J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537
, pp. 17
Bean, J.M.W.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society
, pp. 164-172
Dyer, C.C.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
The Economic Development of Some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
, pp. 85-88
Hilton, R.H.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Ramsey Abbey
, pp. 292-295
Raftis, J.A.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and Its Banlieu 1066-1538
, pp. 324-337
Searle, E.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500
, pp. 148-171
Hatcher, J.1
E Miller, ed, hereafter Ag Hist III
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500
, pp. 568-574
Bean, J.M.W.1
A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: The archbishopric of Canterbury
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.16
, pp. 427-438
Du Boulay, F.R.H.1
Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Past and Present
, vol.43
, pp. 146-147
Harris, B.J.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Standards of Living in the Later middle Ages
, pp. 27-48
Dyer, C.C.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
Canterbury Cathedral Priory
, pp. 12-13
Smith, R.A.L.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521
, pp. 10
Rawcliffe, C.1
J M W Bean, The Estates of the Percy Family, 1416-1537, 1958, pp 17, 26-7; C C Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society, 1980, pp 164-72; R H Hilton, The Economic Development of some Leicestershire Estates in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, 1947, pp 85-8; J A Raftis, Ramsey Abbey, Toronto, 1957, pp 292-5; E Searle, Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu 1066-1538, Toronto, 1974, pp 324-37; J Hatcher, Rural Economy and Society in the Duchy of Cornwall 1300-1500, 1970, pp 148-71; J M W Bean, 'Landlords' in E Miller, ed, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, III, 1348-1500 [hereafter Ag Hist III], 1991, pp 568-74; F R H Du Boulay, 'A rentier economy in the Later Middle Ages: the archbishopric of Canterbury', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XVI, 1963-4, pp 427-38; B J Harris, 'Landlords and tenants in England in the later Middle Ages', Past and Present, XLIII, 1969, pp 146-7; C C Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages, 1989, pp 27-48; RAL Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1943, pp 12-3; C Rawcliffe, The Staffords, Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham, 1394-1521, 1978, pp 10, 53, 107, 715, 133; R H Britnell, The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500, 1993, pp 197-8.
The Commercialisation of English Society 1000-1500
, pp. 197-198
Britnell, R.H.1
Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England
M M Postan, ed, 2nd ed
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Cambridge Economic History of Europe
, vol.1
, pp. 595-596
Postan, M.M.1
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Leicestershire Estates
, pp. 121
A small landowner in the fifteenth century
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Midl Hist
, vol.1
, pp. 1-14
Dyer, C.C.1
Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
, vol.37
, pp. 17-23
Watkins, A.D.1
unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Society and Economy in the Northern Part of the Forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540
, pp. 124-168
Watkins, A.D.1
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Locality and Polity
, pp. 153-195
Carpenter, C.1
The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates
M Jones, ed, Gloucester
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe
, pp. 36-60
Carpenter, C.1
M M Postan, 'Medieval agrarian society in its prime-England,' in M M Postan, ed, Cambridge Economic History of Europe, I, 2nd ed, 1966, pp 595-6; Hilton, Leicestershire Estates, p 121; C C Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', Midl Hist, I, 1972, pp 1-14; A D Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', AHR, XXXVII, 1989, pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'Society and economy in the northern part of the forest of Arden, Warwickshire, 1350-1540', unpublished PhD thesis, Birmingham University, 1989, pp 124-68; C Carpenter, Locality and Polity, 1992, pp 153-95; C Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry and their estates' in M Jones, ed, Gentry and Lesser Nobility in Later Medieval Europe, Gloucester, 1986, pp 36-60; Ag Hist III, pp 23-4, 575-6.
Ag Hist III
, pp. 23-24
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
Leland's Itinery in England and Wales
, pp. 47
Toulmin Smith, L.1
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 1-14
Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, passim
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520
, vol.27
Dyer, C.C.1
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
Cattle Grazing in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 17-23
The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
Midl Hist
, vol.18
, pp. 19-32
Watkins, A.D.1
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
Society and Economy in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 124-299
Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S
L Toulmin Smith, ed, Leland's Itinery in England and Wales, 1908, p 47. For the fifteenth-century economy of the Arden see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 1-14; C C Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XXVII, 1981, passim; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-23; A D Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden in the later Middle Ages', Midl Hist, XVIII, I993' PP 19-32; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 124-299; A D Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey in the late 1490S', Warwickshire Hist, IX, 1994, pp 87-104.
Warwickshire Hist
, vol.9
, pp. 87-104
Watkins, A.D.1
Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 127-31, 140-45; Queen's College, Oxford, Warwickshire Mss No 7; Nottingham University Manuscripts Department [hereafter NUMD], MiM 167, MiM 175, MiD 4227; Birmingham Reference Library [hereafter BRL], Norton Mss 53; Staffordshire Record Office [hereafter SRO], D 641/1/2/269; Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust Record Office [hereafter SBT], DR 37/107/1; NUMD, MiL 5; SBT, BRT 1/3/180. For social structure of the Arden see R H Hilton, Social Structure of Rural Warwickshire in the Middle Ages, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, IX, 1950. For rising families see Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 30-1; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-9; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 265-93.
Society and Economy in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 127-131
Dugdale Society Occasional Paper
Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 127-31, 140-45; Queen's College, Oxford, Warwickshire Mss No 7; Nottingham University Manuscripts Department [hereafter NUMD], MiM 167, MiM 175, MiD 4227; Birmingham Reference Library [hereafter BRL], Norton Mss 53; Staffordshire Record Office [hereafter SRO], D 641/1/2/269; Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust Record Office [hereafter SBT], DR 37/107/1; NUMD, MiL 5; SBT, BRT 1/3/180. For social structure of the Arden see R H Hilton, Social Structure of Rural Warwickshire in the Middle Ages, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, IX, 1950. For rising families see Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 30-1; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-9; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 265-93.
Social Structure of Rural Warwickshire in the middle Ages
, vol.9
Hilton, R.H.1
Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 127-31, 140-45; Queen's College, Oxford, Warwickshire Mss No 7; Nottingham University Manuscripts Department [hereafter NUMD], MiM 167, MiM 175, MiD 4227; Birmingham Reference Library [hereafter BRL], Norton Mss 53; Staffordshire Record Office [hereafter SRO], D 641/1/2/269; Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust Record Office [hereafter SBT], DR 37/107/1; NUMD, MiL 5; SBT, BRT 1/3/180. For social structure of the Arden see R H Hilton, Social Structure of Rural Warwickshire in the Middle Ages, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, IX, 1950. For rising families see Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 30-1; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-9; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 265-93.
Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520
, pp. 30-31
Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 127-31, 140-45; Queen's College, Oxford, Warwickshire Mss No 7; Nottingham University Manuscripts Department [hereafter NUMD], MiM 167, MiM 175, MiD 4227; Birmingham Reference Library [hereafter BRL], Norton Mss 53; Staffordshire Record Office [hereafter SRO], D 641/1/2/269; Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust Record Office [hereafter SBT], DR 37/107/1; NUMD, MiL 5; SBT, BRT 1/3/180. For social structure of the Arden see R H Hilton, Social Structure of Rural Warwickshire in the Middle Ages, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, IX, 1950. For rising families see Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 30-1; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-9; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 265-93.
Cattle Grazing in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 17-19
Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 127-31, 140-45; Queen's College, Oxford, Warwickshire Mss No 7; Nottingham University Manuscripts Department [hereafter NUMD], MiM 167, MiM 175, MiD 4227; Birmingham Reference Library [hereafter BRL], Norton Mss 53; Staffordshire Record Office [hereafter SRO], D 641/1/2/269; Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust Record Office [hereafter SBT], DR 37/107/1; NUMD, MiL 5; SBT, BRT 1/3/180. For social structure of the Arden see R H Hilton, Social Structure of Rural Warwickshire in the Middle Ages, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, IX, 1950. For rising families see Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 30-1; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 17-9; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 265-93.
Society and Economy in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 265-293
Warwick County Record Office [hereafter WCRO], CR 130/C150-C153, CR 136/c143; NUMD, MiM 162; Public Record Office [hereafter PRO], SC 6/1040/8-11; British Library [hereafter BL], Add Rolls 49752-4, 49757, 495759, 49764. The Freville estates at Lea Marston had already been put to farm by 1377: NUMD, MiM 165
Warwick County Record Office [hereafter WCRO], CR 130/C150-C153, CR 136/c143; NUMD, MiM 162; Public Record Office [hereafter PRO], SC 6/1040/8-11; British Library [hereafter BL], Add Rolls 49752-4, 49757, 495759, 49764. The Freville estates at Lea Marston had already been put to farm by 1377: NUMD, MiM 165.
NUMD, MiM 162; BL, Add Ch 48034, 48035, 48044/6, 48057, 84874, 84875, 49154; SBT, DR 37/73
NUMD, MiM 162; BL, Add Ch 48034, 48035, 48044/6, 48057, 84874, 84875, 49154; SBT, DR 37/73.
For home farms on estates in the fifteenth century see Ag Hist III, pp 23-4: Dyer, Standards of Living, pp 68-9. For those in Warwickshire see Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-80; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 4-5; NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462; Bodleian Library [hereafter Bod Lib], Ms Trinity 84, p 22, 50, 98, 108 ; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-7.
Ag Hist III
, pp. 23-24
For home farms on estates in the fifteenth century see Ag Hist III, pp 23-4: Dyer, Standards of Living, pp 68-9. For those in Warwickshire see Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-80; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 4-5; NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462; Bodleian Library [hereafter Bod Lib], Ms Trinity 84, p 22, 50, 98, 108 ; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-7.
Standards of Living
, pp. 68-69
For home farms on estates in the fifteenth century see Ag Hist III, pp 23-4: Dyer, Standards of Living, pp 68-9. For those in Warwickshire see Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-80; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 4-5; NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462; Bodleian Library [hereafter Bod Lib], Ms Trinity 84, p 22, 50, 98, 108 ; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-7.
Locality and Polity
, pp. 176-180
NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462
For home farms on estates in the fifteenth century see Ag Hist III, pp 23-4: Dyer, Standards of Living, pp 68-9. For those in Warwickshire see Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-80; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 4-5; NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462; Bodleian Library [hereafter Bod Lib], Ms Trinity 84, p 22, 50, 98, 108 ; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-7.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 4-5
For home farms on estates in the fifteenth century see Ag Hist III, pp 23-4: Dyer, Standards of Living, pp 68-9. For those in Warwickshire see Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-80; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 4-5; NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462; Bodleian Library [hereafter Bod Lib], Ms Trinity 84, p 22, 50, 98, 108 ; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-7.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 22
For home farms on estates in the fifteenth century see Ag Hist III, pp 23-4: Dyer, Standards of Living, pp 68-9. For those in Warwickshire see Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-80; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 4-5; NUMD, MiM 131/33, MiD 4462; Bodleian Library [hereafter Bod Lib], Ms Trinity 84, p 22, 50, 98, 108 ; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-7.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 94-97
hereafter VCH
PRO, SC 6/1258/7; Victoria County History of Warwickshire [hereafter VCH], IV, p 184; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', p 51. The topography of the priory estate in Maxstoke has been reconstructed using evidence drawn from the cartulary: Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 2, 20, 33, 39, 50, 52, 83, 99, 100, 102, 107, 109, 134; J R Holliday, 'Maxstoke Priory', Trans Birmingham Arch Soc, V, 1878, pp 64-80; SBT, DR 671/30-1 (Survey of Lord Leigh's lands at Maxstoke, 1776).
Victoria County History of Warwickshire
, vol.4
, pp. 184
PRO, SC 6/1258/7; Victoria County History of Warwickshire [hereafter VCH], IV, p 184; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', p 51. The topography of the priory estate in Maxstoke has been reconstructed using evidence drawn from the cartulary: Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 2, 20, 33, 39, 50, 52, 83, 99, 100, 102, 107, 109, 134; J R Holliday, 'Maxstoke Priory', Trans Birmingham Arch Soc, V, 1878, pp 64-80; SBT, DR 671/30-1 (Survey of Lord Leigh's lands at Maxstoke, 1776).
Society and Economy in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 51
PRO, SC 6/1258/7; Victoria County History of Warwickshire [hereafter VCH], IV, p 184; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', p 51. The topography of the priory estate in Maxstoke has been reconstructed using evidence drawn from the cartulary: Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 2, 20, 33, 39, 50, 52, 83, 99, 100, 102, 107, 109, 134; J R Holliday, 'Maxstoke Priory', Trans Birmingham Arch Soc, V, 1878, pp 64-80; SBT, DR 671/30-1 (Survey of Lord Leigh's lands at Maxstoke, 1776).
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 2
Maxstoke Priory
SBT, DR 671/30-1 (Survey of Lord Leigh's lands at Maxstoke, 1776)
PRO, SC 6/1258/7; Victoria County History of Warwickshire [hereafter VCH], IV, p 184; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', p 51. The topography of the priory estate in Maxstoke has been reconstructed using evidence drawn from the cartulary: Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 2, 20, 33, 39, 50, 52, 83, 99, 100, 102, 107, 109, 134; J R Holliday, 'Maxstoke Priory', Trans Birmingham Arch Soc, V, 1878, pp 64-80; SBT, DR 671/30-1 (Survey of Lord Leigh's lands at Maxstoke, 1776).
Trans Birmingham Arch Soc
, vol.5
, pp. 64-80
Holliday, J.R.1
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 8, 14, 24, 33, 39, 52, 62, 72, 99, 100, 107, 110, 125, 128, 134, 139, 213, 219, 225, 227, 228, 232, 239, 259, 263. For the recovery of overgrown lands on other Arden estates see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 5; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 10-11.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 8
NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii)
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 8, 14, 24, 33, 39, 52, 62, 72, 99, 100, 107, 110, 125, 128, 134, 139, 213, 219, 225, 227, 228, 232, 239, 259, 263. For the recovery of overgrown lands on other Arden estates see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 5; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 10-11.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 5
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 8, 14, 24, 33, 39, 52, 62, 72, 99, 100, 107, 110, 125, 128, 134, 139, 213, 219, 225, 227, 228, 232, 239, 259, 263. For the recovery of overgrown lands on other Arden estates see: Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 5; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 10-11.
Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520
, pp. 10-11
Holliday, 'Maxstoke Priory', pp 64-5; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 15, 24, 33, 99, 244, 113, 143.
Maxstoke Priory
, pp. 64-65
Holliday, 'Maxstoke Priory', pp 64-5; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 15, 24, 33, 99, 244, 113, 143.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 15
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 129, 132, 134; SBT, DR 37/114.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 129
SBT, DR 37/114
SBT, DR 37/114; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 129.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 129
SBT, DR 37/73; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii)
SBT, DR 37/73; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 95-7; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 96-7; Dyer, Lords and Peasants, p 215; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, p 172.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 95-97
SBT, DR 37/73; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 95-7; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 96-7; Dyer, Lords and Peasants, p 215; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, p 172.
Cattle Grazing in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 96-97
SBT, DR 37/73; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 95-7; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 96-7; Dyer, Lords and Peasants, p 215; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, p 172.
Lords and Peasants
, pp. 215
SBT, DR 37/73; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 95-7; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 96-7; Dyer, Lords and Peasants, p 215; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, p 172.
Locality and Polity
, pp. 172
SRO, D 641/1/2/269-276; BRL, DV2 168236; PRO, SC 6/1040/15
WCRO, CR 136/0152; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 15-6; SRO, D 641/1/2/269-276; BRL, DV2 168236; PRO, SC 6/1040/15; Maxstoke Castle, Fetherstone-Dilke Mss (I am greatly indebted to Captain C B Fethertsone-Dilke for making this document available to me); Rawcliffe, The Staffords, pp 69-70.
Cattle Grazing in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 15-16
WCRO, CR 136/0152; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', pp 15-6; SRO, D 641/1/2/269-276; BRL, DV2 168236; PRO, SC 6/1040/15; Maxstoke Castle, Fetherstone-Dilke Mss (I am greatly indebted to Captain C B Fethertsone-Dilke for making this document available to me); Rawcliffe, The Staffords, pp 69-70.
The Staffords
, pp. 69-70
WCRO, CR 1886/484-88, DR 895/8/11-20
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 20; WCRO, CR 1886/484-88, DR 895/8/11-20; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 22; SBT, DR 37/107/1-29, DR 37/108/30-52; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', PP 13-5; C D Ross, 'The household accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley, countess of Warwick, 1420-1', Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc, XXXIV, 1951, p 90; K B McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, 1973, p 194.
Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520
, pp. 4
SBT, DR 37/107/1-29, DR 37/108/30-52
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 20; WCRO, CR 1886/484-88, DR 895/8/11-20; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 22; SBT, DR 37/107/1-29, DR 37/108/30-52; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', PP 13-5; C D Ross, 'The household accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley, countess of Warwick, 1420-1', Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc, XXXIV, 1951, p 90; K B McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, 1973, p 194.
The Woodland Economy of the Forest of Arden
, pp. 22
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 20; WCRO, CR 1886/484-88, DR 895/8/11-20; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 22; SBT, DR 37/107/1-29, DR 37/108/30-52; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', PP 13-5; C D Ross, 'The household accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley, countess of Warwick, 1420-1', Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc, XXXIV, 1951, p 90; K B McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, 1973, p 194.
Cattle Grazing in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 13-15
The household accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley, countess of Warwick, 1420-1
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 20; WCRO, CR 1886/484-88, DR 895/8/11-20; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 22; SBT, DR 37/107/1-29, DR 37/108/30-52; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', PP 13-5; C D Ross, 'The household accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley, countess of Warwick, 1420-1', Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc, XXXIV, 1951, p 90; K B McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, 1973, p 194.
Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc
, vol.34
, pp. 90
Ross, C.D.1
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 20; WCRO, CR 1886/484-88, DR 895/8/11-20; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 22; SBT, DR 37/107/1-29, DR 37/108/30-52; Watkins, 'Cattle grazing in the forest of Arden', PP 13-5; C D Ross, 'The household accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley, countess of Warwick, 1420-1', Trans Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch Soc, XXXIV, 1951, p 90; K B McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, 1973, p 194.
The Nobility of Later Medieval England
, pp. 194
McFarlane, K.B.1
SBT, DR 37/73
SBT, DR 37/73; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp II, 105, 127, 136, 137, 142; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5.
Ms Trinity 84
SBT, DR 37/73; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp II, 105, 127, 136, 137, 142; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 94-95
SBT, DR 37/114
Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 6-10; SBT, DR 37/114; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, CR 1886/484, 486, 488.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 6-10
WCRO, CR 1886/484, 486, 488
Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 6-10; SBT, DR 37/114; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, CR 1886/484, 486, 488.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 94-95
WCRO, CR 136/C150-C152, C154; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); WCRO, CR 1886/484
Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 6; WCRO, CR 136/C150-C152, C154; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i-iii); WCRO, CR 1886/484.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 6
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 98, 109, 133-4; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, MR 1. The calculations of acreage sown is based upon information on yields given in J Z Titow, Winchester Yields, 1972, p 13; W O Ault, Open-Field Farming in Medieval England, 1972, pp 20, 38; BMS Campbell, 'Agricultural progress in medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXVI, 1983, p 30; D Oschinsky, Walter of Henley, 1971, pp 323-5.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 98
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 98, 109, 133-4; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, MR 1. The calculations of acreage sown is based upon information on yields given in J Z Titow, Winchester Yields, 1972, p 13; W O Ault, Open-Field Farming in Medieval England, 1972, pp 20, 38; BMS Campbell, 'Agricultural progress in medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXVI, 1983, p 30; D Oschinsky, Walter of Henley, 1971, pp 323-5.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 94-95
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 98, 109, 133-4; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, MR 1. The calculations of acreage sown is based upon information on yields given in J Z Titow, Winchester Yields, 1972, p 13; W O Ault, Open-Field Farming in Medieval England, 1972, pp 20, 38; BMS Campbell, 'Agricultural progress in medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXVI, 1983, p 30; D Oschinsky, Walter of Henley, 1971, pp 323-5.
Winchester Yields
, pp. 13
Titow, J.Z.1
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 98, 109, 133-4; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, MR 1. The calculations of acreage sown is based upon information on yields given in J Z Titow, Winchester Yields, 1972, p 13; W O Ault, Open-Field Farming in Medieval England, 1972, pp 20, 38; BMS Campbell, 'Agricultural progress in medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXVI, 1983, p 30; D Oschinsky, Walter of Henley, 1971, pp 323-5.
Open-Field Farming in Medieval England
, pp. 20
Ault, W.O.1
Agricultural progress in medieval England: Some evidence from eastern Norfolk
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 98, 109, 133-4; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, MR 1. The calculations of acreage sown is based upon information on yields given in J Z Titow, Winchester Yields, 1972, p 13; W O Ault, Open-Field Farming in Medieval England, 1972, pp 20, 38; BMS Campbell, 'Agricultural progress in medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXVI, 1983, p 30; D Oschinsky, Walter of Henley, 1971, pp 323-5.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.36
, pp. 30
Campbell, B.M.S.1
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 98, 109, 133-4; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; WCRO, MR 1. The calculations of acreage sown is based upon information on yields given in J Z Titow, Winchester Yields, 1972, p 13; W O Ault, Open-Field Farming in Medieval England, 1972, pp 20, 38; BMS Campbell, 'Agricultural progress in medieval England: some evidence from eastern Norfolk', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXVI, 1983, p 30; D Oschinsky, Walter of Henley, 1971, pp 323-5.
Walter of Henley
, pp. 323-325
Oschinsky, D.1
Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 94-5; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 11, 127, 137, 134-6, 105.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 94-95
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 11, 127, 137, 134-6, 105.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 11
v; SBT, DR 37/74, DR 3/805
v; SBT, DR 37/74, DR 3/805.
Vegetables in the Middle Ages
For a discussion of seignorial gardens see J Harvey, 'Vegetables in the Middle Ages', Garden Hist, XII, 1984, pp 89-99; C C Dyer, 'Jardins et vergers en Angleterre au moyen âge', in Jardins et vergers au moyen âge, Centre Culturel de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 9e journées internationales d'histoire, 1987, pp 145-64; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 245-89; T J Hunt and I Keil, 'Two medieval gardens', Proc Somersetshire Arch and Nat Hist Soc, CIV, 1959-62, pp 91-101.
Garden Hist
, vol.12
, pp. 89-99
Harvey, J.1
Jardins et vergers en Angleterre au moyen âge
Centre Culturel de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 9e journées internationales d'histoire
For a discussion of seignorial gardens see J Harvey, 'Vegetables in the Middle Ages', Garden Hist, XII, 1984, pp 89-99; C C Dyer, 'Jardins et vergers en Angleterre au moyen âge', in Jardins et vergers au moyen âge, Centre Culturel de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 9e journées internationales d'histoire, 1987, pp 145-64; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 245-89; T J Hunt and I Keil, 'Two medieval gardens', Proc Somersetshire Arch and Nat Hist Soc, CIV, 1959-62, pp 91-101.
Jardins et Vergers Au Moyen Âge
, pp. 145-164
Dyer, C.C.1
For a discussion of seignorial gardens see J Harvey, 'Vegetables in the Middle Ages', Garden Hist, XII, 1984, pp 89-99; C C Dyer, 'Jardins et vergers en Angleterre au moyen âge', in Jardins et vergers au moyen âge, Centre Culturel de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 9e journées internationales d'histoire, 1987, pp 145-64; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 245-89; T J Hunt and I Keil, 'Two medieval gardens', Proc Somersetshire Arch and Nat Hist Soc, CIV, 1959-62, pp 91-101.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 245-289
Two medieval gardens
For a discussion of seignorial gardens see J Harvey, 'Vegetables in the Middle Ages', Garden Hist, XII, 1984, pp 89-99; C C Dyer, 'Jardins et vergers en Angleterre au moyen âge', in Jardins et vergers au moyen âge, Centre Culturel de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 9e journées internationales d'histoire, 1987, pp 145-64; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 245-89; T J Hunt and I Keil, 'Two medieval gardens', Proc Somersetshire Arch and Nat Hist Soc, CIV, 1959-62, pp 91-101.
Proc Somersetshire Arch and Nat Hist Soc
, vol.104
, pp. 91-101
Hunt, T.J.1
Keil, I.2
BL, Add Rolls 49755, 49757, 49758, 49760, 49763, 49764; SBT DR 37/107/1-2, 13, 22, 24, DR 37/108/31, 32, 34
BRL, A 433, A 519, A 589, A 629, A 635; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 12, 14, 29, 121; BL, Add Rolls 49755, 49757, 49758, 49760, 49763, 49764; SBT DR 37/107/1-2, 13, 22, 24, DR 37/108/31, 32, 34; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 9; SRO, 26/D53/1/125; NUMD, MiM 139-142; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 14, 20, 29, 102, 115, 118, 121; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 97-9.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 12
SRO, 26/D53/1/125; NUMD, MiM 139-142
BRL, A 433, A 519, A 589, A 629, A 635; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 12, 14, 29, 121; BL, Add Rolls 49755, 49757, 49758, 49760, 49763, 49764; SBT DR 37/107/1-2, 13, 22, 24, DR 37/108/31, 32, 34; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 9; SRO, 26/D53/1/125; NUMD, MiM 139-142; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 14, 20, 29, 102, 115, 118, 121; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 97-9.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 9
BRL, A 433, A 519, A 589, A 629, A 635; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 12, 14, 29, 121; BL, Add Rolls 49755, 49757, 49758, 49760, 49763, 49764; SBT DR 37/107/1-2, 13, 22, 24, DR 37/108/31, 32, 34; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 9; SRO, 26/D53/1/125; NUMD, MiM 139-142; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 14, 20, 29, 102, 115, 118, 121; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 97-9.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 14
BRL, A 433, A 519, A 589, A 629, A 635; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 12, 14, 29, 121; BL, Add Rolls 49755, 49757, 49758, 49760, 49763, 49764; SBT DR 37/107/1-2, 13, 22, 24, DR 37/108/31, 32, 34; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 9; SRO, 26/D53/1/125; NUMD, MiM 139-142; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 14, 20, 29, 102, 115, 118, 121; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 97-9.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 97-99
NUMD, MiM 175, MiM 214; WCRO, CR 1886/484, 487; Coventry Record Office, E 10; SBT, DR 37/107/13
NUMD, MiM 175, MiM 214; WCRO, CR 1886/484, 487; Coventry Record Office, E 10; SBT, DR 37/107/13.
Derbyshire Record Society
S M Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry m the Fifteenth Century, Derbyshire Record Society, VIII, 1983, pp 21-22; R A Pelham, 'The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century', Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl, IV, 1953-4, PP 18-29; WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 29; VCH, II, pp 219-20; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', p 98; J Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700, 1993, pp 135-6.
The Derbyshire Gentry M the Fifteenth Century
, vol.8
, pp. 21-22
Wright, S.M.1
The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century
WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29
S M Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry m the Fifteenth Century, Derbyshire Record Society, VIII, 1983, pp 21-22; R A Pelham, 'The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century', Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl, IV, 1953-4, PP 18-29; WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 29; VCH, II, pp 219-20; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', p 98; J Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700, 1993, pp 135-6.
Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl
, vol.4
, pp. 18-29
Pelham, R.A.1
S M Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry m the Fifteenth Century, Derbyshire Record Society, VIII, 1983, pp 21-22; R A Pelham, 'The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century', Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl, IV, 1953-4, PP 18-29; WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 29; VCH, II, pp 219-20; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', p 98; J Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700, 1993, pp 135-6.
The Woodland Economy of the Forest of Arden
, pp. 29
S M Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry m the Fifteenth Century, Derbyshire Record Society, VIII, 1983, pp 21-22; R A Pelham, 'The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century', Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl, IV, 1953-4, PP 18-29; WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 29; VCH, II, pp 219-20; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', p 98; J Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700, 1993, pp 135-6.
, vol.2
, pp. 219-220
S M Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry m the Fifteenth Century, Derbyshire Record Society, VIII, 1983, pp 21-22; R A Pelham, 'The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century', Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl, IV, 1953-4, PP 18-29; WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 29; VCH, II, pp 219-20; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', p 98; J Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700, 1993, pp 135-6.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 98
S M Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry m the Fifteenth Century, Derbyshire Record Society, VIII, 1983, pp 21-22; R A Pelham, 'The establishment of the Willoughby ironworks in north Warwickshire in the sixteenth century', Univ Birmingham Hist Jnl, IV, 1953-4, PP 18-29; WCRO, DR(B) 38/3/2, p 29; Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', p 29; VCH, II, pp 219-20; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', p 98; J Hatcher, The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700, 1993, pp 135-6.
The History of the British Coal Industry. I: Before 1700
, pp. 135-136
Hatcher, J.1
PRO, SC 11/683
Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', pp 28-9; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 10; PRO, SC 11/683: Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 98-9.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 10
Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', pp 28-9; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 10; PRO, SC 11/683: Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 98-9.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 98-99
NUMD, 5/167/101(iii); SBT, DR 37/73; DR 37/108/31
Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', pp 30-31; NUMD, 5/167/101(iii); SBT, DR 37/73; DR 37/108/31; T H Lloyd, Some Aspects of the Building Industry of Medieval Stratford-upon-Avon, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XIV, 1961, pp 16-22.
The Woodland Economy of the Forest of Arden
, pp. 30-31
Occasional Paper
Watkins, 'The woodland economy of the forest of Arden', pp 30-31; NUMD, 5/167/101(iii); SBT, DR 37/73; DR 37/108/31; T H Lloyd, Some Aspects of the Building Industry of Medieval Stratford-upon-Avon, Dugdale Society Occasional Paper, XIV, 1961, pp 16-22.
Some Aspects of the Building Industry of Medieval Stratford-upon-Avon, Dugdale Society
, vol.14
, pp. 16-22
Lloyd, T.H.1
R H Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, 1975, PP 174-214; Dyer, Standards of Living, p 80; Dyer, 'A small landowner m the fifteenth century', pp 5, 8-10; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 147-8; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 165-6.
The English Peasantry in the Later middle Ages
, pp. 174-214
Hilton, R.H.1
R H Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, 1975, PP 174-214; Dyer, Standards of Living, p 80; Dyer, 'A small landowner m the fifteenth century', pp 5, 8-10; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 147-8; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 165-6.
Standards of Living
, pp. 80
R H Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, 1975, PP 174-214; Dyer, Standards of Living, p 80; Dyer, 'A small landowner m the fifteenth century', pp 5, 8-10; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 147-8; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 165-6.
A Small Landowner M the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 5
R H Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, 1975, PP 174-214; Dyer, Standards of Living, p 80; Dyer, 'A small landowner m the fifteenth century', pp 5, 8-10; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 147-8; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 165-6.
Society and Economy in the Forest of Arden
, pp. 147-148
R H Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages, 1975, PP 174-214; Dyer, Standards of Living, p 80; Dyer, 'A small landowner m the fifteenth century', pp 5, 8-10; Watkins, 'Society and economy in the forest of Arden', pp 147-8; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 165-6.
Locality and Polity
, pp. 165-166
NUMD, 5/167/101 (i and iii)
Watkins, 'Society and economy in the Forest of Arden', p 165; Hilton, The English Peasantry, pp 174-214; NUMD, 5/167/101 (i and iii).
The English Peasantry
, pp. 174-214
SRO, D641/1/2/269-279; WCRO, CR 136/C150-C157; BRL, DV 592 437894; NUMD, 5/167/101
SRO, D641/1/2/269-279; WCRO, CR 136/C150-C157; BRL, DV 592 437894; NUMD, 5/167/101.
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 6, 8, 15, 22, 24, 26, 33, 40, 72, 99, 106, 119-20, 139, 244, 247.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 6
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 119-20; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, p 164; NUMD, 5/167/101(i); Chetham's Library, Mun E 6 to 4: I am indebted to one of my anonymous referees for furnishing me with this reference.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 119-120
NUMD, 5/167/101(i); Chetham's Library, Mun E 6 to 4
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 119-20; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, p 164; NUMD, 5/167/101(i); Chetham's Library, Mun E 6 to 4: I am indebted to one of my anonymous referees for furnishing me with this reference.
Locality and Polity
, pp. 164
NUMD, 5/167/101(i); BRL, A 644; NUMD, MiDa 84, 5/169b/15
NUMD, 5/167/101(i); BRL, A 644; NUMD, MiDa 84, 5/169b/15.
Medieval fishponds
SBT, DR 3/804
B K Roberts, 'Medieval fishponds', Amat Hist, VII, 1966, PP 122-23; SBT, DR 3/804; M Aston, ed, Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fishponds in England, BAR, British Series, 182(1), 1988, p 423; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 24, 33, 41, 100, 107, 219, 225; W B Bickley, ed, Monastic and Other Estates in the County of Warwick, Dugdale Society, II, 1923, p 87; SBT, DR 37/107/22, DR 37/108/37; BRL, DV 329 347939, 329 347943.
Amat Hist
, vol.7
, pp. 122-123
Roberts, B.K.1
BAR, British Series
B K Roberts, 'Medieval fishponds', Amat Hist, VII, 1966, PP 122-23; SBT, DR 3/804; M Aston, ed, Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fishponds in England, BAR, British Series, 182(1), 1988, p 423; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 24, 33, 41, 100, 107, 219, 225; W B Bickley, ed, Monastic and Other Estates in the County of Warwick, Dugdale Society, II, 1923, p 87; SBT, DR 37/107/22, DR 37/108/37; BRL, DV 329 347939, 329 347943.
Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fishponds in England
, vol.182
, Issue.1
, pp. 423
Aston, M.1
B K Roberts, 'Medieval fishponds', Amat Hist, VII, 1966, PP 122-23; SBT, DR 3/804; M Aston, ed, Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fishponds in England, BAR, British Series, 182(1), 1988, p 423; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 24, 33, 41, 100, 107, 219, 225; W B Bickley, ed, Monastic and Other Estates in the County of
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 24
Dugdale Society, SBT, DR 37/107/22, DR 37/108/37; BRL, DV 329 347939, 329 347943
B K Roberts, 'Medieval fishponds', Amat Hist, VII, 1966, PP 122-23; SBT, DR 3/804; M Aston, ed, Medieval Fish, Fisheries and Fishponds in England, BAR, British Series, 182(1), 1988, p 423; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 24, 33, 41, 100, 107, 219, 225; W B Bickley, ed, Monastic and Other Estates in the County of Warwick, Dugdale Society, II, 1923, p 87; SBT, DR 37/107/22, DR 37/108/37; BRL, DV 329 347939, 329 347943.
Monastic and Other Estates in the County of Warwick
, vol.2
, pp. 87
Bickley, W.B.1
English peasant buildings in the later Middle Ages
Med Arch
, vol.30
, pp. 23
Dyer, C.1
WCRO, CR 1886/487; NUMD, 5/107/101 (i-iii); SBT, DR 37/73
SRO, 0641/1/2/269-279; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 5; WCRO, CR 1886/487; NUMD, 5/107/101 (i-iii); SBT, DR 37/73; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity, pp 2, 8, 15, 20, 24, 62, 72, 99, too, 107, 110, 125, 128, 134, 213, 219, 227, 228, 232, 239, 259, 263.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 5
SRO, 0641/1/2/269-279; Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', p 5; WCRO, CR 1886/487; NUMD, 5/107/101 (i-iii); SBT, DR 37/73; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity, pp 2, 8, 15, 20, 24, 62, 72, 99, too, 107, 110, 125, 128, 134, 213, 219, 227, 228, 232, 239, 259, 263.
Ms Trinity
, pp. 2
SBT, DR 37/73; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 96-7; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 89, 113; SBT, DR 3/801; WCRO, CR 1886/484 and 488.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 96-97
SBT, DR 3/801; WCRO, CR 1886/484 and 488
SBT, DR 37/73; Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 96-7; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 89, 113; SBT, DR 3/801; WCRO, CR 1886/484 and 488.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 89
v; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 61, 134, 208, 224, 229, 232, 263; SBT, DR 37/114; WCRO, CR 136/c159; SRO, D 641/1/3/4.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 6
SBT, DR 37/114; WCRO, CR 136/c159; SRO, D 641/1/3/4
v; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 61, 134, 208, 224, 229, 232, 263; SBT, DR 37/114; WCRO, CR 136/c159; SRO, D 641/1/3/4.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 61
Minor landlords in England and medieval agrarian capitalism
R H Britnell, Minor landlords in England and medieval agrarian capitalism', Past and Present, LXXXIX, 1980, pp 3-10;
Past and Present
, vol.89
, pp. 3-10
Britnell, R.H.1
NUMD, 5/167/101(iii)
Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 129-31; NUMD, 5/167/101(iii).
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 129-131
Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 5-6; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 33, 39, 52, 100, 139; NUMD, 5/167/101(ii); Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 10-1, 14.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 5-6
NUMD, 5/167/101(ii)
Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 5-6; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 33, 39, 52, 100, 139; NUMD, 5/167/101(ii); Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 10-1, 14.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 33
Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 5-6; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 33, 39, 52, 100, 139; NUMD, 5/167/101(ii); Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 10-1, 14.
Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520
, pp. 10-11
PRO, SC 11/683; NUMD, 5/167/101(i-iii)
43Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 3-12; PRO, SC 11/683; NUMD, 5/167/101(i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 87-101; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 109, 136.
A Small Landowner in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 3-12
43Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 3-12; PRO, SC 11/683; NUMD, 5/167/101(i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 87-101; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 109, 136.
Merevale Abbey
, pp. 87-101
43Dyer, 'A small landowner in the fifteenth century', pp 3-12; PRO, SC 11/683; NUMD, 5/167/101(i-iii); Watkins, 'Merevale Abbey', pp 87-101; Bod Lib, Ms Trinity 84, pp 109, 136.
Ms Trinity 84
, pp. 109
Pastoral farming in south-east England in the fifteenth century
M Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England in the fifteenth century', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XL, 1987, pp 523-36; Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry, pp 12-28; Ag Hist III, p 24.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.40
, pp. 523-536
Mate, M.1
M Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England in the fifteenth century', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XL, 1987, pp 523-36; Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry, pp 12-28; Ag Hist III, p 24.
The Derbyshire Gentry
, pp. 12-28
M Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England in the fifteenth century', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XL, 1987, pp 523-36; Wright, The Derbyshire Gentry, pp 12-28; Ag Hist III, p 24.
Ag Hist III
, pp. 24
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 13-22; Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry', pp 40-50; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-88; C Phythian-Adams, Desolation of a City, 1979, p 21; PRO, SC 6/1058/4-5.
Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520
, pp. 4
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 13-22; Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry', pp 40-50; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-88; C Phythian-Adams, Desolation of a City, 1979, p 21; PRO, SC 6/1058/4-5.
The Fifteenth-century English Gentry
, pp. 40-50
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 13-22; Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry', pp 40-50; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-88; C Phythian-Adams, Desolation of a City, 1979, p 21; PRO, SC 6/1058/4-5.
Locality and Polity
, pp. 176-188
PRO, SC 6/1058/4-5
Dyer, Warwickshire Farming 1349-c 1520, pp 4, 13-22; Carpenter, 'The fifteenth-century English gentry', pp 40-50; Carpenter, Locality and Polity, pp 176-88; C Phythian-Adams, Desolation of a City, 1979, p 21; PRO, SC 6/1058/4-5.
Desolation of a City
, pp. 21
Phythian-Adams, C.1
Suffolk Record Society
A H Kenny, ed, The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509, Suffolk Record Society, II, 1960, pp 35-9; E W Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, 1983, pp 345-53; Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1931, pp 116-34; Richmond, John Hopton, pp 32-95; C Richmond, 'The Sulyard papers: the records of a small family archive', in D Williams, ed, England in the Fifteenth Century, Woodbridge, 1986, pp 203-4; Ag Hist III, pp 281-3.
The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509
, vol.2
, pp. 35-39
Kenny, A.H.1
A H Kenny, ed, The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509, Suffolk Record Society, II, 1960, pp 35-9; E W Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, 1983, pp 345-53; Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1931, pp 116-34; Richmond, John Hopton, pp 32-95; C Richmond, 'The Sulyard papers: the records of a small family archive', in D Williams, ed, England in the Fifteenth Century, Woodbridge, 1986, pp 203-4; Ag Hist III, pp 281-3.
The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England
, pp. 345-353
Ives, E.W.1
Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History
A H Kenny, ed, The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509, Suffolk Record Society, II, 1960, pp 35-9; E W Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, 1983, pp 345-53; Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1931, pp 116-34; Richmond, John Hopton, pp 32-95; C Richmond, 'The Sulyard papers: the records of a small family archive', in D Williams, ed, England in the Fifteenth Century, Woodbridge, 1986, pp 203-4; Ag Hist III, pp 281-3.
Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene
, pp. 116-134
A H Kenny, ed, The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509, Suffolk Record Society, II, 1960, pp 35-9; E W Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, 1983, pp 345-53; Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1931, pp 116-34; Richmond, John Hopton, pp 32-95; C Richmond, 'The Sulyard papers: the records of a small family archive', in D Williams, ed, England in the Fifteenth Century, Woodbridge, 1986, pp 203-4; Ag Hist III, pp 281-3.
John Hopton
, pp. 32-95
The Sulyard papers: The records of a small family archive
D Williams, ed, Woodbridge
A H Kenny, ed, The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509, Suffolk Record Society, II, 1960, pp 35-9; E W Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, 1983, pp 345-53; Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1931, pp 116-34; Richmond, John Hopton, pp 32-95; C Richmond, 'The Sulyard papers: the records of a small family archive', in D Williams, ed, England in the Fifteenth Century, Woodbridge, 1986, pp 203-4; Ag Hist III, pp 281-3.
England in the Fifteenth Century
, pp. 203-204
Richmond, C.1
A H Kenny, ed, The Sibton Abbey Estates: Selected Documents 1325-1509, Suffolk Record Society, II, 1960, pp 35-9; E W Ives, The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England, 1983, pp 345-53; Household Book of Dame Alice de Bryene, Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History, 1931, pp 116-34; Richmond, John Hopton, pp 32-95; C Richmond, 'The Sulyard papers: the records of a small family archive', in D Williams, ed, England in the Fifteenth Century, Woodbridge, 1986, pp 203-4; Ag Hist III, pp 281-3.
Ag Hist III
, pp. 281-283
British Academy Records of Social and Economic History, new ser
C M Woolgar, ed, Household Accounts from Medieval England, British Academy Records of Social and Economic History, new ser, XVIII, 1992, part II, pp 455-57, 460, 462-7, 470-1, 550-1;
Household Accounts from Medieval England
, vol.18
, Issue.2 PART
, pp. 455-457
Woolgar, C.M.1
Estate management in the later Middle Ages: The Talbots and Whitchurch, 1383-1526
A J Pollard, 'Estate management in the later Middle Ages: the Talbots and Whitchurch, 1383-1526', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 553-66;
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.25
, pp. 553-566
Pollard, A.J.1
Flock management in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
K J Allison, 'Flock management in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XI, 1958, pp 98-112;
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.11
, pp. 98-112
Allison, K.J.1
Ag Hist III, pp 24, 290, 315-22;
Ag Hist III
, pp. 24
Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.30
, pp. 555-566
Farmer, D.L.1
Wool yields in the medieval economy
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.41
, pp. 371
Stephenson, M.J.1
Sussex Record Society
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513
, vol.65
, pp. 18-19
Searle, E.1
Ross, B.2
Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.25
, pp. 411-414
Brandon, P.1
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Canterbury Cathedral Priory
, pp. 200
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Pastoral Farming in South-east England
, pp. 523-536
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Scenes from Provincial Life
, pp. 133
Saul, N.1
The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Econ Hist Rev, 2nd Ser
, vol.31
, pp. 350
Lomas, R.A.1
A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Northern Hist
, vol.18
, pp. 26-29
Lomas, R.A.1
Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Archaeol Aelina, 5th Ser
, vol.4
, pp. 141-147
Drury, J.L.1
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Community, Class, Careerism
, pp. 86
Bennett, M.J.1
D L Farmer, 'Grain yields on the Winchester manors in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXX, 1977, pp 555-66; M J Stephenson, 'Wool yields in the medieval economy', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XLI, 1988, p 371; E Searle and B Ross, eds, The Cellarer's Rolls of Battle Abbey, 1217-1513, Sussex Record Society, LXV, 1967, pp 18-9; P Brandon, 'Cereal yields on the Sussex estates of Battle Abbey in the later Middle Ages', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXV, 1972, pp 411-4; Smith, Canterbury Cathedral Priory, p 200; Mate, 'Pastoral farming in south-east England', pp 523-36; N Saul, Scenes from Provincial Life, 1986, p 133; R A Lomas, 'The priory of Durham and its demesnes in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', Econ Hist Rev, 2nd ser, XXXI, 1978, p 350; R A Lomas, 'A northern farm at the end of the Middle Ages: Elvenhall Manor, Durham, 1443-4-1513-4', Northern Hist, XVIII, 1972, pp 26-9; J L Drury, 'Early settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c 1406-79', Archaeol Aelina, 5th ser, IV, 1976, pp 141-7; M J Bennett, Community, Class, Careerism, 1983, p 86; Ag Hist III, pp 189-91.
Ag Hist III
, pp. 189-191