Treaty on the European Union, article A.
''The First Republic of Cyprus: A Review of an Unworkable
Thomas W. (1966)''The First Republic of Cyprus: A Review of an Unworkable Constitution,''TheWestern Political Quarterly, vol.19, pp. 475-90.
Thewestern Political Quarterly
, vol.19
, pp. 475-490
Thomas, W.1
Greek-Turkish Conflict over Cyprus
Camp, Glen D. (1985), "Greek-Turkish Conflict over Cyprus," Political ScienceQuarterly, vol. 95 Spring, p. 49.
Political Sciencequarterly
, vol.95
, pp. 49
Camp, G.D.1
Entangled Allies: U.S. PolicyToward Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus, New York: Council of Foreign RelationsPress); Hart, Parker (1990), Two NATO Allies at the Threshold of War, Cyprus: AFirsthand Account of Crisis Management, 1965-1968 Durham: Duke UniversityPress, 1990); Couloumbis, Theodore (1983), The United States, Greece, andTurkey: The Troubled Triangle, New York: Praeger; Couloumbis, Theodore andHicks, Sallie (1975), U.S. Foreign Policy toward Greece and Cyprus: The Clash ofPrinciple and Pragmatism Washington, D.C.: The Center for Mediterranean Studies;Adams and Cottrell, Cyprus Between East and West
The following works provide information and analysis regarding the American andSoviet role in Cyprus: Monteagle Stearns (1992), Entangled Allies: U.S. PolicyToward Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus, New York: Council of Foreign RelationsPress); Hart, Parker (1990), Two NATO Allies at the Threshold of War, Cyprus: AFirsthand Account of Crisis Management, 1965-1968 Durham: Duke UniversityPress, 1990); Couloumbis, Theodore (1983), The United States, Greece, andTurkey: The Troubled Triangle, New York: Praeger; Couloumbis, Theodore andHicks, Sallie (1975), U.S. Foreign Policy toward Greece and Cyprus: The Clash ofPrinciple and Pragmatism Washington, D.C.: The Center for Mediterranean Studies;Adams and Cottrell, Cyprus Between East and West.
The Following Works Provide Information and Analysis regarding the American Andsoviet Role in Cyprus: Monteagle Stearns
made on 16 November 1983. It is interesting to note also, that less thana year after the Turkish invasion, on 13 February 1975 the Turkish Cypriots hadunilaterally proclaimed the "Turkish Federated State of Cyprus."
The unilateral declaration of independence of the ''Turkish Republic of NorthernCyprus" was made on 16 November 1983. It is interesting to note also, that less thana year after the Turkish invasion, on 13 February 1975 the Turkish Cypriots hadunilaterally proclaimed the "Turkish Federated State of Cyprus."
Turkish Republic of Northerncyprus"
The Kyprianou-Denktash agreement providedalso that priority would be given on the resettlement of Varoshia and that the demilitarizationof the Republic of Cyprus would be discussed. (Varoshia is part of the cityof Famagusta. Until 1974 it was inhabited by Greek Cypriots. Today it is anuninhabited ghost town
UN doc. S/13369, 31 May 1979
UN doc. S/13369, 31 May 1979. The Kyprianou-Denktash agreement providedalso that priority would be given on the resettlement of Varoshia and that the demilitarizationof the Republic of Cyprus would be discussed. (Varoshia is part of the cityof Famagusta. Until 1974 it was inhabited by Greek Cypriots. Today it is anuninhabited ghost town, fenced off by the Turkish occupation army.)
Fenced off by the Turkish Occupation Army.)
It should be noted that the Association Agreement was signedbetween Cyprus and the European Economic Community (EEC) while the applicationfor membership was for the European Communities (EC), that is the European Coaland Steel Community (ECSC), the European Economic Community (EEC), and theEuropean Atomic Energy Community (EAEC)
The Association Agreement was signed on 19 December 1972 and went intoeffect on 1 June 1973. It should be noted that the Association Agreement was signedbetween Cyprus and the European Economic Community (EEC) while the applicationfor membership was for the European Communities (EC), that is the European Coaland Steel Community (ECSC), the European Economic Community (EEC), and theEuropean Atomic Energy Community (EAEC).
19 October 1987 and went into effect on 1 January1988
The Protocol was signed on 19 October 1987 and went into effect on 1 January1988.
The Protocol was Signed
which was presented to, andendorsed by the Lisbon European Council (June 1992), as containing the following:- the contents, principles and political objectives of the Treaties,- the legislation adopted in implementation of the Treaties, and the jurisprudenceof the Court;- the declarations and resolutions adopted in the Community framework;- the international agreements, and the agreements between Member Statesconnected with the Community's activities
The acquis communautaire has been defined in a report of the Commissionentitled Europe and the Challenge of Enlargement, which was presented to, andendorsed by the Lisbon European Council (June 1992), as containing the following:- the contents, principles and political objectives of the Treaties,- the legislation adopted in implementation of the Treaties, and the jurisprudenceof the Court;- the declarations and resolutions adopted in the Community framework;- the international agreements, and the agreements between Member Statesconnected with the Community's activities.
The Acquis Communautaire has Been Defined in a Report of the Commissionentitled Europe and the Challenge of Enlargement
Cannes European Council, 26-27 June 1995
Conclusions of the Presidency, Cannes European Council, 26-27 June 1995.
Agenda, Fora Stronger and Wider Union
Agenda 2000, Commission Communication, Doc. 97/6, 15July 1997, vol.1, Fora Stronger and Wider Union, p. 3
Commission Communication, Doc. 97/6, 15July 1997
, vol.1
, pp. 3
Luxembourg European Council, Presidency Conclusions, 12-13 December 1997, par. 11. (The ten Central and Eastern European applicant States are: Hungary, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia
The decision reads as follows: "The accession process will be launched on 30 March 1998 by a meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the fifteen Member States of the European Union, the ten Central and Eastern European applicant States and Cyprus," Luxembourg European Council, Presidency Conclusions, 12-13 December 1997, par. 11. (The ten Central and Eastern European applicant States are: Hungary, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia,
The Decision Reads as Follows: "The Accession Process Will Be Launched on 30 March 1998 by a Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Fifteen Member States of the European Union, the Ten Central and Eastern European Applicant States and Cyprus,"
(11 and 12 December 1998)
Vienna European Council (11 and 12 December 1998) Conclusions of the Presidency, par. 59.
Conclusions of the Presidency
, pp. 59
Opinion, par. 48
Opinion, par. 48.
Agenda 2000, Commission Communication, Doc. 97/6, 15 July 1997
Agenda 2000, Commission Communication, Doc. 97/6, 15 July 1997, vol. 1
, vol.1
12-13 December1996
Conclusions of the Presidency, Dublin European Council, 12-13 December1996.
Dublin European Council
The terms of reference of the European observer were as follows: "prior to thereview scheduled for January 1995 of the question of Cyprus's accession to theEuropean Union, to report periodically to the Council on the implications of politicaldevelopments in Cyprus for the Union's acquis communautaire, including theprogress of the UN Secretary-Generals's good offices mission for Cyprus."
The terms of reference of the European observer were as follows: "prior to thereview scheduled for January 1995 of the question of Cyprus's accession to theEuropean Union, to report periodically to the Council on the implications of politicaldevelopments in Cyprus for the Union's acquis communautaire, including theprogress of the UN Secretary-Generals's good offices mission for Cyprus."