Guideline for hand hygiene in health-care settings
Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force
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Epidemiological background of hand hygiene and an evaluation of the most important agents for scrubs and rubs
G. Kampf A. Kramer Epidemiological background of hand hygiene and an evaluation of the most important agents for scrubs and rubs Clin Microbiol Rev 17 2004 863-893
Surgical hand disinfection with alcohols at various concentrations: Parallel experiments using the new proposed European standards methods
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The 3 minute surgical reference disinfection of prEN 12791: Does the applied volume influence the efficacy?
[in press]
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National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System Report
Anonymous data summary from January 1992 through June 2003, issued August 2003
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Evaluation of the bactericidal effect of five products for surgical hand disinfection according to prEN 12054 and prEN 12791
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