This paper and the preceding contain many references to previous work on circular systems.
J. Appl. Phys.
, vol.38
, pp. 2563
Garrett, M.W.1
Lee-Whiting’s Eq. (39), the exponent of q has the wrong sign (see Ref. 37).
Ref. 2, p. 1099, with Figs. 5 and 6. See also Ref. 25.
Ref. 3, pp. 2565–2568 and Figs. 1–4.
Ref. 2, pp. 1097–1100 and Figs. 2–6. Note that by total inhomogeneity, some authors mean [formula omitted] rather than [formula omitted] (for example, see Ref. 9).
In these homogeneous fields, the range of magnitudes is less for [formula omitted] than for [formula omitted] Since [formula omitted] contributes directly to [formula omitted] while [formula omitted] is added at right angles, it follows that the contours of constant [formula omitted] are nearly identical with those of [formula omitted]
Ref. 2, p. 1105 and Tables VIII and IX. Table VIII describes the same family as is now listed with [formula omitted]
It has more significant figures, a wider range, and the argument is the midplane gap rather than the solenoid length.
Ref. 2, Eq. (33) and Ref. 3, Table X, with curves F, [formula omitted] of Fig. 1 and system 6 of Fig. 4. The circular systems are not new; they are included for comparison.
Ref. 3, Table V describes the circular analogs.
See Ref. 3, Table VII, for the circular case.
In Tables VIII and IX (below) systems with [formula omitted] retain a hexagonal distortion of sixth order, but near the axis the lowest order of error is the eighth.
Table X lists correct solutions of Lee-Whiting’s problem, in which two axial and one transverse derivative must vanish simultaneously.
In Table XI, small residual values of the transverse derivative introduce a moderate fourth order distortion with square symmetry.
Maxwell’s well known three loop uniform field system (see curve H, Fig. 1 of Ref. 3), and a system computed by
J. Sci. Instrum.
, vol.26
, pp. 273
Barker, J.R.1
See discussion following Eq. (22).
We are grateful for the able assistance of C. A. Martín, who carried out much of the arduous derivation and checking (including inevitable detours) for Table IV(b).
For details of the algebraic expansions and of the procedure, apply to S.P., at the address given in the footnote to the second byline.
See Ref. 3, Eq. (9).
Azimuthal modulation does not invalidate this principle.
See Ref. 2, p. 1099; Figs. 5 and 6 show [formula omitted] contours for prolate and oblate hybrids of the second and fourth orders. In a hybrid field, the nominally dominant order is partly compensated in selected regions and (inevitably) reenforced in others, by a residual error of next lower order. Singularities result, on the axis or in the midplane, and sometimes elsewhere. The low order residual is always dominant near the origin, and it impairs homogeneity for very small errors. Hybrids have legitimate uses, but must be redesigned for each specific error magnitude (say 1%) to maximize the axial limit (prolate case) at the expense of the midplane limit, or conversely in the oblate case. Also, the error contours are typically restricted even more severely in an intermediate range of polar angles.
In the table on p. 756 of Ref. 11, the intended dominant order (6) actually reverses sign at [formula omitted] Figure 8 depicts one of two listed prolate hybrids; the remaining ten are oblate.
To account for the negative sign, note that an increment [formula omitted] decreases the separation of filament and field point in Eq. (4), and increases it here.
6 having first validated both formulas by computing [formula omitted] for square filaments in several transverse planes, both from Table IV(a) and from the relation [formula omitted].
This equation may be derived from Eq. (9), or by applying Eq. (5) to the plane [formula omitted] in which [formula omitted] vanishes. Both of Lee-Whiting’s expressions were later verified, term by term, from Eqs. (8) and (15).
One of us has fully tested these graphical procedures with circular systems when, because of slow convergence of the harmonic series, it was necessary to compute field nets by elliptic integral formulas (see also Ref. 30).
The complex error topologies of Ref. 8, Fig. 2 and of Ref. 11, Fig. 8, are absent. The patterns of the latter figure, which are described as “strange and beautiful,” are a result of mixing the error modes 4 and 4,4 with the intended dominant errors (6 and 6,4) in this field, which is of the prolate hybrid type (see Ref. 25). Computation from the stated geometry confirms the axial error limits, but shows that the fourth order is dominant over most of the mapped area.
Without it, the innermost contours would be oblate, smoother, and significantly larger in area.
Firester shows only [formula omitted] and does not mention the [formula omitted] plane. His Fig. 1 corresponds to [formula omitted] since [formula omitted] vanishes in the midplane.
A curve like XZ(S) can be inscribed, with three points of tangency, in each set of [formula omitted] contours of his Fig. 2. A more instructive example is seen in Ref. 8. Here it is clear by inspection that, for each error magnitude, a single closed curve can be inscribed in the nine sheets of Figs. 3 and 4, if superposed ([formula omitted] and [formula omitted]).
Within the range of solenoid endplanes in Table [formula omitted] the ratio [formula omitted] is everywhere positive except between the zeros of [formula omitted] at [formula omitted] and of [formula omitted] at [formula omitted]
8 who have in addition made detailed field net calculations, state one such argument on p. 2562. For another, see Ref. 36.
Ref. 3
this way, Garrett has computed many circular systems, for which as many as nine parameters were simultaneously adjusted (Ref. 3, pp. 2573, 2579). Suggestions are given for rapid convergence, with computing times of less than one second per case on IBM 7090, even for solutions of the 20th order. The method of Ref. 11 is ingenious but inefficient.
The authors mention times, for three parameters and on the same machine, of the order of minutes, exclusive of the required manual interventions.
From three equations in [formula omitted] A. Sauter and F. Sauter derived a single equation like Eq. (31), for the eighth order system with four circular loops. With it they explored graphically the range of possible solutions.
Lee-Whiting has computed numerical solutions of the same problem, and Garrett has modified the method to compute tables for this and other circular cases (Ref. 2, Fig. 8 and Ref. 3, p. 2573).
The solenoid provides more than half of the total field. The field [formula omitted] of a general cylindrical solenoid, of which a circular or prismatic solenoid is a special case, is exactly proportional at all interior points to [formula omitted] where Ω is the solid angle subtended by the open ends.
This theorem is helpful for visualizing the degree of homogeneity of such a field, and for setting an intuitive upper limit to the possible azimuthal distortion of error contours, since it will be remembered that the range of magnitudes of [formula omitted] or [formula omitted] cannot significantly exceed that of [formula omitted]
This is the case whose solution was attempted in Refs. 6 and 11. But Lee-Whiting’s Eq. (39), which is analogous to Eq. (30) above, inverts the ratio of the Cartesian coefficients [formula omitted] and [formula omitted]
Alldred and Scollar used the equation without detecting the error, though from direct calculations of [formula omitted] on the axis they concluded that “the power law varies between 3.6 and 6.1.”