UNFPA, Maternal Mortality IN 2000: Estimates Developed by WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA (2004), available at www.unicef.org/infobycountry/ perustatistics.html.
Maternal Mortality in 2000: Estimates Developed By WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA
Challenges and Possibilities for Innovative Praxis in Health and Human Rights: Reflections from Peru
See, e.g., Alicia Ely Yamin, Challenges and Possibilities for Innovative Praxis in Health and Human Rights: Reflections from Peru, 6 Health & Hum. Rts. 35, 36-40 (2002).
Health & Hum. Rts.
, vol.6
, pp. 36-40
Yamin, A.E.1
Often the cultural is omitted for convenience sake. At other times the omission is deliberate and strategic. Although not the main topic of this essay, this author believes that while cultural dimensions of rights may require different strategies, it is critical not to repeat the mistakes of the past with respect to different categories of rights by marginalizing this set of rights even within ESCR. The conceptual framework of ESCR is indeed precarious if we cannot attend to the implications for ethnic, racial, and cultural minorities and ensure that they enjoy the right to celebrate their cultural traditions as well as participate actively in the cultural life of their countries. Further, the "E," "S," and "C" are perhaps better conceptualized as dimensions of classes of rights; often one right, such as health, has "economic," "social," and "cultural" dimensions.
Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization
For arguments about adapting the "shame and blame" strategy, which has been refined for civil and political rights
For arguments about adapting the "shame and blame" strategy, which has been refined for civil and political rights, see Kenneth Roth, Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization, 26 Hum. Rts. Q. 63 (2004).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 63
Roth, K.1
Certain NGOs - principally in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, but some in the North as well - have been engaging in different forms of ESC rights for many years. Yet, it is fair to say that most mainstream human rights groups are still struggling with how to most effectively incorporate ESC rights into their strategies and methods.
Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization
Much of this discussion recently has occurred in the pages of this journal
Much of this discussion recently has occurred in the pages of this journal: See Roth, supra note 6;
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 63
Roth, K.1
How International Human Rights Organizations Can Advance Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Response to Kenneth Roth
Leonard S. Rubenstein, How International Human Rights Organizations Can Advance Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Response to Kenneth Roth, 26 Hum. Rts. Q. 845 (2004);
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 845
Rubenstein, L.S.1
Response to Leonard S. Rubenstein
Kenneth Roth, Response to Leonard S. Rubenstein, 26 Hum. Rts. Q. 873 (2004);
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 873
Roth, K.1
Response by Leonard S. Rubenstein
Leonard S. Rubenstein, Response by Leonard S. Rubenstein, 26 Hum. RTS. Q. 879 (2004);
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 879
Rubenstein, L.S.1
Advancing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Way Forward
Mary Robinson, Advancing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Way Forward, 26 Hum. RTS. Q 866 (2004).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 866
Robinson, M.1
Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and Civil and Political Rights
Other journals have entertained similar debates. available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php
Other journals have entertained similar debates. See, e.g., Flavia Piovesan, Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and Civil and Political Rights, Sur Int'l J. Hum. Rts. 21 (2004), available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php;
Sur Int'l. J. Hum. Rts.
, pp. 21
Piovesan, F.1
Origin, Concept and Future of Human Rights: Reflections for a New Agenda
available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php
Emilio Garcia Méndez, Origin, Concept and Future of Human Rights: Reflections for a New Agenda, Sur Int'l J. Hum. Rts. 7 (2004), available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php.
Sur Int'l. J. Hum. Rts.
, pp. 7
Méndez, E.G.1
As discussed below, part of the argument made is that we need to reassess the boundaries of "the human rights community." Further, at certain points in the article, references are made to actors in the larger human rights movement, i.e. women's rights and labor rights, etc., in relation to ESC rights.
Physicians for Human Rights and the Science and Human Rights Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science are notable in these regards. Physicians for Human Rights & United Nations Assistance Mission in Sierra Leone
Physicians for Human Rights and the Science and Human Rights Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science are notable in these regards. See, e.g., Physicians for Human Rights & United Nations Assistance Mission in Sierra Leone, War-Related Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone: A Population-Based Assessment (2002);
War-Related Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone: A Population-Based Assessment
For example, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's revelation that 54 percent of the disappeared during Peru's brutal civil conflict were indigenous in origin, carries implications for the nature of societal reconciliation as well as restitution. Comision de la Verdad y Reconciliatcion, Informe Final de la Comision de la Verdad and Reconciliacion, Annex 3: Statistical Compendium (Aug.) available at www.cverdad.org.pe/ifinal/pdf/AESTADISTICO/ ANEXO%20ESTAD%CDSTICO(PARA%20CD).pdf
For example, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's revelation that 54 percent of the disappeared during Peru's brutal civil conflict were indigenous in origin, carries implications for the nature of societal reconciliation as well as restitution. See Comision de la Verdad y Reconciliatcion, Informe Final de la Comision de la Verdad and Reconciliacion, Los Rostros y Perfiles de la Violencia, in Seccion Primera: Exposicion General del Proceso 21 Annex 3: Statistical Compendium (Aug. 2003), available at www.cverdad.org.pe/ifinal/pdf/ AESTADISTICO/ANEXO%20ESTAD%CDSTICO(PARA%20CD).pdf.
Los Rostros Y Perfiles De La Violencia, in Seccion Primera: Exposicion General Del Proceso
, pp. 21
Human Rights Abuses and Concerns about Women's Health and Human Rights in Southern Iraq
See also Lynn L. Amowitz et al., Human Rights Abuses and Concerns about Women's Health and Human Rights in Southern Iraq, 291 J. Am. Med. Ass'n 1471 (2004);
J. Am. Med. Ass'n.
, vol.291
, pp. 1471
Amowitz, L.L.1
For a manual on how to most effectively use statistical analysis in human rights monitoring
For a manual on how to most effectively use statistical analysis in human rights monitoring, see Herbert Spirer & Louise Spirer, Data Analysis for Monitoring Human Rights (1994).
Data Analysis for Monitoring Human Rights
Spirer, H.1
Spirer, L.2
Process Indicators for Maternal Mortality Programmes
(Marge Berer & T.K. Sundari Ravindran eds.)
See, e.g., Tessa Wardlaw & Deborah Maine, Process Indicators for Maternal Mortality Programmes, Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues 24 (Marge Berer & T.K. Sundari Ravindran eds., 1999);
Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues
, pp. 24
Wardlaw, T.1
Maine, D.2
Measuring Progress in Safe Motherhood Programmes: Uses and Limitations of Health Outcome Indicators
(Marge Berer & T.K. Sundari Ravindran eds.)
Oona M.R. Campbell, Measuring Progress in Safe Motherhood Programmes: Uses and Limitations of Health Outcome Indicators, in id. at 31.
Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues
, pp. 31
Campbell, O.M.R.1
Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations
Alicia Ely Yamin & Deborah P. Maine, Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations, 21 Hum. Rts. Q. 563 (1999).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 563
Yamin, A.E.1
Maine, D.P.2
Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization
Roth, supra note 6, at 65.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 65
Roth, K.1
Using Human Rights in Maternal Mortality Programs: From Analysis to Strategy
See, e.g., Lynn P. Freedman, Using Human Rights in Maternal Mortality Programs: From Analysis to Strategy, 75 Intl. J. Gyn. & Obs. 51 (2001).
Intl. J. Gyn. & Obs.
, vol.75
, pp. 51
Freedman, L.P.1
Measuring Human Rights
See Kate Raworth, Measuring Human Rights, 15 Ethics & Intl. Aff. 111, 118 (2001);
Ethics & Intl. Aff.
, vol.15
, pp. 118
Raworth, K.1
What We Talk About When We Talk About Indicators: Current Approaches to Human Rights Measurement
Maria Green, What We Talk About When We Talk About Indicators: Current Approaches to Human Rights Measurement, 23 Hum. Rts. Q. 1062 (2001).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.23
, pp. 1062
Green, M.1
Review of Methodologies Measuring Human Rights Implementation
See Helen Watchirs, Review of Methodologies Measuring Human Rights Implementation, 30 J. Law, Med. & Ethics 716, 717 (2002);
J. Law, Med. & Ethics
, vol.30
, pp. 717
Watchirs, H.1
Measuring Human Rights: Principle, Practice, and Policy
Todd Landham, Measuring Human Rights: Principle, Practice, and Policy, 26 Hum. Rts. Q. 906 (2004).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 906
Landham, T.1
Motherhood Initiative, Safe Motherhood: A Matter of Human Rights and Social Justice, available at www.safemotherhood.org/facts_and_figures/ humang_rights.htm
See, e.g., Motherhood Initiative, Safe Motherhood: A Matter of Human Rights and Social Justice, available at www.safemotherhood.org/ facts_and_figures/humang_rights.htm.
Preventing Maternal Mortality: Evidence, Leadership, Resources, Action
(Marge Berer & T.K. Sundari Ravindran eds.)
See also Marge Berer & T.K. Sundari Ravindran, Preventing Maternal Mortality: Evidence, Leadership, Resources, Action, in Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues 3, supra note 14.
Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues
, pp. 3
Berer, M.1
Ravindran, T.K.S.2
Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations
Yamin & Maine, supra note 15, at 591-606.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 591-606
Yamin, A.E.1
Maine, D.P.2
Using Human Rights in Maternal Mortality Programs: From Analysis to Strategy
Freedman, supra note 17, at 56.
Intl. J. Gyn. & Obs.
, vol.75
, pp. 56
Freedman, L.P.1
Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations
Yamin & Maine, supra note 15, at 601-06.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 601-606
Yamin, A.E.1
Maine, D.P.2
Shifting Visions: "Delegation" Policies and the Building of a "Rights-Based" Approach to Maternal Mortality
Lynn P. Freedman, Shifting Visions: "Delegation" Policies and the Building of a "Rights-Based" Approach to Maternal Mortality, 57 J. Am. Med. Women's Ass'n 154 (2002).
J. Am. Med. Women's Ass'n.
, vol.57
, pp. 154
Freedman, L.P.1
The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health
For discussion of availability and accessibility, see General Comment No. 14, U.N. CESCR, Econ., Soc. & Cult. Rts. Comm, 22nd Sess., ¶ 12, U.N. Doc. E/C.12/2000/4 [hereinafter ESC Committee General Comment No. 14]; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted 16 Dec. 1966, G.A. Res. 2200 (XXI), U.N. GAOR, 21st Sess., Supp. No. 16, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 993 U.N.T.S. 3 (entered into force 3 Jan. 1976) [hereinafter ICESCR]; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopted 18 Dec. 1979, arts. 12(1), (2), art. 14(2)(b), G.A. Res. 34/180, U.N. GAOR, 34th Sess., Supp. No. 46, U.N. Doc. A/34/46 (1980) (entered into force 3 Sept. 1981), 1249 U.N.T.S. 13, reprinted in 19 I.L.M. 33 (1980) [hereinafter Women's Convention]
For discussion of availability and accessibility, see The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health, General Comment No. 14, U.N. CESCR, Econ., Soc. & Cult. Rts. Comm, 22nd Sess., ¶ 12, U.N. Doc. E/C.12/2000/4 (2000) [hereinafter ESC Committee General Comment No. 14]; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted 16 Dec. 1966, G.A. Res. 2200 (XXI), U.N. GAOR, 21st Sess., Supp. No. 16, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 993 U.N.T.S. 3 (entered into force 3 Jan. 1976) [hereinafter ICESCR]; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopted 18 Dec. 1979, arts. 12(1), (2), art. 14(2)(b), G.A. Res. 34/180, U.N. GAOR, 34th Sess., Supp. No. 46, U.N. Doc. A/34/46 (1980) (entered into force 3 Sept. 1981), 1249 U.N.T.S. 13, reprinted in 19 I.L.M. 33 (1980) [hereinafter Women's Convention].
See Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, adopted Aug. 30, 1955 by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, ESOCR Res. 663C, U.N. Doc. A/CONF/611, Annex I (approved 21 July 1957).
Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations
Yamin & Maine, supra note 15, at 565.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 565
Yamin, A.E.1
Maine, D.P.2
Interim report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the Right of Everyone to Enjoy the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health, Mr. Paul Hunt
U.N. GAOR, 58th Sess., Agenda Item 117(c), UN Doc. A/58/427 [hereinafter Hunt Interim Report]
Interim report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the Right of Everyone to Enjoy the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health, Mr. Paul Hunt, U.N. GAOR, 58th Sess., Agenda Item 117(c), UN Doc. A/58/427 (2003) [hereinafter Hunt Interim Report].
Interim report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the Right of Everyone to Enjoy the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health, Mr. Paul Hunt
U.N. GAOR, 58th Sess., Agenda Item 117(c), UN Doc. A/58/427 [hereinafter Hunt Interim Report]
Using Human Rights in Maternal Mortality Programs: From Analysis to Strategy
See, e.g., Freedman, supra note 17, at 58-59.
Intl. J. Gyn. & Obs.
, vol.75
, pp. 58-59
Freedman, L.P.1
Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations
See generally Yamin & Maine, supra note 15;
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 563
Yamin, A.E.1
Maine, D.P.2
Review of Methodologies Measuring Human Rights Implementation
See Watchirs, supra note 21, at 717;
J. Law, Med. & Ethics
, vol.30
, pp. 717
Watchirs, H.1
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2000, at 89 (2000).
Human Development Report 2000
, pp. 89
The New Partnership of Health and Human Rights
available at
Stephen P. Marks, The New Partnership of Health and Human Rights, 2 Hum. Rts. Dialogue 21 (2001), available at http:/www.carnegiecouncil.org.
Hum. Rts. Dialogue
, vol.2
, pp. 21
Marks, S.P.1
See the discussion of the competence of the Peruvian Defensoría del Pueblo, which include inter alia rights to healthy environment, water, and education, available at www.ombudsman.gob.pe
See the discussion of the competencies of the Peruvian Defensoría del Pueblo, which include inter alia rights to healthy environment, water, and education, available at www.ombudsman.gob.pe.
Substantive Issues Arising in the Implementation of the International Covenant On Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Draft General Comment No. 9: The domestic application of the covenant
U.N. ESCRC, 19th Sess., Agenda Item 3, at ¶¶ 9-15, U.N. Doc. E/ C.12/1998/24
Substantive Issues Arising in the Implementation of the International Covenant On Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Draft General Comment No. 9: The domestic application of the covenant, U.N. ESCRC, 19th Sess., Agenda Item 3, at ¶¶ 9-15, U.N. Doc. E/C.12/1998/24 (1998).
The Nature and Scope of State Parties' Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
See also Philip Alston & Gerrard Quinn, The Nature and Scope of State Parties' Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 9 Hum. Rts. Q. 156, 169-71 (1987);
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.9
, pp. 169-171
Alston, P.1
Quinn, G.2
Another Step Towards Indivisibility: Identifying the Key Features of Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Scott Leckie, Another Step Towards Indivisibility: Identifying the Key Features of Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 20 Hum. Rts. Q. 81, 118-20 (1998).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.20
, pp. 118-120
Leckie, S.1
For a discussion of justiciability criteria relating to health specifically
For a discussion of justiciability criteria relating to health specifically, See Brigit Toebes, The Right to Health as a Human Right in International Law 238-40 (1999).
The Right to Health As a Human Right in International Law
, pp. 238-240
Toebes, B.1
ICESCR arts. 2, 12. ICESCR discusses maximum available extent of resources in Article 2 and medical services for all in Article 12
ICESCR, supra note 30, arts. 2, 12. ICESCR discusses maximum available extent of resources in Article 2 and medical services for all in Article 12.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
General Comment 3: The Nature of States Parties Obligations (art. ¶ 1 of the Covenant)
U.N. CESCR, 5th Sess., ¶ ¶ 2, 9-12, U.N. Doc 14/12/90
General Comment 3: The Nature of States Parties Obligations (art. ¶ 1 of the Covenant), U.N. CESCR, 5th Sess., ¶ ¶ 2, 9-12, U.N. Doc 14/12/90 (1990).
Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others
(11) BCLR 1169 (CC), ¶ 13, available at www.concourt.gov.za
see also Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others, 2000 (11) BCLR 1169 (CC), ¶ 13, available at www.concourt.gov.za/.
Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign
(10) BCLR 1075 (CC) (public health evidence on efficacy and safety point to provision of Nevirapine for prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV/AIDS), available at www.concourt.gov.za
See, e.g., Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign, 2002 (10) BCLR 1075 (CC) (public health evidence on efficacy and safety point to provision of Nevirapine for prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV/AIDS), available at www.concourt.gov.za;
Cortez et al. v. Instituto Venezolano de Seguros Sociales
00-0995 (Supreme Court of Venezuela, Constitional Chamber) (retrogression in providing ARV treatment impermissible when ARVs commonly available on market), available at
Cortez et al. v. Instituto Venezolano de Seguros Sociales, 00-0995 (Supreme Court of Venezuela, Constitional Chamber 2002), (retrogression in providing ARV treatment impermissible when ARVs commonly available on market), available at http://www.tsj.gov.ve/decisiones/scon/Mayo/ 881-080502-00-0095.htm.
Almost fifteen years ago, Deborah Maine and colleagues developed the "three delays model," which is commonly used to explain why women die in obstetric emergencies: they die because of delays in deciding to seek treatment; they die because of delays in reaching treatment; and they die because of delays in receiving adequate treatment at the health facility. In Elena's case, her husband initially sought care when he noticed her to be ill. The CHW at the village level could not provide appropriate care and had to travel over an hour to find a doctor. The doctor did not show up for hours, and when he did, he arguably did not have appropriate experience or training in manual removal of the placenta. The nonfunctional state of the ambulance at the second health center caused further delays, as did the absence of the more senior doctor and the resulting failure to administer stabilizing medication
Almost fifteen years ago, Deborah Maine and colleagues developed the "three delays model," which is commonly used to explain why women die in obstetric emergencies: they die because of delays in deciding to seek treatment; they die because of delays in reaching treatment; and they die because of delays in receiving adequate treatment at the health facility. In Elena's case, her husband initially sought care when he noticed her to be ill. The CHW at the village level could not provide appropriate care and had to travel over an hour to find a doctor. The doctor did not show up for hours, and when he did, he arguably did not have appropriate experience or training in manual removal of the placenta. The nonfunctional state of the ambulance at the second health center caused further delays, as did the absence of the more senior doctor and the resulting failure to administer stabilizing medication. Deborah Maine, Safe Motherhood Programs: Options and Issues (1991).
Safe Motherhood Programs: Options and Issues
Maine, D.1
"Negative" Rights vs. "Positive" Entitlements: A Comparative Study of Judicial Interpretations of Rights in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order
Compare Ran Hirschl, "Negative" Rights vs. "Positive" Entitlements: A Comparative Study of Judicial Interpretations of Rights in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order, 22 Hum. Rts. Q. 1060 (2000).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.22
, pp. 1060
Hirschl, R.1
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Universal Challenge
(Asbjørn Eide et al. eds.)
Asbjørn Eide & Allan Rosas, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Universal Challenge, in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook 17 (Asbjørn Eide et al. eds., 1995).
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook
, pp. 17
Eide, A.1
Rosas, A.2
Report on the Right to Food as a Human Right
For one of the first elaborations of the tripartite obligations of states to respect, to protect and to fulfill rights, 39th Sess., Agenda Item 11, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1987/23
For one of the first elaborations of the tripartite obligations of states to respect, to protect and to fulfill rights, see Report on the Right to Food as a Human Right, U.N. ESCOR Comm'n. on Hum. Rts., 39th Sess., Agenda Item 11, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1987/23 (1987).
U.N. ESCOR Comm'n. on Hum. Rts.
Alvarez v. Estado Colombiano
SU.819/99 (Corte Constitucional de Colombia) (judgment to unify jurisprudence on right to health and social security services), available at
Alvarez v. Estado Colombiano, SU.819/99 (Corte Constitucional de Colombia 1999) (judgment to unify jurisprudence on right to health and social security services), available at http:/bib.minjusticia.gov.co/ jurisprudencia/CorteConstitucional/1999/Tutela/su819-99.htm.
Alvarez v. Estado Colombiano
SU.819/99 (Corte Constitucional de Colombia) (judgment to unify jurisprudence on right to health and social security services), available at
Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign
(10) BCLR 1075 (CC) (public health evidence on efficacy and safety point to provision of Nevirapine for prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV/AIDS), available at www.concourt.gov.za
see, e.g., Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign, supra note 50;
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
Exp. 5778-V-97, No. 5934-97 (Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Costa Rica) (social security institute obliged to provide ARV treatment), available at www.laccaso.org/documentos%20word/COSTA %20RICA-%20Sentencia-%20vih-sida-Medicamentos-instituto%20Seg.doc
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, Exp. 5778-V-97, No. 5934-97 (Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Costa Rica 1997) (social security institute obliged to provide ARV treatment), available at www.laccaso.org/documentos%20word/COSTA %20RICA-%20Sentencia-%20vih-sida-Medicamentos-instituto%20Seg.doc;
Jofre Mendoza et al. v. Minister of Health
Decision No. 0749-2003-RA, Case No. 0749-2003-RA (Constitutional Tribunal of Ecuador) (aspects of right to health relating to right to receive ARVs are fully justiciable)
Jofre Mendoza et al. v. Minister of Health, Decision No. 0749-2003-RA, Case No. 0749-2003-RA (Constitutional Tribunal of Ecuador 2004) (aspects of right to health relating to right to receive ARVs are fully justiciable).
Illuminating the Possible in the Developing World: Guaranteeing the Human Right to Health in India
See also Sheetal Shah, Illuminating the Possible in the Developing World: Guaranteeing the Human Right to Health in India, 32 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 435 (1999).
Vand. J. Transnat'l. L.
, vol.32
, pp. 435
Shah, S.1
Brown v. Board of Education
In the United States, decisions based on equal protection grounds have had effects on ESC rights. In Brown I, a constitutional decision, the US Supreme Court held that segregation in educational facilities is inherently unequal
In the United States, decisions based on equal protection grounds have had effects on ESC rights. See, e.g., Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). In Brown I, a constitutional decision, the US Supreme Court held that segregation in educational facilities is inherently unequal.
, vol.347
, pp. 483
Jofre Mendoza et al. v. Minister of Health
Decision No. 0749-2003-RA, Case No. 0749-2003-RA (Constitutional Tribunal of Ecuador) (aspects of right to health relating to right to receive ARVs are fully justiciable)
See, e.g., Jofre Mendoza et al. v. Minister of Health, supra note 58;
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
Exp. 5778-V-97, No. 5934-97 (Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Costa Rica) (social security institute obliged to provide ARV treatment), available at www.laccaso.org/documentos%20word/COSTA %20RICA-%20Sentencia-%20vih-sida-Medicamentos-instituto%20Seg.doc
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, supra note 58.
See discussion of Mariela Viceconte case and of noncompliance with a judicial order issued by the Supreme Court of Argentina in 1998, cited ch. XI (government ordered to manufacture and distribute vaccine that it had stated policy to undertake), available at www.cels.org.ar/ Sitel_cels/publicacionesfinformes_pdf/2001.Capitulo11.pdf
See discussion of Mariela Viceconte case and of noncompliance with a judicial order issued by the Supreme Court of Argentina in 1998, cited in Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, Derechos Humanos en Argentina ch. XI (2001) (government ordered to manufacture and distribute vaccine that it had stated policy to undertake), available at www.cels.org.ar/ Sitel_cels/publicacionesfinformes_pdf/2001.Capitulo11.pdf.
Centro De Estudios Legales Y Sociales, Derechos Humanos En Argentina
Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others
(11) BCLR 1169 (CC), ¶ 13, available at www.concourt.gov.za/
See, e.g., Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others, supra note 49.
Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others
(11) BCLR 1169 (CC), ¶ 42, available at www.concourt.gov.za
Id. ¶ 42.
Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others
(11) BCLR 1169 (CC), ¶ 43, available at www.concourt.gov.za
Id. ¶ 43.
Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom and Others
(11) BCLR 1169 (CC), available at www.concourt.gov.za
, pp. 13
Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign
(10) BCLR 1075 (CC) (public health evidence on efficacy and safety point to provision of Nevirapine for prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV/AIDS), available at www.concourt.gov.za (court orders extension of Nevirapine treatment to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV and development of HIV/AIDS policy meeting specific criteria to be monitored by court)
Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign, supra note 50 (court orders extension of Nevirapine treatment to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV and development of HIV/AIDS policy meeting specific criteria to be monitored by court).
Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign
(10) BCLR 1075 (CC) (public health evidence on efficacy and safety point to provision of Nevirapine for prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV/AIDS), available at www.concourt.gov.za (court orders extension of Nevirapine treatment to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV and development of HIV/AIDS policy meeting specific criteria to be monitored by court)
Cortez et al. v. Instituto Venezolano de Seguros Sociales
00-0995 (Supreme Court of Venezuela, Constitional Chamber) (violation of the right to life and prohibition on discrimination in Venezuelan Constitution, in that the failure of the social security institute to provide antiretroviral treatment on a regular schedule can provoke an inexorable destruction of the immune system, in addition to viral resistance, which leads to opportunistic infections and death)
See, e.g., Cortez et al. v. Instituto Venezolano de Seguros Sociales, supra note 50 (violation of the right to life and prohibition on discrimination in Venezuelan Constitution, in that the failure of the social security institute to provide antiretroviral treatment on a regular schedule can provoke an inexorable destruction of the immune system, in addition to viral resistance, which leads to opportunistic infections and death).
Alvarez v. Estado Colombiano
SU.819/99 (Corte Constitucional de Colombia) (judgment to unify jurisprudence on right to health and social security services), available at
Alvarez v. Estado Colombiano, supra note 56;
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
Exp. 5778-V-97, No. 5934-97 (Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Costa Rica) (social security institute obliged to provide ARV treatment), available at www.laccaso.org/documentos%20word/COSTA %20RICA-%20Sentencia-%20vih-sida-Medicamentos-instituto%20Seg.doc
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, supra note 58;
Cortez et al. v. Instituto Venezolano de Seguros, Sociales
00-0995 (Supreme Court of Venezuela, Constitional Chamber) (violation of the right to life and prohibition on discrimination in Venezuelan Constitution, in that the failure of the social security institute to provide antiretroviral treatment on a regular schedule can provoke an inexorable destruction of the immune system, in addition to viral resistance, which leads to opportunistic infections and death)
Cortez et al. v. Instituto Venezolano de Seguros, Sociales, supra note 50.
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
Exp. 5778-V-97, No. 5934-97 (Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Costa Rica) (social security institute obliged to provide ARV treatment), available at www.laccaso.org/documnetos%20word/ COSTA%20RICA-%20Sentencia-%20vih-sida-Medicamentos-Instituto%20Seg.doc
Alvarez v. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, supra note 58.
The Right to Life, General Comment No. 6, U.N. CCPR, 16th Sess., ¶ 5, U.N. Doc. A/37/40 (1982).
Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee
58th Sess., ¶ ¶ 13, 15, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/79/Add.72
See, e.g., Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: Peru, U.N. CCPR, Hum. Rts. Comm., 58th Sess., ¶ ¶ 13, 15, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/79/Add.72 (1996);
U.N. CCPR, Hum. Rts. Comm.
Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: Poland
¶ 11, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/79/Add.110
Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: Poland, U.N. CCPR, Hum. Rts. Comm ¶ 11, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/79/Add.110 (1999).
U.N. CCPR, Hum. Rts. Comm
The Interdependence and Permeability of Human Rights Notrms; Towards A Partial Fusion of the International Covenants on Human Rights
See generally Craig Scott, The Interdependence and Permeability of Human Rights Notrms; Towards A Partial Fusion of the International Covenants on Human Rights, 27 Osgoode Hall L.J. 769 (1989).
Osgoode Hall L.J.
, vol.27
, pp. 769
Scott, C.1
Public Interest Litigation Strategies for Advancing Human Rights in Domestic Systems of Law
Albie Sachs, Enforcement of Social and Economic Rights, Speech at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics (27 Feb. 2003) (draft transcript), cited in 127 available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php
Albie Sachs, Enforcement of Social and Economic Rights, Speech at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics (27 Feb. 2003) (draft transcript), cited in Vinodh Jaichand, Public Interest Litigation Strategies for Advancing Human Rights in Domestic Systems of Law, 1 Sur Intl. J. Hum. Rts. 127, 131 (2004), available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php.
Sur. Intl. J. Hum. Rts.
, vol.1
, pp. 131
Jaichand, V.1
See ESC Committee General Comment No. 14, supra note 30, ¶ 12.
Not only does litigation in general fail to address many of the underlying institutional and structural factors, but a strategy based on identifying individual violators to be prosecuted may sometimes prove counterproductive, detracting attention from such issues. In Elena's case, for example, focusing attention on the individual doctors establishes an adversarial relationship between provider and health system user and ignores the underlying reasons for the lack of availability and access to necessary services. For instance, it is unclear why the second doctor was not present at the health center, but in the absence of evidence of misfeasance, we might ask whether it is reasonable to require a doctor fulfilling his mandated rural service to be on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. if not, the staffing and rotation policies of Peru's rural health centers and hospitals need to be revised so that no woman who faces an obstetric emergency is put at risk. Although, of course, patients must be protected from abuse and negligence, a strategy that inclividualizes fault and ignores the larger context may only serve to perpetuate a system which undermines both patients' and health providers' rights.
How International Human Rights Organizations Can Advance Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Response to Kenneth Roth
See Rubenstein, supra note 8, at 850-55.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 850-855
Rubenstein, L.S.1
Substantive Equality in South African Health Care: The Limits of Law
Charles Ngwena, Substantive Equality in South African Health Care: The Limits of Law, 4 Med. L. Intl. 111, 126 (2000).
Med. L. Intl.
, vol.4
, pp. 126
Charles, N.1
On a societal level, respect for civil and political rights, including the right to elect one's government, allows the disadvantaged to have a voice in the direction of their nation's social and economic development. These rights permit citizens to press their government to take on such issues as increasing the minimum wage, protecting union activists from retaliation, enforcing prohibitions on discrimination, regulating extraction industries, or ensuring that investments are made with social values in mind. Available at www.hrw.org/wr2k1/intro
See, e.g., Human Rights Watch, World Report 2001 Introduction: "A Human Rights Framework" (2001): On a societal level, respect for civil and political rights, including the right to elect one's government, allows the disadvantaged to have a voice in the direction of their nation's social and economic development. These rights permit citizens to press their government to take on such issues as increasing the minimum wage, protecting union activists from retaliation, enforcing prohibitions on discrimination, regulating extraction industries, or ensuring that investments are made with social values in mind. Available at www.hrw.org/wr2k1/intro.
Human Rights Watch, World Report 2001 Introduction: "A Human Rights Framework"
What's So Special about Maternal Mortality
Note that prenatal care has other effects on infant health
See Deborah Maine, What's So Special about Maternal Mortality, in Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues, supra note 15, at 175-82. Note that prenatal care has other effects on infant health.
Safe Motherhood Initiatives: Critical Issues
, pp. 175-182
Deborah, M.1
Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization
A healthy skepticism brought to bear by human rights NGOs can itself be beneficial in a situation in which development groups and donors are not in a position to "out" the government. As Roth writes, "[T]echnical assistance to a government that lacks a good-faith desire to respect rights can be counter-productive by providing a façade of conscientious striving that enables a government to deflect pressure to end abusive practices"
A healthy skepticism brought to bear by human rights NGOs can itself be beneficial in a situation in which development groups and donors are not in a position to "out" the government. As Roth writes, "[T]echnical assistance to a government that lacks a good-faith desire to respect rights can be counter-productive by providing a façade of conscientious striving that enables a government to deflect pressure to end abusive practices." Roth, supra note 6, at 67.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 67
Roth, K.1
The Washington Office on Latin America and the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (Center for Legal and Social Studies) in Argentina are among many NGOs that are working in collaboration with different levels of government on issues relating to citizen security and human rights.
How International Human Rights Organizations Can Advance Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Response to Kenneth Roth
Rubenstein, supra note 8, at 856-57.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 856-857
Rubenstein, L.S.1
International Law and Human Rights: The Case of Women's Rights
(Tom Campel et al. eds.)
Noreen Burrows, International Law and Human Rights: The Case of Women's Rights, in Human Rights: From Rhetoric to Reality 82 (Tom Campel et al. eds., 1986),
Human Rights: From Rhetoric to Reality
, pp. 82
Burrows, N.1
Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development, and Peace, Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
U.N. GAOR, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.177/20 reprinted in Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women (1995) (recommended to the UN General Assembly by the Committee on the Status of Women on 7 Oct. 1995) [hereinafter Beijing Platform for Action]
See Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development, and Peace, Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, U.N. GAOR, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.177/20 (1995), reprinted in Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women (1995) (recommended to the UN General Assembly by the Committee on the Status of Women on 7 Oct. 1995) [hereinafter Beijing Platform for Action].
(property rights abuses perpetuate women's inequality in public and private spheres, doom development efforts, and undermine the fight against HIV/AIDS)
See, e.g., Human Rights Watch, Doubles Standards: Womens's Property Rights Violations in Kenya (2003) (property rights abuses perpetuate women's inequality in public and private spheres, doom development efforts, and undermine the fight against HIV/AIDS).
Human Rights Watch, Doubles Standards: Womens's Property Rights Violations in Kenya
María Eugenia Morales de Sierra v. Guatemala
Case 11.625, Inter-Am.C.H.R., OEA/ser.L/V/II.111, doc.20 rev. available at www.cidh.oas.org/annualrep/2000eng/ChapterIII/Merits/ Guatemala11.625.htm
María Eugenia Morales de Sierra v. Guatemala, Case 11.625, Inter-Am.C.H.R., OEA/ser.L/V/II.111, doc.20 rev. (2001), available at www.cidh.oas.org/annualrep/2000eng/ChapterIII/Merits/ Guatemala11.625.htm.
Article 3: The Equal Rights of Men and Women to the Enjoyment of all Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
General Comment No. 16, U.N. ESCOR, Comm. on Econ., Soc. & Cult. Rts., 34th Sess., ¶ 8., U.N. Doc. E/C.12/2005/3 (unedited version)
Article 3: The Equal Rights of Men and Women to the Enjoyment of all Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No. 16, U.N. ESCOR, Comm. on Econ., Soc. & Cult. Rts., 34th Sess., ¶ 8., U.N. Doc. E/C.12/2005/3 (2005) (unedited version).
Gender Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective: Violence Against Women
Note, however, that despite enormous success in having states adopt legislation, in practice gender-based violence appears to be as big a scourge as ever. Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences, Mrs. Radhika Coomaraswamy, U.N. ESCOR, Comm'n on Hum. Rts., 59th Sess., Item 12(a) of the provisional agenda, Addendum 1, at 1-17, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2003/75/Add.1
Note, however, that despite enormous success in having states adopt legislation, in practice gender-based violence appears to be as big a scourge as ever. See Gender Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective: Violence Against Women, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences, Mrs. Radhika Coomaraswamy, U.N. ESCOR, Comm'n on Hum. Rts., 59th Sess., Item 12(a) of the provisional agenda, Addendum 1, at 1-17, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/ 2003/75/Add.1 (2003).
Specifically, in the decade of the 1990s, in this area of health alone, Peru received $44.4 million in financing from the World Bank for the "Health and Basic Nutrition Project" to target improvements in maternal and infant health. USAID contributed $30 million to "Project 2000" (1995-2000/02) which was aimed at improving obstetric services and response capacity in the communities. In 1998, the Maternal-Infant Insurance Scheme, co-financed by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was inaugurated. In 1999 the government undertook the "Contingency Plan for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality" (Plan de Contingencia para la Reducción de la Muerte Materna), to which most of Peru's international donors contributed. With the exception of the contingency plan, these projects were conceived and managed apart from the Maternal-Perinatal Program in the Ministry of Health
Specifically, in the decade of the 1990s, in this area of health alone, Peru received $44.4 million in financing from the World Bank for the "Health and Basic Nutrition Project" to target improvements in maternal and infant health. USAID contributed $30 million to "Project 2000" (1995-2000/02) which was aimed at improving obstetric services and response capacity in the communities. In 1998, the Maternal-Infant Insurance Scheme, co-financed by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), was inaugurated. In 1999 the government undertook the "Contingency Plan for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality" (Plan de Contingencia para la Reducción de la Muerte Materna), to which most of Peru's international donors contributed. With the exception of the contingency plan, these projects were conceived and managed apart from the Maternal-Perinatal Program in the Ministry of Health. See also Juan Arroyo, La Reforma Silenciosa: Politicas Sociales y de Ssalud en el Perú de los 90, at 11-31 (2000);
La Reforma Silenciosa: Politicas Sociales Y De Ssalud En El Perú De Los 90
, pp. 11-31
Arroyo, J.1
(unpublished Ph.D. dissertation in political science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) (on file with author)
Christina Ewig, Gender Equity and Neoliberal Social Policy: Health Sector Reform in Peru (2001) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation in political science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) (on file with author).
Gender Equity and Neoliberal Social Policy: Health Sector Reform in Peru
Ewig, C.1
(paper prepared for the Woodrow Wilson Center Workshops on the Politics of Education and Health Reforms, Wash., D.C., 18-19 Apr. 2002)
Christina Ewig, The Politics of Health Sector Reform in Peru (2002) (paper prepared for the Woodrow Wilson Center Workshops on the Politics of Education and Health Reforms, Wash., D.C., 18-19 Apr. 2002).
The Politics of Health Sector Reform in Peru
Ewig, C.1
Sickness Amidst Recovery: Public Debt and Private Suffering in Peru
(Jim Yong Kim et al. eds.) [hereinafter Dying for Growth]
See Jim Yong Kim et al., Sickness Amidst Recovery: Public Debt and Private Suffering in Peru, in Dying For Growth: Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor 127 (Jim Yong Kim et al. eds., 2000) [hereinafter Dying for Growth];
Dying for Growth: Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor
, pp. 127
Yong Kim, J.1
Note that this exclusive focus need not be the case. In addition to the numerous references to international assistance and cooperation, Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights explicitly proclaims that "everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which rights and freedoms set forth in the declaration can be fully realized." (emphasis added). Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted 10 Dec. 1948, G.A. Res. 217A (III), U.N. GAOR, 3d Sess. (Resolutions, Pt. 1), at 71, art. 28, U.N. Doc. A/810 reprinted in
Note that this exclusive focus need not be the case. In addition to the numerous references to international assistance and cooperation, Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights explicitly proclaims that "everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which rights and freedoms set forth in the declaration can be fully realized." (emphasis added). Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted 10 Dec. 1948, G.A. Res. 217A (III), U.N. GAOR, 3d Sess. (Resolutions, Pt. 1), at 71, art. 28, U.N. Doc. A/810 (1948), reprinted in 43 Am. J. Int'l L. 127 (Supp. 1949).
Am. J. Int'l L.
, vol.43
, Issue.SUPPL. 1949
, pp. 127
Confronting the Impunity of Non-State Actors: New Fields for the Promotion of Human Rights
Chris Jochnick, Confronting the Impunity of Non-State Actors: New Fields for the Promotion of Human Rights, 21 Hum. Rts. Q. 56, 59 (1999).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 59
Jochnick, C.1
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2002 (2002),
Human Development Report 2002
Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and Civil and Politics Rights
cited in available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php
cited in Piovesan, supra note 8, at 35.
Sur. Int'l. J. Hum. Rts.
, pp. 35
Piovesan, F.1
Doe v. Unocal Corp
(9th Cir.) (government of Myanmar acted as an agent on behalf of Unocal and Total SA, forcibly relocating villagers, cutting them off from their livelihoods, as well as torturing people and forcing them to work on the
Doe v. Unocal Corp, 2002 U.S. App. LEXIS 19263 (9th Cir. 2002) (government of Myanmar acted as an agent on behalf of Unocal and Total SA, forcibly relocating villagers, cutting them off from their livelihoods, as well as torturing people and forcing them to work on the gas exploitation project); Decision Regarding Communication No. 155/96, ACHPR/Comm/A044/1 (African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights 2002) (holding Nigerian government responsible for directly violating and failing to protect the rights to life, health, and housing of the Ogoni people) [hereinafter Ogoniland Case].
, vol.2002
, pp. 19263
Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and Civil and Political Rights
available at www.surjournal.org/eng/busca.php
Piovesan, supra note 8, at 35.
Sur. Int'l. J. Hum. Rts.
, pp. 35
Piovesan, F.1
Doe v. Unocal Corp
(9th Cir.)
Doe v. Unocal Corp, supra note 112, at 32-33;
, vol.2002
, pp. 32-33
Ogoniland Case
Ogoniland Case, supra note 112, ¶ ¶ 51-55.
How International Human Rights Organizations Can Advance Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Response to Kenneth Roth
Rubenstein, supra note 8, at 864.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 864
Rubenstein, L.S.1
The World Bank, the IMF and Human Rights
The IMF is generally less susceptible to advocacy than the World Bank and that was the case in this situation. For a discussion of the issues involved in holding international financial institutions accountable under human rights law
The IMF is generally less susceptible to advocacy than the World Bank and that was the case in this situation. For a discussion of the issues involved in holding international financial institutions accountable under human rights law, See Daniel D. Bradlow, The World Bank, the IMF and Human Rights, 6 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 47 (1996).
Transnat'l. L. & Contemp. Probs.
, vol.6
, pp. 47
Bradlow, D.D.1
Crossing the Rubicon: Synthesizing the Soft International Law of the IMF and Human Rights
Balakrishnan Rajagopal
See also generally Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Crossing the Rubicon: Synthesizing the Soft International Law of the IMF and Human Rights, 11 B.U. Int'l L. J. 81 (1993);
B.U. Int'l. L. J.
, vol.11
, pp. 81
The World Bank and Human Rights: An Analysis of the Legal Issues and the Record of Achievements
Ibrahim F.I. Shihata, The World Bank and Human Rights: An Analysis of the Legal Issues and the Record of Achievements, 17 Denv. J. Int'l' L. & Pol'y 39 (1988).
Denv. J. Int'l'. L. & Pol'y.
, vol.17
, pp. 39
Ibrahim, F.I.1
This is especially notable in the work on NGOs in the South, where the inadequacy of the state-focused model is readily apparent. See, e.g., (Dana Clark et al. eds.)
This is especially notable in the work on NGOs in the South, where the inadequacy of the state-focused model is readily apparent. See, e.g., Demanding Accountability: Civil-Society Claims and the World Bank Inspection Panel (Dana Clark et al. eds., 2003);
Demanding Accountability: Civil-Society Claims and the World Bank Inspection Panel
the materials and courses prepared by of the Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo, available at www.pidhdd.org
see also the materials and courses prepared by of the Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo, available at www.pidhdd.org.
working groups on trade and human rights, budgets, and business, which function as part of the ESCR-Net, available at www.escr-net.org
See, e.g., working groups on trade and human rights, budgets, and business, which function as part of the ESCR-Net, available at www.escr-net.org.
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises
The Special Representative will have a mandate to (a) identify and clarify standards of corporate responsibility and accountability for transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights; (b) elaborate on the role of states in effectively regulating and adjudicating the role of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights, including through international cooperation; (c) research and clarify the implications for transnational corporations and other business enterprises of concepts such as "complicity" and "sphere of influence"; (d) develop materials and methodologies for undertaking human rights impact assessments of the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises; and (e) compile a compendium of best practices of states and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. 61st Sess., Agenda Item 17, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2005/L.87
The Special Representative will have a mandate to (a) identify and clarify standards of corporate responsibility and accountability for transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights; (b) elaborate on the role of states in effectively regulating and adjudicating the role of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights, including through international cooperation; (c) research and clarify the implications for transnational corporations and other business enterprises of concepts such as "complicity" and "sphere of influence"; (d) develop materials and methodologies for undertaking human rights impact assessments of the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises; and (e) compile a compendium of best practices of states and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises, U.N.ESCOR, Comm'n on Hum. Rts., 61st Sess., Agenda Item 17, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2005/L.87 (2005).
U.N.ESCOR, Comm'n. on Hum. Rts.
The number of people around the world living in poverty increased by 100 million people in the last decade of the twentieth century, while world income actually increased by an average of 2.5 percent annually
The number of people around the world living in poverty increased by 100 million people in the last decade of the twentieth century, while world income actually increased by an average of 2.5 percent annually; Stiglitz, supra note 89, at 5.
Globalization and Its Discontents
, pp. 5
Stiglitz, J.1
Endes, supra note 3, at 111 (charts 8.1, 8.2).
Las Políticas de Salud del Banco Mundial; Una Revisión Crítica
See, e.g., Antonio Ugalde & Jeffrey T. Jackson, Las Políticas de Salud del Banco Mundial;
Cuadernos Med. Soc.
, vol.73
, pp. 45
Ugalde, A.1
Jackson, J.T.2
Una Revisión Crítica
Una Revisión Crítica, 73 Cuadernos Med. Soc. 45 (1997);
73 Cuadernos Med. Soc.
, pp. 45
Structural Adjustment and Development: Human Rights - An Agenda for Change
Sigrun I. Skogly, Structural Adjustment and Development: Human Rights - An Agenda for Change, 15 Hum. Rts. Q. 751 (1993).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.15
, pp. 751
Skogly, S.I.1
Neoliberal Social Policy: Managing Poverty (Somehow)
See Carlos Vilas, Neoliberal Social Policy: Managing Poverty (Somehow), 29 NACLA Report on the Americas 16 (1996);
NACLA Report on the Americas
, vol.29
, pp. 16
Vilas, C.1
Market Commodities and Poor Relief: The World Bank Proposal For Health
See also, Asa Cristina Laurel] & Oliva López Arellano, Market Commodities and Poor Relief: The World Bank Proposal For Health, 26 Int'l J. Health Serv. 1 (1996).
Int'l. J. Health Serv.
, vol.26
, pp. 1
Laurell, A.C.1
Arellano, O.L.2
Human Rights and Intellectual Property
Similar human rights-based arguments can be made about the primacy of health concerns when interpreting trade or intellectual property agreements. 27th Sess., Agenda Item 3, ¶ 12, U.N Doc. E/C.12/2001/15 [hereinafter Statement on Human Rights and Intellectual Property]
Similar human rights-based arguments can be made about the primacy of health concerns when interpreting trade or intellectual property agreements. See, e.g., Human Rights and Intellectual Property, U.N. ESCOR, Econ., Soc. & Cult. Rts. Comm., 27th Sess., Agenda Item 3, ¶ 12, U.N Doc. E/C.12/2001/15 (2001) [hereinafter Statement on Human Rights and Intellectual Property].
U.N. ESCOR, Econ., Soc. & Cult. Rts. Comm.
The Nature of States Parties Obligations
General Comment No. 3, U.N. CESCR, 5th Sess., ¶ 8, U.N. Doc. E/1991/ 23, Annex III
See The Nature of States Parties Obligations, General Comment No. 3, U.N. CESCR, 5th Sess., ¶ 8, U.N. Doc. E/1991/23, Annex III at 86 (1991).
, pp. 86
ESC Committee General Comment No. 14 ¶ 17
ESC Committee General Comment No. 14, supra note 30, ¶ 17.
adopted 16 Dec. 1966, G.A. Res. 2200 (XXI), U.N. GAOR, 21st Sess., Supp. No. 16, arts. 14, 19, 25, U.N. Doc. A/6316 999 U.N.T.S. 171 (entered into force 23 Mar. 1976)
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted 16 Dec. 1966, G.A. Res. 2200 (XXI), U.N. GAOR, 21st Sess., Supp. No. 16, arts. 14, 19, 25, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 171 (entered into force 23 Mar. 1976).
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Using Human Rights in Maternal Mortality Programs: From Analysis to Strategy
Freedman, supra note 17, at 58.
Intl. J. Gyn. & Obs.
, vol.75
, pp. 58
Freedman, L.P.1
For an excellent discussion of taxonomies of participation and its use in neoliberal discourse, (paper delivered at the Expert Consultation on Decentralisation, Integration of Service Programmes, Community Participation and Accountability as These Pertain to Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health, 24-25 Apr. 2003) (on file with author)
For an excellent discussion of taxonomies of participation and its use in neoliberal discourse, See R.K. Murthy et al., Draft 2: Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Service: Accountability and Community Participation 2 (2003) (paper delivered at the Expert Consultation on Decentralisation, Integration of Service Programmes, Community Participation and Accountability as These Pertain to Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health, 24-25 Apr. 2003) (on file with author).
Draft 2: Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Service: Accountability and Community Participation
, pp. 2
Murthy, R.K.1
Género, participación, empoderamiento y control social
See, e.g., Magaly Huggens Castañeda, Género, participación, empoderamiento y control social, in Saude, Equidade e Género, supra note 128, at 244;
Saude, Equidade E Género: Um Desafío As Políticas Públicas [Health, Equity and Gender: A Challenge for Public Policies
, pp. 244
Castañeda, M.H.1
Draft 2: Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Service: Accountability and Community Participation
Murthy, Klugman, Weller & Aizenberg, supra note 139, at 2.
Using Human Rights in Maternal Mortality Programs: From Analysis to Strategy
Freedman, supra note 17, at 58.
Intl. J. Gyn. & Obs.
, vol.75
, pp. 58
Freedman, L.P.1
Courses of Action in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Insstruments and Allies
available at www.surjournal.org/
Victor Abramovich, Courses of Action in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Insstruments and Allies, 2 Sur: Int'l. J. Hum. Rts. 181 (2005), available at www.surjournal.org/.
Sur: Int'l. J. Hum. Rts.
, vol.2
, pp. 181
Abramovich, V.1
Social Movements and the Construction of Human Rights
See Neil Stammers, Social Movements and the Construction of Human Rights, 21 Hum. Rts. Q. 980, 989-93 (1999).
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.21
, pp. 989-993
Stammers, N.1
The Center for Economic and Social Rights, for example, has gone out of its way to work with social movements and networks such as the Poor Person's Human Rights Network in the United States. See available at www.cesr.org
The Center for Economic and Social Rights, for example, has gone out of its way to work with social movements and networks such as the Poor Person's Human Rights Network in the United States. See available at www.cesr.org.
For the text of the initiative and a discussion of the campaign, see available at www.aprodeh.org.pe/desc/saludm̌panhas.htm
For the text of the initiative and a discussion of the campaign, see available at www.aprodeh.org.pe/desc/saludm̌panhas.htm.
For the text of the initiative and a discussion of the campaign, see available at www.aprodeh.org.pe/desc/saludm̌panhas.htm
See id. at 850-55.
For a discussion of the connection between abortion and maternal mortality in Peru
For a discussion of the connection between abortion and maternal mortality in Peru, see Delicia Ferrando, EL Aborto. Clandestino en el Peru (2002).
EL Aborto. Clandestino En El Peru
Ferrando, D.1
Making Abortions Safe: A Matter of Good Public Health Policy and Practice
See also M. Berer, Making Abortions Safe: A Matter of Good Public Health Policy and Practice, 78 Bull. World Health Org. 580 (2000).
Bull. World Health Org.
, vol.78
, pp. 580
Berer, M.1
For example, some human rights groups will focus on ESC issues that are compatible with their organizational strengths in certain subject areas; others will place priority on inarguably egregious cases, as often has been done in civil and political rights advocacy; and yet others may take different tracks focused on developing new methodologies.
Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization
Compare Roth, supra note 6, at 72.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.26
, pp. 72
Roth, K.1