A. F. Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A study in Conservative politics (1989); M. Fforde, Conservatism and collectivism, 1886-1914 (1990); I. Packer, 'The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914' (Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published as Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land. The land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914 (2001); A. Offer, Property and Politics, 1870-1914 (1981); B. Short, Land and Society in Edwardian Britain (1997); C. Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British Labour movement, 1900-1939' (unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1996).
British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A Study in Conservative Politics
Cooper, A.F.1
A. F. Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A study in Conservative politics (1989); M. Fforde, Conservatism and collectivism, 1886-1914 (1990); I. Packer, 'The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914' (Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published as Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land. The land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914 (2001); A. Offer, Property and Politics, 1870-1914 (1981); B. Short, Land and Society in Edwardian Britain (1997); C. Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British Labour movement, 1900-1939' (unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1996).
Conservatism and Collectivism, 1886-1914
Fforde, M.1
The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914
(Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published
A. F. Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A study in Conservative politics (1989); M. Fforde, Conservatism and collectivism, 1886-1914 (1990); I. Packer, 'The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914' (Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published as Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land. The land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914 (2001); A. Offer, Property and Politics, 1870-1914 (1981); B. Short, Land and Society in Edwardian Britain (1997); C. Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British Labour movement, 1900-1939' (unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1996).
Lloyd George, Liberalism and the Land. The Land Issue and Party Politics in England, 1906-1914
Packer, I.1
A. F. Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A study in Conservative politics (1989); M. Fforde, Conservatism and collectivism, 1886-1914 (1990); I. Packer, 'The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914' (Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published as Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land. The land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914 (2001); A. Offer, Property and Politics, 1870-1914 (1981); B. Short, Land and Society in Edwardian Britain (1997); C. Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British Labour movement, 1900-1939' (unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1996).
Property and Politics, 1870-1914
Offer, A.1
A. F. Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A study in Conservative politics (1989); M. Fforde, Conservatism and collectivism, 1886-1914 (1990); I. Packer, 'The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914' (Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published as Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land. The land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914 (2001); A. Offer, Property and Politics, 1870-1914 (1981); B. Short, Land and Society in Edwardian Britain (1997); C. Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British Labour movement, 1900-1939' (unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1996).
Land and Society in Edwardian Britain
Short, B.1
unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University
A. F. Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, 1912-36. A study in Conservative politics (1989); M. Fforde, Conservatism and collectivism, 1886-1914 (1990); I. Packer, 'The Liberal Land Campaign and the Land Issue, 1906-1914' (Oxford University, D.Phil thesis, 1994), now published as Lloyd George, Liberalism and the land. The land issue and party politics in England, 1906-1914 (2001); A. Offer, Property and Politics, 1870-1914 (1981); B. Short, Land and Society in Edwardian Britain (1997); C. Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British Labour movement, 1900-1939' (unpublished D.Phil thesis, Oxford University, 1996).
Labour and the Countryside: Rural Strands in the British Labour Movement, 1900-1939
Griffiths, C.1
The Labour Party and land reform in the inter-war period
M. Tichelar, 'The Labour Party and land reform in the inter-war period,' Rural Hist. 13 (2002), pp. 85-101.
Rural Hist.
, vol.13
, pp. 85-101
Tichelar, M.1
Socialists, Labour and the Land: The response of the Labour Party to the land campaign of Lloyd George before the First World War
M. Tichelar, 'Socialists, Labour and the Land: the response of the Labour Party to the land campaign of Lloyd George before the First World War', Twentieth Century British Hist., 8 (1997), pp. 127-144.
Twentieth Century British Hist.
, vol.8
, pp. 127-144
Tichelar, M.1
Nothing less than a revolution? Labour's agricultural policy
J. Fryth (ed.)
M. Chase, 'Nothing less than a revolution? Labour's agricultural policy', in J. Fryth (ed.), Labour's High Noon. The government and the economy (1993), pp. 79-95; Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside'; R. J. Middleton, 'The formulation and implementation of British agricultural policy, 1945-1951' (unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol, 1992).
Labour's High Noon. The Government and the Economy
, pp. 79-95
Chase, M.1
Labour and the countryside
M. Chase, 'Nothing less than a revolution? Labour's agricultural policy', in J. Fryth (ed.), Labour's High Noon. The government and the economy (1993), pp. 79-95; Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside'; R. J. Middleton, 'The formulation and implementation of British agricultural policy, 1945-1951' (unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol, 1992).
British Agricultural Policy, Griffiths
unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol
M. Chase, 'Nothing less than a revolution? Labour's agricultural policy', in J. Fryth (ed.), Labour's High Noon. The government and the economy (1993), pp. 79-95; Cooper, British Agricultural Policy, Griffiths, 'Labour and the countryside'; R. J. Middleton, 'The formulation and implementation of British agricultural policy, 1945-1951' (unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol, 1992).
The Formulation and Implementation of British Agricultural Policy, 1945-1951
Middleton, R.J.1
Sir Daniel Hall, Reconstruction and the land (1941); Sir George Stapledon, Make fruitful the land (1941); C. S. Orwin, Speed the plough (1942). Even populist commentators like A. G. Street proposed national ownership, see his Farm cottages and post-war farming (1943) and Hitler's whistle (1943).
Reconstruction and the Land
Hall, S.D.1
Sir Daniel Hall, Reconstruction and the land (1941); Sir George Stapledon, Make fruitful the land (1941); C. S. Orwin, Speed the plough (1942). Even populist commentators like A. G. Street proposed national ownership, see his Farm cottages and post-war farming (1943) and Hitler's whistle (1943).
Make Fruitful the Land
Stapledon, S.G.1
Sir Daniel Hall, Reconstruction and the land (1941); Sir George Stapledon, Make fruitful the land (1941); C. S. Orwin, Speed the plough (1942). Even populist commentators like A. G. Street proposed national ownership, see his Farm cottages and post-war farming (1943) and Hitler's whistle (1943).
Speed the Plough
Orwin, C.S.1
Sir Daniel Hall, Reconstruction and the land (1941); Sir George Stapledon, Make fruitful the land (1941); C. S. Orwin, Speed the plough (1942). Even populist commentators like A. G. Street proposed national ownership, see his Farm cottages and post-war farming (1943) and Hitler's whistle (1943).
Farm Cottages and Post-war Farming
Street, A.G.1
Sir Daniel Hall, Reconstruction and the land (1941); Sir George Stapledon, Make fruitful the land (1941); C. S. Orwin, Speed the plough (1942). Even populist commentators like A. G. Street proposed national ownership, see his Farm cottages and post-war farming (1943) and Hitler's whistle (1943).
Hitler's Whistle
Report of the Expert Committee on compensation and betterment (1942) Cmd. 6467. The issue of compensation and betterment was concerned with what level 'the state should compensate land owners whose land is acquired (either by agreement or compulsion) for public or community purposes; and whether or not, and at what level, the state should seek to collect increases (betterment) in land values created by private capital or government action'. D. H. McKay and A. W. Cox, The politics of urban change (1979), pp. 69-106.
The Politics of Urban Change
, pp. 69-106
McKay, D.H.1
Cox, A.W.2
May Public Record Office (hereafter PRO), HLG80/65
The Land Worker 21 (May 1940), p. 2; Public Record Office (hereafter PRO), HLG80/65.
The Land Worker
, vol.21
, pp. 2
The Labour Party archives have been used in the Harvester Press microform edition of the Labour Party Archives, hereafter LPA, in this case part 2, pamphlets and leaflets, 41/10
Labour in government. A record of social legislation in wartime (1941), p. 7. (The Labour Party archives have been used in the Harvester Press microform edition of the Labour Party Archives, hereafter LPA, in this case part 2, pamphlets and leaflets, 41/10).
Labour in Government. A Record of Social Legislation in Wartime
, pp. 7
PRO, HLG80/34
PRO, HLG80/34.
Bellamy and Saville (eds), Dictionary of Labour Biography, II, pp. 406-7; see also T. Williams, Digging for Britain (1965).
Digging for Britain
Williams, T.1
Rural History Centre, University of Reading (hereafter RHC), papers of the National Union of Agricultural Labourers (NUAW), B.X.1 (misc. papers of Edwin Gooch which contain transcripts of heated meetings between the two unions in 1938 and 1944 to discuss amalgamation or federation). Modern Record Centre, University of Warwick, Papers of the Transport and General Workers Union, MSS126/TG/3.
Mar. He stood for election as the General Secretary of the NUAW in 1945 and as Labour candidate in South Lincolnshire in 1945, on both occasions unsuccessfully
Land Worker 26 (Mar. 1945), p. 5. He stood for election as the General Secretary of the NUAW in 1945 and as Labour candidate in South Lincolnshire in 1945, on both occasions unsuccessfully.
Land Worker
, vol.26
, pp. 5
Back to Basics: Rolf Gardiner, H. J. Massingham and a "Kinship in Husbandry"
For a discussion of the anti-modernizers see R. J. Moore-Colyer, 'Back to Basics: Rolf Gardiner, H. J. Massingham and a "Kinship in Husbandry"', Rural Hist. 12 (2001), pp. 85-108.
Rural Hist.
, vol.12
, pp. 85-108
Moore-Colyer, R.J.1
The effect of urban growth on the countryside
Ashby was head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Aberystwyth. A. W. Ashby, 'The effect of urban growth on the countryside', Sociological Rev. 31 (1939); id., The English countryside and the psychology of scenic change, typescript evidence to the Scott Committee, 1942, PRO HLG80/92. For biographical details see M. K. Ashby, Joseph Ashby of Tysoe 1859-2919. A study of English village life (1974); Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960 (1971), p. 34; and The Countryman 48 (1953), pp. 311-16.
Sociological Rev.
, vol.31
Ashby, A.W.1
typescript evidence to the Scott Committee, PRO HLG80/92
Ashby was head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Aberystwyth. A. W. Ashby, 'The effect of urban growth on the countryside', Sociological Rev. 31 (1939); id., The English countryside and the psychology of scenic change, typescript evidence to the Scott Committee, 1942, PRO HLG80/92. For biographical details see M. K. Ashby, Joseph Ashby of Tysoe 1859-2919. A study of English village life (1974); Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960 (1971), p. 34; and The Countryman 48 (1953), pp. 311-16.
The English Countryside and the Psychology of Scenic Change
Ashby was head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Aberystwyth. A. W. Ashby, 'The effect of urban growth on the countryside', Sociological Rev. 31 (1939); id., The English countryside and the psychology of scenic change, typescript evidence to the Scott Committee, 1942, PRO HLG80/92. For biographical details see M. K. Ashby, Joseph Ashby of Tysoe 1859-2919. A study of English village life (1974); Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960 (1971), p. 34; and The Countryman 48 (1953), pp. 311-16.
Joseph Ashby of Tysoe 1859-2919. A Study of English Village Life
Ashby, M.K.1
Ashby was head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Aberystwyth. A. W. Ashby, 'The effect of urban growth on the countryside', Sociological Rev. 31 (1939); id., The English countryside and the psychology of scenic change, typescript evidence to the Scott Committee, 1942, PRO HLG80/92. For biographical details see M. K. Ashby, Joseph Ashby of Tysoe 1859-2919. A study of English village life (1974); Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960 (1971), p. 34; and The Countryman 48 (1953), pp. 311-16.
Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960
, pp. 34
Ashby was head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Aberystwyth. A. W. Ashby, 'The effect of urban growth on the countryside', Sociological Rev. 31 (1939); id., The English countryside and the psychology of scenic change, typescript evidence to the Scott Committee, 1942, PRO HLG80/92. For biographical details see M. K. Ashby, Joseph Ashby of Tysoe 1859-2919. A study of English village life (1974); Dictionary of National Biography, 1951-1960 (1971), p. 34; and The Countryman 48 (1953), pp. 311-16.
The Countryman
, vol.48
, pp. 311-316
PRO, HLG80/92
PRO, HLG80/92.
British Library of Political and Social Science (hereafter BLPES), Fabian Society archives, J23/2 and K28/1; G. Walworth, Feeding the nation in peace and war (1940); and Marketing schemes: their effect on the Industrial Cooperative Movement (1934).
Feeding the Nation in Peace and War
Walworth, G.1
Resolution submitted by the East Norfolk Divisional Labour Party to Transport House (1937/38), RHC, NUAW, B.X.1.
Food and agriculture in post-war Britain
D. Thomas, 'Food and agriculture in post-war Britain', Socialist Commentary, Mar. 1944, pp. 193-6.
Socialist Commentary
, pp. 193-196
Thomas, D.1
BLPES, William Piercy Papers, 8/36 (Agriculture 1943-46), note by Evan Durbin to the Deputy Prime Minister on agricultural policy (1944).
Report to the policy sub-committee on food policy
The Report of the 40th Annual Conference of the Labour Party, June 1941, pp. 9-11; LPA, Research 14/Apr. 1942, Report to the policy sub-committee on food policy.
Research 14/Apr. 1942
10 Oct.
New Statesman, 10 Oct. 1942, p. 230.
New Statesman
, pp. 230
J. B. Cullingworth, Environmental Planning, 1939-1969 (4 vols, 1975-1980), I, Reconstruction and land use planning, 1939-1947, p. 46.
Environmental Planning, 1939-1969 (4 Vols, 1975-1980), I, Reconstruction and Land Use Planning, 1939-1947
, pp. 46
Cullingworth, J.B.1
PRO, CAB 117/14; 117/128
PRO, CAB 117/14; 117/128.
LPA, RDR 209/April 1943
LPA, RDR 209/April 1943.
Nuffield College Oxford, papers of the Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey, C2/22 (letter from G. D. H. Cole to Lord Scott, 21 Feb. 1942). Cole's oral evidence to the Scott Committee also acknowledged that powers of compulsory purchase for specific purposes might be a more realistic policy than total nationalisation: PRO, HLG80/61.
6 Dec.
The Times, 6 Dec. 1943, p. 2.
The Times
, pp. 2
LPA, LP/AG/30/24 (letter 27 Aug. 1936)
LPA, LP/AG/30/24 (letter 27 Aug. 1936).
The Times, 10 Dec. 1941, p. 5; Land Worker 23 (Feb. 1942), p. 9 ('Large or small farms').
The Times
, vol.10
, pp. 5
Feb. Large or small farms
The Times, 10 Dec. 1941, p. 5; Land Worker 23 (Feb. 1942), p. 9 ('Large or small farms').
Land Worker
, vol.23
, pp. 9
Farm sizes and layouts
Bateson (ed.), Bateson was the Statistical Officer to the Buckinghamshire War Agricultural Executive Committee
F. W. Bateson, 'Farm sizes and layouts', in Bateson (ed.), Towards a socialist agriculture. Studies by a group of Fabians (1946), p. 121. Bateson was the Statistical Officer to the Buckinghamshire War Agricultural Executive Committee.
Towards a Socialist Agriculture. Studies by a Group of Fabians
, pp. 121
Bateson, F.W.1
July Free homes, not tied houses
Land Worker 23 (July 1942), p. 7 ('Free homes, not tied houses').
Land Worker
, vol.23
, pp. 7
The ownership of agricultural land
Bateson (ed.)
F. W. Bateson, 'The ownership of agricultural land', in Bateson (ed.), Towards a socialist agriculture, pp. 168-86.
Towards a Socialist Agriculture
, pp. 168-186
Bateson, F.W.1
BLPES, Piercy Papers, 8/36 (Agriculture 1943-46), note by Evan Durbin to the Deputy Prime Minister on post-war agricultural policy, 4 Oct. 1943.
Note by William Piercy and Evan Durbin to the Deputy Prime Minister on agricultural prices, 27 Nov. 1944
Ibid., Note by William Piercy and Evan Durbin to the Deputy Prime Minister on agricultural prices, 27 Nov. 1944.
Towards a Socialist Agriculture
30 Jan.
The Times, 30 Jan. 1945, p. 2; Land Worker 26 (Mar. 1945), p. 1 ('Agriculture and industry': a report of a speech made by Williams in Liverpool on 30 Jan. 1945).
The Times
, pp. 2
Mar. 'Agriculture and industry': a report of a speech made by Williams in Liverpool on 30 Jan. 1945
The Times, 30 Jan. 1945, p. 2; Land Worker 26 (Mar. 1945), p. 1 ('Agriculture and industry': a report of a speech made by Williams in Liverpool on 30 Jan. 1945).
Land Worker
, vol.26
, pp. 1
Labour and the Land
Morgan Phillips, 'Labour and the Land', Land Worker 26 (Mar. 1945), p. 4
Land Worker
, vol.26
, pp. 4
Phillips, M.1
Ibid., 26, June 1945, p. 2.
Land Worker
, vol.26
, pp. 2
Labour's record and policy on agriculture
Lord Addison, 'Labour's record and policy on agriculture', ibid., 26 (July 1945), p. 2.
Land Worker
, vol.26
, pp. 2
Addison, L.1
The conflict over property rights during the Second World War: The Labour Party's abandonment of land nationalisation
Labour also retreated from support for urban land nationalisation at the same time for different but related reasons. Again, it was not that it feared the creation of internal divisions or damaging its electoral chances (support for land nationalisation was anyway running high in the opinion polls), but it responded to pressure from Labour local government for more immediate housing and town planning reform. M. Tichelar, 'The conflict over property rights during the Second World War: the Labour Party's abandonment of land nationalisation,' Twentieth Century British Hist. 14 (2003), pp. 165-88.
Twentieth Century British Hist.
, vol.14
, pp. 165-188
Tichelar, M.1