address to the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, 7 April , UN News Service
Kofi Annan, address to the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, 7 April 2004, UN News Service, http://www.un.org/apps/news/printnewsAr.asp?nid=10377.
Annan, K.1
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 9 September , Washington DC
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 9 September 2004., Washington DC, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/36042pf.htm.
Médecins Sans Frontières were still reporting that it was taking two months from recruitment to arrival to place a medic in Darfur in May 2004: Ton Koene, MSF Emergency Coordinator, statement to the UN Security Council on behalf of MSF on 24 May
Médecins Sans Frontières were still reporting that it was taking two months from recruitment to arrival to place a medic in Darfur in May 2004: Ton Koene, MSF Emergency Coordinator, statement to the UN Security Council on behalf of MSF on 24 May 2004 at http://www.msf.org/countries/page.cfm?atticleid=DB8843B3-F57D-4054-82D6530A.
1 July AFR 54/041/2003
See for example Amnesty International, 'Looming crisis in Dafur', 1 July 2003, AFR 54/041/2003; MFR press release, 'The top ten most underreported humanitarian stories of 2003', 6 Jan. 2003.
Looming Crisis in Dafur
MFR press release, 6 Jan.
See for example Amnesty International, 'Looming crisis in Dafur', 1 July 2003, AFR 54/041/2003; MFR press release, 'The top ten most underreported humanitarian stories of 2003', 6 Jan. 2003.
The Top Ten Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2003
March-May 2004, 19 May 2004, 19 May
Justice Africa briefing, 'Prospects for peace in Sudan', March-May 2004, 19 May 2004, http://www.justiceafrica.org/bulletin.htm, 19 May 2004, p. 6.
Prospects for Peace in Sudan
, pp. 6
Khartoum: United Nations, May
High-Level Mission to Darfur, the Sudan, 27 April-2 May 2004, Mission Report (Khartoum: United Nations, May 2004).
Mission Report
Joint communiqué by the government of Sudan and the United Nations on the occasion of the visit of the UN Secretary General to Sudan, 3 July 2004, http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/vID/746B9FE7CD9B97D485256D8001140EE?
UN Security Council Resolution 1556 (2004), 30 July 2004, S/Res/1556(2004)
UN Security Council Resolution 1556 (2004), 30 July 2004, S/Res/1556(2004).
UN Security Council, Report of the Secretary General pursuant to paras 6 and 13-16 of Security Council Resolution 1556 (2004), S/2004/703
UN Security Council, Report of the Secretary General pursuant to paras 6 and 13-16 of Security Council Resolution 1556 (2004), S/2004/703.
Associated Press report, 7 Sept. 2004
Associated Press report, 7 Sept. 2004.
See e.g. UNSC Resolutions 1265 (1999) and 1290 (2000) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and the Secretary General's four subsequent reports to the Council on the subject
See e.g. UNSC Resolutions 1265 (1999) and 1290 (2000) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and the Secretary General's four subsequent reports to the Council on the subject.
UN Security Council, statement by the President, 26 May 2005, S/PRST/2004/18. This also followed a briefing of the Council by MSF on 24 May
UN Security Council, statement by the President, 26 May 2005, S/PRST/2004/18. This also followed a briefing of the Council by MSF on 24 May.
Nairobi and Brussels: ICG, 23 Aug
International Crisis Group, 'Darfur deadline: a new international action plan' (Nairobi and Brussels: ICG, 23 Aug. 2004); also interview with Prendergast, cited by Paul Garwood, 'International community split on ending Darfur conflict', Associated Press, 26 Aug. 2004.
Darfur Deadline: A New International Action Plan
Associated Press, 26 Aug
International Crisis Group, 'Darfur deadline: a new international action plan' (Nairobi and Brussels: ICG, 23 Aug. 2004); also interview with Prendergast, cited by Paul Garwood, 'International community split on ending Darfur conflict', Associated Press, 26 Aug. 2004.
International Community Split on Ending Darfur Conflict
Garwood, P.1
See Justice Africa's regular Sudan briefings at www.justiceafrica.org; Alex de Waal, 'Darfur: make or break for the African Union', Africa Analysis, no. 453, 20 Aug. 2004.
Darfur: Make or break for the African union
20 Aug
See Justice Africa's regular Sudan briefings at www.justiceafrica.org; Alex de Waal, 'Darfur: make or break for the African Union', Africa Analysis, no. 453, 20 Aug. 2004.
Africa Analysis
, vol.453
De Waal, A.1