Richard K. Scotch, From Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy (Philadelphia, 1984), pp. 161-62, identifies disability as an individualized experience for the majority of people with disabilities, and contrasts this with the experience of disabled veterans and some singular cases such as the deaf, who are socialized into a group identity through the use of sign language. For a concise statement of the special nature of the veterans' relationship to the welfare state, set in the American context but relevant beyond it, see Sar Levitan and Karen A. Cleary, Old Wars Remain Unfinished: The Veterans Benefits System (Baltimore, 1973), p. ix and passim. Also, David A. Gerber, "Finding Disabled Veterans in History," in Disabled Veterans in History, David A. Gerber, ed. (Ann Arbor, 2000), pp. 3-55, in which portions of this essay initially appeared. On the dramatic increase in the survival of ill and injured military personnel, see Technical Information Division, Office of the Surgeon General of the [U.S.] Army, "The Physically Disabled," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 239 (May, 1945), 10-19.
From Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy
, pp. 161-162
Scotch, R.K.1
Baltimore, and passim
Richard K. Scotch, From Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy (Philadelphia, 1984), pp. 161-62, identifies disability as an individualized experience for the majority of people with disabilities, and contrasts this with the experience of disabled veterans and some singular cases such as the deaf, who are socialized into a group identity through the use of sign language. For a concise statement of the special nature of the veterans' relationship to the welfare state, set in the American context but relevant beyond it, see Sar Levitan and Karen A. Cleary, Old Wars Remain Unfinished: The Veterans Benefits System (Baltimore, 1973), p. ix and passim. Also, David A. Gerber, "Finding Disabled Veterans in History," in Disabled Veterans in History, David A. Gerber, ed. (Ann Arbor, 2000), pp. 3-55, in which portions of this essay initially appeared. On the dramatic increase in the survival of ill and injured military personnel, see Technical Information Division, Office of the Surgeon General of the [U.S.] Army, "The Physically Disabled," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 239 (May, 1945), 10-19.
Old Wars Remain Unfinished: The Veterans Benefits System
Levitan, S.1
Cleary, K.A.2
Finding disabled veterans in history
David A. Gerber, ed. (Ann Arbor)
Richard K. Scotch, From Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy (Philadelphia, 1984), pp. 161-62, identifies disability as an individualized experience for the majority of people with disabilities, and contrasts this with the experience of disabled veterans and some singular cases such as the deaf, who are socialized into a group identity through the use of sign language. For a concise statement of the special nature of the veterans' relationship to the welfare state, set in the American context but relevant beyond it, see Sar Levitan and Karen A. Cleary, Old Wars Remain Unfinished: The Veterans Benefits System (Baltimore, 1973), p. ix and passim. Also, David A. Gerber, "Finding Disabled Veterans in History," in Disabled Veterans in History, David A. Gerber, ed. (Ann Arbor, 2000), pp. 3-55, in which portions of this essay initially appeared. On the dramatic increase in the survival of ill and injured military personnel, see Technical Information Division, Office of the Surgeon General of the [U.S.] Army, "The Physically Disabled," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 239 (May, 1945), 10-19.
Disabled Veterans in History
, pp. 3-55
Gerber, D.A.1
The physically disabled
Richard K. Scotch, From Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy (Philadelphia, 1984), pp. 161-62, identifies disability as an individualized experience for the majority of people with disabilities, and contrasts this with the experience of disabled veterans and some singular cases such as the deaf, who are socialized into a group identity through the use of sign language. For a concise statement of the special nature of the veterans' relationship to the welfare state, set in the American context but relevant beyond it, see Sar Levitan and Karen A. Cleary, Old Wars Remain Unfinished: The Veterans Benefits System (Baltimore, 1973), p. ix and passim. Also, David A. Gerber, "Finding Disabled Veterans in History," in Disabled Veterans in History, David A. Gerber, ed. (Ann Arbor, 2000), pp. 3-55, in which portions of this essay initially appeared. On the dramatic increase in the survival of ill and injured military personnel, see Technical Information Division, Office of the Surgeon General of the [U.S.] Army, "The Physically Disabled," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 239 (May, 1945), 10-19.
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
, vol.239
, pp. 10-19
Ein vorbote des wohlfahrtsstaates: Die kriegsopferversogung in Frankreich, Deutschland, und Grossbritannien nach den Ersten weltkrieg
Michael Geyer, "Ein Vorbote des Wohlfahrtsstaates: Die Kriegsopferversogung in Frankreich, Deutschland, und Grossbritannien nach den Ersten Weltkrieg," Geschichte und Gesellschaft 9:2 (1983), 23-34; Deborah Stone, The Disabled State (Philadelphia, 1984); Claire Laichowitz, Disability as A Social Construct: Legislative Roots (Philadelphia, 1988); Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge, 1992).
Geschichte und Gesellschaft
, vol.9
, Issue.2
, pp. 23-34
Geyer, M.1
Michael Geyer, "Ein Vorbote des Wohlfahrtsstaates: Die Kriegsopferversogung in Frankreich, Deutschland, und Grossbritannien nach den Ersten Weltkrieg," Geschichte und Gesellschaft 9:2 (1983), 23-34; Deborah Stone, The Disabled State (Philadelphia, 1984); Claire Laichowitz, Disability as A Social Construct: Legislative Roots (Philadelphia, 1988); Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge, 1992).
The Disabled State
Stone, D.1
Michael Geyer, "Ein Vorbote des Wohlfahrtsstaates: Die Kriegsopferversogung in Frankreich, Deutschland, und Grossbritannien nach den Ersten Weltkrieg," Geschichte und Gesellschaft 9:2 (1983), 23-34; Deborah Stone, The Disabled State (Philadelphia, 1984); Claire Laichowitz, Disability as A Social Construct: Legislative Roots (Philadelphia, 1988); Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge, 1992).
Disability as A Social Construct: Legislative Roots
Laichowitz, C.1
Michael Geyer, "Ein Vorbote des Wohlfahrtsstaates: Die Kriegsopferversogung in Frankreich, Deutschland, und Grossbritannien nach den Ersten Weltkrieg," Geschichte und Gesellschaft 9:2 (1983), 23-34; Deborah Stone, The Disabled State (Philadelphia, 1984); Claire Laichowitz, Disability as A Social Construct: Legislative Roots (Philadelphia, 1988); Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge, 1992).
Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States
Skocpol, T.1
These common-sense conclusions were demonstrated, with specific reference to veterans organizations, in Mancur Olson, Jr.'s classic The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and The Theory of Groups (Cambridge, 1965), esp. pp. 2-3, 11, 14-16, 21, 34, 48, 132, 142, 160-61.
The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and The Theory of Groups
, pp. 2-3
Olson M., Jr.1
Olson, The Logic of Collective Action, pp. 160-61; William Waller, The Veteran Returns Home (New York, 1944), pp. 193-202; Alfred Vogts, A History of Militarism (New York, 1937), pp. 386-90.
The Logic of Collective Action
, pp. 160-161
New York
Olson, The Logic of Collective Action, pp. 160-61; William Waller, The Veteran Returns Home (New York, 1944), pp. 193-202; Alfred Vogts, A History of Militarism (New York, 1937), pp. 386-90.
The Veteran Returns Home
, pp. 193-202
Waller, W.1
New York
Olson, The Logic of Collective Action, pp. 160-61; William Waller, The Veteran Returns Home (New York, 1944), pp. 193-202; Alfred Vogts, A History of Militarism (New York, 1937), pp. 386-90.
A History of Militarism
, pp. 386-390
Vogts, A.1
William Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941 (Boston, 1989), pp. 176-97; Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia (Melbourne, 1994), pp. 187-208; Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930 (Toronto, 1987), pp. 67-70; Desmond Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston, 1997), pp. 22, 27, 62-64; Antoine Prost, Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939 (Paris, 1977), I, p. 83, and idem, In the Wake of War, pp. 35-57, 40.
For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941
, pp. 176-197
Pencak, W.1
William Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941 (Boston, 1989), pp. 176-97; Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia (Melbourne, 1994), pp. 187-208; Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930 (Toronto, 1987), pp. 67-70; Desmond Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston, 1997), pp. 22, 27, 62-64; Antoine Prost, Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939 (Paris, 1977), I, p. 83, and idem, In the Wake of War, pp. 35-57, 40.
The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia
, pp. 187-208
Lloyd, C.1
Rees, J.2
William Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941 (Boston, 1989), pp. 176-97; Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia (Melbourne, 1994), pp. 187-208; Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930 (Toronto, 1987), pp. 67-70; Desmond Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston, 1997), pp. 22, 27, 62-64; Antoine Prost, Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939 (Paris, 1977), I, p. 83, and idem, In the Wake of War, pp. 35-57, 40.
Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930
, pp. 67-70
Morton, D.1
Wright, G.2
The Canadian Veterans' heritage from the great war
Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston)
William Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941 (Boston, 1989), pp. 176-97; Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia (Melbourne, 1994), pp. 187-208; Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930 (Toronto, 1987), pp. 67-70; Desmond Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston, 1997), pp. 22, 27, 62-64; Antoine Prost, Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939 (Paris, 1977), I, p. 83, and idem, In the Wake of War, pp. 35-57, 40.
The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada
, pp. 62-64
Morton, D.1
William Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941 (Boston, 1989), pp. 176-97; Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia (Melbourne, 1994), pp. 187-208; Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930 (Toronto, 1987), pp. 67-70; Desmond Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston, 1997), pp. 22, 27, 62-64; Antoine Prost, Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939 (Paris, 1977), I, p. 83, and idem, In the Wake of War, pp. 35-57, 40.
Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939
, vol.1
, pp. 83
Prost, A.1
William Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941 (Boston, 1989), pp. 176-97; Clem Lloyd and Jacqui Rees, The Last Shilling: A History of Repatriation in Australia (Melbourne, 1994), pp. 187-208; Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright, Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930 (Toronto, 1987), pp. 67-70; Desmond Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Peter Neary and Jack L. Granatstein, eds. (Kingston, 1997), pp. 22, 27, 62-64; Antoine Prost, Les Anciens Combattants et La Société Française, 3919-1939 (Paris, 1977), I, p. 83, and idem, In the Wake of War, pp. 35-57, 40.
In the Wake of War
, pp. 35-57
Prost, A.1
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
In the Wake of War
, pp. 29-33
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939
, pp. 162
Whalen, R.W.1
Remembering and dismemberment: Crippled children, wounded soldiers, and the great war in great Britain
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
American Historical Review
, vol.99
, pp. 1193
Koven, S.1
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War
, vol.218
, pp. 274
Bourke, J.1
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941
, pp. 50
Going back to main street: The development and impact of casualty rehabilitation for veterans with disabilities, 1945-1948
Neary and Granatstein, eds.
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada
, pp. 171
Tremblay, M.1
Washington, D.C.
Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 29-33, 45; Robert Weldon Whalen, Bitter Wounds: German Victims of the Great War, 1914-1939 (Ithaca, 1984),p. 162; SethKoven, "Remembering and Dismemberment: Crippled Children, Wounded Soldiers, and the Great War in Great Britain," American Historical Review 99 (October, 1994), 1193, 1196, 1198-99; Joanna Bourke, Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War (Chicago, 1996), n. 218, p. 274; Pencak, For God and Country: The American Legion, 1919-1941, p. 50; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street: The Development and Impact of Casualty Rehabilitation for Veterans with Disabilities, 1945-1948," The Veterans' Charter and Post-World War II Canada, Neary and Granatstein, eds., p. 171; Douglas MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors (Washington, D.C., 1918), p. 132.
The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors
, pp. 132
McMurtrie, D.1
Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 118-28; Bourke, Dismembering the Male, pp. 71-72; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 30-32.
Bitter Wounds
, pp. 118-128
Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 118-28; Bourke, Dismembering the Male, pp. 71-72; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 30-32.
Dismembering the Male
, pp. 71-72
Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 118-28; Bourke, Dismembering the Male, pp. 71-72; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 30-32.
In the Wake of War
, pp. 30-32
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
The Last Shilling
, pp. 277
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
Going Back to Main Street
, pp. 171
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War
, pp. 27
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
Winning the Second Battle
, pp. 132
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
Remembering and Dismemberment
, pp. 1202
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
Bitter Wounds
, pp. 55
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
In the Wake of War
, pp. 39-40
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
Les Anciens Combattants
, vol.1
, pp. 198
Washington, D.C.
Lloyd and Rees, The Last Shilling, p. 277; Tremblay, "Going Back to Main Street," p. 171; Morton, "The Canadian Veterans' Heritage from the Great War," p. 27; Morton and Wright, Winning the Second Battle, pp. 132, 135-36, 142, 169, 176, 185-86, 207-11; Koven, "Remembering and Dismemberment," 1202; Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 39-40, and idem, Les Anciens Combattants, I, p. 198; Robert Brown and Hope Schutte, Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness (Washington, D.C., 1991), pp. 1-23.
Our Fight: A Battle against Darkness
, pp. 1-23
Brown, R.1
Schutte, H.2
Urological aspects of rehabilitations in spinal cord injuries
May 19
Ernest Bors, M.D., "Urological Aspects of Rehabilitations in Spinal Cord Injuries," Journal of the American Medical Association (May 19, 1951), 225; and idem, Spinal Cord Injuries, Technical Information Bulletin, TB 10-503, December 15, 1948 (Washington, D.C., 1949), 3-4; New York Times, June 22, October 30, 1946; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street: A Historical Account of the Impact of the Everest and Jennings Wheelchair for Canadian World War II Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury," Disability and Society 11:2 (1996), 165.
Journal of the American Medical Association
, pp. 225
Ernest Bors, M.D.1
TB 10-503, December 15 (Washington, D.C.)
Ernest Bors, M.D., "Urological Aspects of Rehabilitations in Spinal Cord Injuries," Journal of the American Medical Association (May 19, 1951), 225; and idem, Spinal Cord Injuries, Technical Information Bulletin, TB 10-503, December 15, 1948 (Washington, D.C., 1949), 3-4; New York Times, June 22, October 30, 1946; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street: A Historical Account of the Impact of the Everest and Jennings Wheelchair for Canadian World War II Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury," Disability and Society 11:2 (1996), 165.
Spinal Cord Injuries, Technical Information Bulletin
, pp. 3-4
Ernest Bors, M.D.1
June 22, October 30
Ernest Bors, M.D., "Urological Aspects of Rehabilitations in Spinal Cord Injuries," Journal of the American Medical Association (May 19, 1951), 225; and idem, Spinal Cord Injuries, Technical Information Bulletin, TB 10-503, December 15, 1948 (Washington, D.C., 1949), 3-4; New York Times, June 22, October 30, 1946; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street: A Historical Account of the Impact of the Everest and Jennings Wheelchair for Canadian World War II Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury," Disability and Society 11:2 (1996), 165.
New York Times
Going back to civvy street: A historical account of the impact of the everest and jennings wheelchair for Canadian World War II veterans with spinal cord injury
Ernest Bors, M.D., "Urological Aspects of Rehabilitations in Spinal Cord Injuries," Journal of the American Medical Association (May 19, 1951), 225; and idem, Spinal Cord Injuries, Technical Information Bulletin, TB 10-503, December 15, 1948 (Washington, D.C., 1949), 3-4; New York Times, June 22, October 30, 1946; Mary Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street: A Historical Account of the Impact of the Everest and Jennings Wheelchair for Canadian World War II Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury," Disability and Society 11:2 (1996), 165.
Disability and Society
, vol.11
, Issue.2
, pp. 165
Tremblay, M.1
Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," in Blindness, Paul A. Zahl, ed. (Princeton, 1950), pp. 261, 269-70.
Bitter Wounds
, pp. 55
The blinded veteran
Paul A. Zahl, ed. (Princeton)
Whalen, Bitter Wounds, pp. 55, 128, 173; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," in Blindness, Paul A. Zahl, ed. (Princeton, 1950), pp. 261, 269-70.
, pp. 261
New York
James Jones, Whistle (New York, 1978), pp. 36-38, 44, 134; Laurence Stallings, "Vale of Tears," Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time, Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York, 1942), pp. 377-407; Walter V. Bingham, " 'Start Climbing, Soldier!': The Army Program for Rehabilitating Casualties," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239 (May, 1945), 60-61; Harold Russell, with Victor Rosen, Victory in My Hands (New York, 1949), pp. 91-110; Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8, 11-17; Corrine Brown, Body Shop: Recuperating from War (New York, 1973), p. 180.
, pp. 36-38
Jones, J.1
Vale of tears
Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York)
James Jones, Whistle (New York, 1978), pp. 36-38, 44, 134; Laurence Stallings, "Vale of Tears," Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time, Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York, 1942), pp. 377-407; Walter V. Bingham, " 'Start Climbing, Soldier!': The Army Program for Rehabilitating Casualties," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239 (May, 1945), 60-61; Harold Russell, with Victor Rosen, Victory in My Hands (New York, 1949), pp. 91-110; Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8, 11-17; Corrine Brown, Body Shop: Recuperating from War (New York, 1973), p. 180.
Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time
, pp. 377-407
Stallings, L.1
Start climbing, soldier!': The army program for rehabilitating casualties
James Jones, Whistle (New York, 1978), pp. 36-38, 44, 134; Laurence Stallings, "Vale of Tears," Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time, Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York, 1942), pp. 377-407; Walter V. Bingham, " 'Start Climbing, Soldier!': The Army Program for Rehabilitating Casualties," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239 (May, 1945), 60-61; Harold Russell, with Victor Rosen, Victory in My Hands (New York, 1949), pp. 91-110; Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8, 11-17; Corrine Brown, Body Shop: Recuperating from War (New York, 1973), p. 180.
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
, vol.239
, pp. 60-61
Bingham, W.V.1
New York
James Jones, Whistle (New York, 1978), pp. 36-38, 44, 134; Laurence Stallings, "Vale of Tears," Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time, Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York, 1942), pp. 377-407; Walter V. Bingham, " 'Start Climbing, Soldier!': The Army Program for Rehabilitating Casualties," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239 (May, 1945), 60-61; Harold Russell, with Victor Rosen, Victory in My Hands (New York, 1949), pp. 91-110; Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8, 11-17; Corrine Brown, Body Shop: Recuperating from War (New York, 1973), p. 180.
Victory in My Hands
, pp. 91-110
Russell, H.1
Rosen, V.2
James Jones, Whistle (New York, 1978), pp. 36-38, 44, 134; Laurence Stallings, "Vale of Tears," Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time, Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York, 1942), pp. 377-407; Walter V. Bingham, " 'Start Climbing, Soldier!': The Army Program for Rehabilitating Casualties," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239 (May, 1945), 60-61; Harold Russell, with Victor Rosen, Victory in My Hands (New York, 1949), pp. 91-110; Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8, 11-17; Corrine Brown, Body Shop: Recuperating from War (New York, 1973), p. 180.
Our Fight
, pp. 5-8
New York
James Jones, Whistle (New York, 1978), pp. 36-38, 44, 134; Laurence Stallings, "Vale of Tears," Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time, Ernest Hemingway, ed. (New York, 1942), pp. 377-407; Walter V. Bingham, " 'Start Climbing, Soldier!': The Army Program for Rehabilitating Casualties," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239 (May, 1945), 60-61; Harold Russell, with Victor Rosen, Victory in My Hands (New York, 1949), pp. 91-110; Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8, 11-17; Corrine Brown, Body Shop: Recuperating from War (New York, 1973), p. 180.
Body Shop: Recuperating from War
, pp. 180
Brown, C.1
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 2-3; Howard Rusk, "Rehabilitation," New York Times, June 9, 1946.
Our Fight
, pp. 2-3
June 9
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 2-3; Howard Rusk, "Rehabilitation," New York Times, June 9, 1946.
New York Times
Rusk, H.1
MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation, p. 134. Konrad Biesalski, Kriegskrüppelfürsorge: Ein Aufklärungswort Zum Troste und Zur Mahnung (Leipzig, 1915), p. 4. (The original quote appears in the Biesalski volume. MCMurtrie's translation is inaccurate, but he provides an interesting discussion of Germany's five principles of rehabilitation, including the one in the quotation, and of its author, Konrad Biesalski.)
The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation
, pp. 134
MCMurtrie, The Evolution of National Systems of Vocational Reeducation, p. 134. Konrad Biesalski, Kriegskrüppelfürsorge: Ein Aufklärungswort Zum Troste und Zur Mahnung (Leipzig, 1915), p. 4. (The original quote appears in the Biesalski volume. MCMurtrie's translation is inaccurate, but he provides an interesting discussion of Germany's five principles of rehabilitation, including the one in the quotation, and of its author, Konrad Biesalski.)
Kriegskrüppelfürsorge: Ein Aufklärungswort Zum Troste und Zur Mahnung
, pp. 4
Biesalski, K.1
Disabled Russian war veterans: Surviving the collapse of the Soviet Union
Gerber, ed.
Ethel Dunn, "Disabled Russian War Veterans: Surviving the Collapse of the Soviet Union," Disabled Veterans in History, Gerber, ed., pp. 265-268.
Disabled Veterans in History
, pp. 265-268
Dunn, E.1
New York
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
The Disabled Soldier
, pp. 34-36
McMurtrie, D.C.1
B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s
Lipson, J.A.1
New York
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America
, pp. 273-274
Koestler, F.1
New York
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War
, vol.12
, pp. 319
Divine, E.T.1
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
The Veteran Comes Home
, pp. 164
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
Spinal Cord Injuries
, pp. 33
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
The Blinded Veteran
, pp. 265
The army blind in the United States
Zahl, ed.
Douglas C. MCMurtrie, The Disabled Soldier (New York, 1919), pp. 34-36; Jafi Alyssa Lipson, "Celluloid Therapy: Rehabilitating Veteran Amputees and American Society through Film in the 1940s" (B.A. thesis, Committee on History and Science, Harvard University, 1995); Francis Koestler, The Unseen Minority: A Social History of Blindness in America (New York, 1976), pp. 273-74; Edward T. Divine, Disabled Soldiers and Sailors: Pensions and Training, Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, n. 12 (New York, 1919), pp. 319, 347; Waller, The Veteran Comes Home, p. 164; Bors, Spinal Cord Injuries, p. 33; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," p. 265; Alan Blackburn, The Army Blind in the United States," Blindness, Zahl, ed., pp. 279-81.
, pp. 279-281
Blackburn, A.1
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, p. 8; Russel, Victory in My Hands, pp. 91-110; Irvin L. Child and Marjorie Van De Water, eds., Psychology for the Returning Veteran (Washington, D.C., 1945), pp. 148-49; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 253-65.
Our Fight
, pp. 8
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, p. 8; Russel, Victory in My Hands, pp. 91-110; Irvin L. Child and Marjorie Van De Water, eds., Psychology for the Returning Veteran (Washington, D.C., 1945), pp. 148-49; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 253-65.
Victory in My Hands
, pp. 91-110
Washington, D.C.
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, p. 8; Russel, Victory in My Hands, pp. 91-110; Irvin L. Child and Marjorie Van De Water, eds., Psychology for the Returning Veteran (Washington, D.C., 1945), pp. 148-49; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 253-65.
Psychology for the Returning Veteran
, pp. 148-149
Child, I.L.1
Van De Water, M.2
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, p. 8; Russel, Victory in My Hands, pp. 91-110; Irvin L. Child and Marjorie Van De Water, eds., Psychology for the Returning Veteran (Washington, D.C., 1945), pp. 148-49; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 253-65.
The Blinded Veteran
, pp. 253-265
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 5-8; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, p. 266.
Our Fight
, pp. 5-8
Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street," 149-50; idem, "The Canadian Revolution in the Management of Spinal Cora Injury," Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 12 (1995), 142-45.
Going Back to Civvy Street
, pp. 149-150
The Canadian revolution in the management of spinal cora injury
Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street," 149-50; idem, "The Canadian Revolution in the Management of Spinal Cora Injury," Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 12 (1995), 142-45.
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History
, vol.12
, pp. 142-145
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 276-77; Ellen Papadimoulis, "Editorial," VIS View (Winter, 1989), 1-2; and three articles in VIS View by Russell Williams, "Some Historical Perspective on VIST and Blindness" (Winter, 1984), 5-8, "Why Should I?" (February, 1989), 10-13, and "Believers" (Winter, 1989), 4-6.
The Unseen Minority
, pp. 276-277
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 276-77; Ellen Papadimoulis, "Editorial," VIS View (Winter, 1989), 1-2; and three articles in VIS View by Russell Williams, "Some Historical Perspective on VIST and Blindness" (Winter, 1984), 5-8, "Why Should I?" (February, 1989), 10-13, and "Believers" (Winter, 1989), 4-6.
VIS View
, pp. 1-2
Papadimoulis, E.1
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 276-77; Ellen Papadimoulis, "Editorial," VIS View (Winter, 1989), 1-2; and three articles in VIS View by Russell Williams, "Some Historical Perspective on VIST and Blindness" (Winter, 1984), 5-8, "Why Should I?" (February, 1989), 10-13, and "Believers" (Winter, 1989), 4-6.
Some Historical Perspective on VIST and Blindness
, pp. 5-8
Williams, R.1
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 276-77; Ellen Papadimoulis, "Editorial," VIS View (Winter, 1989), 1-2; and three articles in VIS View by Russell Williams, "Some Historical Perspective on VIST and Blindness" (Winter, 1984), 5-8, "Why Should I?" (February, 1989), 10-13, and "Believers" (Winter, 1989), 4-6.
Why Should I?
, pp. 10-13
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 276-77; Ellen Papadimoulis, "Editorial," VIS View (Winter, 1989), 1-2; and three articles in VIS View by Russell Williams, "Some Historical Perspective on VIST and Blindness" (Winter, 1984), 5-8, "Why Should I?" (February, 1989), 10-13, and "Believers" (Winter, 1989), 4-6.
, pp. 4-6
Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street," 149-157, and idem, "The Canadian Revolution in the Management of Spinal Cord Injury," 141-55; personal communication from Mary Tremblay, November 26, 1999 (on the number of spinal cord-injured Canadians and CPA members).
Going Back to Civvy Street
, pp. 149-157
personal communication from Mary Tremblay, November 26, 1999 (on the number of spinal cord-injured Canadians and CPA members)
Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street," 149-157, and idem, "The Canadian Revolution in the Management of Spinal Cord Injury," 141-55; personal communication from Mary Tremblay, November 26, 1999 (on the number of spinal cord-injured Canadians and CPA members).
The Canadian Revolution in the Management of Spinal Cord Injury
, pp. 141-155
Tremblay, "Going Back to Civvy Street," 158-66, and idem, "The Canadian Revolution in the Management of Spinal Cord Injury," 141-55.
Going Back to Civvy Street
, pp. 158-166
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, p. 278; Veterans Committee, C.I.O. (Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1946), Veterans' Organizations (Washington, D.C., 1946), pp. 1-4; BVA Bullerin, 3 (April, 1948), 1, 3 (May, 1948), 1, 3 (July, 1948), 1.
The Unseen Minority
, pp. 278
Washington, D.C.
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, p. 278; Veterans Committee, C.I.O. (Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1946), Veterans' Organizations (Washington, D.C., 1946), pp. 1-4; BVA Bullerin, 3 (April, 1948), 1, 3 (May, 1948), 1, 3 (July, 1948), 1.
Veterans' Organizations
, pp. 1-4
April, May, 1948, 1, 3 (July, 1948), 1.
Koestler, The Unseen Minority, p. 278; Veterans Committee, C.I.O. (Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1946), Veterans' Organizations (Washington, D.C., 1946), pp. 1-4; BVA Bullerin, 3 (April, 1948), 1, 3 (May, 1948), 1, 3 (July, 1948), 1.
BVA Bullerin
, vol.3
, pp. 1
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 7-10, 13-15, 42-53; New York Times, January 20, 1946; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 264-66, 276-77, 303-04; William D. Adkins, "Fighting Blind: The Rehabilitation of Blinded Veterans of World War II." Master's thesis, Georgia State University, 2000.
Our Fight
, pp. 7-10
January 20
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 7-10, 13-15, 42-53; New York Times, January 20, 1946; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 264-66, 276-77, 303-04; William D. Adkins, "Fighting Blind: The Rehabilitation of Blinded Veterans of World War II." Master's thesis, Georgia State University, 2000.
New York Times
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 7-10, 13-15, 42-53; New York Times, January 20, 1946; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 264-66, 276-77, 303-04; William D. Adkins, "Fighting Blind: The Rehabilitation of Blinded Veterans of World War II." Master's thesis, Georgia State University, 2000.
The Unseen Minority
, pp. 264-266
Master's thesis, Georgia State University
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 7-10, 13-15, 42-53; New York Times, January 20, 1946; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 264-66, 276-77, 303-04; William D. Adkins, "Fighting Blind: The Rehabilitation of Blinded Veterans of World War II." Master's thesis, Georgia State University, 2000.
Fighting Blind: The Rehabilitation of Blinded Veterans of World War II
Adkins, W.D.1
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 22, 78-91; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 282-83; New York Times, January 20, June 9, 1946, September 3, 6, October 20, 21, 22, 28, 1948, August 25, 1950; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 269-70.
Our Fight
, pp. 22
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 22, 78-91; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 282-83; New York Times, January 20, June 9, 1946, September 3, 6, October 20, 21, 22, 28, 1948, August 25, 1950; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 269-70.
The Unseen Minority
, pp. 282-283
January 20, June 9, September 3, 6, October 20, 21, 22, 28, 1948, August 25
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 22, 78-91; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 282-83; New York Times, January 20, June 9, 1946, September 3, 6, October 20, 21, 22, 28, 1948, August 25, 1950; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 269-70.
New York Times
Brown and Schutte, Our Fight, pp. 22, 78-91; Koestler, The Unseen Minority, pp. 282-83; New York Times, January 20, June 9, 1946, September 3, 6, October 20, 21, 22, 28, 1948, August 25, 1950; Greenwood, "The Blinded Veteran," pp. 269-70.
The Blinded Veteran
, pp. 269-270
Koestler, The Unseen Minority pp. 283-84; C. Warren Bledsoe, War Veterans in a Post-War Setting (Washington, D.C., 1958); Milton D. Graham, 851 Blinded Veterans: A Success Story (New York, 1968); Hector Chevigny and Sydel Braverman, The Adjustment of the Blind (New Haven, 1950), pp. 287-88; Robert A. Scott, The Making of Blind Men (New York, 1969), pp. 112-16.
The Unseen Minority
, pp. 283-284
Washington, D.C.
Koestler, The Unseen Minority pp. 283-84; C. Warren Bledsoe, War Veterans in a Post-War Setting (Washington, D.C., 1958); Milton D. Graham, 851 Blinded Veterans: A Success Story (New York, 1968); Hector Chevigny and Sydel Braverman, The Adjustment of the Blind (New Haven, 1950), pp. 287-88; Robert A. Scott, The Making of Blind Men (New York, 1969), pp. 112-16.
War Veterans in a Post-War Setting
Warren Bledsoe, C.1
New York
Koestler, The Unseen Minority pp. 283-84; C. Warren Bledsoe, War Veterans in a Post-War Setting (Washington, D.C., 1958); Milton D. Graham, 851 Blinded Veterans: A Success Story (New York, 1968); Hector Chevigny and Sydel Braverman, The Adjustment of the Blind (New Haven, 1950), pp. 287-88; Robert A. Scott, The Making of Blind Men (New York, 1969), pp. 112-16.
851 Blinded Veterans: A Success Story
Graham, M.D.1
New Haven
Koestler, The Unseen Minority pp. 283-84; C. Warren Bledsoe, War Veterans in a Post-War Setting (Washington, D.C., 1958); Milton D. Graham, 851 Blinded Veterans: A Success Story (New York, 1968); Hector Chevigny and Sydel Braverman, The Adjustment of the Blind (New Haven, 1950), pp. 287-88; Robert A. Scott, The Making of Blind Men (New York, 1969), pp. 112-16.
The Adjustment of the Blind
, pp. 287-288
Chevigny, H.1
Braverman, S.2
New York
Koestler, The Unseen Minority pp. 283-84; C. Warren Bledsoe, War Veterans in a Post-War Setting (Washington, D.C., 1958); Milton D. Graham, 851 Blinded Veterans: A Success Story (New York, 1968); Hector Chevigny and Sydel Braverman, The Adjustment of the Blind (New Haven, 1950), pp. 287-88; Robert A. Scott, The Making of Blind Men (New York, 1969), pp. 112-16.
The Making of Blind Men
, pp. 112-116
Scott, R.A.1
Chava Willig Levy and Michael Levy, telephone interview, May 1, 1990 (notes in the possession of the author). Both disability rights and independent living activists, Chava Willig Levy and Michael Levy identified for me at the start of my research on disabled veterans the sort of criticisms American activists like themselves have had of the identity and politics of disabled veterans. Though largely framed by them within the American context, I believe these criticisms are probably applicable to understanding perceptions in other Western societies at the present time, wherever the various social, political, cultural, and economic gaps between the two groups of people with disabilities remain substantial. To the best of my knowledge, however, very little analytical work has been done on this subject.
One might imagine that organizations such as the BVA would have little attraction for the growing number of women veterans. Yet the BVA has mirrored the post-feminist cultural transformations of the late twentieth century, an evolution that has probably a great deal to do with the passing of leadership from the founding generation to the Vietnam veterans and the post-Vietnam veterans. The heavily gendered language is no longer present in its official publications and women veterans have been integrated into its ranks and its elected leadership. How such changes in the gender composition of disabled veterans organizations may be playing out elsewhere in the world is another subject on which, it seems, little research has been done.
To the extent, however, that the two groups' politics and their organizations have remained almost completely separate, it is to be expected that the veterans' earlier political efforts would be so little known and so seldom a source of inspiration for disabled civilians. The most thoughtful analytical effort to understand the origins of the disability rights and independent living movements in the United States, for example, does so without ever reviewing the history of disabled veterans' politics and protest activities; see, Scotch, From Good Will to Civil Rights. Scotch's analysis probably accurately reflects the lack of a relationship between the two groups' politics, but it fails to suggest the precedents set by the focus and the goals of the veterans' activities.