Chemical and Engineering News, January 12, 1998, p. 193.
Chemical Producers: Dow Chemical, DuPont, Monsanto and Union Carbide have ranked among Top 10 biggest chemical makers since 1940.Chemical and Engineering News, January 12, 1998, p. 193.
Chemical Producers: Dow Chemical, DuPont, Monsanto and Union Carbide Have Ranked among Top 10 Biggest Chemical Makers since 1940.
al, op. cit. 4, pp. 101-104.
Colborn, et al, op. cit. 4, pp. 101-104.
Death of Animals Laid to Chemical
August 28, 1974, p. 36.
Death of Animals Laid to Chemical, New York Times, August 28, 1974, p. 36.
New York Times
et al, op. cit. 4, p. 116.
Colborn, et al, op. cit. 4, p. 116.
New York: Hill and Wang, 1993, pp. 210-212; Brian Tokar, Earth for Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in the Age of Corporate Greenwash, Boston: South End Press, 1997, pp. 59-60; Times Beach Action Group, ibid.
Philip Shabccoff, A Fierce Green Fire: The American Environmental Movement, New York: Hill and Wang, 1993, pp. 210-212; Brian Tokar, Earth for Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in the Age of Corporate Greenwash, Boston: South End Press, 1997, pp. 59-60; Times Beach Action Group, ibid.
A Fierce Green Fire: the American Environmental Movement
Shabccoff, P.1
Personal communication, August 5, 1998.
Personal communication, August 5, 1998.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1987, pp. 86-87, 155-164. Monsanto's share of Agent Orange production was 29.5 per cent, compared with Dow's market share of 28.6 per cent, however some batches of Agent Orange contained more than 47 times more dioxin than Dow's. The other defendants in the case were Hercules Chemical, Diamond Shamrock, T.H. Agriculture and Nutrition, Thompson Chemicals and Uniroyal.
Peter H. Schuck, Agent Orange on Trial: Mass Toxic Disasters in the Courts, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1987, pp. 86-87, 155-164. Monsanto's share of Agent Orange production was 29.5 per cent, compared with Dow's market share of 28.6 per cent, however some batches of Agent Orange contained more than 47 times more dioxin than Dow's. The other defendants in the case were Hercules Chemical, Diamond Shamrock, T.H. Agriculture and Nutrition, Thompson Chemicals and Uniroyal.
Agent Orange on Trial: Mass Toxic Disasters in the Courts
Schuck, P.H.1
Jed Greer and Kenny Bruno, Greenwash: The Reality Behind Corporate Environmentalism, Penang, Malaysia: Third World Network, 1996, p. 141.
Monsanto Corporation: A case study in greenwash science, in Jed Greer and Kenny Bruno, Greenwash: The Reality Behind Corporate Environmentalism, Penang, Malaysia: Third World Network, 1996, p. 141.
Monsanto Corporation: A Case Study in Greenwash Science
Toronto Globe and Mail, February 19, 1990, p. A9. The punitive damages in Kemner vs. Monsanto were overturned on appeal two years later.
Jock Ferguson, Chemical company accused of hiding presence of dioxins, Toronto Globe and Mail, February 19, 1990, p. A9. The punitive damages in Kemner vs. Monsanto were overturned on appeal two years later.
Chemical Company Accused of Hiding Presence of Dioxins
Ferguson, J.1
Jenkins, op. cit. 16.
Cate Jenkins, op. cit. 16.
Stock analyst Dain Bosworth, quoted in Kenny Bruno, Say it Ain't Soy, Monsanto, Multinational Monitor, Vol. 18, No. 1-2, January/February 1997; Mark Arax and Jeanne Brokaw, No Way Around Roundup, Mother Jones, JanuaryFebruary 1997.
Stock Analyst Dain Bosworth, Quoted in Kenny Bruno, Say It Ain't Soy, Monsanto, Multinational Monitor, Vol. 18, No. 1-2, January/February 1997; Mark Arax and Jeanne Brokaw, No Way Around Roundup, Mother Jones, JanuaryFebruary
Case of Mislabelled Herbicide Results in $225,000 Penalty
Journal, March25, 1998, p. B9.
Case of Mislabelled Herbicide Results in $225,000 Penalty, Wall Street Journal, March25, 1998, p. B9.
Wall Street
K. Bruno, op. cit. 17, pp. 145-46.
J. Greer and K. Bruno, op. cit. 17, pp. 145-46.
Greer, J.1
Nation, Decembers, 1997, p. 8
Cited in Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh, The Top 10 List, The Nation, Decembers, 1997, p. 8
Cited in Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh, The Top 10 List, the
Brian Tokar, The False Promise of Biotechnology, Z Magazine, February 1992, pp. 2732; Debbie Brighton, Cow Safety, BGH and Burroughs, Organic Farmer, Spring 1990, p. 21.
Craig Canine, Hear No Evil, Eating Well, July/August 1991, pp. 41-47; Brian Tokar, The False Promise of Biotechnology, Z Magazine, February 1992, pp. 2732; Debbie Brighton, Cow Safety, BGH and Burroughs, Organic Farmer, Spring 1990, p. 21.
Hear No Evil, Eating Well, July/August 1991, Pp. 41-47
Canine, C.1
July 1995; also B. Tokar, op. cit. 11, pp. 28-29.
Andrew Christianscn, Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone: Alarming Tests, Unfounded Approval, Rural Vermont, July 1995; also B. Tokar, op. cit. 11, pp. 28-29.
Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone: Alarming Tests, Unfounded Approval, Rural Vermont
Christianscn, A.1
6, 1992 GAO/PEMD-92-96.
A. Christiansen, ibid., pp. 10, 17; U.S. General Accounting Office, PDA's Review of Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, August 6, 1992 (GAO/PEMD-92-96).
Ibid., Pp. 10, 17; U.S. General Accounting Office, PDA's Review of Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, August
Christiansen, A.1
Diane Gershon, Monsanto sues over BST, Nature, Vol. 368, March 31, 1994, p. 384. The Vermont state labelling law was defended by the state on the grounds of consumer preference, rather than public health, and was ultimately struck down by a federal judge, who ruled that mandatory rBGH labelling was a violation of the companies' constitutional right to refuse to speak.
Brian Tokar, Biotechnology: The debate heats up, Z Magazine, June 1995, pp. 49-55; Diane Gershon, Monsanto sues over BST, Nature, Vol. 368, March 31, 1994, p. 384. The Vermont state labelling law was defended by the state on the grounds of consumer preference, rather than public health, and was ultimately struck down by a federal judge, who ruled that mandatory rBGH labelling was a violation of the companies' constitutional right to refuse to speak.
Biotechnology: the Debate Heats Up, Z Magazine, June 1995, Pp. 49-55
Tokar, B.1
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 204, 1, January 1994, pp. 116-130; Samuel S. Epstein, Unlabelled Milk from Cows Treated with Biosynthetic Growth Hormones: A Case of Regulatory Abdication, International Journal of Health Sen ices. Vol. 26, No. 1, 1996, pp. 173-185.
D S Kronfeld, Health management of dairy herds treated with bovine somatotropin. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 204, No. 1, January 1994, pp. 116-130; Samuel S. Epstein, Unlabelled Milk from Cows Treated with Biosynthetic Growth Hormones: A Case of Regulatory Abdication, International Journal of Health Sen ices. Vol. 26, No. 1, 1996, pp. 173-185.
Health Management of Dairy Herds Treated with Bovine Somatotropin
Kronfeld, D.S.1
Op.cit. 20.
Op.cit. 20.
Monsanto Company 1997 Annual Report, pp. 16,37.
Monsanto Company 1997 Annual Report, pp. 16,37.
Spring 1989, pp. 18-21; Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, From Green to Gene Revolution: The Environmental Risks of Genetically Engineered Crops, The Ecologist, Vol. 26, No. 6, November/December 1996. pp. 273-281; Brian Tokar, Biotechnology vs. Biodiversity, Wild Earth, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1996, pp. 50-55.
Hope Shand, Bacillus Thuringiensis: Industry Frenzy and a Host of Issues, Journal of Pesticide Reform, Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring 1989, pp. 18-21; Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, From Green to Gene Revolution: The Environmental Risks of Genetically Engineered Crops, The Ecologist, Vol. 26, No. 6, November/December 1996. pp. 273-281; Brian Tokar, Biotechnology vs. Biodiversity, Wild Earth, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1996, pp. 50-55.
Bacillus Thuringiensis: Industry Frenzy and A Host of Issues, Journal of Pesticide Reform, Vol. 9, 1
Shand, H.1
Summer 1998, p.l; Union of Concerned Scientists, Transgenic insectresistant crops harm beneficial insects, The Gene Exchange, Summer 1998, p. 4; Union of Concerned Scientists, Managing Resistance to Bt, The Gene Exchange, Vol. 6, No. 2/3, December 1995, pp. 4-7.
Union of Concerned Scientists, EPA Requires Large Refuges, The Gene Exchange, Summer 1998, p.l; Union of Concerned Scientists, Transgenic insectresistant crops harm beneficial insects, The Gene Exchange, Summer 1998, p. 4; Union of Concerned Scientists, Managing Resistance to Bt, The Gene Exchange, Vol. 6, No. 2/3, December 1995, pp. 4-7.
Union of Concerned Scientists, EPA Requires Large Refuges, the Gene Exchange
February 24, 1998, p. D9; Monsanto to Pay Cotton Fanners, Financial Times (US Edition) February 25, 1998; Union of Concerned Scientists, Mississippi Seed Arbitration Council Rules Against Monsanto, The Gene Exchange, Summer 1998, p.l.
Allen R. Myerson, Monsanto Paying Delta Fanners to Settle Genetic Seed Complaints, New York Times, February 24, 1998, p. D9; Monsanto to Pay Cotton Fanners, Financial Times (US Edition) February 25, 1998; Union of Concerned Scientists, Mississippi Seed Arbitration Council Rules Against Monsanto, The Gene Exchange, Summer 1998, p.l.
Monsanto Paying Delta Fanners to Settle Genetic Seed Complaints, New York Times
Myerson, A.R.1
December 1996, p. 1 ; Susan Benson, Mark Arax and Rachel Burstein, A Growing Concern, Mother Jones, January/February 1997; Anne Reifenberg and Rhonda L. Rundle, Buggy Cotton May Cast Doubt On New Seeds, Wall Street Journal, July 23, 1996.
Union of Concerned Scientists, Bt Cotton Fails to Control Bollworm, The Gene Exchange, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 1996, p. 1 ; Susan Benson, Mark Arax and Rachel Burstein, A Growing Concern, Mother Jones, January/February 1997; Anne Reifenberg and Rhonda L. Rundle, Buggy Cotton May Cast Doubt On New Seeds, Wall Street Journal, July 23, 1996.
Bt Cotton Fails to Control Bollworm, the Gene Exchange, Vol. 7, 1
Fall 1997, p.l; Pesticide Action Network North America, Problems with Herbicide Tolerant Cotton in US, October 7, 1997
Union of Concerned Scientists, Unexpected Boll Drop in Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton, The Gene Exchange, Fall 1997, p.l; Pesticide Action Network North America, Problems with Herbicide Tolerant Cotton in US, October 7, 1997.
Unexpected Boll Drop in Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton, the Gene Exchange
November/December 1997. The comment about Asgrow was quoted by Brewster Kneen in The Ram's Horn, No. 160, June 1998, p. 2.
RAFI Communiqué, The Life Industry 1997: The Global Enterprises that Dominate Commercial Agriculture, Food and Health, Rural Advancement Foundation International, November/December 1997. The comment about Asgrow was quoted by Brewster Kneen in The Ram's Horn, No. 160, June 1998, p. 2.
The Life Industry 1997: the Global Enterprises That Dominate Commercial Agriculture, Food and Health, Rural Advancement Foundation International
RAFI Communiqué, op. cit.45 Union of Concerned Scientists, Expanding in New Dimensions: Monsanto and the Food System, The Gene Exchange, December 1996, p. 11.
Monsanto Company 1997 Annual Report, p. 17; RAFI Communiqué, op. cit.45 Union of Concerned Scientists, Expanding in New Dimensions: Monsanto and the Food System, The Gene Exchange, December 1996, p. 11.
1997 Annual Report, P. 17
Communiqué, op. cit. 45
RAFI Communiqué, op. cit. 45
Monsanto World \Vide Web page: http://www.monsanto.com/MonPub/NewMonsanto/Officers/BioShapiro.html
Monsanto World \Vide Web
Monsanto Company Report, p. 10.
Monsanto Company 1997 Annual Report, p. 10.
1997 Annual
London: Zed Books, 1991.
See, for example, Vandana Shiva, The Violence of the Green Revolution: Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics, London: Zed Books, 1991.
The Violence of the Green Revolution: Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics
Shiva, V.1