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Volumn 43, Issue 1, 1991, Pages 130-159

Thermal fluctuations, quenched disorder, phase transitions, and transport in type-II superconductors

Author keywords

[No Author keywords available]

Indexed keywords

EID: 26744479370     PISSN: 01631829     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.43.130     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (2366)

References (88)
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    • 84926602673 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For a review of the mean-field theory of type-II superconductors see, A. L. Fetter and P. C. Hohenberg, in Superconductivity, edited by R. D. Parks (Dekker, New York, 1969), Vol. 2.
  • 26
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    • A very recent extension to this work to much (3 orders of magnitude) lower current densities and a crystalline sample is P. L. Gammel, L. F. Schneemeyer, and D. J. Bishop (unpublished).
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    • 84926603521 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The conventionally defined coherence length actually represents the exponential decay length of correlations at equivalent reduced temperature above Tc. With fluctuations, the coherence length is ill defined below Tc and we thus use this convention throughout the discussion of the small- and zero-field critical behavior, particularly in Sec. IV.
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    • We thank B. I. Halperin for discussions on this question.
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    • 84926566511 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The estimate for the width of the low-field fluid region, (5.1), ignored the effects of short-wavelength vortex-line fluctuations. Because the magnetic coupling is long range in the z direction—with range essentially λppd for small γ mdashthe long-wavelength tilt stiffness of the vortex lines will only apply for wavelengths greater than λppd and the vortex line is less stiff at short wavelengths. This will yield an extra contribution to the vortex-line fluctuations which will, however, only give displacements of order λppd in the final critical region where λz= ΛT. Thus, the expression (5.1) remains valid in the XY critical regime. An exception to this is if the layers are so weakly coupled that λz> λppd2/d, in which case the fluctuations with wavelengths of order the layer spacing can play a role—and the system becomes quasi-2D. We will not investigate this regime in detail here, but just note that is unlikely to apply sufficiently close to Tc to have much effect on the melting phase boundary even for parameters appropriate for Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O.
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    • These authors did not consider the effects of dislocations in the vortex lattice on scales larger than LP.
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    • In a vortex lattice, the phonon fluctuations make evaluation of the correlations, GVG( r vec ), subtle;
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    • a recent claim [, ] that there is no long-range order is based on the incorrect handling of the long-wavelength fluctuations.
    • (1988) M. A. Moore, Phys. Rev. B , vol.39 , pp. 136
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    • and references therein;
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    • The vortex-glass transition in the low-dimensional ``toy'' model studied in Ref. 11 also exhibits isotropic scaling behavior.
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    • have performed a static 6- curlep expansion. The dynamical exponent z can be obtained to O( curlep ) from the static exponents, provided van Hove theory holds to leading order, as does for the Ising spin glass;
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    • With ν0= case 2 over 3 there will be logarithmic corrections to some quantities due to the marginal irrelevance of the disorder in this case. With the expected ν0 slightly bigger than case 2 over 3, the disorder is irrelevant at H=0 and the width of the vortex-glass critical regime will decrease slightly more rapidly than [Tc-TG(H)] as H ->0.
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    • Inclusion of quantum fluctuations gives a nontrivial T=0 quantum transition, as H is increased, from 2D vortex glass to insulator (Fermi or Bose glass), as has been examined by
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    • Fisher, M.P.A.1
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    • Moreover, when one approaches the T=0 vortex-glass phase, quantum variable range hopping of vortices may dominate the resistivity, instead of the thermal processes we discuss here.
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    • and references therein.

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