a The latest literature of importance, in my opinion, regarding this subject, which was first made known in Italy by my late, lamented assistant Dr Buccola (Riv. sperim. di Freniatria, 1881), may be read in: R. Arndt, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 1883; R. von Krafft-Ebing, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th edn, 1890; V. Magnan, in Progrès médical passim; E. Kraepelin, Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd edn, 1887; Schüle, Psichiatrica clinica [3rd German edn], Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals.
Riv. Sperim. di Freniatria
a The latest literature of importance, in my opinion, regarding this subject, which was first made known in Italy by my late, lamented assistant Dr Buccola (Riv. sperim. di Freniatria, 1881), may be read in: R. Arndt, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 1883; R. von Krafft-Ebing, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th edn, 1890; V. Magnan, in Progrès médical passim; E. Kraepelin, Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd edn, 1887; Schüle, Psichiatrica clinica [3rd German edn], Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals.
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie
Arndt, R.1
a The latest literature of importance, in my opinion, regarding this subject, which was first made known in Italy by my late, lamented assistant Dr Buccola (Riv. sperim. di Freniatria, 1881), may be read in: R. Arndt, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 1883; R. von Krafft-Ebing, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th edn, 1890; V. Magnan, in Progrès médical passim; E. Kraepelin, Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd edn, 1887; Schüle, Psichiatrica clinica [3rd German edn], Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals.
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th Edn
Von Krafft-Ebing, R.1
a The latest literature of importance, in my opinion, regarding this subject, which was first made known in Italy by my late, lamented assistant Dr Buccola (Riv. sperim. di Freniatria, 1881), may be read in: R. Arndt, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 1883; R. von Krafft-Ebing, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th edn, 1890; V. Magnan, in Progrès médical passim; E. Kraepelin, Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd edn, 1887; Schüle, Psichiatrica clinica [3rd German edn], Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals.
Progrès Médical
Magnan, V.1
a The latest literature of importance, in my opinion, regarding this subject, which was first made known in Italy by my late, lamented assistant Dr Buccola (Riv. sperim. di Freniatria, 1881), may be read in: R. Arndt, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 1883; R. von Krafft-Ebing, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th edn, 1890; V. Magnan, in Progrès médical passim; E. Kraepelin, Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd edn, 1887; Schüle, Psichiatrica clinica [3rd German edn], Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals.
Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd Edn
Kraepelin, E.1
Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals
a The latest literature of importance, in my opinion, regarding this subject, which was first made known in Italy by my late, lamented assistant Dr Buccola (Riv. sperim. di Freniatria, 1881), may be read in: R. Arndt, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 1883; R. von Krafft-Ebing, Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, 4th edn, 1890; V. Magnan, in Progrès médical passim; E. Kraepelin, Compendium der Psychiatrie, 2nd edn, 1887; Schüle, Psichiatrica clinica [3rd German edn], Italian trans. 1890; as well as in many monographs and articles in the specialist journals.
Psichiatrica Clinica [3rd German Edn]
b A so far undescribed variety of claustrophobia or clitrophobia (Raggi) consists in the anxiety some people experience on travelling by railroad through covered passages or tunnels; this could also be called cryptophobia (from crypte, cave). I have seen two classical examples of this condition.
Of these insanities characterized by a fear of contact I have seen a variety not yet recorded in the literature, as far as I am aware. This is the fear of pieces of glass that might be present in foods, especially soups, or in drinks. The neologism would be hyalophobia (from hyalos, glass).
The most interesting example I have seen of metaphysical insanity is the one of a lady who, every time she had to defecate, was attacked by the anxious fear of committing an indecent act, and would ask herself why God had given human beings such a strange method of elimination.
e The best description and classification of these psychoses is given by Magnan and his school: see Legrain, Du délire chez les dégénérés (Paris, 1886).
Du Délire Chez les Dégénérés
f First published in 1883 (Turin: Roux) in booklet form; repeated as an appendix to my Manualedi Semeiottica delle Malattie mentali, Vol. I (Milan, 1885).
Manualedi Semeiottica Delle Malattie Mentali
, vol.1
New York
English and American alienists, of late accepting ideas coming from the German and Italian schools, now refer to phobic insanity with the term 'abortive monomania': see E.G. Spitzke, Insanity, its Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment (New York, 1883), 311.
Insanity, Its Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment
, pp. 311
Spitzke, E.G.1
k In the second volume of my Manuale di Semeiottica delle Malattie mentali (in press), and in a Trattato clinico di Psichiatria on which I have been working for several years.