Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1907, 17, (hereafter VPP
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1907, 17, Victorian Parliamentary Papers for the Year 1908‐09(hereafter VPP).
Victorian Parliamentary Papers for the Year 1908‐09VPP).
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1908, 13
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1908, 13, VPP 1909‐10.
VPP 1909‐10.
See, for example, R. J. W. Selleck, (Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1982); Connell, A History of Education the Twentieth Century(Canberra, CDC, 1980); B. K. Hyams and B. Bessant Schools for the People? An introduction to the history of state education Australia(Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1972); and J. E Cleverly and J. Lavvry (eds), Australian Education the Twentieth Century(Melbourne, Cassell, 1972
See, for example, R. J. W. Selleck, Frank Tate: A biography(Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1982); Connell, A History of Education in the Twentieth Century(Canberra, CDC, 1980); B. K. Hyams and B. Bessant Schools for the People? An introduction to the history of state education in Australia(Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1972); and J. E Cleverly and J. Lavvry (eds), Australian Education in the Twentieth Century(Melbourne, Cassell, 1972).
Frank Tate: A biographyA History of Education in the Twentieth CenturySchools for the People? An introduction to the history of state education in AustraliaAustralian Education in the Twentieth Century
Rob Watts, ‘Beyond nature and nurture: Eugenics 20th century Australian history’, 40 (1995), 318‐334. Watts states that typical of these standard histories are Alan Barcan, A History of Australian Education(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1980); Connell (1980); and Cleverly and Lavvry (eds, 1972). Typical of the new revisionist histories is M. R. Theobald and R. J. Selleck (eds), Family, School and State Australian History(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1990
Rob Watts, ‘Beyond nature and nurture: Eugenics in 20th century Australian history’, Australian Journal of Politics and History40 (1995), 318‐334. Watts states that typical of these standard histories are Alan Barcan, A History of Australian Education(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1980); Connell (1980); and Cleverly and Lavvry (eds, 1972). Typical of the new revisionist histories is M. R. Theobald and R. J. Selleck (eds), Family, School and State in Australian History(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1990).
Australian Journal of Politics and HistoryA History of Australian EducationFamily, School and State in Australian History
C. L. Bacchi, ‘The nature‐nurture debate Australia, 1900‐1914’, 1 (1980/81), 199‐212
C. L. Bacchi, ‘The nature‐nurture debate in Australia, 1900‐1914’, Historical Studies1 (1980/81), 199‐212.
Historical Studies
Richard White, (Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1981). Mary Cawte, ‘Craniometry and eugenics Australia: R. J. Berry and the quest for social efficiency’, Historical Studies22 (1986), 35‐53. Marilyn Lake, The Limits of Hope: Soldier settlement Victoria, 1915‐1938(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1987). Stephen Garton, ‘Sir Charles Mackellar: Psychiatry, eugenics and child welfare New South Wales, 1900‐1914’, Historical Studies22 (1986), 21‐34; and his ‘The rise of the therapeutic state: Psychiatry and the system of criminal jurisdiction New South Wales, 1890‐1940’, Australian Journal of Politics and History32 (1986), 337‐389
Richard White, Inventing Australia: Images and identity, 1788‐1980(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1981). Mary Cawte, ‘Craniometry and eugenics in Australia: R. J. Berry and the quest for social efficiency’, Historical Studies22 (1986), 35‐53. Marilyn Lake, The Limits of Hope: Soldier settlement in Victoria, 1915‐1938(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1987). Stephen Garton, ‘Sir Charles Mackellar: Psychiatry, eugenics and child welfare in New South Wales, 1900‐1914’, Historical Studies22 (1986), 21‐34; and his ‘The rise of the therapeutic state: Psychiatry and the system of criminal jurisdiction in New South Wales, 1890‐1940’, Australian Journal of Politics and History32 (1986), 337‐389.
Inventing Australia: Images and identity, 1788‐1980Historical StudiesThe Limits of Hope: Soldier settlement in Victoria, 1915‐1938Historical StudiesAustralian Journal of Politics and History
Michael Roe, ‘The establishment of the Australian Department of Health’, 17 (1976), 176‐192; and his Nine Australian Progressives: Vitalism Australian bourgeois thought, 1890‐1960(St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1983
Michael Roe, ‘The establishment of the Australian Department of Health’, Historical Studies17 (1976), 176‐192; and his Nine Australian Progressives: Vitalism in Australian bourgeois thought, 1890‐1960(St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1983).
Historical StudiesNine Australian Progressives: Vitalism in Australian bourgeois thought, 1890‐1960
Roe (1976), 183
Roe (1976), 183.
Stephen Garton, ‘Sound minds and healthy bodies: Re‐considering eugenics Australia, 1911‐1940’, 26 (1994), 163‐181; quotation from 166
Stephen Garton, ‘Sound minds and healthy bodies: Re‐considering eugenics in Australia, 1911‐1940’, Historical Studies26 (1994), 163‐181; quotation from 166.
Historical Studies
For the complexities of the British eugenics discourse, see especially: G. R. Searle, (Leiden, Noordhoff International Publishing, 1976); and his ‘Eugenics and class’, Charles Webster (ed), Biology, Medicine and Society, 1840‐1940(Cambridge University Press, 1981). Pauline M. H. Mazumdar, Eugenics, Human Genetics and Human Failing: The Eugenics Society, its sources and its critics Britain(London, Routledge, 1992). Greta Jones, Social Hygiene Twentieth Century Britain(London, Croom Helm, 1986). Richard A. Soloway, Demography and Degeneration: Eugenics and the declining birthrate twentieth‐century Britain(Chapel Hill, North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press, 1990
For the complexities of the British eugenics discourse, see especially: G. R. Searle, Eugenics and Politics in Britain, 1900‐1914(Leiden, Noordhoff International Publishing, 1976); and his ‘Eugenics and class’, in Charles Webster (ed), Biology, Medicine and Society, 1840‐1940(Cambridge University Press, 1981). Pauline M. H. Mazumdar, Eugenics, Human Genetics and Human Failing: The Eugenics Society, its sources and its critics in Britain(London, Routledge, 1992). Greta Jones, Social Hygiene in Twentieth Century Britain(London, Croom Helm, 1986). Richard A. Soloway, Demography and Degeneration: Eugenics and the declining birthrate in twentieth‐century Britain(Chapel Hill, North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press, 1990).
Eugenics and Politics in Britain, 1900‐1914Biology, Medicine and Society, 1840‐1940Eugenics, Human Genetics and Human Failing: The Eugenics Society, its sources and its critics in BritainSocial Hygiene in Twentieth Century BritainDemography and Degeneration: Eugenics and the declining birthrate in twentieth‐century Britain
Roe (1976); Garton. ‘Sir Charles Mackellar’ (1986); ‘The rise of the therapeutic state’ (1986); ‘Sound minds and healthy bodies’ (1994). J. Powles, ‘Naturalism and hygiene: Fascist affinities Australian public health, 1910‐1940’, paper given at the ‘Attractions of Fascism’ conference, University of New South Wales, July 1987, duplicated. Milton Lewis, ‘Introduction’, J. H. L. Cumpston (ed), (Canberra, AGPS, 1989). Bacchi (1981). Alison M. Turtle, ‘Psychology the Australian context’, International Journal of Psychology20 (1985), 111‐128. Ronald Taft, ‘Psychology and its history Australia’, Australian Psychologist17 (1982), 31‐39. H. Bourke, ‘Sociology and the social sciences Australia, 1912‐1928’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology17 (1981), 26‐35. Kereen Reiger, The Disenchantment of the Home: Modernizing the Australian family, 1880‐1940(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1985). D. Deacon, Managing Gender: The state, the new middle class and women workers, 1830‐1930(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1980). C. Bacchi, ‘Evolution, eugenics and women: The impact of scientific theories on attitudes towards women, 1870‐1920’, E. Windshuttle (ed), Women, Class and History: Feminist perspectives on Australia, 1788‐1978(Melbourne, Fontana, 1980). S. Siedlecky and D. Wyndham, Populate and Perish: Australian womens fight for birth control(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1990), especially 105‐120. Ann Curthoys, ‘Eugenics, feminism and birth control: The case of Marion Piddington’, Hecate15 (1989), 73‐89. G. Davison, ‘The city bred child and urban reform Melbourne, 1900‐1940’, P. Williams (ed), Social Process and the City(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1983). White (1981). Judith Bessant, ‘Described measured and labelled: Eugenics, youth policy and moral panic Victoria the 1950s’, Journal of Australian Studies31 (1992), 8‐28
Roe (1976); Garton. ‘Sir Charles Mackellar’ (1986); ‘The rise of the therapeutic state’ (1986); ‘Sound minds and healthy bodies’ (1994). J. Powles, ‘Naturalism and hygiene: Fascist affinities in Australian public health, 1910‐1940’, paper given at the ‘Attractions of Fascism’ conference, University of New South Wales, July 1987, duplicated. Milton Lewis, ‘Introduction’, in J. H. L. Cumpston (ed), Health and Disease in Australia: A history(Canberra, AGPS, 1989). Bacchi (1981). Alison M. Turtle, ‘Psychology in the Australian context’, International Journal of Psychology20 (1985), 111‐128. Ronald Taft, ‘Psychology and its history in Australia’, Australian Psychologist17 (1982), 31‐39. H. Bourke, ‘Sociology and the social sciences in Australia, 1912‐1928’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology17 (1981), 26‐35. Kereen Reiger, The Disenchantment of the Home: Modernizing the Australian family, 1880‐1940(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1985). D. Deacon, Managing Gender: The state, the new middle class and women workers, 1830‐1930(Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1980). C. Bacchi, ‘Evolution, eugenics and women: The impact of scientific theories on attitudes towards women, 1870‐1920’, in E. Windshuttle (ed), Women, Class and History: Feminist perspectives on Australia, 1788‐1978(Melbourne, Fontana, 1980). S. Siedlecky and D. Wyndham, Populate and Perish: Australian women's fight for birth control(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1990), especially 105‐120. Ann Curthoys, ‘Eugenics, feminism and birth control: The case of Marion Piddington’, Hecate15 (1989), 73‐89. G. Davison, ‘The city bred child and urban reform in Melbourne, 1900‐1940’, in P. Williams (ed), Social Process and the City(Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1983). White (1981). Judith Bessant, ‘Described measured and labelled: Eugenics, youth policy and moral panic in Victoria in the 1950s’, Journal of Australian Studies31 (1992), 8‐28.
Health and Disease in Australia: A historyInternational Journal of PsychologyAustralian PsychologistAustralian and New Zealand Journal of SociologyThe Disenchantment of the Home: Modernizing the Australian family, 1880‐1940Managing Gender: The state, the new middle class and women workers, 1830‐1930Women, Class and History: Feminist perspectives on Australia, 1788‐1978Populate and Perish: Australian women's fight for birth controlHecateSocial Process and the CityJournal of Australian Studies
David McCallum, ‘Eugenics, psychology and education Australia’, 4 (1982/83), 17‐33; TheSocial Production of Merit(Lewes, Falmer Press, 1990); ‘Knowledge, schooling and power: Questions about the eugenics movement Australia’, ANZHES, Proceedings 21st Annual Conference(Adelaide, October 1992). M. Fitzpatrick, ‘Preventing the unfit from breeding: The Mental Deficiency Bill Western Australia, 1929’, P. Hetherington (ed), Childhood and Society Western Australia(Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, 1988). J. Lewis, ‘So much grit the educational machine: Schools, society and the intervention of measurable intelligence’, Bob Bessant (ed), Mother State and her Little Ones(Coburg, CYCS, PIT Press, 1987); and ‘Removing the grit: The development of special education Victoria, 1887‐1947’ (unpublished PhD thesis, La Trobe University, 1989). Pavla Miller, Long Division: State schooling South Australian society(Adelaide, Wakefield Press, 1986
David McCallum, ‘Eugenics, psychology and education in Australia’, Melbourne Working Papers4 (1982/83), 17‐33; TheSocial Production of Merit(Lewes, Falmer Press, 1990); ‘Knowledge, schooling and power: Questions about the eugenics movement in Australia’, ANZHES, Proceedings 21st Annual Conference(Adelaide, October 1992). M. Fitzpatrick, ‘Preventing the unfit from breeding: The Mental Deficiency Bill in Western Australia, 1929’, in P. Hetherington (ed), Childhood and Society in Western Australia(Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, 1988). J. Lewis, ‘"So much grit in the educational machine”: Schools, society and the intervention of measurable intelligence’, in Bob Bessant (ed), Mother State and her Little Ones(Coburg, CYCS, PIT Press, 1987); and ‘"Removing the grit”: The development of special education in Victoria, 1887‐1947’ (unpublished PhD thesis, La Trobe University, 1989). Pavla Miller, Long Division: State schooling in South Australian society(Adelaide, Wakefield Press, 1986).
Melbourne Working PapersSocial Production of MeritANZHES, Proceedings 21st Annual ConferenceChildhood and Society in Western AustraliaMother State and her Little OnesLong Division: State schooling in South Australian society
See, for example, Mark H. Haller, (New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1963). Lyndsay A. Farrall, The Origins and Growth of the English Eugenics Movement, 1865‐1925(New York, Garland Publishing, 1985). Searle (1976), (1981). Mazumdar (1992). Jones (1986). Soloway (1990). R. A. Lowe, ‘Eugenicists, doctors and the quest for National Efficiency: An educational crusade, 1900‐1939’, History of Education8 (1979), 293‐306; ‘Eugenics and education: A note on the origins of the intelligence testing movement England’, Educational Studies6 (1980), 1‐8. David Barker, ‘How to curb the fertility of the unfit: The feeble‐minded Edwardian Britain’, Oxford Review of Education9 (1983), 197‐211. L. J. Ray, ‘Eugenics, mental deficiency and Fabian Socialism between the wars’, Oxford Review of Education9 (1983), 213‐222. Ian Brown, ‘Who were the eugenicists? A study of the formation of an early twentieth‐century pressure group’, History of Education17 (1988), 295‐307. Patricia Potts, ‘Medicine, morals and mental deficiency: The contribution of doctors to the development of special education England’, Oxford Review of Education 9(1983), 181‐194. John MacNicol, ‘Eugenics and the campaign for voluntary sterilization Britain between the wars’, Social History of Medicine 2(1989), 147‐170. Harry Torrance, ‘The origins and development of mental testing England and the United States’, British Journal of Sociology of Education 2(1981), 45‐59. Charles L. Vigue, ‘Eugenics and the education of women the United States’, Journal of Educational Administration and History19: 2 (1987), 51‐55
See, for example, Mark H. Haller, Eugenics: Hereditarian attitudes in American thought(New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1963). Lyndsay A. Farrall, The Origins and Growth of the English Eugenics Movement, 1865‐1925(New York, Garland Publishing, 1985). Searle (1976), (1981). Mazumdar (1992). Jones (1986). Soloway (1990). R. A. Lowe, ‘Eugenicists, doctors and the quest for National Efficiency: An educational crusade, 1900‐1939’, History of Education8 (1979), 293‐306; ‘Eugenics and education: A note on the origins of the intelligence testing movement in England’, Educational Studies6 (1980), 1‐8. David Barker, ‘How to curb the fertility of the unfit: The feeble‐minded in Edwardian Britain’, Oxford Review of Education9 (1983), 197‐211. L. J. Ray, ‘Eugenics, mental deficiency and Fabian Socialism between the wars’, Oxford Review of Education9 (1983), 213‐222. Ian Brown, ‘Who were the eugenicists? A study of the formation of an early twentieth‐century pressure group’, History of Education17 (1988), 295‐307. Patricia Potts, ‘Medicine, morals and mental deficiency: The contribution of doctors to the development of special education in England’, Oxford Review of Education 9(1983), 181‐194. John MacNicol, ‘Eugenics and the campaign for voluntary sterilization in Britain between the wars’, Social History of Medicine 2(1989), 147‐170. Harry Torrance, ‘The origins and development of mental testing in England and the United States’, British Journal of Sociology of Education 2(1981), 45‐59. Charles L. Vigue, ‘Eugenics and the education of women in the United States’, Journal of Educational Administration and History19: 2 (1987), 51‐55.
Eugenics: Hereditarian attitudes in American thoughtThe Origins and Growth of the English Eugenics Movement, 1865‐1925History of EducationEducational StudiesOxford Review of EducationOxford Review of EducationHistory of EducationOxford Review of Education 9Social History of Medicine 2British Journal of Sociology of Education 2Journal of Educational Administration and History
Deborah Tyler, ‘Going Like a boy: Making up girls the 1930s kindergarten’, 25 (1993), 357‐370. David Kirk and Karen Twigg, ‘Regulating Australian bodies: Eugenics, anthropometrics and school medical inspection Victoria, 1900‐1940’, History of Education Review23 (1994), 19‐37. Grant Rodwell, ‘Clitoridectomies glasshouses: Eugenics our kindergartens’, ANZHES, Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference(Adelaide, October 1992); ‘Lessons eugenics from Arthur Mees Childrens Encyclopaedia‘ANZHES, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference(Sydney, July 1995); ‘Australian open air school architecture’, History of Education Review24: 2 (1995), 21‐41; With zealous Efficiency: Progressivism and Tasmanian state primary education, 1900‐1920(Darwin, William Michael Press, 1992). See also Bob Bessant, ‘Eugenics as an influence on the history of education’, ANZHES, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference(Adelaide, October 1992
Deborah Tyler, ‘Going Like a boy: Making up girls in the 1930s kindergarten’, Australian Historical Studies25 (1993), 357‐370. David Kirk and Karen Twigg, ‘Regulating Australian bodies: Eugenics, anthropometrics and school medical inspection in Victoria, 1900‐1940’, History of Education Review23 (1994), 19‐37. Grant Rodwell, ‘Clitoridectomies in glasshouses: Eugenics in our kindergartens’, ANZHES, Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference(Adelaide, October 1992); ‘Lessons in eugenics from Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopaedia‘ANZHES, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference(Sydney, July 1995); ‘Australian open air school architecture’, History of Education Review24: 2 (1995), 21‐41; With zealous Efficiency: Progressivism and Tasmanian state primary education, 1900‐1920(Darwin, William Michael Press, 1992). See also Bob Bessant, ‘Eugenics as an influence on the history of education’, ANZHES, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference(Adelaide, October 1992).
Australian Historical StudiesHistory of Education ReviewANZHES, Proceedings of 21st Annual ConferenceChildren's Encyclopaedia‘ANZHES, Proceedings of the 24th Annual ConferenceHistory of Education ReviewWith zealous Efficiency: Progressivism and Tasmanian state primary education, 1900‐1920ANZHES, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference
For example, William L. Bowers, (Port Washington, Kennikat Press, 1974). Mervin Robert Swanson, ‘The American Country Life movement, 1900‐1940’ (unpublished PhD thesis, University of Minnesota, 1972). For a brief summary of Baileys life and work see Bowers (1974), ch 4. The standard biographies are Andrew Dean Rodgers, Liberty Hyde Bailey(Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1949); and Philip Dorf, Liberty Hyde Bailey(Ithica, Cornell University, Press, 1956
For example, William L. Bowers, The Country Life Movement in America, 1900‐1920(Port Washington, Kennikat Press, 1974). Mervin Robert Swanson, ‘The American Country Life movement, 1900‐1940’ (unpublished PhD thesis, University of Minnesota, 1972). For a brief summary of Bailey's life and work see Bowers (1974), ch 4. The standard biographies are Andrew Dean Rodgers, Liberty Hyde Bailey(Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1949); and Philip Dorf, Liberty Hyde Bailey(Ithica, Cornell University, Press, 1956).
The Country Life Movement in America, 1900‐1920Liberty Hyde BaileyLiberty Hyde Bailey
Bailey (1911), 59
Bailey (1911), 59.
See, for example, David B. Dambom: ‘Rural education reform and the Country Life movement, 1900‐1920’, 53 (1979), 462‐474; The Resisted Revolution(Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 1979
See, for example, David B. Dambom: ‘Rural education reform and the Country Life movement, 1900‐1920’, Agricultural History53 (1979), 462‐474; The Resisted Revolution(Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 1979).
Agricultural HistoryThe Resisted Revolution
See, especially, L. H. Bailey: (New York, Doubleday, 1903); The Outlook of Nature(New York, Macmillan, 1908); and Bailey (1911), 61‐84
See, especially, L. H. Bailey: The Nature‐Study Idea: Being an interpretation of the new school movement to put the child in sympathy with Nature(New York, Doubleday, 1903); The Outlook of Nature(New York, Macmillan, 1908); and Bailey (1911), 61‐84.
The Nature‐Study Idea: Being an interpretation of the new school movement to put the child in sympathy with NatureThe Outlook of Nature
Lawrence A. Cremin, (New York, Vintage Books, 1964), 75‐85
Lawrence A. Cremin, The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American education, 1876‐1957(New York, Vintage Books, 1964), 75‐85.
The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American education, 1876‐1957
See especially, Soloway (1990), 43‐46
See especially, Soloway (1990), 43‐46.
Alfred F. Tredgold, 1st edn (London, Ballière, 1908), 72. See also Mazumdar (1992), 80‐81
Alfred F. Tredgold, Mental Deficiency,1st edn (London, Ballière, 1908), 72. See also Mazumdar (1992), 80‐81.
Mental Deficiency
C. W. Saleeby, Sociology, (London, T. C. and E. C. Jack, [nd]), 92‐93
C. W. Saleeby, Sociology(London, T. C. and E. C. Jack, [nd]), 92‐93.
Jones (1986), 75‐77
Jones (1986), 75‐77.
C. W. Saleeby, (London, Cassell, [nd]), 106
C. W. Saleeby, Worry: The disease of the age(London, Cassell, [nd]), 106.
Worry: The disease of the age
[Hobart], 23 September 1911
Daily Post[Hobart], 23 September 1911.
Daily Post
For these developments Victoria, see Kirk and Twigg (1994
For these developments in Victoria, see Kirk and Twigg (1994).
Report on Medical Inspection and Kindred Subjects, Appendix J of the Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1908‐09, 100
Report on Medical Inspection and Kindred Subjects, Appendix J of the Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1908‐09, 100, VPP 1908‐09.
VPP 1908‐09.
Tom Griffiths, ‘The Natural History of Melbourne: The culture of nature writing Victoria, 1880‐1945’, 23 (1989), 339‐365, quotation from 353
Tom Griffiths, ‘"The Natural History of Melbourne”: The culture of nature writing in Victoria, 1880‐1945’, Historical Studies23 (1989), 339‐365, quotation from 353.
Historical Studies
Michael Davitt, (London, Macmillan, 1898), 480
Michael Davitt, Life and Progress in Australasia(London, Macmillan, 1898), 480.
Life and Progress in Australasia
W. M. Hughes, ‘The story of Australia and New Zealand the twentieth century’, F. H. Hooper (ed), (2 vols, New York, Macmillan, 1924), 2, 291
W. M. Hughes, ‘The story of Australia and New Zealand in the twentieth century’, in F. H. Hooper (ed), These Eventful Years: The twentieth century in the making(2 vols, New York, Macmillan, 1924), 2, 291.
These Eventful Years: The twentieth century in the making
P. R. Cole, ‘The development of an Australian social type’, 18: 2 (1932), 54
P. R. Cole, ‘The development of an Australian social type’, Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society18: 2 (1932), 54.
Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society
Davison (1983), 143‐174
Davison (1983), 143‐174.
Griffiths (1989), 357
Macdonald's ‘Nature Notes and Queries’ began in the Arguson 25 November 1904; his ‘Notes for Boys’ column began on 23 February 1909. Griffiths (1989), 357, note 13.
note 13
Griffiths (1989), 354. And K. S. Inglis, (St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1970). Davison (1983) shows how Bean was developing his ideas from early the century
Griffiths (1989), 354. And K. S. Inglis, C. E. W. Bean: Australian historian(St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1970). Davison (1983) shows how Bean was developing his ideas from early in the century.
C. E. W. Bean: Australian historian
Roe (1983), ch 3 for a history of Barretts contribution to social planning and eugenic causes, especially 57‐88
Roe (1983), ch 3 for a history of Barrett's contribution to social planning and eugenic causes, especially 57‐88.
James W. Barrett, (2 vols, London, H. K. Lewis and Co
James W. Barrett, Twin Ideals: An educated Commonwealth(2 vols, London, H. K. Lewis and Co.
Twin Ideals: An educated Commonwealth
Richard Arthur, ‘Farm training for city lads’, 2 (1907), 702‐704
Richard Arthur, ‘Farm training for city lads’, Agricultural Gazette of N.S. W.2 (1907), 702‐704.
Agricultural Gazette of N.S. W.
3/4 (July 1907), 45‐46
Educational Record3/4 (July 1907), 45‐46.
Educational Record
[Hobart], 27 January 1913
Daily Post[Hobart], 27 January 1913.
Daily Post
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1906, 11
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1906, 11, VPP 1907‐08.
VPP 1907‐08.
Charles R. Long (ed) (Melbourne, J. Kemp, Government Printer, 1908), 19
Charles R. Long (ed) Record and Review of the State Schools Exhibition(Melbourne, J. Kemp, Government Printer, 1908), 19.
Record and Review of the State Schools Exhibition
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1909
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1909, 36, JPPNSW, 1910.
36, JPPNSW, 1910.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1909, 42
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1909, 42, JPPNSW, 1910.
JPPNSW, 1910.
Mercury, [Hobart], 8 August 1910
Mercury[Hobart], 8 August 1910.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1908
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1908, 29, JPPNSW, 1909.
29, JPPNSW, 1909.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1911
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1911, 42, JPPNSW, 1912.
42, JPPNSW, 1912.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1913, 36
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1913, 36, JPPNSW, 1914.
JPPNSW, 1914.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1905, Education, Appendix C, 35
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1905, Education, Appendix C, 35 VPP 1906‐07.
VPP 1906‐07.
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1906, Education, 23
Report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the Year 1906, Education, 23, VPP 1907‐08.
VPP 1907‐08.
The (Melbourne, J. Kemp, Government Printer, 1905), 20‐28
The Year Book of Agriculture for 1905(Melbourne, J. Kemp, Government Printer, 1905), 20‐28.
Year Book of Agriculture for 1905
Argus, [Melbourne], 2 February 1906
Argus[Melbourne], 2 February 1906.
Selleck (1982), 319, note 83. Selleck makes the point that a major motive behind Tates effort with the agricultural high schools was to gently ease the Department of Education into a role secondary education, and it was politic for him to appeal to the strong rural influence Parliament. Also see R. A. Martin, ‘The Victorian agricultural high schools: The vocational fallacy state secondary education Victoria, 1900‐1925’, E. L. French (ed), (Melbourne University Press, 1965). And M. A. Clements, ‘Frank Tate and the politics of agricultural education Victoria, 1895‐1905’, Stephen Murray‐Smith (ed), Melbourne Studies Education, 1917(Melbourne University Press, 1977
Selleck (1982), 319, note 83. Selleck makes the point that a major motive behind Tate's effort with the agricultural high schools was to gently ease the Department of Education into a role in secondary education, and it was politic for him to appeal to the strong rural influence in Parliament. Also see R. A. Martin, ‘The Victorian agricultural high schools: The vocational fallacy in state secondary education in Victoria, 1900‐1925’, in E. L. French (ed), Melbourne Studies in Education, 1965(Melbourne University Press, 1965). And M. A. Clements, ‘Frank Tate and the politics of agricultural education in Victoria, 1895‐1905’, in Stephen Murray‐Smith (ed), Melbourne Studies in Education, 1917(Melbourne University Press, 1977).
Melbourne Studies in Education, 1965Melbourne Studies in Education, 1917
Mercury, [Hobart], 18 November 1907
Mercury[Hobart], 18 November 1907.
Arthur (1907), 704
Arthur (1907), 704.
Roe (1983), 164
Roe (1983), 164.
Van Krieken (1991), 104‐105
Van Krieken (1991), 104‐105.
See, for example, McCallum (1990
See, for example, McCallum (1990).
See, for example, Lake (1987
See, for example, Lake (1987)