L'interminable enterrement
(Paris: Digraphe,)
A provocative although clear account of the relation between Derrida's 'a-political project of deconstruction' and orthodox French Marxist thought is given in Gavin Bowd, L'interminable enterrement, Le communisme et les intellectuels français depuis 1956 (Paris: Digraphe, 1999), pp.173-175.
Le Communisme et les Intellectuels Français Depuis 1956
, pp. 173-175
Bowd, G.1
(Paris: Seuil) 417, 425, and
For more detailed accounts of Derrida's ties with Marxist thinkers and currents in the 1960s see also Philippe Forest, Histoire de Tel Quel 1960-1982 (Paris: Seuil, 1995), pp.400-404, 417, 425, and
Histoire de Tel Quel 1960-1982
, pp. 400-404
Forest, P.1
London: Oxford University Press, 15-16, 166, 71, 182
Patrick ffrench, The Time of Theory, A history of Tel Quel 1960-1983 (London: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp.12, 15-16, 166, 71, 182.
The Time of Theory, A History of Tel Quel 1960-1983
, pp. 12
Ffrench, P.1
Peggy Kamuf trans, London: Routledge
Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx, Peggy Kamuf (trans.) (London: Routledge, 1994), p.85.
Specters of Marx
, pp. 85
Derrida, J.1
Geoff Bennington and Ian MacLeod trans, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
See Jacques Derrida, The Truth in Painting, Geoff Bennington and Ian MacLeod (trans.) (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987).
The Truth in Painting
Derrida, J.1
From Being to Nothingness
Debord killed himself in 1994. His apparently mysterious death was the cause of much wild speculation in the press (for an account of this phenomena see Gavin Bowd and Andrew Hussey, 'From Being to Nothingness', in The Hacienda Must be Built: On the Legacy of Situationist Revolt, AURA 1996, pp.67-77). Baudrillard's own views are that Debord, along with Bataille, formulated the most negative form of critique, following Hegel and Kojève, in the Twentieth Century and that Debord's suicide was part of this process. 'Although I deplore the recent rétro fashion for Debord and the Situationists, and the way in which they have been misused by people who do not or cannot understand what they have to say about social spectacles, I still think that we should read Debord as a critic and as one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth-century, precisely because he is not a post-modernist thinker, nor a prophet nor a precursor of the post-modern condition. He is the opposite: a suicide...' Jean Baudrillard, interview with author, Paris, May 2000.
The Hacienda Must Be Built: On the Legacy of Situationist Revolt
, pp. 67-77
Bowd, G.1
Hussey, A.2
Paris: Galilée
This is one of the central arguments in Derrida's 1981 lecture 'Géopsychanalyse', reprinted in Jacques Derrida, Psyché, Inventions de l'autre (Paris: Galilée, 1987), pp.327-352.
Psyché, Inventions de l'Autre
, pp. 327-352
Derrida, J.1
This process is most clearly defined in Derrida's thinking on political parties: 'A movement is underway that we would be tempted to describe as a deconstruction of the traditional concepts of state, and thus of party and labor union. Even though they do not signify the withering away of the state, in the Marxist or Gramscian sense, one cannot analyse their historical singularity outside of the Marxist inheritance - where inheritance is more than ever a critical and transformative Alter, that is, where it is out of the question to be for or against the state in general.' Derrida, Specters of Marx, p.102.
Specters of Marx
, pp. 102
Donald Nicholson-Smith trans, New York: Zone Books
Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle, Donald Nicholson-Smith (trans.) (New York: Zone Books, 1994), p.12.
The Society of the Spectacle
, pp. 12
Debord, G.1
La monnaie vivante: Singularité du phantasme
Paris: Galilée
Jean Baudrillard, 'La monnaie vivante: singularité du phantasme' in L'Échange impossible (Paris: Galilée, 1999), pp.161-165.
L'Échange Impossible
, pp. 161-165
Baudrillard, J.1
'Il n'y a plus d'acteurs ni de spectacteurs, tous sont immergés dans la même réalité, dans la même responsabilité tournante, dans un même destin impersonnel qui n'est que l'accomplissment d'un désir collectif.' ('There are no more actors or spectators, they are all immersed in the same circular responsibility, in the same impersonal destiny which is the only the accomplishment of a collective desire'), Baudrillard, L'Échange impossible, p.174.
L'Échange Impossible
, pp. 174