New York
Indeed, George Kennan once admonished John Foster Dulles: "Let us keep our morality to ourselves. . . . Let us not attempt to constitute ourselves the guardians of anyone else's virtue; we have enough trouble to guard our own." Cited in John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy (New York, 1982), 132. Wise counsel, although it might be argued that Kennan's words sat uncomfortably in the mouth of the man who closed his famous 1947 "X" article by expressing "a certain gratitude to . . . Providence." Kennan, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," in The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World, ed. James F. Hoge, Jr., and Fareed Zakaria (New York, 1997), 169.
Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy
, pp. 132
Gaddis, J.L.1
The sources of soviet conduct
ed. James F. Hoge, Jr., and Fareed Zakaria New York
Indeed, George Kennan once admonished John Foster Dulles: "Let us keep our morality to ourselves. . . . Let us not attempt to constitute ourselves the guardians of anyone else's virtue; we have enough trouble to guard our own." Cited in John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy (New York, 1982), 132. Wise counsel, although it might be argued that Kennan's words sat uncomfortably in the mouth of the man who closed his famous 1947 "X" article by expressing "a certain gratitude to . . . Providence." Kennan, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," in The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World, ed. James F. Hoge, Jr., and Fareed Zakaria (New York, 1997), 169.
The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World
, pp. 169
Faith of our fathers
ed. Henry P. Van Dusen Philadelphia
John Foster Dulles, "Faith of Our Fathers," in The Spiritual Legacy of John Foster Dalles: Selections from His Articles and Addresses, ed. Henry P. Van Dusen (Philadelphia, 1959), 9; idem, "World Brotherhood through the State," in ibid., 111.
The Spiritual Legacy of John Foster Dalles: Selections from His Articles and Addresses
, pp. 9
Dulles, J.F.1
World brotherhood through the state
John Foster Dulles, "Faith of Our Fathers," in The Spiritual Legacy of John Foster Dalles: Selections from His Articles and Addresses, ed. Henry P. Van Dusen (Philadelphia, 1959), 9; idem, "World Brotherhood through the State," in ibid., 111.
The Spiritual Legacy of John Foster Dalles: Selections from His Articles and Addresses
, pp. 111
Dulles, J.F.1
New Brunswick
The most useful text, for my purposes, has been James Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965 (New Brunswick, 1994). A. Roy Eckardt, The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal (New York, 1958), is an excellent contemporary account of the religious revival of the 1950s. Will Herberg's Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology (New York, 1955) is indispensable reading. See also Donald Meyer, The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts (New York, 1980); Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II (New York, 1968); and Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II (Princeton, 1988).
Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965
Hudnut-Beumler, J.1
New York
The most useful text, for my purposes, has been James Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965 (New Brunswick, 1994). A. Roy Eckardt, The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal (New York, 1958), is an excellent contemporary account of the religious revival of the 1950s. Will Herberg's Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology (New York, 1955) is indispensable reading. See also Donald Meyer, The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts (New York, 1980); Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II (New York, 1968); and Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II (Princeton, 1988).
The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal
Eckardt, A.R.1
New York
The most useful text, for my purposes, has been James Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965 (New Brunswick, 1994). A. Roy Eckardt, The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal (New York, 1958), is an excellent contemporary account of the religious revival of the 1950s. Will Herberg's Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology (New York, 1955) is indispensable reading. See also Donald Meyer, The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts (New York, 1980); Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II (New York, 1968); and Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II (Princeton, 1988).
Protestant-catholic-jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology
Herberg's, W.1
New York
The most useful text, for my purposes, has been James Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965 (New Brunswick, 1994). A. Roy Eckardt, The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal (New York, 1958), is an excellent contemporary account of the religious revival of the 1950s. Will Herberg's Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology (New York, 1955) is indispensable reading. See also Donald Meyer, The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts (New York, 1980); Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II (New York, 1968); and Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II (Princeton, 1988).
The Positive Thinkers: Religion As Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts
Meyer, D.1
New York
The most useful text, for my purposes, has been James Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965 (New Brunswick, 1994). A. Roy Eckardt, The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal (New York, 1958), is an excellent contemporary account of the religious revival of the 1950s. Will Herberg's Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology (New York, 1955) is indispensable reading. See also Donald Meyer, The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts (New York, 1980); Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II (New York, 1968); and Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II (Princeton, 1988).
Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II
Silk, M.1
The most useful text, for my purposes, has been James Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs: The Religion of the American Dream and Its Critics, 1945-1965 (New Brunswick, 1994). A. Roy Eckardt, The Surge of Piety in America: An Appraisal (New York, 1958), is an excellent contemporary account of the religious revival of the 1950s. Will Herberg's Protestant-Catholic-Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology (New York, 1955) is indispensable reading. See also Donald Meyer, The Positive Thinkers: Religion as Pop Psychology from Mary Baker Eddy to Oral Roberts (New York, 1980); Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics: Religion in America since World War II (New York, 1968); and Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II (Princeton, 1988).
The Restructuring of American Religion: Society and Faith since World War II
Wuthnow, R.1
ed. Michael J. Hogan and Thomas G. Paterson New York
Michael H. Hunt, "Ideology," in Explaining the History of U.S. Foreign Relations, ed. Michael J. Hogan and Thomas G. Paterson (New York, 1991), 196.
Explaining the History of U.S. Foreign Relations
, pp. 196
Hunt, M.H.1
See Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs, 31-40; "I Believe," Newsweek, 20 October 1952, 106; "Protestant Architect," Time, 19 April 1954, 62; and "The Proof of God," Time, 10 January 1955, 60.
Looking for God in the Suburbs
, pp. 31-40
I believe
20 October
See Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs, 31-40; "I Believe," Newsweek, 20 October 1952, 106; "Protestant Architect," Time, 19 April 1954, 62; and "The Proof of God," Time, 10 January 1955, 60.
, pp. 106
Protestant architect
19 April
See Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs, 31-40; "I Believe," Newsweek, 20 October 1952, 106; "Protestant Architect," Time, 19 April 1954, 62; and "The Proof of God," Time, 10 January 1955, 60.
, pp. 62
The proof of god
10 January
See Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs, 31-40; "I Believe," Newsweek, 20 October 1952, 106; "Protestant Architect," Time, 19 April 1954, 62; and "The Proof of God," Time, 10 January 1955, 60.
, pp. 60
God and contemporary politics
Leo P. Ribuffo, "God and Contemporary Politics," Journal of American History 80 (March 1993): 1517-18.
Journal of American History
, vol.80
, pp. 1517-1518
Ribuffo, L.P.1
Growth of U.S. Churches
2 April
"Growth of U.S. Churches," Time, 2 April 1951, 81.
, pp. 81
The Babbittish side of the 1950s revival is drolly explored by Miller and Nowak, The Fifties, 84-103.
The Fifties
, pp. 84-103
For the extent to which Luce shaped popular opinion in the early Cold War years see James L. Baughman, Henry R. Luce and the Rise of the American News Media (Boston, 1987); and Robert E. Hertzstein, Henry Luce: A Political Portrait of the Man Who Created the American Century (New York, 1994).
Henry R. Luce and the Rise of the American News Media
Baughman, J.L.1
Mighty wave over the U.S
6 December
"Mighty Wave over the U.S.," Life, 6 December 1955, 45. Such Madison Avenue proselytism inspired the Jewish theologian Milton J. Rosenberg to pen the couplet: "Luce does more than Niebuhr can/To justify God's ways to man." Cited in Martin Marty, The New Shape of American Religion (New York, 1959), 17.
, pp. 45
New York
"Mighty Wave over the U.S.," Life, 6 December 1955, 45. Such Madison Avenue proselytism inspired the Jewish theologian Milton J. Rosenberg to pen the couplet: "Luce does more than Niebuhr can/To justify God's ways to man." Cited in Martin Marty, The New Shape of American Religion (New York, 1959), 17.
The New Shape of American Religion
, pp. 17
Marty, M.1
Peace of mind
11 December
See, for example, Warren Weaver, "Peace of Mind," Saturday Review, 11 December 1954, 11, 47-50; A. Roy Eckardt, "The New Look in American Piety," Christian Century, 17 November 1954, 1395-98; and "Religion in Popular Culture," Commonweal, 7 October 1955, 5-6.
Saturday Review
, pp. 11
Weaver, W.1
The new look in American piety
17 November
See, for example, Warren Weaver, "Peace of Mind," Saturday Review, 11 December 1954, 11, 47-50; A. Roy Eckardt, "The New Look in American Piety," Christian Century, 17 November 1954, 1395-98; and "Religion in Popular Culture," Commonweal, 7 October 1955, 5-6.
Christian Century
, pp. 1395-1398
Eckardt, A.R.1
Religion in popular culture
7 October
See, for example, Warren Weaver, "Peace of Mind," Saturday Review, 11 December 1954, 11, 47-50; A. Roy Eckardt, "The New Look in American Piety," Christian Century, 17 November 1954, 1395-98; and "Religion in Popular Culture," Commonweal, 7 October 1955, 5-6.
, pp. 5-6
Herberg, Protestant-Catholic-Jew, 55-57. See also Stanley Rowland, Jr., "Suburbia Buys Religion," Nation, 28 July 1956, 78-80.
, pp. 55-57
Suburbia buys religion
28 July
Herberg, Protestant-Catholic-Jew, 55-57. See also Stanley Rowland, Jr., "Suburbia Buys Religion," Nation, 28 July 1956, 78-80.
, pp. 78-80
Rowland S., Jr.1
Varieties of religious revival
6 June
Reinhold Niebuhr, "Varieties of Religious Revival," New Republic, 6 June 1955, 13-16.
New Republic
, pp. 13-16
Niebuhr, R.1
Piety along the potomac
17 August
Besides Herberg's seminal work, see Gibson Winter, The Suburban Captivity of the Churches: An Analysis of Protestant Responsibility in the Expanding Metropolis (Garden City 1961); Peter L. Berger, The Noise of Solemn Assemblies: Christian Commitment and the Religious Establishment in America (Garden City, 1961); and William Lee Miller, "Piety Along the Potomac," Reporter, 17 August 1954, 25-28.
, pp. 25-28
Miller, W.L.1
Inaugural address, 20 January 1953, Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953 (Washington, 1954), 1. See also Hudnut-Beumler, Looking for God in the Suburbs, 51.
Looking for God in the Suburbs
, pp. 51
What the president wants
High, "What the President Wants," Reader's Digest, April 1953, 2-4. Fittingly, High was the author of a best-selling biography of Billy Graham, the celebrity evangelist who often visited the president at the White House and gave him advice.
Reader's Digest
, pp. 2-4
Remarks to the 63d Continental Congress of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 22 April 1954, Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954 (Washington, 1955), 403.
Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954
, pp. 403
The testimony of a devout president
26 December
"The Testimony of a Devout President," Life, 26 December 1955, 3.
, pp. 3
Message to the mayor of Philadelphia for the Fourth of July ceremonies at Independence Hall, 4 July 1954, Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. 617. For Eisenhower's post-oration activities see Miller, "Piety Along the Potomac," 27.
Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D.
, pp. 617
Message to the mayor of Philadelphia for the Fourth of July ceremonies at Independence Hall, 4 July 1954, Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. 617. For Eisenhower's post-oration activities see Miller, "Piety Along the Potomac," 27.
Piety Along the Potomac
, pp. 27
New York
Roscoe Drummond claims that Dulles's "political thinking could no more be separated from his religion than a lighted bulb from its current. . . . There is simply no understanding Dulles without understanding the depths of his religious adherence." Duel at the Brink: John Foster Dulles's Command of American Power (New York, 1960), 76-77.
Duel at the Brink: John Foster Dulles's Command of American Power
, pp. 76-77
New York
Walter J Ong, Frontiers in American Catholicism: Essays on Ideology and Culture (New York, 1957), 32. For Wallace's impact on popular opinion in the United States see John Heidenry, Theirs Was the Kingdom: Lila and DeWitt Wallace and the Story of the Reader's Digest (New York, 1993).
Frontiers in American Catholicism: Essays on Ideology and Culture
, pp. 32
Ong, W.J.1
Untitled speech, 20 May 1941, John Foster Dulles Papers, box 290, Seeley Mudd Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
Untitled speech, 20 May 1941, John Foster Dulles Papers, box 290, Seeley Mudd Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.
Henry R. Luce interview, 28 July 1965, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, Seeley Mudd Library
Henry R. Luce interview, 28 July 1965, John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, Seeley Mudd Library.
Dulles Address on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Watertown Church, 9 October 1952, Dulles Papers, box 309
Dulles Address on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Watertown Church, 9 October 1952, Dulles Papers, box 309.
John Foster Dulles and the end of the Franco-American entente in Indochina
Daniel P. O'C. Greene, "John Foster Dulles and the End of the Franco-American Entente in Indochina," Diplomatic History 20 (Spring 1996): 551-71.
Diplomatic History
, vol.20
, pp. 551-571
Greene, D.P.O.1
New York
For examples of this argument see David Anderson, Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961 (New York, 1991), 52-57; Chester Cooper, The Lost Crusade: America in Vietnam (New York, 1970), 126-28; Lloyd C. Gardner, Approaching Vietnam: From World War II through Dienbienphu (New York, 1988), 292-93; and George C. Herring, America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975, 2d ed. (New York, 1986), 49-50.
Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961
, pp. 52-57
Anderson, D.1
New York
For examples of this argument see David Anderson, Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961 (New York, 1991), 52-57; Chester Cooper, The Lost Crusade: America in Vietnam (New York, 1970), 126-28; Lloyd C. Gardner, Approaching Vietnam: From World War II through Dienbienphu (New York, 1988), 292-93; and George C. Herring, America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975, 2d ed. (New York, 1986), 49-50.
The Lost Crusade: America in Vietnam
, pp. 126-128
Cooper, C.1
New York
For examples of this argument see David Anderson, Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961 (New York, 1991), 52-57; Chester Cooper, The Lost Crusade: America in Vietnam (New York, 1970), 126-28; Lloyd C. Gardner, Approaching Vietnam: From World War II through Dienbienphu (New York, 1988), 292-93; and George C. Herring, America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975, 2d ed. (New York, 1986), 49-50.
Approaching Vietnam: From World War II Through Dienbienphu
, pp. 292-293
Gardner, L.C.1
New York
For examples of this argument see David Anderson, Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961 (New York, 1991), 52-57; Chester Cooper, The Lost Crusade: America in Vietnam (New York, 1970), 126-28; Lloyd C. Gardner, Approaching Vietnam: From World War II through Dienbienphu (New York, 1988), 292-93; and George C. Herring, America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975, 2d ed. (New York, 1986), 49-50.
America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975, 2d Ed.
, pp. 49-50
Herring, G.C.1
Heath to Dulles, 4 July 1954, Record Group 59, 751G00/7-454, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland
Heath to Dulles, 4 July 1954, Record Group 59, 751G00/7-454, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland.
The ambassador in France to the Department of State, 20 June 1954, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954 (Washington, 1982), 13:1726. Maurice DeJean, former French commissioner general in Indochina, characterized Diem as "too narrow, too rigid, too unworldly, and too pure to have any chance of creating an effective government in Vietnam." The chargé in Saigon to the Department of State, 13 June 1954, FRUS, 1952-1954 13:1685. The archival record indicates that French civilian and military authorities unanimously disapproved of Diem's appointment.
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954
, Issue.13
, pp. 1726
The ambassador in France to the Department of State, 20 June 1954, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954 (Washington, 1982), 13:1726. Maurice DeJean, former French commissioner general in Indochina, characterized Diem as "too narrow, too rigid, too unworldly, and too pure to have any chance of creating an effective government in Vietnam." The chargé in Saigon to the Department of State, 13 June 1954, FRUS, 1952-1954 13:1685. The archival record indicates that French civilian and military authorities unanimously disapproved of Diem's appointment.
FRUS, 1952-1954
, Issue.13
, pp. 1685
Washington, 1977
Embassy Saigon to the Department of State, 24, January 1951, FRUS, 1951 (Washington, 1977), 6:359.
, Issue.6
, pp. 359
The "Collins mission" is given its fullest treatment in Anderson, Trapped by Success, 87-119. See also idem, "J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower Administration's 'Point of No Return' in Vietnam," Diplomatic History 12 (Spring 1988): 127-48; James R. Arnold, The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and America's Intervention in Vietnam (New York, 1991), 249-89; and J. Lawton Collins, Lightning Joe: Autobiography (Novato, 1979), 378-411.
Trapped by Success
, pp. 87-119
J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower administration's 'point of no return' in Vietnam
The "Collins mission" is given its fullest treatment in Anderson, Trapped by Success, 87-119. See also idem, "J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower Administration's 'Point of No Return' in Vietnam," Diplomatic History 12 (Spring 1988): 127-48; James R. Arnold, The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and America's Intervention in Vietnam (New York, 1991), 249-89; and J. Lawton Collins, Lightning Joe: Autobiography (Novato, 1979), 378-411.
Diplomatic History
, vol.12
, pp. 127-148
New York
The "Collins mission" is given its fullest treatment in Anderson, Trapped by Success, 87-119. See also idem, "J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower Administration's 'Point of No Return' in Vietnam," Diplomatic History 12 (Spring 1988): 127-48; James R. Arnold, The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and America's Intervention in Vietnam (New York, 1991), 249-89; and J. Lawton Collins, Lightning Joe: Autobiography (Novato, 1979), 378-411.
The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and America's Intervention in Vietnam
, pp. 249-289
Arnold, J.R.1
The "Collins mission" is given its fullest treatment in Anderson, Trapped by Success, 87-119. See also idem, "J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower Administration's 'Point of No Return' in Vietnam," Diplomatic History 12 (Spring 1988): 127-48; James R. Arnold, The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and America's Intervention in Vietnam (New York, 1991), 249-89; and J. Lawton Collins, Lightning Joe: Autobiography (Novato, 1979), 378-411.
Lightning Joe: Autobiography
, pp. 378-411
Collins, J.L.1
In fact, Quat once complained to U.S. diplomat U. Alexis Johnson that "many of Diem's supporters were neutralists of the Indian school" and "that neutralism was no answer to Communist attempts to take over Vietnam." Johnson to Dulles, 22 June 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/6-2254
In fact, Quat once complained to U.S. diplomat U. Alexis Johnson that "many of Diem's supporters were neutralists of the Indian school" and "that neutralism was no answer to Communist attempts to take over Vietnam." Johnson to Dulles, 22 June 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/6-2254.
Collins to Dulles, 10 December 1954, J. Lawton Collins Papers, box 29, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Collins's papers teem with hundreds of approbatory evaluations of Quat
Collins to Dulles, 10 December 1954, J. Lawton Collins Papers, box 29, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Collins's papers teem with hundreds of approbatory evaluations of Quat.
Collins to Dulles, 7 April 1955, Collins Papers, box 26. See also Collins to Dulles, 19 April 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/4-1955; and Collins to Dulles, 31 March 1955, Collins Papers, box 25
Collins to Dulles, 7 April 1955, Collins Papers, box 26. See also Collins to Dulles, 19 April 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/4-1955; and Collins to Dulles, 31 March 1955, Collins Papers, box 25.
Special representative in Vietnam tel. to Department of State, 10 April 1955, FRUS, 1955-1957 (Washington, 1985), 1:231-33.
FRUS, 1955-1957
, Issue.1
, pp. 231-233
For instances of the "special representative" stumping for these two statesmen see Collins to Dulles, 24 March 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/3-2455; Collins to Dulles, 20 April 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/4-2055; and Collins to Dulles, 14 April 1955, Collins Papers, box 26
For instances of the "special representative" stumping for these two statesmen see Collins to Dulles, 24 March 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/3-2455; Collins to Dulles, 20 April 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/4-2055; and Collins to Dulles, 14 April 1955, Collins Papers, box 26.
See Karnow, Vietnam: A History, 216-17; and Robert Shaplen, The Lost Revolution (New York, 1965), 110.
Vietnam: A History
, pp. 216-217
New York
See Karnow, Vietnam: A History, 216-17; and Robert Shaplen, The Lost Revolution (New York, 1965), 110.
The Lost Revolution
, pp. 110
Shaplen, R.1
New York
For the clash between anti-communist and anti-colonialist policymaking agendas in the Eisenhower administration see Walter LaFeber, America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1992, 7th ed. (New York, 1993), 152-55.
America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1992, 7th Ed.
, pp. 152-155
LaFeber, W.1
See, for example, William S. Borden, The Pacific Alliance: United States Foreign Economic Policy and Japanese Trade Recovery, 1947-1955 (Madison, 1984); Michael Schaller, The American Occupation of Japan: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia (New York, 1985); and Andrew J. Rotter, The Path to Vietnam: Origins of the American Commitment to Southeast Asia (Ithaca, 1987).
The Pacific Alliance: United States Foreign Economic Policy and Japanese Trade Recovery, 1947-1955
Borden, W.S.1
New York
See, for example, William S. Borden, The Pacific Alliance: United States Foreign Economic Policy and Japanese Trade Recovery, 1947-1955 (Madison, 1984); Michael Schaller, The American Occupation of Japan: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia (New York, 1985); and Andrew J. Rotter, The Path to Vietnam: Origins of the American Commitment to Southeast Asia (Ithaca, 1987).
The American Occupation of Japan: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia
Schaller, M.1
See, for example, William S. Borden, The Pacific Alliance: United States Foreign Economic Policy and Japanese Trade Recovery, 1947-1955 (Madison, 1984); Michael Schaller, The American Occupation of Japan: The Origins of the Cold War in Asia (New York, 1985); and Andrew J. Rotter, The Path to Vietnam: Origins of the American Commitment to Southeast Asia (Ithaca, 1987).
The Path to Vietnam: Origins of the American Commitment to Southeast Asia
Rotter, A.J.1
New York
For examples of this argument see Joseph Buttinger, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled (New York, 1967), 2: 850; James S. Olson and Randy Roberts, Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam, 1945-1995 (New York, 1996), 60; and Paul M. Kattenberg, The Vietnam Trauma in American Foreign Policy, 1945-1973 (New Brunswick, 1980), 51-52.
Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled
, Issue.2
, pp. 850
Buttinger, J.1
New York
For examples of this argument see Joseph Buttinger, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled (New York, 1967), 2: 850; James S. Olson and Randy Roberts, Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam, 1945-1995 (New York, 1996), 60; and Paul M. Kattenberg, The Vietnam Trauma in American Foreign Policy, 1945-1973 (New Brunswick, 1980), 51-52.
Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam, 1945-1995
, pp. 60
Olson, J.S.1
Roberts, R.2
New Brunswick
For examples of this argument see Joseph Buttinger, Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled (New York, 1967), 2: 850; James S. Olson and Randy Roberts, Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam, 1945-1995 (New York, 1996), 60; and Paul M. Kattenberg, The Vietnam Trauma in American Foreign Policy, 1945-1973 (New Brunswick, 1980), 51-52.
The Vietnam Trauma in American Foreign Policy, 1945-1973
, pp. 51-52
Kattenberg, P.M.1
The beleaguered man
4 April
"The Beleaguered Man," Time, 4 April 1955, 23.
, pp. 23
The ambassador in France to Department of State, 24 May 1954, FRUS, 1952-1954 13:1783.
FRUS, 1952-1954
, Issue.13
, pp. 1783
Heath to Dulles, 29 August 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/8-2955
Heath to Dulles, 29 August 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/8-2955.
Dillon to Dulles, 6 January 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/1-655
Dillon to Dulles, 6 January 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/1-655.
Summary of Remarks of General J. Lawton Collins, 27 April 1955, FRUS, 1955-1957 1:293.
FRUS, 1955-1957
, Issue.1
, pp. 293
Greene, "Franco-American Entente," 557. Anderson concurs with this assessment, noting that the administrative wrangle over Diem "never really diverted Eisenhower's attention from the concurrent Formosa crisis." Trapped by Success, 117.
Franco-American Entente
, pp. 557
Greene, "Franco-American Entente," 557. Anderson concurs with this assessment, noting that the administrative wrangle over Diem "never really diverted Eisenhower's attention from the concurrent Formosa crisis." Trapped by Success, 117.
Trapped by Success
, pp. 117
Interview with John W. Hanes, Jr., 29 January and 12 August 1966, Dulles Oral History Project
Interview with John W. Hanes, Jr., 29 January and 12 August 1966, Dulles Oral History Project.
Interview with Walter F. Robertson, 23-24 July 1965, Dulles Oral History Project. See also interview with Roderic O'Connor, 2 April 1966, ibid
Interview with Walter F. Robertson, 23-24 July 1965, Dulles Oral History Project. See also interview with Roderic O'Connor, 2 April 1966, ibid.
Ambassador in France tel. to Department of State, 11 May 1955, FRUS, 1955-1957 1:397.
FRUS, 1955-1957
, Issue.1
, pp. 397
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem's New Year's Message to My People, 1 January 1955, Douglas Pike Collection, Unit IV - Republic of Vietnam, box 12, Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem's New Year's Message to My People, 1 January 1955, Douglas Pike Collection, Unit IV - Republic of Vietnam, box 12, Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
The Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, 1956, Pike Collection, Unit IV -Republic of Vietnam, box 13. See also Diem Victory Address, 26 October 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/10-2655; and President Ngo Dinh Diem's Message to the Free World and Christendom on the Balang Affair, 2 January 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/1-255
The Constitution of the Republic of Vietnam, 1956, Pike Collection, Unit IV -Republic of Vietnam, box 13. See also Diem Victory Address, 26 October 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/10-2655; and President Ngo Dinh Diem's Message to the Free World and Christendom on the Balang Affair, 2 January 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/1-255.
18 May
Cited in the St. Paul Catholic Bulletin, 18 May 1957; and Catholic Universe-Bulletin, 17 May 1957.
Catholic Bulletin
17 May
Cited in the St. Paul Catholic Bulletin, 18 May 1957; and Catholic Universe-Bulletin, 17 May 1957.
Catholic Universe-bulletin
Chapel Hill
See Donald Crosby, God, Church, and Flag: Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957 (Chapel Hill, 1978); and Vincent P. DeSantis, "American Catholics and McCarthyism," Catholic Historical Review 51 (April 1965): 1-30.
God, Church, and Flag: Senator Joseph R. Mccarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957
Crosby, D.1
American catholics and McCarthyism
See Donald Crosby, God, Church, and Flag: Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957 (Chapel Hill, 1978); and Vincent P. DeSantis, "American Catholics and McCarthyism," Catholic Historical Review 51 (April 1965): 1-30.
Catholic Historical Review
, vol.51
, pp. 1-30
Desantis, V.P.1
Cambridge, MA
Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Nathan Patrick Glazer, Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City (Cambridge, MA, 1963), 271.
Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City
, pp. 271
Moynihan, D.P.1
Glazer, N.P.2
7 March
"Buddhism," Life, 7 March 1955, 100-103.
, pp. 100-103
New York
Perhaps most memorably by Paul Goodman, who opens Growing Up Absurd with the charge that Eisenhower-era "movies, TV, and Book-of-the-Month clubs are beneath contempt, but the Luce publications make you sick to the stomach." Growing Up Absurd' (New York, 1960), x.
Growing Up Absurd'
21 July
New York Times, 21 July 1954.
New York Times
The atlantic report on the world today: Cambodia
"The Atlantic Report on the World Today: Cambodia," Atlantic, October 1955, 18.
, pp. 18
The beleaguered man
4 April
"The Beleaguered Man," Time, 4 April 1955, 22; Peter Schmid, "Free Indo-China Fights against Time," Commentary, January 1955, 24-25; "Violence in Vietnam," America, 9 April 1955, 32; "U.S. in Middle of Gang War," U.S. News and World Report, 13 May 1955, 39-41.
, pp. 22
Free Indo-China fights against time
"The Beleaguered Man," Time, 4 April 1955, 22; Peter Schmid, "Free Indo-China Fights against Time," Commentary, January 1955, 24-25; "Violence in Vietnam," America, 9 April 1955, 32; "U.S. in Middle of Gang War," U.S. News and World Report, 13 May 1955, 39-41.
Commentary, January
, pp. 24-25
Schmid, P.1
Violence in Vietnam
9 April
"The Beleaguered Man," Time, 4 April 1955, 22; Peter Schmid, "Free Indo-China Fights against Time," Commentary, January 1955, 24-25; "Violence in Vietnam," America, 9 April 1955, 32; "U.S. in Middle of Gang War," U.S. News and World Report, 13 May 1955, 39-41.
, pp. 32
U.S. In middle of gang war
13 May
"The Beleaguered Man," Time, 4 April 1955, 22; Peter Schmid, "Free Indo-China Fights against Time," Commentary, January 1955, 24-25; "Violence in Vietnam," America, 9 April 1955, 32; "U.S. in Middle of Gang War," U.S. News and World Report, 13 May 1955, 39-41.
U.S. News and World Report
, pp. 39-41
Foreign policy in the far east
22 May box 37
Untitled address, 29 April 1955, Mike Mansfield Papers, Series XXI, box 37, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. See also Mansfield Address: "Foreign Policy in the Far East," 22 May 1955, Mansfield Papers, Series XXI, box 37.
Mansfield Papers, Series XXI
Minutes of National Security Council Meeting, 4 February 1954, FRUS, 1952-1954 13:1014-15.
FRUS, 1952-1954
, Issue.13
, pp. 1014-1015
Executive sessions of the senate foreign relations committee
February Washington
U.S. Congress, Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "Report on Indochina," 83d Cong., 2d sess., 16 February 1954 (Washington, 1977), 6:143.
"Report on Indochina," 83d Cong., 2d Sess.
, vol.16
, Issue.6
, pp. 143
New York
Walter Hixson, Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961 (New York, 1997), 25.
Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961
, pp. 25
Hixson, W.1
April White House National Security Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2, Eisenhower Library
"Recommendations Concerning Study of Religious Factors in International Strategy," 13 April 1955, White House National Security Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2, Eisenhower Library.
Recommendations Concerning Study of Religious Factors in International Strategy
, vol.13
"Proposals Regarding U.S. Relations with Therawada Buddhist Countries," early draft, undated, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2. I am indebted to the archivists at the Eisenhower Library for their assistance in facilitating the speedy declassification of documents relating to this committee
"Proposals Regarding U.S. Relations with Therawada Buddhist Countries," early draft, undated, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2. I am indebted to the archivists at the Eisenhower Library for their assistance in facilitating the speedy declassification of documents relating to this committee.
Memorandum of Meeting, Committee on Buddhism, 51 May 1956, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2
Memorandum of Meeting, Committee on Buddhism, 51 May 1956, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2.
See Anderson, Trapped by Success, 105-8; Arnold, The First Domino, 270-74; and Shaplen, The Lost Revolution, 121-23.
Trapped by Success
, pp. 105-108
See Anderson, Trapped by Success, 105-8; Arnold, The First Domino, 270-74; and Shaplen, The Lost Revolution, 121-23.
The First Domino
, pp. 270-274
See Anderson, Trapped by Success, 105-8; Arnold, The First Domino, 270-74; and Shaplen, The Lost Revolution, 121-23.
The Lost Revolution
, pp. 121-123
Young to Landon, 26 August 1956, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2
Young to Landon, 26 August 1956, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2.
"Outline Plan Regarding Buddhist Organizations," final draft, 16 January 1957, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2. See also "Proposals Regarding U.S. Relations with Therawada Buddhist Countries," undated, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2
"Outline Plan Regarding Buddhist Organizations," final draft, 16 January 1957, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2. See also "Proposals Regarding U.S. Relations with Therawada Buddhist Countries," undated, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1945-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2.
Coors memorandum for the record, 30 January 1951, RG 59, 751G.00/1-3051
Coors memorandum for the record, 30 January 1951, RG 59, 751G.00/1-3051.
Hoey memorandum for the record, 15 January 1951, RG 59, Records of the Philippine and Southeast Asia Division, Country Files, 1929-1953, box 7
Hoey memorandum for the record, 15 January 1951, RG 59, Records of the Philippine and Southeast Asia Division, Country Files, 1929-1953, box 7.
A vivid case in point - albeit one that falls outside normal policymaking channels -may be found in Mike Mansfield's correspondence. Shortly before Diem assumed the premiership, Mansfield received a letter from Augustine Nguyen-Thai, a Catholic Vietnamese graduate student at Cornell. Nguyen-Thai enclosed a copy of an article he had written the previous year for the Catholic journal The Shield. Titled "Colonialism, Communism, or Catholicism?" - implying that these were the only possible paths for Vietnam to take - the piece was a paean to Diem, whom Nguyen-Thai described as "a nationalist leader whose integrity is beyond suspicion." Nguven-Thai claimed that "the Vietnamese Catholics [are] one of the few minorities which has a definite philosophy to oppose the materialist doctrine of communism. . . . Catholicism is Vietnam's only firm opponent to communism." Mansfield agreed to meet personally with Nguven-Thai and assured him "I have read the enclosure you sent me with great interest and am in full accord with the views expressed therein." Nguyen-Thai to Mansfield, 17 March 1954, plus enclosed article from The Shield, 15 October 1953, Mansfield to Nguyen-Thai, 19 March 1954, Mansfield Papers Series XIII, box 8. See also Duff to Dulles, 6 January 1953, Dulles Papers box 69; Rusk to McGuire, 2 October 1950, RG 59, 751G.00/10-250; Cory to Ross, 21 July 1951, RG 59, 751G.00/7-2151; secret memo: "The Catholic Position in Indo-Chma," 25 March 1950, RG 59, 751G.00/3-2550; Little to McCune, 13 September 1950, RG 59, Lot 54 D190; the acting secretary of state to the legation at Saigon, 28 September 1950, FRUS, 1950 (Washington, 1976), 6:885-86; the chargé in Saigon to the secretary of state, 24 January 1951, FRUS, 1951 6:360.
FRUS, 1950
, Issue.6
, pp. 885-886
A vivid case in point - albeit one that falls outside normal policymaking channels -may be found in Mike Mansfield's correspondence. Shortly before Diem assumed the premiership, Mansfield received a letter from Augustine Nguyen-Thai, a Catholic Vietnamese graduate student at Cornell. Nguyen-Thai enclosed a copy of an article he had written the previous year for the Catholic journal The Shield. Titled "Colonialism, Communism, or Catholicism?" - implying that these were the only possible paths for Vietnam to take - the piece was a paean to Diem, whom Nguyen-Thai described as "a nationalist leader whose integrity is beyond suspicion." Nguven-Thai claimed that "the Vietnamese Catholics [are] one of the few minorities which has a definite philosophy to oppose the materialist doctrine of communism. . . . Catholicism is Vietnam's only firm opponent to communism." Mansfield agreed to meet personally with Nguven-Thai and assured him "I have read the enclosure you sent me with great interest and am in full accord with the views expressed therein." Nguyen-Thai to Mansfield, 17 March 1954, plus enclosed article from The Shield, 15 October 1953, Mansfield to Nguyen-Thai, 19 March 1954, Mansfield Papers Series XIII, box 8. See also Duff to Dulles, 6 January 1953, Dulles Papers box 69; Rusk to McGuire, 2 October 1950, RG 59, 751G.00/10-250; Cory to Ross, 21 July 1951, RG 59, 751G.00/7-2151; secret memo: "The Catholic Position in Indo-Chma," 25 March 1950, RG 59, 751G.00/3-2550; Little to McCune, 13 September 1950, RG 59, Lot 54 D190; the acting secretary of state to the legation at Saigon, 28 September 1950, FRUS, 1950 (Washington, 1976), 6:885-86; the chargé in Saigon to the secretary of state, 24 January 1951, FRUS, 1951 6:360.
FRUS, 1951
, Issue.6
, pp. 360
Stuart to Hoey, 10 May 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/5-1154
Stuart to Hoey, 10 May 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/5-1154.
U.S. Policy for Post-Armistice Vietnam, 19 August 1954, Collins Papers box 24
U.S. Policy for Post-Armistice Vietnam, 19 August 1954, Collins Papers box 24.
"American/Christian" bias in collins's briefing book
East Lansing
I am indebted to Gregory Allen Olson for pointing out the "American/Christian" bias in Collins's briefing book in Mansfield and Vietnam: A Study in Rhetorical Adaptation (East Lansing, 1995), 44-45.
Mansfield and Vietnam: A Study in Rhetorical Adaptation
, pp. 44-45
For U.S. knowledge of Vietnamese language, culture, and history at the time of Collins's posting to Saigon see Pruett to Edman, 5 August 1953, White House Central Files, Confidential File, Subject Series, Department of State, box 67
For U.S. knowledge of Vietnamese language, culture, and history at the time of Collins's posting to Saigon see Pruett to Edman, 5 August 1953, White House Central Files, Confidential File, Subject Series, Department of State, box 67.
United States Information Agency, "Application of Project Action - Vietnam," 24 May 1955, White House Office, National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 39
United States Information Agency, "Application of Project Action - Vietnam," 24 May 1955, White House Office, National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 39.
East Lansing
This operation is covered in day-by-day detail in Viet-Nam, the First Five Years: An International Symposium, ed. Richard W. Lindholm (East Lansing, 1959), 45-103. Other useful accounts may be found in Aaron Levenstein, Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee (Westport, 1983), 203-8; Eric Thomas Chester, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA (Armonk, 1995), 143-56; Louis A. Wisner, Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Vietnam, 1954-1975 (New York, 1988), 1-18; and Eileen Egan, For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World (New York, 1995), 317-54.
Viet-Nam, the First Five Years: An International Symposium
, pp. 45-103
Lindholm, R.W.1
This operation is covered in day-by-day detail in Viet-Nam, the First Five Years: An International Symposium, ed. Richard W. Lindholm (East Lansing, 1959), 45-103. Other useful accounts may be found in Aaron Levenstein, Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee (Westport, 1983), 203-8; Eric Thomas Chester, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA (Armonk, 1995), 143-56; Louis A. Wisner, Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Vietnam, 1954-1975 (New York, 1988), 1-18; and Eileen Egan, For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World (New York, 1995), 317-54.
Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee
, pp. 203-208
Levenstein, A.1
This operation is covered in day-by-day detail in Viet-Nam, the First Five Years: An International Symposium, ed. Richard W. Lindholm (East Lansing, 1959), 45-103. Other useful accounts may be found in Aaron Levenstein, Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee (Westport, 1983), 203-8; Eric Thomas Chester, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA (Armonk, 1995), 143-56; Louis A. Wisner, Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Vietnam, 1954-1975 (New York, 1988), 1-18; and Eileen Egan, For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World (New York, 1995), 317-54.
Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA
, pp. 143-156
Chester, E.T.1
New York
This operation is covered in day-by-day detail in Viet-Nam, the First Five Years: An International Symposium, ed. Richard W. Lindholm (East Lansing, 1959), 45-103. Other useful accounts may be found in Aaron Levenstein, Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee (Westport, 1983), 203-8; Eric Thomas Chester, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA (Armonk, 1995), 143-56; Louis A. Wisner, Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Vietnam, 1954-1975 (New York, 1988), 1-18; and Eileen Egan, For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World (New York, 1995), 317-54.
Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Vietnam, 1954-1975
, pp. 1-18
Wisner, L.A.1
New York
This operation is covered in day-by-day detail in Viet-Nam, the First Five Years: An International Symposium, ed. Richard W. Lindholm (East Lansing, 1959), 45-103. Other useful accounts may be found in Aaron Levenstein, Escape to Freedom: The Story of the International Rescue Committee (Westport, 1983), 203-8; Eric Thomas Chester, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA (Armonk, 1995), 143-56; Louis A. Wisner, Victims and Survivors: Displaced Persons and Other War Victims in Vietnam, 1954-1975 (New York, 1988), 1-18; and Eileen Egan, For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World (New York, 1995), 317-54.
For Whom There Is No Room: Scenes from the Refugee World
, pp. 317-354
Egan, E.1
James T. Fisher, Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961 (Amherst, 1997). See also idem, The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 (Chapel Hill, 1989), 131-204; Clive Christie, The Quiet American and the Ugly American: Western Literary Perspectives on Indo-China in a Decade of Transition, 1950-1060 (Canterbury, 1989), 49-60; Randy Shilts, Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf(New York, 1995), 21-27; and William Brownell, "The Vietnam Lobby: The Americans Who Lobbied for a Free and Independent South Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1993), 270-356.
Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961
Fisher, J.T.1
Chapel Hill
James T. Fisher, Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961 (Amherst, 1997). See also idem, The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 (Chapel Hill, 1989), 131-204; Clive Christie, The Quiet American and the Ugly American: Western Literary Perspectives on Indo-China in a Decade of Transition, 1950-1060 (Canterbury, 1989), 49-60; Randy Shilts, Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf(New York, 1995), 21-27; and William Brownell, "The Vietnam Lobby: The Americans Who Lobbied for a Free and Independent South Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1993), 270-356.
The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962
, pp. 131-204
Fisher, J.T.1
James T. Fisher, Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961 (Amherst, 1997). See also idem, The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 (Chapel Hill, 1989), 131-204; Clive Christie, The Quiet American and the Ugly American: Western Literary Perspectives on Indo-China in a Decade of Transition, 1950-1060 (Canterbury, 1989), 49-60; Randy Shilts, Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf(New York, 1995), 21-27; and William Brownell, "The Vietnam Lobby: The Americans Who Lobbied for a Free and Independent South Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1993), 270-356.
The Quiet American and the Ugly American: Western Literary Perspectives on Indo-china in a Decade of Transition, 1950-1060
, pp. 49-60
Christie, C.1
New York
James T. Fisher, Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961 (Amherst, 1997). See also idem, The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 (Chapel Hill, 1989), 131-204; Clive Christie, The Quiet American and the Ugly American: Western Literary Perspectives on Indo-China in a Decade of Transition, 1950-1060 (Canterbury, 1989), 49-60; Randy Shilts, Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf(New York, 1995), 21-27; and William Brownell, "The Vietnam Lobby: The Americans Who Lobbied for a Free and Independent South Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1993), 270-356.
Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf
, pp. 21-27
Shilts, R.1
Ph.D. diss., Columbia University
James T. Fisher, Dr. America: The Lives of Thomas A. Dooley, 1927-1961 (Amherst, 1997). See also idem, The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 (Chapel Hill, 1989), 131-204; Clive Christie, The Quiet American and the Ugly American: Western Literary Perspectives on Indo-China in a Decade of Transition, 1950-1060 (Canterbury, 1989), 49-60; Randy Shilts, Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf(New York, 1995), 21-27; and William Brownell, "The Vietnam Lobby: The Americans Who Lobbied for a Free and Independent South Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1993), 270-356.
The Vietnam Lobby: The Americans Who Lobbied for a Free and Independent South Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s
, pp. 270-356
Brownell, W.1
The temptation of tom dooley
Diana Shaw accuses Dooley of manufacturing his Indochinese Grand Guignol out of whole cloth in "The Temptation of Tom Dooley," Los Angeles Times Magazine, December 1991, 16.
Los Angeles Times Magazine
, pp. 16
Pilgrims of the east
24 January
"Pilgrims of the East," Newsweek, 24 January 1955, 42; William J. Lederer, "They'll Remember the Bayfield," Reader's Digest, March 1955, 2; New York Times, 21 December 1954; "Bug-Out in the Delta," Life, 12 July 1954, 13; "Retreat from Nam Dinh," Time, 12 July 1954, 25; Washington Sunday-Star, November 22, 1954. A clipping of Voss's article may be found in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 7.
, pp. 42
They'll remember the bayfield
"Pilgrims of the East," Newsweek, 24 January 1955, 42; William J. Lederer, "They'll Remember the Bayfield," Reader's Digest, March 1955, 2; New York Times, 21 December 1954; "Bug-Out in the Delta," Life, 12 July 1954, 13; "Retreat from Nam Dinh," Time, 12 July 1954, 25; Washington Sunday-Star, November 22, 1954. A clipping of Voss's article may be found in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 7.
Reader's Digest
, pp. 2
Lederer, W.J.1
21 December
"Pilgrims of the East," Newsweek, 24 January 1955, 42; William J. Lederer, "They'll Remember the Bayfield," Reader's Digest, March 1955, 2; New York Times, 21 December 1954; "Bug-Out in the Delta," Life, 12 July 1954, 13; "Retreat from Nam Dinh," Time, 12 July 1954, 25; Washington Sunday-Star, November 22, 1954. A clipping of Voss's article may be found in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 7.
New York Times
Bug-out in the delta
12 July
"Pilgrims of the East," Newsweek, 24 January 1955, 42; William J. Lederer, "They'll Remember the Bayfield," Reader's Digest, March 1955, 2; New York Times, 21 December 1954; "Bug-Out in the Delta," Life, 12 July 1954, 13; "Retreat from Nam Dinh," Time, 12 July 1954, 25; Washington Sunday-Star, November 22, 1954. A clipping of Voss's article may be found in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 7.
, pp. 13
Retreat from nam dinh
12 July
"Pilgrims of the East," Newsweek, 24 January 1955, 42; William J. Lederer, "They'll Remember the Bayfield," Reader's Digest, March 1955, 2; New York Times, 21 December 1954; "Bug-Out in the Delta," Life, 12 July 1954, 13; "Retreat from Nam Dinh," Time, 12 July 1954, 25; Washington Sunday-Star, November 22, 1954. A clipping of Voss's article may be found in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 7.
, pp. 25
November 22, A clipping of Voss's article may be found in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 7
"Pilgrims of the East," Newsweek, 24 January 1955, 42; William J. Lederer, "They'll Remember the Bayfield," Reader's Digest, March
Washington Sunday-star
21 May
Catholic Bulletin, 21 May 1955; Fred Sparks, "Besieged Bishop," Jubilee, May 1954, 9; "Vietnam's Flight to Freedom," Catholic Digest, January 1955, 94-101; "Confession of the Faith," Ave Maria, 26 March 1955, 3.
Catholic Bulletin
Besieged bishop
Catholic Bulletin, 21 May 1955; Fred Sparks, "Besieged Bishop," Jubilee, May 1954, 9; "Vietnam's Flight to Freedom," Catholic Digest, January 1955, 94-101; "Confession of the Faith," Ave Maria, 26 March 1955, 3.
, pp. 9
Sparks, F.1
Vietnam's flight to freedom
Catholic Bulletin, 21 May 1955; Fred Sparks, "Besieged Bishop," Jubilee, May 1954, 9; "Vietnam's Flight to Freedom," Catholic Digest, January 1955, 94-101; "Confession of the Faith," Ave Maria, 26 March 1955, 3.
Catholic Digest
, pp. 94-101
Confession of the faith
26 March
Catholic Bulletin, 21 May 1955; Fred Sparks, "Besieged Bishop," Jubilee, May 1954, 9; "Vietnam's Flight to Freedom," Catholic Digest, January 1955, 94-101; "Confession of the Faith," Ave Maria, 26 March 1955, 3.
Ave Maria
, pp. 3
This is confirmed by a review of microfilm holdings for 1954-55 at Notre Dame's Heshurgh Library, which contains the largest collection of American Catholic newspapers in the world
This is confirmed by a review of microfilm holdings for 1954-55 at Notre Dame's Heshurgh Library, which contains the largest collection of American Catholic newspapers in the world.
For O'Connor's work and influence see Fisher, Dr. America, 49-50. Frank A. Hall, director of the Far Eastern Staff of the NCWC News Service, revealed in 1955 that O'Connor "has often been chosen by the secular reporters to be their 'pool' representative on one-man assignments to stories. Thus he has represented all the world's leading wire services." Cited in the Catholic Universe-Bulletin, 20 May 1955; and Catholic Herald-Citizen, 21 May 1955.
Dr. America
, pp. 49-50
20 May
For O'Connor's work and influence see Fisher, Dr. America, 49-50. Frank A. Hall, director of the Far Eastern Staff of the NCWC News Service, revealed in 1955 that O'Connor "has often been chosen by the secular reporters to be their 'pool' representative on one-man assignments to stories. Thus he has represented all the world's leading wire services." Cited in the Catholic Universe-Bulletin, 20 May 1955; and Catholic Herald-Citizen, 21 May 1955.
Catholic Universe-bulletin
21 May
For O'Connor's work and influence see Fisher, Dr. America, 49-50. Frank A. Hall, director of the Far Eastern Staff of the NCWC News Service, revealed in 1955 that O'Connor "has often been chosen by the secular reporters to be their 'pool' representative on one-man assignments to stories. Thus he has represented all the world's leading wire services." Cited in the Catholic Universe-Bulletin, 20 May 1955; and Catholic Herald-Citizen, 21 May 1955.
Catholic Herald-citizen
10 December
New World, 10 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 4 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 27 November 1954; Patrick O'Connor, "Goodbye to Hanoi: Neck-Deep in Tears," Catholic Digest, October 1954, 79-82. For more O'Connor extracts from NCWC reports see Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise, distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. See also Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass flight for freedom, Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library.
New World
4 December
New World, 10 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 4 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 27 November 1954; Patrick O'Connor, "Goodbye to Hanoi: Neck-Deep in Tears," Catholic Digest, October 1954, 79-82. For more O'Connor extracts from NCWC reports see Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise, distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. See also Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass flight for freedom, Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library.
Catholic Herald-citizen
27 November
New World, 10 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 4 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 27 November 1954; Patrick O'Connor, "Goodbye to Hanoi: Neck-Deep in Tears," Catholic Digest, October 1954, 79-82. For more O'Connor extracts from NCWC reports see Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise, distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. See also Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass flight for freedom, Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library.
Catholic Herald-citizen
Goodbye to hanoi: Neck-deep in tears
New World, 10 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 4 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 27 November 1954; Patrick O'Connor, "Goodbye to Hanoi: Neck-Deep in Tears," Catholic Digest, October 1954, 79-82. For more O'Connor extracts from NCWC reports see Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise, distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. See also Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass flight for freedom, Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library.
Catholic Digest
, pp. 79-82
O'Connor, P.1
distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8
New World, 10 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 4 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 27 November 1954; Patrick O'Connor, "Goodbye to Hanoi: Neck-Deep in Tears," Catholic Digest, October 1954, 79-82. For more O'Connor extracts from NCWC reports see Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise, distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. See also Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass flight for freedom, Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library.
Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise
Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library
New World, 10 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 4 December 1954; Catholic Herald-Citizen, 27 November 1954; Patrick O'Connor, "Goodbye to Hanoi: Neck-Deep in Tears," Catholic Digest, October 1954, 79-82. For more O'Connor extracts from NCWC reports see Terror in Vietnam: A Record of Another Broken Promise, distributed by the NCWC and located in Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. See also Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass flight for freedom, Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8. The reports of O'Connor and other journalists prompted the annual convocation in Washington of Roman Catholic bishops to petition the administration for a public denunciation of Viet Minh "trickery, pressure, and the most brutal violence." The White House, State Department, and Senate were deluged with telegrams protesting the treatment of Vietnamese Catholic refugees. See Saltzman to AmEmbassies Saigon, Hanoi, Paris, Warsaw, New Delhi, Ottawa, and New York, 26 November 1914, Collins Papers, box 52; and memorandum of bipartisan briefing of congressional leaders on foreign policy, 12 November 1954, Ann Whitman File, Legislative Meetings Series, box 1, Eisenhower Library.
Exodus - Report on a Voluntary Mass Flight for Freedom
Divided vietnam: Second korea?
O. Edmund Clubb, "Divided Vietnam: Second Korea?" Progressive, December 1955, 19.
, pp. 19
Clubb, O.E.1
Stassen to Eisenhower, 6 October 1954, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 58
Stassen to Eisenhower, 6 October 1954, White House National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 58.
Useful coverage of the United States's campaign of "psywar" in North Vietnam is provided in Cecil Currey, Edward Lansdale: The Unquiet American (Boston, 1988), 156-66. See also Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Saigon Mission in 1954 and 1955, The Pentagon Papers 1:573-83; Bernard Fall, The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis (New York, 1963), 153-54; and B. S. N. Murti, Vietnam Divided: The Unfinished Struggle (London, 1964), 83.
Edward Lansdale: The Unquiet American
, pp. 156-166
Currey, C.1
Team's report on covert Saigon mission in 1954 and 1955
Useful coverage of the United States's campaign of "psywar" in North Vietnam is provided in Cecil Currey, Edward Lansdale: The Unquiet American (Boston, 1988), 156-66. See also Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Saigon Mission in 1954 and 1955, The Pentagon Papers 1:573-83; Bernard Fall, The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis (New York, 1963), 153-54; and B. S. N. Murti, Vietnam Divided: The Unfinished Struggle (London, 1964), 83.
The Pentagon Papers
, Issue.1
, pp. 573-583
New York
Useful coverage of the United States's campaign of "psywar" in North Vietnam is provided in Cecil Currey, Edward Lansdale: The Unquiet American (Boston, 1988), 156-66. See also Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Saigon Mission in 1954 and 1955, The Pentagon Papers 1:573-83; Bernard Fall, The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis (New York, 1963), 153-54; and B. S. N. Murti, Vietnam Divided: The Unfinished Struggle (London, 1964), 83.
The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis
, pp. 153-154
Fall, B.1
Useful coverage of the United States's campaign of "psywar" in North Vietnam is provided in Cecil Currey, Edward Lansdale: The Unquiet American (Boston, 1988), 156-66. See also Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Saigon Mission in 1954 and 1955, The Pentagon Papers 1:573-83; Bernard Fall, The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis (New York, 1963), 153-54; and B. S. N. Murti, Vietnam Divided: The Unfinished Struggle (London, 1964), 83.
Vietnam Divided: The Unfinished Struggle
, pp. 83
Murti, B.S.N.1
Kidder to Dulles, 6 December 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/12-654
Kidder to Dulles, 6 December 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/12-654.
trans. Charles Underbill Quinn New York
See Piero Gheddo, The Cross and Bo-Tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam, trans. Charles Underbill Quinn (New York, 1970), 107-65. See also Olson, Mansfield and Vietnam, 41-44; and Graham Greene, "Last Act in Indo-China," New Republic, 9 May 1955, 10.
The Cross and Bo-tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam
, pp. 107-165
Gheddo, P.1
See Piero Gheddo, The Cross and Bo-Tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam, trans. Charles Underbill Quinn (New York, 1970), 107-65. See also Olson, Mansfield and Vietnam, 41-44; and Graham Greene, "Last Act in Indo-China," New Republic, 9 May 1955, 10.
Mansfield and Vietnam
, pp. 41-44
Last act in Indo-China
9 May
See Piero Gheddo, The Cross and Bo-Tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam, trans. Charles Underbill Quinn (New York, 1970), 107-65. See also Olson, Mansfield and Vietnam, 41-44; and Graham Greene, "Last Act in Indo-China," New Republic, 9 May 1955, 10.
New Republic
, pp. 10
Greene, G.1
Hoa Hao handbill: "Here Is Premier Diem's True Face," submitted by Kidder to Dulles, 13 February 19155, RG 59, 751G.00/2-1355. See also Cao Dai handbill: "Where Does Totalitarianism Lead Us?" submitted by Ainsworth to Dulles, 12 February 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/2-1255; and Cao Dai dissidents to Diem, 50 December 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/12-3054. For Cardinal Spellman's 1956 visit to Saigon see "Catholic Relief Services - NCWC: Viet-Nam Mission: January 1956," Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8
Hoa Hao handbill: "Here Is Premier Diem's True Face," submitted by Kidder to Dulles, 13 February 19155, RG 59, 751G.00/2-1355. See also Cao Dai handbill: "Where Does Totalitarianism Lead Us?" submitted by Ainsworth to Dulles, 12 February 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/2-1255; and Cao Dai dissidents to Diem, 50 December 1954, RG 59, 751G.00/12-3054. For Cardinal Spellman's 1956 visit to Saigon see "Catholic Relief Services - NCWC: Viet-Nam Mission: January 1956," Mansfield Papers, Series XIII, box 8.
Collins to Dulles, 12 February 1955, Collins Papers, box 31
Collins to Dulles, 12 February 1955, Collins Papers, box 31.
Kidder to Dulles, 18 April 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/4-1855
Kidder to Dulles, 18 April 1955, RG 59, 751G.00/4-1855.
Robert Scheer, "Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley," January-February 1965, 28. See also Robert Scheer and Warren Hinkle, "The Vietnam Lobby," Ramparts, July 1965, 15-22.
Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley
, pp. 28
Scheer, R.1
The Vietnam lobby
Robert Scheer, "Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley," January-February 1965, 28. See also Robert Scheer and Warren Hinkle, "The Vietnam Lobby," Ramparts, July 1965, 15-22.
, pp. 15-22
Scheer, R.1
Hinkle, W.2
Harold Isaacs, Scratches on Our Minds: American Images of China and India (Westport, 1958), 11-22, 45, 82, 259, 278, 401-5.
Scratches on Our Minds: American Images of China and India
, pp. 11-22
Isaacs, H.1
Landon to Eisenhower, "Problem: To Determine the Advisability of a Presidential Message on the Occasion of the '2,500th Anniversary of Buddha,'" undated, White House Office, National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2 (emphasis mine)
Landon to Eisenhower, "Problem: To Determine the Advisability of a Presidential Message on the Occasion of the '2,500th Anniversary of Buddha,'" undated, White House Office, National Security Council Staff, Papers, 1948-1961: OCB Central File Series, box 2 (emphasis mine).
Diem to Dulles, 9 May 1957, Dulles Papers, box 115
Diem to Dulles, 9 May 1957, Dulles Papers, box 115.