Estudios sobre la epidemiologia de la toxoplasmosis. La infeccion del gato domestico en los alrededores de Madrid. Encuestas serologica y coproparasitologica
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Feline toxoplasmosis and coccidiosis: A survey of domiciled and stray cats
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Oocyst shedding by cats fed isolated bradyzoites and comparision of infectivity of bradyzoites of the VEG strain Toxoplasma gondii to cats and mice
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Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in domestic cats from rural Ohio
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Serologic diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in cats fed Toxoplasma gondii tissue cysts
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Sources and reservoirs of Toxoplasma gondii infection on 47 Swine farms in Illinois
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Effect of freezing on infectivity of Toxoplasma gondii tissue cysts in pork
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