ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 guideline update for implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices - Summary article: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines
(ACC/AHA/NASPE committee to update the 1998 pacemaker guidelines)
G. Gregoratos J. Abrams A.E. Epstein et al. ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 guideline update for implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices - summary article: A report of the American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/AHA/ NASPE committee to update the 1998 pacemaker guidelines). J Am Coll Cardiol 40 2002 1703-1719
Effect of pacing chamber and atrioventricular delay on acute systolic function of paced patients with congestive heart failure
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Six year experience of transvenous left ventricular lead implantation for permanent biventricular pacing in patients with advanced heart failure: Technical aspects
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Long-term survival after ablation of the atrioventricular node and implantation of a permanent pacemaker in patients with atrial fibrillation
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Clinical outcomes after ablation and pacing therapy for atrial fibrillation: A meta-analysis
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Mapping of regional myocardial strain and work during ventricular pacing: Experimental study using magnetic resonance imaging tagging
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Comparative effects of permanent biventricular and right-univentricular pacing in heart failure patients with chronic atrial fibrillation
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Long-term benefits of biventricular pacing in congestive heart failure: Results from the MUltisite STimulation in Cardiomyopathy (MUSTIC) study
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Ventricular endocardial right bifocal stimulation in the treatment of severe dilated cardiomyopathy heart failure with wide QRS
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