The Environmental Amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution: Twenty Years Later and Largely Untested
Pennsylvania's constitution requires that any amendment be approved by a majority of both houses of the state legislature and then approved by a majority of voters in a referendum. See Franklin L. Kury, The Environmental Amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution: Twenty Years Later and Largely Untested, 1 VILL. ENVTL. L.J. 123, 123 n.1 (1990).
Vill. Envtl. L.J.
, vol.1
, pp. 123
Kury, F.L.1
PA. CONST. art. I, § 27. Because the Pennsylvania Constitution requires that two consecutive legislatures approve an amendment before it is submitted to the citizens, this was the first time the legislature approved the amendment. It was approved for the second time in the 1971-72 session. See Kury, supra note 1, at 123.
See Kury, supra note 1, at 123-24. Just over one million voters favored the amendment; about a quarter-million opposed it. See id.
Environmental Provisions in State Constitutions
See Roland M. Frye, Jr., Environmental Provisions in State Constitutions, 5 ENVTL. L. REP. 50028-29 (1975); Stewart G. Pollock, State Constitutions, Land Use, and Public Resources: The Gift Outright, 1984 ANN. SURV. AM. L. 13, 28-29; Robert A. McLaren, Comment, Environmental Protection Based on State Constitutional Law: A Call for Reinterpretation, 12 U. HAW. L. REV. 123, 126-27 (1990). For constitutional provisions that refer explicitly to the environment or natural resources, see ALA. CONST. art. VIII; CAL. CONST. art. X, § 2; FLA. CONST. art. II, § 7; HAW. CONST. art. XI; ILL. CONST. art. XI; LA. CONST. art. IX; MASS. CONST. § 179; MICH. CONST, art. IV, § 52; MONT. CONST. art. IX, § 1; N.M. CONST. art. XX, § 21;
Envtl. L. Rep.
, vol.5
, pp. 50028-50029
Frye R.M., Jr.1
State Constitutions, Land Use, and Public Resources: The Gift Outright
See Roland M. Frye, Jr., Environmental Provisions in State Constitutions, 5 ENVTL. L. REP. 50028-29 (1975); Stewart G. Pollock, State Constitutions, Land Use, and Public Resources: The Gift Outright, 1984 ANN. SURV. AM. L. 13, 28-29; Robert A. McLaren, Comment, Environmental Protection Based on State Constitutional Law: A Call for Reinterpretation, 12 U. HAW. L. REV. 123, 126-27 (1990). For constitutional provisions that refer explicitly to the environment or natural resources, see ALA. CONST. art. VIII; CAL. CONST. art. X, § 2; FLA. CONST. art. II, § 7; HAW. CONST. art. XI; ILL. CONST. art. XI; LA. CONST. art. IX; MASS. CONST. § 179; MICH. CONST, art. IV, § 52; MONT. CONST. art. IX, § 1; N.M. CONST. art. XX, § 21;
Ann. Surv. Am. L.
, vol.1984
, pp. 13
Pollock, S.G.1
Environmental Protection Based on State Constitutional Law: A Call for Reinterpretation
See Roland M. Frye, Jr., Environmental Provisions in State Constitutions, 5 ENVTL. L. REP. 50028-29 (1975); Stewart G. Pollock, State Constitutions, Land Use, and Public Resources: The Gift Outright, 1984 ANN. SURV. AM. L. 13, 28-29; Robert A. McLaren, Comment, Environmental Protection Based on State Constitutional Law: A Call for Reinterpretation, 12 U. HAW. L. REV. 123, 126-27 (1990). For constitutional provisions that refer explicitly to the environment or natural resources, see ALA. CONST. art. VIII; CAL. CONST. art. X, § 2; FLA. CONST. art. II, § 7; HAW. CONST. art. XI; ILL. CONST. art. XI; LA. CONST. art. IX; MASS. CONST. § 179; MICH. CONST, art. IV, § 52; MONT. CONST. art. IX, § 1; N.M. CONST. art. XX, § 21;
U. Haw. L. Rev.
, vol.12
, pp. 123
McLaren, R.A.1