to Out of Control http://businesstech.com/interview/3_96interv/ btinterv3_96.html
See also Kevin Kelly's " self-curated connections" to Out of Control at http://www.world3.com/meme1/kelly.html and an interview with Kelly at http://businesstech.com/interview/3_96interv/btinterv3_96.html
Self-curated Connections
Kelly'S, K.1
Mike Gray, Noel Hodson, Gil Gordon, eds., New York: Wiley
See the Teleworking home page at http://www.labs.bt.com/innovate/ telework/index.htm and Mike Gray, Noel Hodson, Gil Gordon, eds., 1993. Teleworking explained. New York: Wiley, 289 p.
Teleworking Explained
It has been estimated that 75% of all re-engineering projects fail because they ignore the human aspects involved in re-engineering projects; from http://brainware.net/adc-hsor.html
For those wishing to deepen their understanding of these matters, read Teilhard de Chardin, Rene Guenon, Fritjof Schuon, Julius Evola, and Ken Wilber.
For those wishing to deepen their understanding of these matters, read Teilhard de Chardin, Rene Guenon, Fritjof Schuon, Julius Evola, and Ken Wilber.
New York: Dover
In this sense, virtual communities are a revival of 19th century utopian socialist communities. These communities flourished for a time in the last century in the United States. The leaders of these communities argued that change could happen here and now by inventing communities based on goodwill and new social rules. See, for example, Mark Holloway, 1966. Heavens on earth: Utopian communities in America, 1680-1880. revised 2d ed. New York: Dover, 246 p.
Heavens on Earth: Utopian Communities in America, 1680-1880. Revised 2d Ed
Holloway, M.1
"Whole Earth Catalog," "CoEvolution Quarterly," and the Well - The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link - are succinctly described in Bruce Sterling, 1992
New York: Bantam
The history and relationships of Brand's "Whole Earth Catalog," "CoEvolution Quarterly," and the Well - the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link - are succinctly described in Bruce Sterling, 1992. The Hacker crackdown: Law and disorder on the electronic frontier. New York: Bantam, pp. 237-244.
The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
, pp. 237-244
One summary can be found at http://www.altculture.com/site/entries/ spiritux.html
The Christian Coalition home page can be found at http://www.cc.org/ main_page.html Pointers to many of the Islamic sites on the Internet can be found at http://gpu2.srv.ualberta.ca/∼slis/guides/religion/islam.htm
For example, thoughts on the Torah can be found on the Jewish Bulletin of Northern California Online at http://www.jewish.com/jb/torah.htm The Christian Coalition home page can be found at http://www.cc.org/main_page.html Pointers to many of the Islamic sites on the Internet can be found at http://gpu2.srv. ualberta.ca/∼slis/guides/religion/islam.htm
A statement by Pope John Paul II, entitled "The Church Must Learn to Cope With the Computer Culture," can be found One collection of Internet Buddhist resources can be found at http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/resource.html
A statement by Pope John Paul II, entitled "The Church Must Learn to Cope With the Computer Culture," can be found at http://listserv.american. edu/catholic/church/papal/jp.ii/computer-culture.html One collection of Internet Buddhist resources can be found at http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/resource.html
16. http://www.hyperreal.com/∼mpesce/circle.wrl
, vol.16
San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco
In Douglas Rushkoff's book Cyberia, there is a description of a fusion of the Internet with psychedelic and certain music communities. This spiritualized youth culture aims at awareness through the combined use of ecstatic techno-music, hallucinogenic substances, and communication in cyberspace. See Douglas Rushkoff, 1994. Cyberia : life in the trenches of hyperspace. San Francisco: HarperSan Francisco, 250 p.
Cyberia: Life in the Trenches of Hyperspace
Rushkoff, D.1