In Ref. 7, Fabricant et al. have suggested that a typical polarization anisotropy of [formula omitted] could, at most, contribute [formula omitted] to observed dipole moments in the formaldehyde system. The magnitude of this effect is slightly below the limits placed upon the precision of the present Stark measurements.
Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vaccaro, P.H.1
As can be readily demonstrated through the use of perturbation theory (Ref. 74), the Stark effect in a near prolate asymmetric rotor (e.g., formaldehyde) arises primarily as a result of interactions between the two levels comprising an asymmetry doublet. Since these eigenstates are initially of opposite parity, the field-induced partitioning of rovibronic character between them provides a means of producing the mixed parity states required for the manifestation of an electric dipole moment in a rotating molecular system (Refs. 5 and 37). Consequently, to lowest order, the Stark effects exhibited by the components of an asymmetry doublet should correspond to a single value for the dipole moment. This approximation breaks down, however, when higher order interactions involving adjacent rovibronic levels are taken into account.
In Refs. 17(c) and 17(d), ab initio calculations performed by van Dijk and co-workers have indicated that the [formula omitted] coupling elements for [formula omitted] are an order of magnitude smaller than those in [formula omitted] Furthermore, at the [formula omitted] rovibronic energies examined in the present study, the isoenergetic [formula omitted] states are coupled to the [formula omitted] dissociative continuum through a barrier (Ref. 19). The smaller tunnelling rates expected for the heavier deuterated species will therefore translate into narrower effective linewidths for the highly excited, lifetime-broadened [formula omitted] states. Since the strength of interaction between individual [formula omitted] and [formula omitted] rovibronic eigenstates are dominated by their effective separation in energy (Ref. 17), the reduced tunnelling propensity for [formula omitted] (i.e., narrower [formula omitted] linewidths) suggest a smaller probability for [formula omitted] mixing.