BRCA1 mutations in primary breast and ovarian carcinomas
PA Futreal Q Liu D Shattuck-Eidens C Cochran K Harshman S Tavtigian LM Bennett A Haugen-Strano J Swensen Y Miki K Eddington M [tmp] McClure C Frye J Weaver-Feldhaus W Ding Z Gholami P Soderkvist L Terry S Jhanwar A Berchuck JD Iglehart J Marks DG Ballinger JC Barrett MH Skolnick A Kamb R Wiseman 1994 BRCA1 mutations in primary breast and ovarian carcinomas Science 266 120 122
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Futreal, P.A.1
Liu, Q.2
Shattuck-Eidens, D.3
Cochran, C.4
Harshman, K.5
Tavtigian, S.6
Bennett, L.M.7
Haugen-Strano, A.8
Swensen, J.9
Miki, Y.10
Eddington, K.11
McClure, M.12
Frye, C.13
Weaver-Feldhaus, J.14
Ding, W.15
Gholami, Z.16
Soderkvist, P.17
Terry, L.18
Jhanwar, S.19
Berchuck, A.20
Iglehart, J.D.21
Marks, J.22
Ballinger, D.G.23
Barrett, J.C.24
Skolnick, M.H.25
Kamb, A.26
Wiseman, R.27
A strong candidate for the breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1
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Shattuck-Eidens, D.3
Futreal, P.A.4
Harshman, K.5
Tavtigian, S.6
Liu, Q.7
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Gholami, Z.22
Shaffer, D.23
Stone, S.24
Bayer, S.25
Wray, C.26
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Ward, J.29
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Narod, S.31
Bristow, P.K.32
Norris, F.H.33
Helvering, L.34
Morrison, P.35
Rosteck, P.36
Lai, M.37
Barrett, J.C.38
Lewis, C.39
Neuhausen, S.40
Cannon-Albright, L.41
Goldgar, D.42
Wiseman, R.43
Kamb, A.44
Skolnick, M.H.45
Average risks of breast and ovarian cancer associated with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations detected in case Series unselected for family history: A combined analysis of 22 studies
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Founder mutations in the BRCA1 gene in Polish families with breast-ovarian cancer
B Gorski T Byrski T Huzarski A Jakubowska J Menkiszak J Gronwald A Pluzanska M Bebenek L Fischer-Maliszewska E Grzybowska SA Narod J Lubinski 2000 Founder mutations in the BRCA1 gene in Polish families with breast-ovarian cancer Am J Hum Genet 66 1963 1968
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A high proportion of founder BRCA1 mutations in Polish breast cancer families
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Frequency of recurrent BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Ashkenazi Jewish breast cancer families
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