United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, April 15,1997.
A graphic example ofthat tendency can be found in the comments of Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, "1997 Forrestal Lecture: American Principle and Purpose in East Asia," United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, April 15,1997.
Forrestal Lecture: American Principle and Purpose in East Asia
Albright, K.1
compiled and edited by John T. Dori and Richard D. Fisher, Jr. (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation Asia Studies Center, 1996).
U.S. and Asia Statistical Handbook, 1996, compiled and edited by John T. Dori and Richard D. Fisher, Jr. (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation Asia Studies Center, 1996).
U.S. and Asia Statistical Handbook
Clinton Hails Partnership with Japan
April 18
Following the summit, U.S. officials stated that although they hoped for greater Japanese logistical support for U.S. military missions in East Asia, Japan was "far from ready to send troops into battle alongside U.S. forces," adding that that was "not something the United States wanted anyway" (Kevin Sullivan and John F. Harris, "Clinton Hails Partnership with Japan," Washington Post, April 18, 1996).
Washington Post
Sullivan, K.1
Harris, J.F.2
April 19
When asked what help the United States could expect from Japan, in light of the Clinton-Hashimoto summit, if a conflict were to break out in East Asia, former assistant secretary of defense Joseph Nye had extremely limited expectations. "If there were a war in Korea, I'm confident that we would have Japanese support, the use of Japanese bases, and help with supplies and so forth." Nye added that if the conflict were instead in the Taiwan Strait or the South China Sea, Washington would expect -and in his judgment, would need-"considerably less" support from Tokyo ("Treaty Ratification Reassures Region," interview with Joseph Nye, Washington Times, April 19, 1996).
Washington Times
Excerpts from Pentagon's Plan: Prevent the Emergence of a New Rival
March 8
"Excerpts from Pentagon's Plan: Prevent the Emergence of a New Rival," New York Times, March 8, 1992.
New York Times
Baker Asks Asians to Move Warily on New Pacts
July 25
Philip Shenon, "Baker Asks Asians to Move Warily on New Pacts," New York Times, July 25, 1991-
New York Times
Shenon, P.1
remarks at the inaugural reception for the KoreanUnited States Twenty-First Century Council, Washington, D. C, February 17, 1994, U.S. Department of State Dispatch, February 28
Warren Christopher, "Strengthening Ties between the United States and South Korea," remarks at the inaugural reception for the KoreanUnited States Twenty-First Century Council, Washington, D. C, February 17, 1994, U.S. Department of State Dispatch, February 28, 1994, p. 104.
Strengthening Ties between the United States and South Korea
, pp. 104
Christopher, W.1
Japan: Anger As Pentagon Chief Kicks off Visit
April 8
"Japan: Anger As Pentagon Chief Kicks Off Visit," South China Morning Post, April 8, 1997.
South China Morning Post
U.S. Gets No Help from East Asians in Backing Taiwan
March 14
Hideshi Takeshida, a professor at Japan's Institute for Defense Studies, noted that his country "is always nervous when a problem arises with China." An important root ofthat nervousness, he contended, is the fear that China will retaliate against Japanese investors on the mainland. Quoted in Willis Witter, "U.S. Gets No Help from East Asians in Backing Taiwan," Washington Times, March 14, 1997.
Washington Times
Witter, W.1
American Economic and Security Interests in China
paper presented sponsored by the Economic Strategy Institute, Washington, D.C., January 16, and Andrew
Examples of the argument that China's objectives are defensive rather than offensive include Charles W. Freeman, "American Economic and Security Interests in China," paper presented to the fourth meeting of the Study Group on American Interests in Asia: Economic and Security Priorities, sponsored by the Economic Strategy Institute, Washington, D.C., January 16, 1997; and Andrew
Fourth Meeting of the Study Group on American Interests in Asia: Economic and Security Priorities
Freeman, C.W.1
Japan's Hints of Defense of Taiwan Enrage China
August 25
Beijing reacted badly even to the meager changes in the U.S.-Japan defense guidelines. See Willis Witter, "Japan's Hints of Defense of Taiwan Enrage China," Washington Times, August 25, 1997;
Washington Times
Witter, W.1
Who Is U.S.-Japan Pact Aimed At?
September 8
Chalmers Johnson, "Who Is U.S.-Japan Pact Aimed At?" Los Angeles Times, September 8, 1997;
Los Angeles Times
Johnson, C.1
China Warns U.S., Japan on Security Pact
and "China Warns U.S., Japan on Security Pact," Washington Post, September 1997.
Washington Post
That strategy would require the reversal of recent policies that envision the closing of some installations on Guam. It is a measure of the perversity of U.S. strategy in the western Pacific and East Asia that Washington contemplates drawing down forces stationed in American territories while it maintains, or in the case_of South Korea actually strengthens, forces used to subsidize the defense of allies and clients.
Author's conversations with Japanese Foreign Ministry and Defense Agency officials, Tokyo, July 10-14,1995
Author's conversations with Japanese Foreign Ministry and Defense Agency officials, Tokyo, July 10-14,1995.
Author's conversations with South Korean Defense Ministry officials, Seoul, July 18, 1995
Author's conversations with South Korean Defense Ministry officials, Seoul, July 18, 1995.