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Volumn 57, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 429-455

Gender roles in contemporary Russia: Attitudes and expectations among women students

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EID: 20444422899     PISSN: 09668136     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/09668130500073449     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (30)

References (63)
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    • 'Introduction: Gender, State, Society'
    • S. Ashwin (ed.), (London, Routledge)
    • Sarah Ashwin, 'Introduction: Gender, State, Society', in S. Ashwin (ed.), Gender, State and Society in Post-Soviet Russia (London, Routledge, 2000), p. 19.
    • (2000) Gender, State and Society in Post-Soviet Russia , pp. 19
    • Ashwin, S.1
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    • 'Prostranstvennaya polyarizatsiya i pereorientatsiya'
    • The geographer Rodoman uses the term 'archaisation' to refer to this development, citing other phenomena such as the increased importance of barter and subsistence farming. Tatyana Zaslavskaya (ed.), (Moscow, Delo)
    • The geographer Rodoman uses the term 'archaisation' to refer to this development, citing other phenomena such as the increased importance of barter and subsistence farming. V. Rodoman, 'Prostranstvennaya polyarizatsiya i pereorientatsiya', in Tatyana Zaslavskaya (ed.), Kuda idet Rossiya? Transformatsiya sotsial'noi sfery i sotsial'naya politika (Moscow, Delo, 1998).
    • (1998) Kuda Idet Rossiya? Transformatsiya Sotsial'noi Sfery I Sotsial'naya Politika
    • Rodoman, V.1
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    • (ed.), (Moscow, Tsentr demografii i ekologii cheloveka, Izdatel'stvo KDU)
    • A. G. Vishnevsky (ed.), Naselenie Rossii 2002 (Moscow, Tsentr demografii i ekologii cheloveka, Izdatel'stvo KDU, 2004), p. 46.
    • (2004) Naselenie Rossii 2002 , pp. 46
    • Vishnevsky, A.G.1
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    • (ed.), published together with the shorter, English-language report Gender Issues in Transition: Urban and Rural Russia (Moscow, Akisflat)
    • E. Kalabikhina (ed.), Gendernye voprosy v Rossii v kontse XX veka, published together with the shorter, English-language report Gender Issues in Transition: Urban and Rural Russia (Moscow, Akisflat, 2004), p. 57.
    • (2004) Gendernye Voprosy V Rossii V Kontse XX Veka , pp. 57
    • Kalabikhina, E.1
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    • (St Petersburg, Aleteiya, 1996), cited in T. A. Dolbik-Vorobei, 'Studencheskaya molodezh' o problemakh braka i rozhdaemosti', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
    • S. I. Golod, XX vek i tendentsii seksual'nykh otnoshenii v Rossii (St Petersburg, Aleteiya, 1996), cited in T. A. Dolbik-Vorobei, 'Studencheskaya molodezh' o problemakh braka i rozhdaemosti', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2003, 11, p. 79.
    • (2003) XX Vek I Tendentsii Seksual'nykh Otnoshenii V Rossii , vol.11 , pp. 79
    • Golod, S.I.1
  • 9
    • 0003840060 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See for example (Coventry, University of Warwick, Centre for Comparative Labour Studies and Moscow, ISITO) 52
    • See for example Simon Clarke, New Forms of Employment and Household Survival Strategies (Coventry, University of Warwick, Centre for Comparative Labour Studies and Moscow, ISITO, 1999), pp. 35-37, 52.
    • (1999) New Forms of Employment and Household Survival Strategies , pp. 35-37
    • Clarke, S.1
  • 12
    • 20444393181 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (Moscow, Letnii Sad) In a panel survey of 105 poor households in Moscow, Vladikavkaz and Voronezh, the wife was the main breadwinner in a third in 1990 and a half in 2000
    • N. E. Tikhonova, Fenomen gorodskoi bedhosti v sovremennoi Rossii (Moscow, Letnii Sad, 2003), p. 243. In a panel survey of 105 poor households in Moscow, Vladikavkaz and Voronezh, the wife was the main breadwinner in a third in 1990 and a half in 2000.
    • (2003) Fenomen Gorodskoi Bednosti V Sovremennoi Rossii , pp. 243
    • Tikhonova, N.E.1
  • 13
    • 20444399209 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • There is quite a lot of research which suggests that middle-aged women do want to work. See ch. 5, and, for example, S. Ashwin & E. Bowers, 'Do Russian Women Want to Work?', in Mary Buckley (ed.), Post-Soviet Women: from the Baltic to Central Asia (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)
    • There is quite a lot of research which suggests that middle-aged women do want to work. See White, Small-Town Russia, ch. 5, and, for example, S. Ashwin & E. Bowers, 'Do Russian Women Want to Work?', in Mary Buckley (ed.), Post-Soviet Women: from the Baltic to Central Asia (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997);
    • (1997) Small-Town Russia
    • White, A.1
  • 14
    • 20444401616 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Gorozhane i selyane v rezul'tate reform 90-kh godov'
    • (suggesting that only one in six women in Nizhny Novgorod region would definitely like to be a housewife)
    • G. Shirokalova, 'Gorozhane i selyane v rezul'tate reform 90-kh godov', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2002, 2, p. 79 (suggesting that only one in six women in Nizhny Novgorod region would definitely like to be a housewife);
    • (2002) Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya , vol.2 , pp. 79
    • Shirokalova, G.1
  • 15
    • 0007509608 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Problems of Becoming a Housewife'
    • A. Rotkirch & E. Haavio-Mannila (eds), (Aldershot, Dartmouth) suggesting that middle-aged and older women in St Petersburg find it very difficult to adapt to not working (though it is easier for younger women)
    • E. Zdravomyslova, 'Problems of Becoming a Housewife', in A. Rotkirch & E. Haavio-Mannila (eds), Women's Voices in Russia Today (Aldershot, Dartmouth, 1996), suggesting that middle-aged and older women in St Petersburg find it very difficult to adapt to not working (though it is easier for younger women);
    • (1996) Women's Voices in Russia Today
    • Zdravomyslova, E.1
  • 16
    • 84909394557 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Zhenshchiny i rabota: Mneniya rossiyan i kanadtsev'
    • suggesting that over 90% of Russians think women should work to support their families
    • I. I. Chernova, 'Zhenshchiny i rabota: mneniya rossiyan i kanadtsev', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 1999, 12, p. 111, suggesting that over 90% of Russians think women should work to support their families;
    • (1999) Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya , vol.12 , pp. 111
    • Chernova, I.I.1
  • 17
    • 20444400909 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (ed.), Kalabikhina did, however, find that some types of woman were attracted by the housewife model: very young girls who imagined life in terms of TV serials, late middle-aged and 'tired' respondents, non-ethnic Russian women and some of the housewives themselves (p. 45)
    • Kalabikhina (ed.), Gendernye voprosy, pp. 45-47. Kalabikhina did, however, find that some types of woman were attracted by the housewife model: very young girls who imagined life in terms of TV serials, late middle-aged and 'tired' respondents, non-ethnic Russian women and some of the housewives themselves (p. 45).
    • Gendernye Voprosy , pp. 45-47
    • Kalabikhina, E.1
  • 18
    • 20444411952 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • '"A Woman is Everything": The Reproduction of Soviet Ideals of Womanhood in Post-communist Russia'
    • For evidence that young women want to work see Al Rainnie, Adrian Smith & Adam Swain (eds), (London, Routledge)
    • For evidence that young women want to work see Sarah Ashwin, '"A Woman is Everything": The Reproduction of Soviet Ideals of Womanhood in Post-communist Russia', in Al Rainnie, Adrian Smith & Adam Swain (eds), Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Postcommunism (London, Routledge, 2002), pp. 121-123.
    • (2002) Work, Employment and Transition: Restructuring Livelihoods in Postcommunism , pp. 121-123
    • Ashwin, S.1
  • 23
    • 0003441318 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Among the most useful English-language sources are (ed.), (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)
    • Among the most useful English-language sources are Mary Buckley (ed.), Post-Soviet Women: from the Baltic to Central Asia (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997)
    • (1997) Post-Soviet Women: From the Baltic to Central Asia
    • Buckley, M.1
  • 24
    • 20444409533 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • and (Westport, CT and London, Praeger,). A long bibliography of 1990s Russian sources is provided in Kalabikhina (ed.), Gendernye voprosy
    • and Dana Vannoy et al., Marriages in Russia: Couples During the Economic Transition (Westport, CT and London, Praeger, 1999). A long bibliography of 1990s Russian sources is provided in Kalabikhina (ed.), Gendernye voprosy, pp. 119-129.
    • (1999) Marriages in Russia: Couples During the Economic Transition , pp. 119-129
    • Vannoy, D.1
  • 30
    • 20444362452 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Model' sem'i v usloviyakh transformatsii rossiiskogo obshchestva'
    • L. V. Kartseva, 'Model' sem'i v usloviyakh transformatsii rossiiskogo obshchestva', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2003, 7, pp. 92-100.
    • (2003) Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya , vol.7 , pp. 92-100
    • Kartseva, L.V.1
  • 32
  • 33
    • 20444372369 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Gendernye aspekty zhiznennogo samoopredeleniya molodezhi'
    • S. V. Skutneva, 'Gendernye aspekty zhiznennogo samoopredeleniya molodezhi', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2003, 11, p. 76.
    • (2003) Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya , vol.11 , pp. 76
    • Skutneva, S.V.1
  • 36
    • 20444400650 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Kto v dome khozyain?'
    • www.monitoring ru, ROMIR survey of 17 April
    • www.monitoring ru, ROMIR survey of 17 April 2003, 'Kto v dome khozyain?'.
    • (2003)
  • 37
    • 20444416795 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Students were given the questionnaires at lectures and invited to complete them in their own time; 122 questionnaires were received. Those discarded were incomplete, completed by men, late or, in one case, so normative as to be completely uninformative. The questionnaires were in Russian; all translations are my own. I am very much indebted to Professor Lubov' Tsurikova of the Voronezh State University English Department for helping with the wording and format of the Russian questionnaire and for distributing and collecting the questionnaire forms.
  • 38
    • 0142255786 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hakim, however, implies that rather than being unusually progressive in their convictions, students are merely inexperienced (in Spain and the UK), and this makes them exceptionally idealistic and egalitarian with reference to family models, compared with the rest of the population. By extension, at least some of these idealistic students might be expected to become more conservative after graduation, rather than to become leaders of (radical) opinion. On the other hand, within her older cohorts, many of whom were young at the height of second wave feminism, higher levels of education do correlate with more egalitarian views. It is this generation of educated women whose experience is perhaps most comparable with that of Russian young women today; see (Aldershot, Ashgate)
    • Hakim, however, implies that rather than being unusually progressive in their convictions, students are merely inexperienced (in Spain and the UK), and this makes them exceptionally idealistic and egalitarian with reference to family models, compared with the rest of the population. By extension, at least some of these idealistic students might be expected to become more conservative after graduation, rather than to become leaders of (radical) opinion. On the other hand, within her older cohorts, many of whom were young at the height of second wave feminism, higher levels of education do correlate with more egalitarian views. It is this generation of educated women whose experience is perhaps most comparable with that of Russian young women today; see Catherine Hakim, Models of the Family in Modern Societies: Ideals and Realities (Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003), pp. 93-94.
    • (2003) Models of the Family in Modern Societies: Ideals and Realities , pp. 93-94
    • Hakim, C.1
  • 39
    • 20444419474 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • To have surveyed men from another university department would have introduced problems of comparability; one would expect language students to be particularly 'Westernised', and it was this attribute which made them especially worthy of study.
  • 40
    • 20444426924 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Pedagogical University questionnaire and associated interviews were for a project on labour migration as a livelihood strategy. For the proportion of students from different localities at different universities see Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba zanyatosti: Departament Federal'noi Gosudarstvennoi Sluzhby zanyatosti naseleniya po Voronezhskoi oblasti, Otdel sotsial'noekonomicheskikh issledovanii i prognoza rynka truda, 2000 2003
    • The Pedagogical University questionnaire and associated interviews were for a project on labour migration as a livelihood strategy. For the proportion of students from different localities at different universities see Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba zanyatosti: Departament Federal'noi Gosudarstvennoi Sluzhby zanyatosti naseleniya po Voronezhskoi oblasti, Otdel sotsial'noekonomicheskikh issledovanii i prognoza rynka truda, Rezul'taty issledovanii, 1999, 2000, 2003.
    • (1999) Rezul'taty Issledovanii
  • 41
    • 20444385540 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • There were, however, some fairly substantial differences, which limit the usefulness of the data: half the Bath students were male; about 1/6 were studying social sciences, not languages; and a similar proportion had non-British or dual nationality. Hence the Bath data have been used only sparingly.
  • 44
    • 0003968014 scopus 로고
    • (London, Collins)
    • Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika (London, Collins, 1987), p. 117.
    • (1987) Perestroika , pp. 117
    • Gorbachev, M.1
  • 46
    • 20444362796 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Social status was determined from the students' descriptions of their parents'jobs. Naturally this is a somewhat imprecise exercise. I have counted every parent who seemed to match the description of worker or farmer or, alternatively, entrepreneur or professional employed in the private sector. Possibly, but by no means certainly, households headed by entrepreneurs are more likely to hold 'non-Soviet' views, or at least to be able to purchase goods (foreign holidays, magazines) which open up new intellectual horizons. The range of income even among the entrepreneurs was probably rather great. Despite the fact that the essentialists contained a disproportionate number of both Voronezhites and working-class students, there is no correspondence between worker parentage and Voronezh residence; in fact, just under 20% of the Voronezh students had parents who were workers, compared with 30% among the whole sample.
  • 47
    • 20444407355 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • However, the four students who said that women possessed two or more 'masculine' qualities (for example, rationality, persistence, independence, unwillingness to accept an inferior position) were all from the 'constructivist' group (2.1 B) except for one, and even this woman should possibly have ticked 2.1 B, since she later stated her belief that men got jobs more easily because they were brought up to aim for success.
  • 48
    • 20444374175 scopus 로고
    • Marx was answering a questionnaire, widespread in school playgrounds, which was given to him by his daughter I first encountered references to Marx's answers when I myself was a student at Voronezh University at the end of the Brezhnev era
    • Marx was answering a questionnaire, widespread in school playgrounds, which was given to him by his daughter (Attwood, The New Soviet Man and Woman, p. 8). I first encountered references to Marx's answers when I myself was a student at Voronezh University at the end of the Brezhnev era (1981-82).
    • (1981) The New Soviet Man and Woman , pp. 8
    • Attwood, L.1
  • 49
    • 84993683924 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Involution and Destitution in Capitalist Russia'
    • See for example
    • See for example M. Burawoy, P. Krotov & T. Lytkina, 'Involution and Destitution in Capitalist Russia', Ethnography, 1, 1, 2000, pp. 43-65;
    • (2000) Ethnography , vol.1 , Issue.1 , pp. 43-65
    • Burawoy, M.1    Krotov, P.2    Lytkina, T.3
  • 51
    • 20444376606 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • It is of course hard to say whether certain adjectives, such as 'romantic' or 'reserved', were seen as praiseworthy, blameworthy or neutral. Moreover, it might also be true that some virtues were more highly regarded than others: for example 'kindness' might be more praiseworthy than 'pragmatism'.
  • 52
    • 18844425305 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Young People's Attitudes Towards Sex Roles and Sexuality'
    • Hilary Pilkington (ed.), (London, Routledge)
    • Lynne Attwood, 'Young People's Attitudes Towards Sex Roles and Sexuality', in Hilary Pilkington (ed.), Gender, Generation and Identity in Contemporary Russia (London, Routledge, 1996), p. 135.
    • (1996) Gender, Generation and Identity in Contemporary Russia , pp. 135
    • Attwood, L.1
  • 54
    • 20444409764 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The Pedagogical University statements were: 'It's good if a young childless woman is able to stay at home and her husband can afford to keep her. Women who don't get married will always feel unfulfilled and such women deserve to be pitied. Women who don't have children will always feel unfulfilled and such women deserve to be pitied. Even if the wife works, the husband should still be considered the family's main provider. It does not matter if a wife has a low salary (for example a teacher's salary), because the husband should provide for the family. A family's place of residence should depend primarily on the husband's workplace'.
  • 55
    • 20444365901 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Calculated from data in 'Tendentsii na rynke truda v 2001 godu', 5, 8 and In the same month, 8.5% of working-age women were unemployed, according to survey data (Ibid.)
    • Calculated from data in 'Tendentsii na rynke truda v 2001 godu', Voprosy statistiki, 2002, 9, pp. 5, 8 and 10. In the same month, 8.5% of working-age women were unemployed, according to survey data (Ibid.).
    • (2002) Voprosy Statistiki , vol.9 , pp. 10
  • 56
    • 20444388382 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Introduction: Gender, State and Society'
    • She would also include the assumption that the husband should be the breadwinner; see
    • She would also include the assumption that the husband should be the breadwinner; see Ashwin, 'Introduction: Gender, State and Society', p. 21.
    • Ashwin, S.1
  • 57
    • 20444385539 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Grazhdanskii brak v sovremennoi demograficheskoi situatsii'
    • The sample seems to have been about 120-130. 101
    • The sample seems to have been about 120-130. L. P. Bogdanova & A. S. Shchukina, 'Grazhdanskii brak v sovremennoi demograficheskoi situatsii', Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2003, 7, pp. 101, 103-104.
    • (2003) Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya , vol.7 , pp. 103-104
    • Bogdanova, L.P.1    Shchukina, A.S.2
  • 58
    • 4544252414 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'From Duty to Pleasure? Motherhood in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia'
    • Ashwin (ed.)
    • Olga Issoupova, 'From Duty to Pleasure? Motherhood in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia', in Ashwin (ed.), Gender, State and Society.
    • Gender, State and Society
    • Issoupova, O.1
  • 59
    • 20444368502 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Some 18 were fully agreed and 10 were unsure.
  • 60
    • 20444423883 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The ranking of students and their allocation to quartiles was based on the sum of the students' opinions about seven of the eight essentialist statements, i.e. all minus the 'bosses' question, plus their answer to Q. 2.1 (with 2 points for (A) and 0 points for (B) or (C)). The top quartile was 25 students whose total point score was 9-15. The bottom 'quartile' was 24 students whose point score was 0-3. Nine students scored 0.
  • 61
    • 20444393530 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The comparison is between the percentage of students of each type of background among the 'most neo-traditionalist' group (14 students either wholly agreeing with both assertions about housewives, or wholly with one and partly with the other), and the 'completely opposed to neo-traditionalism' group, those 52 students completely denying both of the assertions that women should stay at home.
  • 62
    • 20444403826 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • In Figure 8, 96 sets of home-town peers were considered, excluding data about peers in non-Russian Tbilisi, Baku, Samarkand and Groznyi, but including peers in ethnically Russian areas of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In Figure 9, the 'home older' category is based on the answers of 50 respondents who were not from Voronezh or Tbilisi, Samarkand, Baku or Groznyi. Voronezh answers are from all 100 respondents. The Russian students were asked to complete a table with the different social groups as column headings and the statements as row headings. A tick stood for 'agree', a question mark for 'don't know' and a blank for 'disagree'. While neat and economical of space, this turned out to be an unsatisfactory arrangement and it would have been better to have had a more conventional arrangement, as in the English version of the questionnaire. In the final analysis it seemed unwise to include the question marks ('don't know') with reference to peers and elders, because there were relatively few of these. Probably many blank spaces indicated 'don't know' rather than 'no'. Only ticks and other positive comments have therefore been counted towards the totals for peers in this analysis. The students' responses about their own opinions were often fuller and more nuanced, sometimes with verbal comments, and the 'don't know' reply was more clearly distinguishable from 'disagree'. This is why 'don't know' question marks have been counted (as half points) when quantifying the respondents' own opinions.
  • 63
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    • note
    • The reference here is only to the State University students, who were asked about other people's views as well as their own.

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