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Volumn 22, Issue 1, 1997, Pages 26-44

'Singing for his supper': The reinvention of juvenile streetsinging in early modern Nuremberg

(1)  Harrington, Joel F a  


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EID: 0347171151     PISSN: 03071022     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: None     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (5)

References (112)
  • 1
    • 0348069457 scopus 로고
    • The first recorded reference to this meaning for 'wassail' in English is in 1742, when it is already described as an 'ancient custom' among children (Oxford English Dictionary, XIX, 955-6). The date of origin for this particular carol is unknown.
    • (1742) Oxford English Dictionary , vol.19 , pp. 955-956
  • 3
  • 5
    • 0004237352 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • See especially Discipline and Punish:The Birth of Prison, trans. A. Sheridan (New York, 1977) and Madness and Civilization, trans. R. Howard (New York, 1967).
    • (1967) Madness and Civilization
    • Howard, R.1
  • 6
    • 0040911596 scopus 로고
    • ed. G. Roth and C. Wittich Berkeley
    • Cf. M. Weber, Economy and Society, ed. G. Roth and C. Wittich (Berkeley, 1979), 1, 53.
    • (1979) Economy and Society , vol.1 , pp. 53
    • Weber, M.1
  • 10
    • 0347439080 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Katzenmusik
    • 'Bettelunzüge' in E. Hoffman-Krayer and H. Baechtold-Stäubli (eds), Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens (Berlin and Leipzig, 1927-42) (hereafter HDA) I, 1190-1; 'Katzenmusik' in HDA, IV, 1125-6.
    • HDA , vol.4 , pp. 1125-1126
  • 11
    • 24844463112 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Dreikönige' and 'Weihnacht'
    • 'Dreikönige' and 'Weihnacht' in HDA, II, 448 ff, IX, 872-3; also 'Sternsingen' in J. Grimm, Deutsches Wörterbuch (Leipzig, 1956), XVIII, 2522. The latter custom was usually only during the Twelve Days of Christmas or on the last night, 5 January, eve of Epiphany.
    • HDA , vol.2
  • 12
    • 0347439081 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Dreikönige' and 'Weihnacht' in HDA, II, 448 ff, IX, 872-3; also 'Sternsingen' in J. Grimm, Deutsches Wörterbuch (Leipzig, 1956), XVIII, 2522. The latter custom was usually only during the Twelve Days of Christmas or on the last night, 5 January, eve of Epiphany.
    • HDA , vol.9 , pp. 872-873
  • 13
    • 0347439077 scopus 로고
    • Sternsingen
    • Leipzig
    • 'Dreikönige' and 'Weihnacht' in HDA, II, 448 ff, IX, 872-3; also 'Sternsingen' in J. Grimm, Deutsches Wörterbuch (Leipzig, 1956), XVIII, 2522. The latter custom was usually only during the Twelve Days of Christmas or on the last night, 5 January, eve of Epiphany.
    • (1956) Deutsches Wörterbuch , vol.18 , pp. 2522
    • Grimm, J.1
  • 14
    • 0003661813 scopus 로고
    • trans. A. Goldhammer New Haven
    • See the most persuasive rebuttals of this distortion in M. Mollat, The Poor in the Middle Ages: An Essay in Social History, trans. A. Goldhammer (New Haven, 1986), and B. Geremek, Poverty: A History, trans. A. Kolakowska (Oxford, 1994).
    • (1986) The Poor in the middle Ages: An Essay in Social History
    • Mollat, M.1
  • 15
    • 0004085884 scopus 로고
    • trans. A. Kolakowska Oxford
    • See the most persuasive rebuttals of this distortion in M. Mollat, The Poor in the Middle Ages: An Essay in Social History, trans. A. Goldhammer (New Haven, 1986), and B. Geremek, Poverty: A History, trans. A. Kolakowska (Oxford, 1994).
    • (1994) Poverty: A History
    • Geremek, B.1
  • 17
    • 23944496014 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • By the sixteenth century, payments had increased to 1 fl. worth of food and supplies. Distributed in the churchyard of St Sebald, the alms also required a special badge and were limited to fifty quarters (i.e. 121/2 years' total) per recipient, Rüger, op. cit., 18-21; E. Reicke, Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg (Nuremberg, 1896; reprinted 1983), 620-1. The many other charitable foundations in Nuremberg included the Keyper fund (since 1481) for 'verschämte Leute', the Kinderbetterinalmosen (since 1495) for poor, expectant mothers, and the general alms distributed in the Buchsleinalmosen.
    • Mittelalterliches Almosenwesen. Die Almosenordnungen der Reichsstadt Nürnberg , pp. 18-21
    • Rüger1
  • 18
    • 0346808464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Nuremberg, reprinted
    • By the sixteenth century, payments had increased to 1 fl. worth of food and supplies. Distributed in the churchyard of St Sebald, the alms also required a special badge and were limited to fifty quarters (i.e. 121/2 years' total) per recipient, Rüger, op. cit., 18-21; E. Reicke, Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg (Nuremberg, 1896; reprinted 1983), 620-1. The many other charitable foundations in Nuremberg included the Keyper fund (since 1481) for 'verschämte Leute', the Kinderbetterinalmosen (since 1495) for poor, expectant mothers, and the general alms distributed in the Buchsleinalmosen.
    • (1896) Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg , pp. 620-621
    • Reicke, E.1
  • 19
    • 0346808465 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The offer paid the apprentice's fee (Lehrgeld) and doctor's costs but was limited to one child per family: 'Doch so ein petler oder pettlerin vier oder fünf kinder hette, der yedes undter dem alter sieben jar were und ein Kynd das über acht jar allt were, dabey hette, der andern zuwartten, des soll der vorgemellt herre zuvergonen haben (ibid., 71).
  • 21
    • 0347439124 scopus 로고
    • Das Schulwesen in Franken in ausgehenden Mittelalter
    • B. Moeller et al. (eds), Göttingen
    • Local and foreign students were distinguished by different colour badges, white and yellow, respectively (Rastsverlaß, 7 August 1497). A 1503 ordinance also required foreign students to register with a local schoolmaster and leave a two Pfennig deposit for a singing badge. R. Endres, 'Das Schulwesen in Franken in ausgehenden Mittelalter' in B. Moeller et al. (eds), Studien zum städtischen Bildungswesen des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Göttingen, 1983), 173-215, especially 182 ff; Reicke, op. cit., 725.
    • (1983) Studien Zum Städtischen Bildungswesen des Späten Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit , pp. 173-215
    • Endres, R.1
  • 22
    • 0346808464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Local and foreign students were distinguished by different colour badges, white and yellow, respectively (Rastsverlaß, 7 August 1497). A 1503 ordinance also required foreign students to register with a local schoolmaster and leave a two Pfennig deposit for a singing badge. R. Endres, 'Das Schulwesen in Franken in ausgehenden Mittelalter' in B. Moeller et al. (eds), Studien zum städtischen Bildungswesen des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit (Göttingen, 1983), 173-215, especially 182 ff; Reicke, op. cit., 725.
    • Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg , pp. 725
    • Reicke1
  • 25
    • 0346808505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid., 78, 82-3. The lament is repeated verbatim in the 1562 Haußarme ordinance (Staatsarchiv Nürnberg (hereafter SAN) 63 Ia/C, 40). Cf. 1533 ordinance of the city of Würzburg, similarly restricting streetsinging to poor students. (Janssen, op. cit., VIII, 300).
    • Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes Seit Dem Ausgang des Mittelalters , vol.8 , pp. 300
    • Janssen1
  • 27
    • 0346808468 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mandates of 17 November 1556, 2 July 1557, 19 March 1562, 15 October 1567, 29 May 1571 and 25 October 1571. SAN 63Ia, Bde. B: 143, 151; C: 22, 158; D: 52, 53
    • Mandates of 17 November 1556, 2 July 1557, 19 March 1562, 15 October 1567, 29 May 1571 and 25 October 1571. SAN 63Ia, Bde. B: 143, 151; C: 22, 158; D: 52, 53.
  • 28
    • 0003925180 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cambridge
    • On the accidental, cyclical and structural causes of poverty in early modern Europe, see the excellent survey, R. Jütte, Poverty and Deviance in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 1994), 21-44.
    • (1994) Poverty and Deviance in Early Modern Europe , pp. 21-44
    • Jütte, R.1
  • 29
    • 0346177944 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mandate of 3 December 1566; Stadtarchiv Nürnberg (hereafter StAN) D1/543
    • Mandate of 3 December 1566; Stadtarchiv Nürnberg (hereafter StAN) D1/543.
  • 30
    • 0347439079 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • r-v. A begging mandate of 31 May 1625 repeats complaints of older beggars depriving the students of alms (StAN D1/546)
    • r-v. A begging mandate of 31 May 1625 repeats complaints of older beggars depriving the students of alms (StAN D1/546).
  • 31
    • 0348069418 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mandate of 3 December 1566; StAN D1/543. Complaints about health problems from winter exposure were repeated in many subsequent mandates and ordinances throughout the seventeenth century
    • Mandate of 3 December 1566; StAN D1/543. Complaints about health problems from winter exposure were repeated in many subsequent mandates and ordinances throughout the seventeenth century.
  • 32
    • 0346808464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid. 'Ungewöhnliche Zeiten' apparently meant more than two hours after sundown, the city's traditional curfew. (Mandate of 17 November 1556; SAN 63 Ia/B 143; Reicke, op. cit., 567-71, 625.) Cf. similar complaints of the corruption of minors by Katherina Zell in 1534 (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 192).
    • Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg , pp. 567-571
    • Reicke1
  • 33
    • 0348069416 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid. 'Ungewöhnliche Zeiten' apparently meant more than two hours after sundown, the city's traditional curfew. (Mandate of 17 November 1556; SAN 63 Ia/B 143; Reicke, op. cit., 567-71, 625.) Cf. similar complaints of the corruption of minors by Katherina Zell in 1534 (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 192).
    • Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes Seit Dem Ausgang des Mittelalters , vol.6 , pp. 192
    • Janssen1
  • 34
    • 0346808504 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The threat was to be repeated at every distribution to recipients (1579 Almosenordnung; StAN D1/3)
    • The threat was to be repeated at every distribution to recipients (1579 Almosenordnung; StAN D1/3).
  • 35
    • 0346177984 scopus 로고
    • Munich
    • Bedencken of four schoolmasters (12 August 1580; StAN B5/80-III-46), and Gerhard Pfeiffer (ed.), Nürnberg, Geschichte einer Stadt (Munich, 1971), 284. For previous complaints, see especially the begging mandate of 29 September 1571, and the Polizeiordnung of 12 May 1571; SAN 633 Bd. D.
    • (1971) Nürnberg, Geschichte Einer Stadt , pp. 284
    • Pfeiffer, G.1
  • 37
    • 0348069417 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • r
    • r.
  • 38
    • 0348069415 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • StAN D1/544
    • StAN D1/544.
  • 39
    • 0346808470 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Both were suggestions of the four schoolmasters in their Bedencken of 12 August 1580 (StAN B5/80-III-46). This earlier proposal also suggested limiting collections to once a week on Saturday
    • Both were suggestions of the four schoolmasters in their Bedencken of 12 August 1580 (StAN B5/80-III-46). This earlier proposal also suggested limiting collections to once a week on Saturday.
  • 40
    • 0346808464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Apparently no adults were present (at least at this time) since the schoolmaster was occupied teaching the remaining students. Each collection basket bore a picture of the school's patron saint, the paraclete in the case of the Heilig-Geist-Spital school (Reicke, op. cit., 725).
    • Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg , pp. 725
    • Reicke1
  • 41
    • 0347439083 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • StAN D1/544, #3. The council's final instructions added 'Es sollen auch die Schulmaister in d. wochen zum öffermal, sond. lich aber an dem sambstag alle Schuler fleissig vermanen, das sie ausser d. verordneten Schuler nicht solten uff den gassen sing.' will be arrested and punished. The same applied in Wörd, Gostenhoff and all other Vororte (ibid., #8: points 11 and 12)
    • StAN D1/544, #3. The council's final instructions added 'Es sollen auch die Schulmaister in d. wochen zum öffermal, sond. lich aber an dem sambstag alle Schuler fleissig vermanen, das sie ausser d. verordneten Schuler nicht solten uff den gassen sing.' will be arrested and punished. The same applied in Wörd, Gostenhoff and all other Vororte (ibid., #8: points 11 and 12).
  • 42
    • 84862755977 scopus 로고
    • Das Findel- Und Waisenhaus zu Nürnberg; orts-, kultur-, und wirtschaftsgeschichtlich
    • v; Ernst Mummenhoff, 'Das Findel- und Waisenhaus zu Nürnberg; orts-, kultur-, und wirtschaftsgeschichtlich' in Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg, XXI (1915), 292. The practice is also explicitly mentioned in a begging ordinance of 20 August 1580 (SAN 63Ia/Bd. E).
    • (1915) Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg , vol.21 , pp. 292
    • Mummenhoff, E.1
  • 44
    • 0346177983 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Based on the suggestions of several of the consultants, apprehended children were ordered 'das Siechhaus uff den newrew paw gefürt, und daselbsten wie bedacht werden gehalten werden sollen, und also zusehen wie es damit entlassen wolt', StAN D1/544
    • Based on the suggestions of several of the consultants, apprehended children were ordered 'das Siechhaus uff den newrew paw gefürt, und daselbsten wie bedacht werden gehalten werden sollen, und also zusehen wie es damit entlassen wolt', StAN D1/544.
  • 45
    • 0347439128 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid., #4
    • ibid., #4.
  • 46
    • 0347439123 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • r-v)
    • r-v).
  • 47
    • 0348069455 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • StAN D1/544, #1
    • StAN D1/544, #1.
  • 48
    • 0346808477 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • One consultant proposed 'Es könne villeicht auch nicht shaden, dz, wie hievor auch gesheh., in den furnembst. wirthaussen versperrt puch angemacht wurden, und durch den vorordnen Mann in dem Siechhaus, alle Monat solche durch such, und wz darinnen gefunden, obgedacht. Almuspfleger zugestellett wurdt' (ibid., #1). Another suggested using marriage and tavern registration books, as well as that every quarter and suburb appoint a 'Gesenndtner Mans und Weibsperson, verhandt., dz eines ied. handirung, wie land und alder gewehret, von weme er aufgenommen, ob es sein Ehelich abshidt gehatt, und sondlich, wievil in iedn Gesendtheus d. selb bestendtner beiemand. sein' (ibid., #2). The latter suggestion was eventually implemented during the seventeenth century; see below, n. 62.
  • 49
    • 0347439126 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid., #4
    • ibid., #4.
  • 50
    • 0346177936 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid., #1. Another consultant (#2) recommended a few nights in the Bettelstock with adult men
    • ibid., #1. Another consultant (#2) recommended a few nights in the Bettelstock with adult men.
  • 51
    • 0348069427 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid., #1
    • ibid., #1.
  • 54
    • 0348069424 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stadtalmosenamt Vorschlag (c. 1666); StAN D1/564. The practice is also mentioned in ordinances of 13 December 1661 and 18 December 1663 (SAN 63Ia, Band L)
    • Stadtalmosenamt Vorschlag (c. 1666); StAN D1/564. The practice is also mentioned in ordinances of 13 December 1661 and 18 December 1663 (SAN 63Ia, Band L).
  • 55
    • 0347439127 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • SAN 63Ia, Bde. H and L
    • SAN 63Ia, Bde. H and L.
  • 56
    • 0346808490 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Neustadt/Aisch
    • Funeral singing by parish children dates back at least to 1575, probably much earlier. The orphans' Kißen practice was also well in place by the time of the 1625 ordinance. K. Leder, Kirche und Jugend in Nürnberg und seinem Landgebiet 1400 bis 1800 (Neustadt/Aisch, 1973), 80-90; Mummenhoff, op. cit., 300-1.
    • (1973) Kirche und Jugend in Nürnberg und Seinem Landgebiet 1400 Bis 1800 , pp. 80-90
    • Leder, K.1
  • 57
    • 0346177945 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Funeral singing by parish children dates back at least to 1575, probably much earlier. The orphans' Kißen practice was also well in place by the time of the 1625 ordinance. K. Leder, Kirche und Jugend in Nürnberg und seinem Landgebiet 1400 bis 1800 (Neustadt/Aisch, 1973), 80-90; Mummenhoff, op. cit., 300-1.
    • Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg , pp. 300-301
    • Mummenhoff1
  • 58
    • 0346808478 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Begging ordinance of 21 December 1634; SAN 63Ia/K, 2
    • Begging ordinance of 21 December 1634; SAN 63Ia/K, 2.
  • 59
    • 0347439092 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • r-v
    • r-v.
  • 61
    • 0348069432 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • r
    • r.
  • 63
    • 0346177982 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • 1588 ordinance in Rüger, op. cit., 93. Innkeepers were also fined 20fl. per day that they lodged such children. The earliest prohibition of shameful songs in Nuremberg was on 3 March 1526 (SAN 63Ia/A 17). A mandate from c. 1555 threatened offenders with a 50 fl. fine (ibid., B:27).
  • 64
    • 0346808464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Reicke, op. cit., 733-42; G. Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (Bloomington, 1967), 214-15; and see the related S. L. Somberg, The Nuremberg Schembart Carnival (New York, 1941) and H. U. Roller, Der Nürnberger Schembartlauf (Tübingen, 1965). Cf. similar complaints among sixteenth- century Catholics (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 173 ff).
    • Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg , pp. 733-742
    • Reicke1
  • 65
    • 0348069433 scopus 로고
    • Bloomington
    • Reicke, op. cit., 733-42; G. Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (Bloomington, 1967), 214-15; and see the related S. L. Somberg, The Nuremberg Schembart Carnival (New York, 1941) and H. U. Roller, Der Nürnberger Schembartlauf (Tübingen, 1965). Cf. similar complaints among sixteenth- century Catholics (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 173 ff).
    • (1967) Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century , pp. 214-215
    • Strauss, G.1
  • 66
    • 0348069411 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • Reicke, op. cit., 733-42; G. Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (Bloomington, 1967), 214-15; and see the related S. L. Somberg, The Nuremberg Schembart Carnival (New York, 1941) and H. U. Roller, Der Nürnberger Schembartlauf (Tübingen, 1965). Cf. similar complaints among sixteenth- century Catholics (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 173 ff).
    • (1941) The Nuremberg Schembart Carnival
    • Somberg, S.L.1
  • 67
    • 53249090481 scopus 로고
    • Tübingen
    • Reicke, op. cit., 733-42; G. Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (Bloomington, 1967), 214-15; and see the related S. L. Somberg, The Nuremberg Schembart Carnival (New York, 1941) and H. U. Roller, Der Nürnberger Schembartlauf (Tübingen, 1965). Cf. similar complaints among sixteenth-century Catholics (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 173 ff).
    • (1965) Der Nürnberger Schembartlauf
    • Roller, H.U.1
  • 68
    • 24844455217 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Reicke, op. cit., 733-42; G. Strauss, Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (Bloomington, 1967), 214-15; and see the related S. L. Somberg, The Nuremberg Schembart Carnival (New York, 1941) and H. U. Roller, Der Nürnberger Schembartlauf (Tübingen, 1965). Cf. similar complaints among sixteenth-century Catholics (Janssen, op. cit., VI, 173 ff).
    • Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes Seit Dem Ausgang des Mittelalters , vol.6
    • Janssen1
  • 69
    • 0346177952 scopus 로고
    • Nuremberg, reprinted
    • 1525 Gesangbuch zu nutz und gut den jungen kindern; für Schulkinder, Kneblein, und Meidlein (Nuremberg, 1560; reprinted in 1568). Leder, op. cit., 35 ff, 105; also Reicke, op. cit., 849 ff. Cf. verse ten of Ein schön New Lied wider das schandt hurnlied . . .: 'Desgleichen groben zoten/die man vor handen hat/die Christus hatt verboten/inn seim Göttlichen wort/das treibt man je lenger je mehr/auff der Gaß dise klein Kinder/hat man für grose ehr' in P. M. Kürner (ed.), Historische Volkslieder aus dem sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1840; reprinted Wiesbaden, 1973), 248; Janssen, op. cit., VI, 193.
    • (1560) 1525 Gesangbuch Zu Nutz und Gut Den Jungen Kindern; für Schulkinder, Kneblein, und Meidlein
  • 70
    • 0346808490 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1525 Gesangbuch zu nutz und gut den jungen kindern; für Schulkinder, Kneblein, und Meidlein (Nuremberg, 1560; reprinted in 1568). Leder, op. cit., 35 ff, 105; also Reicke, op. cit., 849 ff. Cf. verse ten of Ein schön New Lied wider das schandt hurnlied . . .: 'Desgleichen groben zoten/die man vor handen hat/die Christus hatt verboten/inn seim Göttlichen wort/das treibt man je lenger je mehr/auff der Gaß dise klein Kinder/hat man für grose ehr' in P. M. Kürner (ed.), Historische Volkslieder aus dem sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1840; reprinted Wiesbaden, 1973), 248; Janssen, op. cit., VI, 193.
    • Kirche und Jugend in Nürnberg und Seinem Landgebiet 1400 Bis 1800
    • Leder1
  • 71
    • 0346808464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1525 Gesangbuch zu nutz und gut den jungen kindern; für Schulkinder, Kneblein, und Meidlein (Nuremberg, 1560; reprinted in 1568). Leder, op. cit., 35 ff, 105; also Reicke, op. cit., 849 ff. Cf. verse ten of Ein schön New Lied wider das schandt hurnlied . . .: 'Desgleichen groben zoten/die man vor handen hat/die Christus hatt verboten/inn seim Göttlichen wort/das treibt man je lenger je mehr/auff der Gaß dise klein Kinder/hat man für grose ehr' in P. M. Kürner (ed.), Historische Volkslieder aus dem sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1840; reprinted Wiesbaden, 1973), 248; Janssen, op. cit., VI, 193.
    • Geschichte der Reichsstadt Nürnberg
    • Reicke1
  • 72
    • 24844463944 scopus 로고
    • Desgleichen groben zoten/die man vor handen hat/die Christus hatt verboten/inn seim Göttlichen wort/das treibt man je lenger je mehr/auff der Gaß dise klein Kinder/hat man für grose ehr
    • 1525 Gesangbuch zu nutz und gut den jungen kindern; für Schulkinder, Kneblein, und Meidlein (Nuremberg, 1560; reprinted in 1568). Leder, op. cit., 35 ff, 105; also Reicke, op. cit., 849 ff. Cf. verse ten of Ein schön New Lied wider das schandt hurnlied . . .: 'Desgleichen groben zoten/die man vor handen hat/die Christus hatt verboten/inn seim Göttlichen wort/das treibt man je lenger je mehr/auff der Gaß dise klein Kinder/hat man für grose ehr' in P. M. Kürner (ed.), Historische Volkslieder aus dem sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1840; reprinted Wiesbaden, 1973), 248; Janssen, op. cit., VI, 193.
    • (1840) Historische Volkslieder aus Dem Sechzehnten und Siebzehnten Jahrhundert , pp. 248
    • Kürner, P.M.1
  • 73
    • 0020276181 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1525 Gesangbuch zu nutz und gut den jungen kindern; für Schulkinder, Kneblein, und Meidlein (Nuremberg, 1560; reprinted in 1568). Leder, op. cit., 35 ff, 105; also Reicke, op. cit., 849 ff. Cf. verse ten of Ein schön New Lied wider das schandt hurnlied . . .: 'Desgleichen groben zoten/die man vor handen hat/die Christus hatt verboten/inn seim Göttlichen wort/das treibt man je lenger je mehr/auff der Gaß dise klein Kinder/hat man für grose ehr' in P. M. Kürner (ed.), Historische Volkslieder aus dem sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Stuttgart, 1840; reprinted Wiesbaden, 1973), 248; Janssen, op. cit., VI, 193.
    • Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes Seit Dem Ausgang des Mittelalters , vol.6 , pp. 193
    • Janssen1
  • 75
    • 0348069428 scopus 로고
    • London
    • See the discussions of new, properly pious 'folk songs' of seventeenth-century England in A. L. Lloyd, Folk Song in England (London, 1967), 107, 123 ff, 126, 134 ff; and throughout the continent in P. Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe (New York, 1978), 217 ff.
    • (1967) Folk Song in England , pp. 107
    • Lloyd, A.L.1
  • 76
    • 0003400158 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York
    • See the discussions of new, properly pious 'folk songs' of seventeenth-century England in A. L. Lloyd, Folk Song in England (London, 1967), 107, 123 ff, 126, 134 ff; and throughout the continent in P. Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe (New York, 1978), 217 ff.
    • (1978) Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe
    • Burke, P.1
  • 78
    • 24844444027 scopus 로고
    • Nuremberg
    • r. This included many sick children, the older of whom were placed in the Heilig-Geist-Spital, the younger in the Foundling House. Cf. an especially moving account of magisterial concern in a Ratsverlaß of 16 September 1635; StAN 547.
    • (1934) Die Kinderfürsorge Im Almosenwesen des XVII Jahrhunderts , pp. 51
    • Rüger, W.1
  • 80
    • 0347439099 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 60 Ratsverläße of 2 July 1650, 19 February 1651, 9 June 1651 and 1 March 1656 (StAN D1/545; D1/564). Mandates of 21 June 1634, 23 May 1636, 9 June 1637, 8 June 1653 and 18 December 1663 (SAN 60Ia/Bde. 1, 81; K, 23, 31; L). This does not include the frequent reproclamations of the latter
    • 60 Ratsverläße of 2 July 1650, 19 February 1651, 9 June 1651 and 1 March 1656 (StAN D1/545; D1/564). Mandates of 21 June 1634, 23 May 1636, 9 June 1637, 8 June 1653 and 18 December 1663 (SAN 60Ia/Bde. 1, 81; K, 23, 31; L). This does not include the frequent reproclamations of the latter.
  • 81
    • 0346808469 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • StAN D1/546. The recommendation resulted in the Ratsverlaß of 20 June 1625
    • StAN D1/546. The recommendation resulted in the Ratsverlaß of 20 June 1625.
  • 82
    • 0347439100 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mandate of 6 July 1651; StAN D1/564. Supposedly such a survey had at least one precedent in December 1636
    • Mandate of 6 July 1651; StAN D1/564. Supposedly such a survey had at least one precedent in December 1636.
  • 84
    • 0346808483 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Begging mandate of 8 June 1653; SAN 63Ia/Bd. L
    • Begging mandate of 8 June 1653; SAN 63Ia/Bd. L.
  • 85
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    • Stadtalmosenamt Bericht, 19 July 1666; StAN D1/564
    • Stadtalmosenamt Bericht, 19 July 1666; StAN D1/564.
  • 86
    • 0347439125 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • From StAN D1/560: Simon Stengel, teenager, at least three months; Adam Heinrich Neumann, 17, one month; Balthasar Reuth, 16, two weeks; Jacob Kreuth, teenager, four-and-a-half months (!); Hans Pühlhofman, 13, two months; Andreas Schaden, teenager, two weeks; Hans Surein, 13, four days. At least half of those named in this collection of Ratsverläße were later placed with craftsmen. In view of the records' incompleteness, there were probably other minors sentenced during this period.
  • 87
    • 0003925180 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Figures are calculated on 26 cases where number of children and ages listed StAN D1/564; letter of 8 April 1663. The similarity to poor relief patterns elsewhere in early modern Europe is striking; cf. Jütte, op. cit., 47, Table 3.
    • Poverty and Deviance in Early Modern Europe , pp. 47
    • Jütte1
  • 88
    • 0346177963 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stadtalmosenamt Bedencken of 30 March 1625 (StAN D1/546): the Stadalmosenamt ordered a similar list drawn up on 11 April 1668 (StAN D1/563)
    • Stadtalmosenamt Bedencken of 30 March 1625 (StAN D1/546): the Stadalmosenamt ordered a similar list drawn up on 11 April 1668 (StAN D1/563).
  • 89
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    • Ratsverlass of 26 April 1632 records that municipal pastors 'für eine notdurft erachte, dess für die übel gezogene jugent umb St Jacobs dasselbst eine schule angerichtet und die armen gratis instruiert werden sollen' (StAN D1/563)
    • Ratsverlass of 26 April 1632 records that municipal pastors 'für eine notdurft erachte, dess für die übel gezogene jugent umb St Jacobs dasselbst eine schule angerichtet und die armen gratis instruiert werden sollen' (StAN D1/563).
  • 90
    • 0347439102 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ratsverlaßof 17 April 1668; StAN D1/563. Cf. earlier versions of the same in a mandate of 29 September 1571, police ordinance of 12 May 1572; Reichalmosen ordinance of 1579, begging ordinances of 20 August 1588 and 16 August 1615 (SAN 63Ia, Bde. B, D, and E; StAN D1/3)
    • Ratsverlaßof 17 April 1668; StAN D1/563. Cf. earlier versions of the same in a mandate of 29 September 1571, police ordinance of 12 May 1572; Reichalmosen ordinance of 1579, begging ordinances of 20 August 1588 and 16 August 1615 (SAN 63Ia, Bde. B, D, and E; StAN D1/3).
  • 91
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    • Stadtalmosenamt Bericht of 22 April 1668; StAN D1/564. Cf. similar concern about freezing during the winter in the begging mandate of 16 August 1615 (SAN 63Ia, Bd. F)
    • Stadtalmosenamt Bericht of 22 April 1668; StAN D1/564. Cf. similar concern about freezing during the winter in the begging mandate of 16 August 1615 (SAN 63Ia, Bd. F).
  • 92
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    • StAN D1/544, #1
    • StAN D1/544, #1.
  • 93
    • 0348069439 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stadtalmosenamt report of 1 March 1653; StAN D1/564
    • Stadtalmosenamt report of 1 March 1653; StAN D1/564.
  • 94
    • 0348069454 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ratsverlaß of 16 October 1668; StAN D1/563
    • Ratsverlaß of 16 October 1668; StAN D1/563.
  • 95
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    • Stadtalmosenamt Actum of 14 December 1688; D1/560
    • Stadtalmosenamt Actum of 14 December 1688; D1/560.
  • 96
    • 0346808489 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Aussag des herrn Andr. G. Baumgartner (14 December 1688); StAN D1/563
    • Aussag des herrn Andr. G. Baumgartner (14 December 1688); StAN D1/563.
  • 97
    • 0346808491 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stadtalmosenamt Actum (14 December 1668); StAN D1/563
    • Stadtalmosenamt Actum (14 December 1668); StAN D1/563.
  • 98
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    • Stadtalmosenamt Actum (15 December 1668); StAN D1/563
    • Stadtalmosenamt Actum (15 December 1668); StAN D1/563.
  • 99
    • 0346177969 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ibid
    • ibid.
  • 100
    • 0347439118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ratsverlaß of 18 December 1668; StAN D1/563
    • Ratsverlaß of 18 December 1668; StAN D1/563.
  • 101
    • 0348069451 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Rössner's deserted wife was granted 20.12 on the same day as Anna Marie Salomon received her 15 kreuzer (6 December 1662) but payments for the former were stopped when Christoph Rössner returned sometime afterwards. On 10 October 1688 the Rössners were restored to the rolls but at a lower 10.12 weekly kreuzer while Anna Marie Salomon's stipend was raised by 3.12 kreuzer to 18. Stadtalmosenamt Acta 14 & 15 December, 1688; StAN D1/563.
  • 102
    • 0347439107 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ratsverlaß of 14 December 1688; StAN D1/563
    • Ratsverlaß of 14 December 1688; StAN D1/563.
  • 103
    • 0346177958 scopus 로고
    • Cologne
    • Although prices across Germany had by this time fallen to about a third of their level during the 16205, 16 fl. a year would have only bought about three loaves of rye bread (c. 3400 grams) per week (calculated at 2.4 Albus, or 0.10 fl. each; price based on figures in D. Ebeling and F. Irisgier, Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln, 1368-1797 (Cologne, 1976), ix, xv, and Robisheaux, op. cit., 150).
    • (1976) Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln, 1368-1797
    • Ebeling, D.1    Irisgier, F.2
  • 104
    • 0003792993 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Although prices across Germany had by this time fallen to about a third of their level during the 16205, 16 fl. a year would have only bought about three loaves of rye bread (c. 3400 grams) per week (calculated at 2.4 Albus, or 0.10 fl. each; price based on figures in D. Ebeling and F. Irisgier, Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln, 1368-1797 (Cologne, 1976), ix, xv, and Robisheaux, op. cit., 150).
    • Rural Society and the Search for Order in Early Modern Germany , pp. 150
    • Robisheaux1
  • 108
    • 0348069453 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Again, I turn to Hobsbawm's definition: ' "Invented tradition" is taken to mean a set of practices, normally governed by overtly or tacitly accepted rules, and of a ritual or symbolic nature, which seek to inculcate certain values and norms of behaviour by repetition, which automatically implies continuity with the past' (op. cit., 1).
  • 109
    • 0346177967 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Betteln
    • On the many superstitions associated with beggars, see 'Betteln', HDA, 1, 1188-9. On the continuing medieval tradition of blind men singing door to door (especially the guslari of Serbia), see Burke, op. cit., 99-100.
    • HDA , vol.1 , pp. 1188-1189
  • 110
    • 0003400158 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the many superstitions associated with beggars, see 'Betteln', HDA, 1, 1188-9. On the continuing medieval tradition of blind men singing door to door (especially the guslari of Serbia), see Burke, op. cit., 99-100.
    • Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe , pp. 99-100
    • Burke1

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