Numerical multiple-body simulations of side-by-side mooring to an FPSO
Stavanger, Norway
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An analysis of hydrodynamic interaction of floating multi-body using higher-order boundary element method
Kitakyushu, Japan
Y.R. Choi S.Y. Hong An analysis of hydrodynamic interaction of floating multi-body using higher-order boundary element method Proceedings of the 12th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE, Kitakyushu, Japan vol. 3 2002 303-308
Diffraction and radiation of waves around side-by-side moored vessels
Stavanger, Norway
R.H.M. Huijsmans J.A. Pinkster J.J. de Wilde Diffraction and radiation of waves around side-by-side moored vessels Proceedings of the 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE, Stavanger, Norway vol. 1 2001 406-412
Wave-induced local steady forces on a column-supported very large floating structure
M. Kashiwagi Wave-induced local steady forces on a column-supported very large floating structure Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 12 2 2002 98-104
Wave drift force and moment on a VLFS supported by a great number of floating columns
M. Kashiwagi S. Yoshida Wave drift force and moment on a VLFS supported by a great number of floating columns Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 11 3 2001 176-183
Some expressions of pulsating source potentials in shallow water and their efficient algorithms
H. Seto Some expressions of pulsating source potentials in shallow water and their efficient algorithms Transactions of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects 85 1993 25-36