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Volumn 31, Issue 2, 2002, Pages 255-280

The end of socialism and the reinvention of the self: A study of the East German psychotherapeutic community in transition

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EID: 0141626020     PISSN: 03042421     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1023/A:1015029006144     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (11)

References (170)
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    • Thomas C. Heller, Morton Sosna, and David E. Wellbery, editors, (Stanford: Stanford University Press)
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    • Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (London: Penguin, 1984); Peter Berger, Brigitte Berger, and Hansfried Kellner, The Homeless Mind (New York: Random House, 1973); Karl Mannheim, Ideology and Utopia (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1936); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930).
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    • Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (London: Penguin, 1984); Peter Berger, Brigitte Berger, and Hansfried Kellner, The Homeless Mind (New York: Random House, 1973); Karl Mannheim, Ideology and Utopia (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1936); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930).
    • (1930) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
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    • Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1988) The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor
    • Abbott, A.1
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    • From avant-garde to specialism: Psychoanalysis in America
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1979) Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences , vol.15 , Issue.2 , pp. 128-134
    • Burnham, J.1
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    • Cambridge: MIT Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1991) The Normal and the Pathological
    • Canhuilhem, G.1
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    • Die rolle der psychiatrischen forschungspraxis in der geschichte: Eine kontextualistische perspektive
    • Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe)
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1990) Psychologiegeschichte Heute , pp. 12-25
    • Danziger, K.1
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    • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1990) Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research
    • Danziger, K.1
  • 11
    • 0018457938 scopus 로고
    • Princeton: Princeton University Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1994) The Psychiatric Persuasion
    • Lunbeck, E.1
  • 12
    • 0018457938 scopus 로고
    • Berkeley: University of California Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1995) The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts
    • Herman, E.1
  • 13
    • 0018457938 scopus 로고
    • Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1995) Freud and the Americans
    • Hale N.G., Jr.1
  • 14
    • 0018457938 scopus 로고
    • Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • For an in-depth study of the links between professional developments in psychiatry and society at large, see Andrew Abbott, The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988). For historical treatises of such matters, see John Burnham, "From Avant-Garde to Specialism: Psychoanalysis in America," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 15/2 (1979):128-134; Georges Canhuilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991); Kurt Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kontextualistische Perspektive, in Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner, editors, Psychologiegeschichte heute (Goettingen: Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1990), 12-25; Kurt Danziger, Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Elisabeth Lunbeck, The Psychiatric Persuasion (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994); Ellen Herman, The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr., Freud and the Americans (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995); Nathan G. Hale, Jr. The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995).
    • (1995) The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States
    • Hale N.G., Jr.1
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    • 0003458607 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • The Social Construction of Reality
    • Berger1    Luckmann2
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    • 85055898529 scopus 로고
    • Towards a sociological understanding of psychoanalysis
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • (1965) Social Research , vol.1 , pp. 26-41
    • Berger, P.1
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    • Identity as a problem in the sociology of knowledge
    • James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, (New York: Praeger
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • (1970) The Sociology of Knowledge , pp. 373-384
    • Berger, P.1
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    • London: Macmillan
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • (1979) The Social Mind
    • Coulter, J.1
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    • Evanston: Northwestern University
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • (1973) The Structures of the Life-World , vol.1
    • Alfred, T.1    Luckmann, S.2
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    • Evanston: Northwestern University
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • (1989) The Structures of the Life-World , vol.2
    • Schuetz, A.1    Luckmann, T.2
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    • London: Sage
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
    • (1992) Texts of Identity
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    • Berlin: Springer Verlag
    • Berger and Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality; Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41; Peter Berger, "Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge," in James E. Curtis and John W. Petras, editors, The Sociology of Knowledge (New York: Praeger, 1970), 373-384; Jeff Coulter, The Social Mind (London: Macmillan, 1979); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol I (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1973); Alfred Schuetz and Thomas Luckmann, The Structures of the Life-World Vol II (Evanston: Northwestern University, 1989); John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992); Kenneth J. Gergen and Keith E. Davis, editors, The Social Construction of the Person (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1985).
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    • Gergen, K.J.1    Davis, K.E.2
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    • Veiled morality: Notes on discretion in psychiatry
    • Paul Drew and John Heritage, editors, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • Joerg Bergmann, "Veiled Morality: Notes on Discretion in Psychiatry" in Paul Drew and John Heritage, editors, Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 137-162; Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology (Englewood Cliffs/New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967); Terry Walker, "Whose Discourse?," in Steve Woolgar, editor, Knowledge and Reflexivity (London: Sage, 1988), 55-79; Emanuel A. Schegloff, "Toward a Reading of Psychiatric Theory," Berkeley Journal of Sociology 8 (1963):61-91; Paul ten Have, "The Consultation as a Genre," in Brian Torode, editor, Text and Talk as Social Practice (Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1989), 115-135; George Psathas, editor, Interaction Competence (Lanham: University Press of America, 1989); Ivana Markova and Klaus Foppa, editors, Asymmetries in Dialogue (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991); John Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1984).
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    • The consultation as a genre
    • Brian Torode, editor, (Dordrecht: Foris Publications)
    • Joerg Bergmann, "Veiled Morality: Notes on Discretion in Psychiatry" in Paul Drew and John Heritage, editors, Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 137-162; Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology (Englewood Cliffs/New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967); Terry Walker, "Whose Discourse?," in Steve Woolgar, editor, Knowledge and Reflexivity (London: Sage, 1988), 55-79; Emanuel A. Schegloff, "Toward a Reading of Psychiatric Theory," Berkeley Journal of Sociology 8 (1963):61-91; Paul ten Have, "The Consultation as a Genre," in Brian Torode, editor, Text and Talk as Social Practice (Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1989), 115-135; George Psathas, editor, Interaction Competence (Lanham: University Press of America, 1989); Ivana Markova and Klaus Foppa, editors, Asymmetries in Dialogue (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991); John Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1984).
    • (1989) Text and Talk as Social Practice , pp. 115-135
    • Ten Have, P.1
  • 28
    • 0346746616 scopus 로고
    • Lanham: University Press of America
    • Joerg Bergmann, "Veiled Morality: Notes on Discretion in Psychiatry" in Paul Drew and John Heritage, editors, Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 137-162; Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology (Englewood Cliffs/New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967); Terry Walker, "Whose Discourse?," in Steve Woolgar, editor, Knowledge and Reflexivity (London: Sage, 1988), 55-79; Emanuel A. Schegloff, "Toward a Reading of Psychiatric Theory," Berkeley Journal of Sociology 8 (1963):61-91; Paul ten Have, "The Consultation as a Genre," in Brian Torode, editor, Text and Talk as Social Practice (Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1989), 115-135; George Psathas, editor, Interaction Competence (Lanham: University Press of America, 1989); Ivana Markova and Klaus Foppa, editors, Asymmetries in Dialogue (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991); John Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1984).
    • (1989) Interaction Competence
    • Psathas, G.1
  • 29
    • 0002295688 scopus 로고
    • Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf
    • Joerg Bergmann, "Veiled Morality: Notes on Discretion in Psychiatry" in Paul Drew and John Heritage, editors, Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 137-162; Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology (Englewood Cliffs/New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967); Terry Walker, "Whose Discourse?," in Steve Woolgar, editor, Knowledge and Reflexivity (London: Sage, 1988), 55-79; Emanuel A. Schegloff, "Toward a Reading of Psychiatric Theory," Berkeley Journal of Sociology 8 (1963):61-91; Paul ten Have, "The Consultation as a Genre," in Brian Torode, editor, Text and Talk as Social Practice (Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1989), 115-135; George Psathas, editor, Interaction Competence (Lanham: University Press of America, 1989); Ivana Markova and Klaus Foppa, editors, Asymmetries in Dialogue (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991); John Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1984).
    • (1991) Asymmetries in Dialogue
    • Markova, I.1    Foppa, K.2
  • 30
    • 84936824366 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cambridge: Polity Press
    • Joerg Bergmann, "Veiled Morality: Notes on Discretion in Psychiatry" in Paul Drew and John Heritage, editors, Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 137-162; Harold Garfinkel, Studies in Ethnomethodology (Englewood Cliffs/New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967); Terry Walker, "Whose Discourse?," in Steve Woolgar, editor, Knowledge and Reflexivity (London: Sage, 1988), 55-79; Emanuel A. Schegloff, "Toward a Reading of Psychiatric Theory," Berkeley Journal of Sociology 8 (1963):61-91; Paul ten Have, "The Consultation as a Genre," in Brian Torode, editor, Text and Talk as Social Practice (Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1989), 115-135; George Psathas, editor, Interaction Competence (Lanham: University Press of America, 1989); Ivana Markova and Klaus Foppa, editors, Asymmetries in Dialogue (Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991); John Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1984).
    • (1984) Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology
    • Heritage, J.1
  • 31
    • 0002295688 scopus 로고
    • In approaches, these approaches, macro features are only seen as relevant inasmuch as they are oriented to and reproduced by the participants in interaction. See Markova and Foppo, Asymmetries in Dialogue, 1991; Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology.
    • (1991) Asymmetries in Dialogue
    • Markova1    Foppo2
  • 32
    • 84936824366 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In approaches, these approaches, macro features are only seen as relevant inasmuch as they are oriented to and reproduced by the participants in interaction. See Markova and Foppo, Asymmetries in Dialogue, 1991; Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology.
    • Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology
    • Heritage1
  • 33
    • 84928068091 scopus 로고
    • Here and everywhere: Sociology of scientific knowledge
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1995) Annual Review of Sociology , vol.21 , pp. 289-321
    • Shapin, S.1
  • 34
    • 0004113230 scopus 로고
    • London: George Allen and Unwin
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1979) Science and the Sociology of Knowledge
    • Mulkay, M.1
  • 35
    • 0004029501 scopus 로고
    • London: Sage
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1995) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
    • Jasanoff, S.1    Markle, G.E.2    Petersen, J.C.3    Pinch, T.4
  • 36
    • 0032286772 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The meaning of data: Open and closed evidential cultures in the search for gravitational waves
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1998) American Journal of Sociology , vol.104 , Issue.2 , pp. 293-338
    • Collins, H.1
  • 37
    • 80054250776 scopus 로고
    • Princeton: Princeton University Press
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1985) Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life
    • Shapin, S.1    Schaffer, S.2
  • 38
    • 0030537537 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Karl Mannheim and the sociology of scientific knowledge: Toward a new agenda
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1996) Sociological Theory , vol.14 , Issue.1 , pp. 30-48
    • Pels, D.1
  • 39
    • 0002351758 scopus 로고
    • Introduction
    • Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1991) The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis , pp. 1-38
    • DiMaggio, P.1    Powell, W.W.2
  • 40
    • 0000928219 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Expanding the scope of institutional analysis
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • The New Institutionalism , pp. 183-203
    • Powell, W.W.1
  • 41
    • 0040575347 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Neofunctionalism and neoinstitutionalism human agency and interest in institutional change
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (1998) Sociological Forum , vol.13 , Issue.2 , pp. 265-300
    • Colomy, P.1
  • 42
    • 23044522535 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • De/Constructing theory: A look at the institutional theory that positivism built
    • Likewise, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) (see Steven Shapin, "Here and Everywhere: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge," Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995):289-321; Michael Mulkay, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979); Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, and Trevor Pinch, editors, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (London: Sage, 1995); Harry Collins, "The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves," American Journal of Sociology 104/2 (1998):293-338) while having made substantial contributions to how knowledge claims are embedded in, shaped, and informed by a wider scientific community tends to under-theorize the influence of wider societal formations on scientific practices (for a notable exception see Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985)). See also Dick Pels, "Karl Mannheim and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: Toward a New Agenda," Sociological Theory 14/1 (1996):30-48. In Organizational Theory neo-institutionalism (e.g., Paul DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "Introduction," in Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio, editors, The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991),1-38), while having made important strides in analyzing the rise and transformation of institutional forms, also faces a similar problem of linking institutional transformation to the experience of the actors involved. In this case, however, the concern is that actors are treated as being overly passive and thus too much subject to their environment (see, e.g., Walter W. Powell, "Expanding the Scope of Institutional Analysis," in The New Institutionalism, 183-203; Paul Colomy, "Neofunctionalism and Neoinstitutionalism Human Agency and Interest in Institutional Change," Sociological Forum 13/2 (1998):265-300; Michele A. Bowring, " De/Constructing Theory: A Look at the Institutional Theory that Positivism built, "Journal of management Inquiry 9/3 (2000):258-270.
    • (2000) Journal of Management Inquiry , vol.9 , Issue.3 , pp. 258-270
    • Bowring, M.A.1
  • 43
    • 0009833905 scopus 로고
    • Modernisierung und modernisierungstheorien
    • Frankfurt: Campus
    • Wolfgang Zapf, Modernisierung und Modernisierungstheorien, in Die Modernisierung moderner Gesellschaften (Frankfurt: Campus, 1990), 23-39.
    • (1990) Die Modernisierung Moderner Gesellschaften , pp. 23-39
    • Zapf, W.1
  • 44
    • 0010334796 scopus 로고
    • The socialist economic system
    • Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors, (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
    • Ivan Szelenyi, Katherine Beckett, and Lawrence P. King, "The Socialist Economic System," in Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors, The Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 234-251; Victor Nee and David Stark, editors, Remaking the Economic Institutions of State Socialism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989); Walter W. Powell, "The Transformation of Organizational Forms: How Useful is Organizational Theory in Accounting for Social Change," in Roger Friedland and A. F. (Sandy) Robertson, editors, Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), 301-329; Andrzej K. Kazminski, "Market and State in Centrally Planned Economies," in Alberto Martinelli and Neil J. Smelser, editors, Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology (London: Sage, 1990), 133-155. Piotr Sztompka ["Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational break," Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29/2 (1996):115-129] points out that, despite the scholarly attention given to the transformations in East European societies, the cultural underpinnings necessary for these transformations to occur have been neglected.
    • (1994) The Handbook of Economic Sociology , pp. 234-251
    • Szelenyi, I.1    Beckett, K.2    King, L.P.3
  • 45
    • 0003403151 scopus 로고
    • Stanford: Stanford University Press
    • Ivan Szelenyi, Katherine Beckett, and Lawrence P. King, "The Socialist Economic System," in Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors, The Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 234-251; Victor Nee and David Stark, editors, Remaking the Economic Institutions of State Socialism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989); Walter W. Powell, "The Transformation of Organizational Forms: How Useful is Organizational Theory in Accounting for Social Change," in Roger Friedland and A. F. (Sandy) Robertson, editors, Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), 301-329; Andrzej K. Kazminski, "Market and State in Centrally Planned Economies," in Alberto Martinelli and Neil J. Smelser, editors, Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology (London: Sage, 1990), 133-155. Piotr Sztompka ["Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational break," Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29/2 (1996):115-129] points out that, despite the scholarly attention given to the transformations in East European societies, the cultural underpinnings necessary for these transformations to occur have been neglected.
    • (1989) Remaking the Economic Institutions of State Socialism
    • Nee, V.1    Stark, D.2
  • 46
    • 85077607886 scopus 로고
    • The transformation of organizational forms: How useful is organizational theory in accounting for social change
    • Roger Friedland and A. F. (Sandy) Robertson, editors, (New York: Aldine de Gruyter)
    • Ivan Szelenyi, Katherine Beckett, and Lawrence P. King, "The Socialist Economic System," in Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors, The Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 234-251; Victor Nee and David Stark, editors, Remaking the Economic Institutions of State Socialism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989); Walter W. Powell, "The Transformation of Organizational Forms: How Useful is Organizational Theory in Accounting for Social Change," in Roger Friedland and A. F. (Sandy) Robertson, editors, Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), 301-329; Andrzej K. Kazminski, "Market and State in Centrally Planned Economies," in Alberto Martinelli and Neil J. Smelser, editors, Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology (London: Sage, 1990), 133-155. Piotr Sztompka ["Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational break," Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29/2 (1996):115-129] points out that, despite the scholarly attention given to the transformations in East European societies, the cultural underpinnings necessary for these transformations to occur have been neglected.
    • (1990) Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society , pp. 301-329
    • Powell, W.W.1
  • 47
    • 84973688857 scopus 로고
    • Market and state in centrally planned economies
    • Alberto Martinelli and Neil J. Smelser, editors, (London: Sage)
    • Ivan Szelenyi, Katherine Beckett, and Lawrence P. King, "The Socialist Economic System," in Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors, The Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 234-251; Victor Nee and David Stark, editors, Remaking the Economic Institutions of State Socialism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989); Walter W. Powell, "The Transformation of Organizational Forms: How Useful is Organizational Theory in Accounting for Social Change," in Roger Friedland and A. F. (Sandy) Robertson, editors, Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), 301-329; Andrzej K. Kazminski, "Market and State in Centrally Planned Economies," in Alberto Martinelli and Neil J. Smelser, editors, Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology (London: Sage, 1990), 133-155. Piotr Sztompka ["Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational break," Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29/2 (1996):115-129] points out that, despite the scholarly attention given to the transformations in East European societies, the cultural underpinnings necessary for these transformations to occur have been neglected.
    • (1990) Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology , pp. 133-155
    • Kazminski, A.K.1
  • 48
    • 0030446605 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Looking back: The year 1989 as a cultural and civilizational break
    • Ivan Szelenyi, Katherine Beckett, and Lawrence P. King, "The Socialist Economic System," in Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors, The Handbook of Economic Sociology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), 234-251; Victor Nee and David Stark, editors, Remaking the Economic Institutions of State Socialism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989); Walter W. Powell, "The Transformation of Organizational Forms: How Useful is Organizational Theory in Accounting for Social Change," in Roger Friedland and A. F. (Sandy) Robertson, editors, Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), 301-329; Andrzej K. Kazminski, "Market and State in Centrally Planned Economies," in Alberto Martinelli and Neil J. Smelser, editors, Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology (London: Sage, 1990), 133-155. Piotr Sztompka ["Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational break," Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29/2 (1996):115-129] points out that, despite the scholarly attention given to the transformations in East European societies, the cultural underpinnings necessary for these transformations to occur have been neglected.
    • (1996) Communist and Post-Communist Studies , vol.29 , Issue.2 , pp. 115-129
    • Sztompka, P.1
  • 49
    • 0141577751 scopus 로고
    • The issues examined sociologically range from changes in demographic and professional structures, social attitudes and behaviors to rising social problems. These studies either deal with institutional transfer or changes in attitudes and behaviors without investigating how the former relates to the latter. See Renate Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss public 13/4 (1994); see also Karl U. Mayer, Martin Diewald, and Heike Solga "Social Change and Transformation - Findings and Lessons from the East German Case," Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess 4 (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung, 1997). There are only a few efforts to summarize studies of the transformation. See Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, 1994; Wolfgang Zapf, Zwei Geschwindigkeiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland, in Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), 317-328; Helmut Wiesenthal, Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung, 1996, 279-288; Rolf Reissig, "Transformation Research of the East German Experience Obstacles and Chances of Theoretical Innovation," Soziologische Revue 18/2 (1995):147-153.
    • (1994) Die Deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss Public , vol.13 , Issue.4
    • Mayntz, R.1
  • 50
    • 0141577750 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Social change and transformation - Findings and lessons from the East German case
    • Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung
    • The issues examined sociologically range from changes in demographic and professional structures, social attitudes and behaviors to rising social problems. These studies either deal with institutional transfer or changes in attitudes and behaviors without investigating how the former relates to the latter. See Renate Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss public 13/4 (1994); see also Karl U. Mayer, Martin Diewald, and Heike Solga "Social Change and Transformation - Findings and Lessons from the East German Case," Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess 4 (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung, 1997). There are only a few efforts to summarize studies of the transformation. See Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, 1994; Wolfgang Zapf, Zwei Geschwindigkeiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland, in Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), 317-328; Helmut Wiesenthal, Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung, 1996, 279-288; Rolf Reissig, "Transformation Research of the East German Experience Obstacles and Chances of Theoretical Innovation," Soziologische Revue 18/2 (1995):147-153.
    • (1997) Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess , vol.4
    • Mayer, K.U.1    Diewald, M.2    Solga, H.3
  • 51
    • 0141689340 scopus 로고
    • The issues examined sociologically range from changes in demographic and professional structures, social attitudes and behaviors to rising social problems. These studies either deal with institutional transfer or changes in attitudes and behaviors without investigating how the former relates to the latter. See Renate Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss public 13/4 (1994); see also Karl U. Mayer, Martin Diewald, and Heike Solga "Social Change and Transformation - Findings and Lessons from the East German Case," Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess 4 (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung, 1997). There are only a few efforts to summarize studies of the transformation. See Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, 1994; Wolfgang Zapf, Zwei Geschwindigkeiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland, in Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), 317-328; Helmut Wiesenthal, Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung, 1996, 279-288; Rolf Reissig, "Transformation Research of the East German Experience Obstacles and Chances of Theoretical Innovation," Soziologische Revue 18/2 (1995):147-153.
    • (1994) Die Deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften
    • Mayntz1
  • 52
    • 0002608124 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zwei geschwindigkeiten in ost- und Westdeutschland
    • Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, (Opladen: Leske and Budrich)
    • The issues examined sociologically range from changes in demographic and professional structures, social attitudes and behaviors to rising social problems. These studies either deal with institutional transfer or changes in attitudes and behaviors without investigating how the former relates to the latter. See Renate Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss public 13/4 (1994); see also Karl U. Mayer, Martin Diewald, and Heike Solga "Social Change and Transformation - Findings and Lessons from the East German Case," Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess 4 (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung, 1997). There are only a few efforts to summarize studies of the transformation. See Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, 1994; Wolfgang Zapf, Zwei Geschwindigkeiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland, in Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), 317-328; Helmut Wiesenthal, Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung, 1996, 279-288; Rolf Reissig, "Transformation Research of the East German Experience Obstacles and Chances of Theoretical Innovation," Soziologische Revue 18/2 (1995):147-153.
    • (1996) Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung , pp. 317-328
    • Zapf, W.1
  • 53
    • 0009072939 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The issues examined sociologically range from changes in demographic and professional structures, social attitudes and behaviors to rising social problems. These studies either deal with institutional transfer or changes in attitudes and behaviors without investigating how the former relates to the latter. See Renate Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss public 13/4 (1994); see also Karl U. Mayer, Martin Diewald, and Heike Solga "Social Change and Transformation - Findings and Lessons from the East German Case," Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess 4 (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung, 1997). There are only a few efforts to summarize studies of the transformation. See Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, 1994; Wolfgang Zapf, Zwei Geschwindigkeiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland, in Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), 317-328; Helmut Wiesenthal, Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung, 1996, 279-288; Rolf Reissig, "Transformation Research of the East German Experience Obstacles and Chances of Theoretical Innovation," Soziologische Revue 18/2 (1995):147-153.
    • (1996) Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung , pp. 279-288
    • Wiesenthal, H.1
  • 54
    • 84937295299 scopus 로고
    • Transformation research of the East German experience obstacles and chances of theoretical innovation
    • The issues examined sociologically range from changes in demographic and professional structures, social attitudes and behaviors to rising social problems. These studies either deal with institutional transfer or changes in attitudes and behaviors without investigating how the former relates to the latter. See Renate Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, Biss public 13/4 (1994); see also Karl U. Mayer, Martin Diewald, and Heike Solga "Social Change and Transformation - Findings and Lessons from the East German Case," Arbeitsbericht aus dem Projeck: Ostdeutsche Lebenslaeufe im Transformationsprozess 4 (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Bildungsforschung, 1997). There are only a few efforts to summarize studies of the transformation. See Mayntz, Die deutsche Vereinigung als Pruefstein fuer die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Sozialwissenschaften, 1994; Wolfgang Zapf, Zwei Geschwindigkeiten in Ost- und Westdeutschland, in Martin Diewald and Karl U. Mayer, editors, Zwischenbilanz der Wiedervereinigung (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 1996), 317-328; Helmut Wiesenthal, Sozio-oekonomische Transformation und Interessenvertretung, 1996, 279-288; Rolf Reissig, "Transformation Research of the East German Experience Obstacles and Chances of Theoretical Innovation," Soziologische Revue 18/2 (1995):147-153.
    • (1995) Soziologische Revue , vol.18 , Issue.2 , pp. 147-153
    • Reissig, R.1
  • 56
    • 0003957972 scopus 로고
    • In the The Homeless Mind (1973) Berger et al. describe "consciousness" as a subjective organized pattern that is socially shared through the institutional processes bearing on its contents.
    • (1973) The Homeless Mind
  • 58
    • 0035378988 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Socialist psychotherapy and its dissidents
    • For a detailed history of psychotherapy in the German Democratic Republic, see Christine Leuenberger, "Socialist Psychotherapy and its Dissidents," Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 37/3 (2001).
    • (2001) Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences , vol.37 , Issue.3
    • Leuenberger, C.1
  • 59
    • 0141577729 scopus 로고
    • Zwei psychiatrien in einem lande? Gemeinsames und trennendes in der psychiatrischen kultur in Deutschland-West und Deutschland-Ost
    • Walter Picard and Fritz Reimer, editors, (Koeln: Rheinland-Verlag)
    • Ulrich Trenckmann, Zwei Psychiatrien in einem Lande? Gemeinsames und Trennendes in der psychiatrischen Kultur in Deutschland-West und Deutschland-Ost, in Walter Picard and Fritz Reimer, editors, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker and Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR 19 (Koeln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992), 169-173. Herbert Loos, 'Anerkannte Unterordnung' - ein Rueckblick auf die Psychiatrie-Entwicklung in der DDR, in Picard and Reimer, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker und behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR, 174-180; Gerd Luer, Psychologie im Spiegel ihrer wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Historische Fakten, Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen, Psychologische Rundschau 42 (1991):1-11; Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kantextualistische Perspektive, 12-25, 1990; Alexandre Metraux, Der Methodenstreit und die Amerikanisierung der Psychologie in der Bundesrepublik 1950-1970 in Mitchell G. Ash and Ulfried Geuter, editors, Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1985), 225-251.
    • (1992) Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung Psychisch Kranker and Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der Ehemaligen DDR , vol.19 , pp. 169-173
    • Trenckmann, U.1
  • 60
    • 4243586843 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'Anerkannte unterordnung' - Ein rueckblick auf die psychiatrie-entwicklung in der DDR
    • Picard and Reimer
    • Ulrich Trenckmann, Zwei Psychiatrien in einem Lande? Gemeinsames und Trennendes in der psychiatrischen Kultur in Deutschland-West und Deutschland-Ost, in Walter Picard and Fritz Reimer, editors, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker and Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR 19 (Koeln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992), 169-173. Herbert Loos, 'Anerkannte Unterordnung' - ein Rueckblick auf die Psychiatrie-Entwicklung in der DDR, in Picard and Reimer, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker und behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR, 174-180; Gerd Luer, Psychologie im Spiegel ihrer wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Historische Fakten, Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen, Psychologische Rundschau 42 (1991):1-11; Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kantextualistische Perspektive, 12-25, 1990; Alexandre Metraux, Der Methodenstreit und die Amerikanisierung der Psychologie in der Bundesrepublik 1950-1970 in Mitchell G. Ash and Ulfried Geuter, editors, Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1985), 225-251.
    • Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung Psychisch Kranker und Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der Ehemaligen DDR , pp. 174-180
    • Loos, H.1
  • 61
    • 0010893562 scopus 로고
    • Ulrich Trenckmann, Zwei Psychiatrien in einem Lande? Gemeinsames und Trennendes in der psychiatrischen Kultur in Deutschland-West und Deutschland-Ost, in Walter Picard and Fritz Reimer, editors, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker and Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR 19 (Koeln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992), 169-173. Herbert Loos, 'Anerkannte Unterordnung' - ein Rueckblick auf die Psychiatrie-Entwicklung in der DDR, in Picard and Reimer, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker und behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR, 174-180; Gerd Luer, Psychologie im Spiegel ihrer wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Historische Fakten, Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen, Psychologische Rundschau 42 (1991):1-11; Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kantextualistische Perspektive, 12-25, 1990; Alexandre Metraux, Der Methodenstreit und die Amerikanisierung der Psychologie in der Bundesrepublik 1950-1970 in Mitchell G. Ash and Ulfried Geuter, editors, Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1985), 225-251.
    • (1991) Psychologie im Spiegel ihrer Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Historische Fakten, Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen, Psychologische Rundschau , vol.42 , pp. 1-11
    • Luer, G.1
  • 62
    • 0141577753 scopus 로고
    • Ulrich Trenckmann, Zwei Psychiatrien in einem Lande? Gemeinsames und Trennendes in der psychiatrischen Kultur in Deutschland-West und Deutschland-Ost, in Walter Picard and Fritz Reimer, editors, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker and Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR 19 (Koeln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992), 169-173. Herbert Loos, 'Anerkannte Unterordnung' - ein Rueckblick auf die Psychiatrie-Entwicklung in der DDR, in Picard and Reimer, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker und behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR, 174-180; Gerd Luer, Psychologie im Spiegel ihrer wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Historische Fakten, Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen, Psychologische Rundschau 42 (1991):1-11; Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kantextualistische Perspektive, 12-25, 1990; Alexandre Metraux, Der Methodenstreit und die Amerikanisierung der Psychologie in der Bundesrepublik 1950-1970 in Mitchell G. Ash and Ulfried Geuter, editors, Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1985), 225-251.
    • (1990) Die Rolle der Psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine Kantextualistische Perspektive , pp. 12-25
    • Danziger1
  • 63
    • 0141577735 scopus 로고
    • Der methodenstreit und die Amerikanisierung der psychologie in der Bundesrepublik 1950-1970
    • Mitchell G. Ash and Ulfried Geuter, editors, (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag
    • Ulrich Trenckmann, Zwei Psychiatrien in einem Lande? Gemeinsames und Trennendes in der psychiatrischen Kultur in Deutschland-West und Deutschland-Ost, in Walter Picard and Fritz Reimer, editors, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker and Behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR 19 (Koeln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992), 169-173. Herbert Loos, 'Anerkannte Unterordnung' - ein Rueckblick auf die Psychiatrie-Entwicklung in der DDR, in Picard and Reimer, Grundlagen und Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten der Versorgung psychisch Kranker und behinderter in der Bundesrepublik und auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR, 174-180; Gerd Luer, Psychologie im Spiegel ihrer wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Historische Fakten, Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen, Psychologische Rundschau 42 (1991):1-11; Danziger, Die Rolle der psychiatrischen Forschungspraxis in der Geschichte: Eine kantextualistische Perspektive, 12-25, 1990; Alexandre Metraux, Der Methodenstreit und die Amerikanisierung der Psychologie in der Bundesrepublik 1950-1970 in Mitchell G. Ash and Ulfried Geuter, editors, Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1985), 225-251.
    • (1985) Geschichte der Deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert , pp. 225-251
    • Metraux, A.1
  • 64
    • 0141466118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Psychology in the German democratic republic
    • Adolf Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," American Psychologist 35/5 (1980):450-460; Hans-Dieter Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," Annual Review of Psychology 31 (1980):195-209; Boris F. Lomow, Ueber Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der psychologischen Wissenschaft in der UDSSR, Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 186 (1978):1-24.
    • (1980) American Psychologist , vol.35 , Issue.5 , pp. 450-460
    • Kossakowski, A.1
  • 65
    • 0141466118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Psychology in the German democratic republic
    • Adolf Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," American Psychologist 35/5 (1980):450-460; Hans-Dieter Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," Annual Review of Psychology 31 (1980):195-209; Boris F. Lomow, Ueber Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der psychologischen Wissenschaft in der UDSSR, Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 186 (1978):1-24.
    • (1980) Annual Review of Psychology , vol.31 , pp. 195-209
    • Schmidt, H.-D.1
  • 66
    • 0141466118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ueber entwicklungsstand und perspektiven der psychologischen wissenschaft in der UDSSR
    • Adolf Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," American Psychologist 35/5 (1980):450-460; Hans-Dieter Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," Annual Review of Psychology 31 (1980):195-209; Boris F. Lomow, Ueber Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der psychologischen Wissenschaft in der UDSSR, Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 186 (1978):1-24.
    • (1978) Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie , vol.186 , pp. 1-24
    • Lomow, B.F.1
  • 67
    • 0141466118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460; Hans-Dieter Schmidt, Einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der biologischen Grundlagen der Persoenlichkeit, Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 185 (1977):214-224.
    • Psychology in the German Democratic Republic , pp. 450-460
    • Kossakowski1
  • 69
    • 0141689323 scopus 로고
    • Berlin
    • A "Povlov-wave" [Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), 14] encouraged biological psychotherapy. "Suggestive" therapy methods such as hypnosis and Autogenous Training (AT) became prevalent. Autogenous training is a form of relaxation through self-hypnoses developed by J. H. Schultz. It utilizes an autosuggestive method to increase physical, emotional, and mental well-being [J.H. Schultz, Das Autogene Training (Stuttgart, 1964)]. By simultaneously treating physical as well as psychological aspects, it fitted well with the Pavlovian concept of humans as "biopsychological units" (see Petra Sommer, Kurt Hoeck und die psychotherapeutische Abteilung am Haus der Gesundheit Berlin - institutionelle und zeitgeschichtliche Aspekte der Entwicklung der Gruppenpsychotherapie in der DDR, in Heike Bernhardt and Regine Lockot, editors, Mit ohne Freud (Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 2000). See also Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975); Christina Schroeder and Werner Koenig, "Die Integration der Psychotherapie in die Klinische Medizin in Deutschland - der Beitrag von J. H. Schultz," Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Klinische Psychologie 36/10 (1984):586-590.
    • (1979) Psychotherapie in der DDR: Eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik , pp. 14
    • Hoeck, K.1
  • 70
    • 0003816863 scopus 로고
    • Stuttgart
    • A "Povlov-wave" [Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), 14] encouraged biological psychotherapy. "Suggestive" therapy methods such as hypnosis and Autogenous Training (AT) became prevalent. Autogenous training is a form of relaxation through self-hypnoses developed by J. H. Schultz. It utilizes an autosuggestive method to increase physical, emotional, and mental well-being [J.H. Schultz, Das Autogene Training (Stuttgart, 1964)]. By simultaneously treating physical as well as psychological aspects, it fitted well with the Pavlovian concept of humans as "biopsychological units" (see Petra Sommer, Kurt Hoeck und die psychotherapeutische Abteilung am Haus der Gesundheit Berlin - institutionelle und zeitgeschichtliche Aspekte der Entwicklung der Gruppenpsychotherapie in der DDR, in Heike Bernhardt and Regine Lockot, editors, Mit ohne Freud (Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 2000). See also Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975); Christina Schroeder and Werner Koenig, "Die Integration der Psychotherapie in die Klinische Medizin in Deutschland - der Beitrag von J. H. Schultz," Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Klinische Psychologie 36/10 (1984):586-590.
    • (1964) Das Autogene Training
    • Schultz, J.H.1
  • 71
    • 84869708607 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kurt Hoeck und die psychotherapeutische abteilung am haus der gesundheit Berlin - Institutionelle und zeitgeschichtliche aspekte der entwicklung der gruppenpsychotherapie in der DDR
    • Heike Bernhardt and Regine Lockot, editors, (Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag
    • A "Povlov-wave" [Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), 14] encouraged biological psychotherapy. "Suggestive" therapy methods such as hypnosis and Autogenous Training (AT) became prevalent. Autogenous training is a form of relaxation through self-hypnoses developed by J. H. Schultz. It utilizes an autosuggestive method to increase physical, emotional, and mental well-being [J.H. Schultz, Das Autogene Training (Stuttgart, 1964)]. By simultaneously treating physical as well as psychological aspects, it fitted well with the Pavlovian concept of humans as "biopsychological units" (see Petra Sommer, Kurt Hoeck und die psychotherapeutische Abteilung am Haus der Gesundheit Berlin - institutionelle und zeitgeschichtliche Aspekte der Entwicklung der Gruppenpsychotherapie in der DDR, in Heike Bernhardt and Regine Lockot, editors, Mit ohne Freud (Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 2000). See also Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975); Christina Schroeder and Werner Koenig, "Die Integration der Psychotherapie in die Klinische Medizin in Deutschland - der Beitrag von J. H. Schultz," Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Klinische Psychologie 36/10 (1984):586-590.
    • (2000) Mit Ohne Freud
    • Sommer, P.1
  • 72
    • 0141689322 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme
    • A "Povlov-wave" [Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), 14] encouraged biological psychotherapy. "Suggestive" therapy methods such as hypnosis and Autogenous Training (AT) became prevalent. Autogenous training is a form of relaxation through self-hypnoses developed by J. H. Schultz. It utilizes an autosuggestive method to increase physical, emotional, and mental well-being [J.H. Schultz, Das Autogene Training (Stuttgart, 1964)]. By simultaneously treating physical as well as psychological aspects, it fitted well with the Pavlovian concept of humans as "biopsychological units" (see Petra Sommer, Kurt Hoeck und die psychotherapeutische Abteilung am Haus der Gesundheit Berlin - institutionelle und zeitgeschichtliche Aspekte der Entwicklung der Gruppenpsychotherapie in der DDR, in Heike Bernhardt and Regine Lockot, editors, Mit ohne Freud (Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 2000). See also Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975); Christina Schroeder and Werner Koenig, "Die Integration der Psychotherapie in die Klinische Medizin in Deutschland - der Beitrag von J. H. Schultz," Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Klinische Psychologie 36/10 (1984):586-590.
    • (1975) Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern
    • Hausner, M.1    Kratochvil, S.2    Hoeck, K.3
  • 73
    • 0021703527 scopus 로고
    • Die integration der psychotherapie in die klinische medizin in Deutschland - Der beitrag von J. H. Schultz
    • A "Povlov-wave" [Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), 14] encouraged biological psychotherapy. "Suggestive" therapy methods such as hypnosis and Autogenous Training (AT) became prevalent. Autogenous training is a form of relaxation through self-hypnoses developed by J. H. Schultz. It utilizes an autosuggestive method to increase physical, emotional, and mental well-being [J.H. Schultz, Das Autogene Training (Stuttgart, 1964)]. By simultaneously treating physical as well as psychological aspects, it fitted well with the Pavlovian concept of humans as "biopsychological units" (see Petra Sommer, Kurt Hoeck und die psychotherapeutische Abteilung am Haus der Gesundheit Berlin - institutionelle und zeitgeschichtliche Aspekte der Entwicklung der Gruppenpsychotherapie in der DDR, in Heike Bernhardt and Regine Lockot, editors, Mit ohne Freud (Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 2000). See also Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975); Christina Schroeder and Werner Koenig, "Die Integration der Psychotherapie in die Klinische Medizin in Deutschland - der Beitrag von J. H. Schultz," Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Klinische Psychologie 36/10 (1984):586-590.
    • (1984) Psychiatrie, Neurologie und Klinische Psychologie , vol.36 , Issue.10 , pp. 586-590
    • Schroeder, C.1    Koenig, W.2
  • 74
    • 0141466118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460; Schmidt, Einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der biologischen Grundlagen der Persoenlichkeit, 214-224; William Woodward and Steven C. Clark, "The Reflection of Soviet Psychology in East German Psychological Practice," in Vera A. Koltsova, Yuri N. Oleinik, Albert R. Gilgen, and Carol K. Gilgen, editors, Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology (Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut, 1996). In Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), Kurt Hoeck describes the variety of psychotherapeutic methods used. The dominant methods were either based on materialist/physiological presuppositions (i.e., behavioral therapies) or else they invoked sociodynamic ideas. How psychological phenomena were ascribed to either biology or society calls for further research.
    • Psychology in the German Democratic Republic , pp. 450-460
    • Kossakowski1
  • 75
    • 0141689339 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460; Schmidt, Einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der biologischen Grundlagen der Persoenlichkeit, 214-224; William Woodward and Steven C. Clark, "The Reflection of Soviet Psychology in East German Psychological Practice," in Vera A. Koltsova, Yuri N. Oleinik, Albert R. Gilgen, and Carol K. Gilgen, editors, Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology (Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut, 1996). In Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), Kurt Hoeck describes the variety of psychotherapeutic methods used. The dominant methods were either based on materialist/physiological presuppositions (i.e., behavioral therapies) or else they invoked sociodynamic ideas. How psychological phenomena were ascribed to either biology or society calls for further research.
    • Einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der Biologischen Grundlagen der Persoenlichkeit , pp. 214-224
    • Schmidt1
  • 76
    • 0141689337 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The reflection of soviet psychology in East German psychological practice
    • Vera A. Koltsova, Yuri N. Oleinik, Albert R. Gilgen, and Carol K. Gilgen, editors, (Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut)
    • Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460; Schmidt, Einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der biologischen Grundlagen der Persoenlichkeit, 214-224; William Woodward and Steven C. Clark, "The Reflection of Soviet Psychology in East German Psychological Practice," in Vera A. Koltsova, Yuri N. Oleinik, Albert R. Gilgen, and Carol K. Gilgen, editors, Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology (Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut, 1996). In Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), Kurt Hoeck describes the variety of psychotherapeutic methods used. The dominant methods were either based on materialist/physiological presuppositions (i.e., behavioral therapies) or else they invoked sociodynamic ideas. How psychological phenomena were ascribed to either biology or society calls for further research.
    • (1996) Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology
    • Woodward, W.1    Clark, S.C.2
  • 77
    • 0141689323 scopus 로고
    • Berlin
    • Kossakowski, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460; Schmidt, Einige Bemerkungen zum Problem der biologischen Grundlagen der Persoenlichkeit, 214-224; William Woodward and Steven C. Clark, "The Reflection of Soviet Psychology in East German Psychological Practice," in Vera A. Koltsova, Yuri N. Oleinik, Albert R. Gilgen, and Carol K. Gilgen, editors, Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology (Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut, 1996). In Psychotherapie in der DDR: eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik (Berlin, 1979), Kurt Hoeck describes the variety of psychotherapeutic methods used. The dominant methods were either based on materialist/physiological presuppositions (i.e., behavioral therapies) or else they invoked sociodynamic ideas. How psychological phenomena were ascribed to either biology or society calls for further research.
    • (1979) Psychotherapie in der DDR: Eine Dokumentation zum 30. Jahrestag der Republik
    • Hoeck, K.1
  • 78
    • 84925887883 scopus 로고
    • Socialist needs - Socialist personality development and the working class
    • Erhard John, "Socialist needs - Socialist Personality Development and the Working Class," Society and Leisure 4 (1974):49-78; Ekkehard Sauermann, "Probleme der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Persoenlichkeitstheorie," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):7-23; Hans-Guenther Eschke, "Zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Persoenlichkeit beim Aufbau der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: Gesellschafts - und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 23/4 (Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, 1974):441-449; Adolf Kossakowski, "Gesellschaftliche Anforderung und Weiterentwicklung der Psychologie in der DDR," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 184 (1976):1-16.
    • (1974) Society and Leisure , vol.4 , pp. 49-78
    • John, E.1
  • 79
    • 84925885770 scopus 로고
    • Probleme der marxistisch-leninistischen persoenlichkeitstheorie
    • Erhard John, "Socialist needs - Socialist Personality Development and the Working Class," Society and Leisure 4 (1974):49-78; Ekkehard Sauermann, "Probleme der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Persoenlichkeitstheorie," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):7-23; Hans-Guenther Eschke, "Zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Persoenlichkeit beim Aufbau der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: Gesellschafts - und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 23/4 (Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, 1974):441-449; Adolf Kossakowski, "Gesellschaftliche Anforderung und Weiterentwicklung der Psychologie in der DDR," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 184 (1976):1-16.
    • (1974) Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe , vol.5 , pp. 7-23
    • Sauermann, E.1
  • 80
    • 84925886169 scopus 로고
    • Zur entwicklung der sozialistischen persoenlichkeit beim aufbau der entwickelten sozialistischen gesellschaft
    • Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet
    • Erhard John, "Socialist needs - Socialist Personality Development and the Working Class," Society and Leisure 4 (1974):49-78; Ekkehard Sauermann, "Probleme der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Persoenlichkeitstheorie," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):7-23; Hans-Guenther Eschke, "Zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Persoenlichkeit beim Aufbau der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: Gesellschafts - und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 23/4 (Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, 1974):441-449; Adolf Kossakowski, "Gesellschaftliche Anforderung und Weiterentwicklung der Psychologie in der DDR," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 184 (1976):1-16.
    • (1974) Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe , vol.23 , Issue.4 , pp. 441-449
    • Eschke, H.-G.1
  • 81
    • 0141577732 scopus 로고
    • Gesellschaftliche anforderung und weiterentwicklung der psychologie in der DDR
    • Erhard John, "Socialist needs - Socialist Personality Development and the Working Class," Society and Leisure 4 (1974):49-78; Ekkehard Sauermann, "Probleme der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Persoenlichkeitstheorie," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):7-23; Hans-Guenther Eschke, "Zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Persoenlichkeit beim Aufbau der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: Gesellschafts - und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 23/4 (Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, 1974):441-449; Adolf Kossakowski, "Gesellschaftliche Anforderung und Weiterentwicklung der Psychologie in der DDR," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 184 (1976):1-16.
    • (1976) Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie , vol.184 , pp. 1-16
    • Kossakowski, A.1
  • 82
    • 0141689338 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR
    • Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften)
    • See Harry Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," in Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1980), 68-79. The "socialist personality" was understood as the carrier of ideology, the state, culture, and social morals. Personality was not understood as "character," which was taken to be a reductionist definition of personality, but as, what Marx termed, a "social quality." Accordingly, sociality (including social and occupational needs and requirements) was seen as constituting personality. At the same time, individual needs were subordinated to the goals and aims of the social unit. This Marxist conception of personality meant that the "psychology of personality" was disavowed in favor of social psychology. See Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 195-209.
    • (1980) Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven , pp. 68-79
    • Schroeder, H.1
  • 83
    • 0141689333 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Harry Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," in Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1980), 68-79. The "socialist personality" was understood as the carrier of ideology, the state, culture, and social morals. Personality was not understood as "character," which was taken to be a reductionist definition of personality, but as, what Marx termed, a "social quality." Accordingly, sociality (including social and occupational needs and requirements) was seen as constituting personality. At the same time, individual needs were subordinated to the goals and aims of the social unit. This Marxist conception of personality meant that the "psychology of personality" was disavowed in favor of social psychology. See Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 195-209.
    • Psychology in the German Democratic Republic , pp. 195-209
    • Schmidt1
  • 84
    • 0014748541 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Psychology was to enhance socialism by, e.g., psychological services being provided in public rather than in private institutions (Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 195-209, Hans-Dieter Roesler, "Clinical Psychology in the Mental Health Service of a Socialist Community," Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services 8 (1970):36-37). Also a close link between applied and basic research was to ensure psychology's scientific and social relevance to socialist society. According to Kossakowski (Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460), socialist psychology was to help preserve the mental and physical health of the population, improve living conditions, and increase work productivity as well as educational standards.
    • Psychology in the German Democratic Republic , pp. 195-209
    • Schmidt1
  • 85
    • 0014748541 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clinical psychology in the mental health service of a socialist community
    • Psychology was to enhance socialism by, e.g., psychological services being provided in public rather than in private institutions (Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 195-209, Hans-Dieter Roesler, "Clinical Psychology in the Mental Health Service of a Socialist Community," Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services 8 (1970):36-37). Also a close link between applied and basic research was to ensure psychology's scientific and social relevance to socialist society. According to Kossakowski (Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460), socialist psychology was to help preserve the mental and physical health of the population, improve living conditions, and increase work productivity as well as educational standards.
    • (1970) Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services , vol.8 , pp. 36-37
    • Roesler, H.-D.1
  • 86
    • 0141466118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Psychology was to enhance socialism by, e.g., psychological services being provided in public rather than in private institutions (Schmidt, "Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 195-209, Hans-Dieter Roesler, "Clinical Psychology in the Mental Health Service of a Socialist Community," Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services 8 (1970):36-37). Also a close link between applied and basic research was to ensure psychology's scientific and social relevance to socialist society. According to Kossakowski (Psychology in the German Democratic Republic," 450-460), socialist psychology was to help preserve the mental and physical health of the population, improve living conditions, and increase work productivity as well as educational standards.
    • Psychology in the German Democratic Republic , pp. 450-460
    • Kossakowski1
  • 89
    • 0141577744 scopus 로고
    • Psychotherapie im sozialistischen gesundheitswesen
    • Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, editors, (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme)
    • J. Dobias, "Psychotherapie im sozialistischen Gesundheitswesen," in Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, editors, Psychotherapie in sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975), 23-27; Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," 68-79; Eva Kellner, "Zu Sigmund Freuds Theorie von Mensch und Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):25-38; M. Vorwerg "Wilhelm Wundt und die Stellung der Psychologie im System der Wissenschaften," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 183 (1975):337-350; Alfred Katzenstein and Achim Thom, "Die historische Leistung und die Grenzen des Werkes von Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)," Psychiatric, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie 34/2 (1982):68-78.
    • (1975) Psychotherapie in Sozialistischen Laendern , pp. 23-27
    • Dobias, J.1
  • 90
    • 0141689338 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • J. Dobias, "Psychotherapie im sozialistischen Gesundheitswesen," in Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, editors, Psychotherapie in sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975), 23-27; Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," 68-79; Eva Kellner, "Zu Sigmund Freuds Theorie von Mensch und Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):25-38; M. Vorwerg "Wilhelm Wundt und die Stellung der Psychologie im System der Wissenschaften," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 183 (1975):337-350; Alfred Katzenstein and Achim Thom, "Die historische Leistung und die Grenzen des Werkes von Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)," Psychiatric, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie 34/2 (1982):68-78.
    • Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR , pp. 68-79
    • Schroeder1
  • 91
    • 84925886614 scopus 로고
    • Zu Sigmund Freuds theorie von mensch und gesellschaft
    • J. Dobias, "Psychotherapie im sozialistischen Gesundheitswesen," in Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, editors, Psychotherapie in sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975), 23-27; Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," 68-79; Eva Kellner, "Zu Sigmund Freuds Theorie von Mensch und Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):25-38; M. Vorwerg "Wilhelm Wundt und die Stellung der Psychologie im System der Wissenschaften," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 183 (1975):337-350; Alfred Katzenstein and Achim Thom, "Die historische Leistung und die Grenzen des Werkes von Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)," Psychiatric, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie 34/2 (1982):68-78.
    • (1974) Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe , vol.5 , pp. 25-38
    • Kellner, E.1
  • 92
    • 0141800967 scopus 로고
    • Wilhelm wundt und die stellung der psychologie im system der wissenschaften
    • J. Dobias, "Psychotherapie im sozialistischen Gesundheitswesen," in Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, editors, Psychotherapie in sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975), 23-27; Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," 68-79; Eva Kellner, "Zu Sigmund Freuds Theorie von Mensch und Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):25-38; M. Vorwerg "Wilhelm Wundt und die Stellung der Psychologie im System der Wissenschaften," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 183 (1975):337-350; Alfred Katzenstein and Achim Thom, "Die historische Leistung und die Grenzen des Werkes von Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)," Psychiatric, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie 34/2 (1982):68-78.
    • (1975) Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie , vol.183 , pp. 337-350
    • Vorwerg, M.1
  • 93
    • 0020096491 scopus 로고
    • Die historische leistung und die grenzen des werkes von Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
    • J. Dobias, "Psychotherapie im sozialistischen Gesundheitswesen," in Milan Hausner, Stanislav Kratochvil, and Kurt Hoeck, editors, Psychotherapie in sozialistischen Laendern (Leipzig: VEB Georg Thieme, 1975), 23-27; Schroeder, "Persoenlichkeitspsychologie in der DDR," 68-79; Eva Kellner, "Zu Sigmund Freuds Theorie von Mensch und Gesellschaft," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg: Gesellschafts-und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 5 (1974):25-38; M. Vorwerg "Wilhelm Wundt und die Stellung der Psychologie im System der Wissenschaften," Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 183 (1975):337-350; Alfred Katzenstein and Achim Thom, "Die historische Leistung und die Grenzen des Werkes von Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)," Psychiatric, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie 34/2 (1982):68-78.
    • (1982) Psychiatric, Neurologie und Medizinische Psychologie , vol.34 , Issue.2 , pp. 68-78
    • Katzenstein, A.1    Thom, A.2
  • 94
    • 0141800959 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Psychoanalytic concepts such as "the unconscious" and the emphasis on irrational processes were seen as a potential threat to "scientific Marxism," which was grounded in rational and materialist socialist presuppositions. Also, psychoanalytic assumptions about "basic" human traits and needs were seen as incompatible with certain East German social practices, such as the predominant institutionalized child-rearing practices.
  • 95
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    • note
    • Depth-psychological models also adhere to basic psychoanalytic assumptions, but they are differentiated from classic psychoanalysis in that the focus is more on present conflicts, rather than on regressing the client to past experiences.
  • 96
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    • (Berlin: Institut fuer Psychotherapie und Neurosenforschung. Psychotherapiebericht)
    • See Kurt Hoeck, editor, Zielstellungen und Entwicklungen der Psychotherapie in der DDR - ausgewaehlte Schriften von Kurt Hoeck anlaesslich seines 65. Geburtstages: Psychotherapie-Berichte (Berlin: Institut fuer Psychotherapie und Neurosenforschung. Psychotherapiebericht 31, 1985); Uwe Schaarschmidt "Das Psychologiestudium und der Berufseinsatz des Absolventen," in Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1980), 178-191, for a description of the content of psychological training in the GDR. For a detailed description of developments in psychology in East Germany, see also Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven.
    • (1985) Zielstellungen und Entwicklungen der Psychotherapie in der DDR - Ausgewaehlte Schriften von Kurt Hoeck Anlaesslich Seines 65. Geburtstages: Psychotherapie-Berichte , vol.31
    • Hoeck, K.1
  • 97
    • 0141800961 scopus 로고
    • Das psychologiestudium und der berufseinsatz des absolventen
    • Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften)
    • See Kurt Hoeck, editor, Zielstellungen und Entwicklungen der Psychotherapie in der DDR - ausgewaehlte Schriften von Kurt Hoeck anlaesslich seines 65. Geburtstages: Psychotherapie-Berichte (Berlin: Institut fuer Psychotherapie und Neurosenforschung. Psychotherapiebericht 31, 1985); Uwe Schaarschmidt "Das Psychologiestudium und der Berufseinsatz des Absolventen," in Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1980), 178-191, for a description of the content of psychological training in the GDR. For a detailed description of developments in psychology in East Germany, see also Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven.
    • (1980) Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven , pp. 178-191
    • Schaarschmidt, U.1
  • 98
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    • See Kurt Hoeck, editor, Zielstellungen und Entwicklungen der Psychotherapie in der DDR - ausgewaehlte Schriften von Kurt Hoeck anlaesslich seines 65. Geburtstages: Psychotherapie-Berichte (Berlin: Institut fuer Psychotherapie und Neurosenforschung. Psychotherapiebericht 31, 1985); Uwe Schaarschmidt "Das Psychologiestudium und der Berufseinsatz des Absolventen," in Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1980), 178-191, for a description of the content of psychological training in the GDR. For a detailed description of developments in psychology in East Germany, see also Friedhart Klix, Adolf Kossakowski, and Walter Maeder, editors, Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven.
    • Psychologie in der DDR: Entwicklungen - Aufgaben - Perspektiven
    • Klix, F.1    Kossakowski, A.2    Maeder, W.3
  • 99
    • 0042226831 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Shepherding group analysis
    • At the time, "analytical group psychotherapy" (Analytische Gruppenpsychotherapie) was also used in West Germany and was held in high regard. Analytical group psychotherapy facilitates group dynamics and the potential for transference (to the therapist as well as individual group members) to reveal unconscious and neurotic conflicts, in order to strengthen the individual by enhancing "self-understanding and self-development" (M. Pines "Shepherding Group Analysis," Group 24/1 (2000):55). As interviewees argued, the aim is not to integrate the individual into the group, but to enable him or her to individuate succesfully (see also Faber and Haarstrick, Kommentar: Psychotherapie-Richtlinien, 1996:49-50).
    • (2000) Group , vol.24 , Issue.1 , pp. 55
    • Pines, M.1
  • 100
    • 0003989511 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • At the time, "analytical group psychotherapy" (Analytische Gruppenpsychotherapie) was also used in West Germany and was held in high regard. Analytical group psychotherapy facilitates group dynamics and the potential for transference (to the therapist as well as individual group members) to reveal unconscious and neurotic conflicts, in order to strengthen the individual by enhancing "self-understanding and self-development" (M. Pines "Shepherding Group Analysis," Group 24/1 (2000):55). As interviewees argued, the aim is not to integrate the individual into the group, but to enable him or her to individuate succesfully (see also Faber and Haarstrick, Kommentar: Psychotherapie-Richtlinien, 1996:49-50).
    • (1996) Kommentar: Psychotherapie-Richtlinien , pp. 49-50
    • Faber1    Haarstrick2
  • 101
    • 0141577736 scopus 로고
    • Psychotherapie und gesellsehaft - Philosophische aspekte
    • Kurt Hoeck and Karl Seidel, editors, (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften)
    • A. Thom and R. Lother, "Psychotherapie und Gesellsehaft - philosophische Aspekte," in Kurt Hoeck and Karl Seidel, editors, Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1976), 28-43).
    • (1976) Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft , pp. 28-43
    • Thom, A.1    Lother, R.2
  • 102
    • 0141577741 scopus 로고
    • Zielstellungen, wege, ergebnisse psychotherapeutischer intentionen von Kurt Hoeck
    • Haus der Gesundheit, Berlin
    • Kurt Hoeck pioneered this method, which became one of the leading psychotherapeutic method in the DDR. It utilizes group dynamics to improve individual well-being and is tightly structured through therapeutic interventions. See H. Hess, "Zielstellungen, Wege, Ergebnisse psychotherapeutischer Intentionen von Kurt Hoeck," in Psychotherapieberichte (Haus der Gesundheit, Berlin, 34, 1986), 6-21.
    • (1986) Psychotherapieberichte , vol.34 , pp. 6-21
    • Hess, H.1
  • 104
    • 84965954976 scopus 로고
    • History of science and its sociological reconstructions
    • Steven Shapin, "History of Science and its Sociological Reconstructions," History of Science 20 (1982):197.
    • (1982) History of Science , vol.20 , pp. 197
    • Shapin, S.1
  • 105
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    • This is a short-term therapy that works on particular conflicts based on psychoanalytic assumptions - to what extent psychoanalytic assumptions were actually integrated into the therapies remains disputed (see Maaz et al., Analytische Psychotherapie im multimodalen Ansatz, 1997).
    • (1997) Analytische Psychotherapie im Multimodalen Ansatz
    • Maaz1
  • 107
    • 84936823918 scopus 로고
    • Oxford: Basil Blackwell
    • For in-depth analysis on the effects of social change on individual's subjective experiences as well as on society overall, see Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930); Nikolas Rose, "Individualizing Psychology," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 119-132; Berger et al., The Homeless Mind, 1973; Edward E. Sampson, "The Deconstruction of the Self," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 1-19.
    • (1987) The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism
    • Campbell, C.1
  • 108
    • 0003613732 scopus 로고
    • London: Unwin University Books
    • For in-depth analysis on the effects of social change on individual's subjective experiences as well as on society overall, see Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930); Nikolas Rose, "Individualizing Psychology," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 119-132; Berger et al., The Homeless Mind, 1973; Edward E. Sampson, "The Deconstruction of the Self," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 1-19.
    • (1930) The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
    • Weber, M.1
  • 109
    • 0003123862 scopus 로고
    • Individualizing psychology
    • John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, (London: Sage)
    • For in-depth analysis on the effects of social change on individual's subjective experiences as well as on society overall, see Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930); Nikolas Rose, "Individualizing Psychology," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 119-132; Berger et al., The Homeless Mind, 1973; Edward E. Sampson, "The Deconstruction of the Self," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 1-19.
    • (1992) Texts of Identity , pp. 119-132
    • Rose, N.1
  • 110
    • 0003957972 scopus 로고
    • For in-depth analysis on the effects of social change on individual's subjective experiences as well as on society overall, see Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930); Nikolas Rose, "Individualizing Psychology," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 119-132; Berger et al., The Homeless Mind, 1973; Edward E. Sampson, "The Deconstruction of the Self," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 1-19.
    • (1973) The Homeless Mind
    • Berger1
  • 111
    • 0002545243 scopus 로고
    • The deconstruction of the self
    • John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, (London: Sage)
    • For in-depth analysis on the effects of social change on individual's subjective experiences as well as on society overall, see Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987); Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London: Unwin University Books, 1930); Nikolas Rose, "Individualizing Psychology," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, editors, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 119-132; Berger et al., The Homeless Mind, 1973; Edward E. Sampson, "The Deconstruction of the Self," in John Shotter and Kenneth J. Gergen, Texts of Identity (London: Sage, 1992), 1-19.
    • (1992) Texts of Identity , pp. 1-19
    • Sampson, E.E.1
  • 114
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    • note
    • Debates between East German practitioners and professional societies with their West-German counterparts who were responsible for the quality and training of psychotherapeutic practitioners remains a matter for further investigations.
  • 115
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    • Manow, Gesundheitspolitik im Einigungsprozess, 1994; Joas and Koehli, Der Zusammenbruch der DDR, 1993; Angela Schorr, "German Psychology After Unification," in Angela Schorr and Salli Saari, Psychology in Europe (Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1995), 35-58.
    • (1994) Gesundheitspolitik im Einigungsprozess
    • Manow1
  • 116
    • 0141800958 scopus 로고
    • Manow, Gesundheitspolitik im Einigungsprozess, 1994; Joas and Koehli, Der Zusammenbruch der DDR, 1993; Angela Schorr, "German Psychology After Unification," in Angela Schorr and Salli Saari, Psychology in Europe (Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1995), 35-58.
    • (1993) Der Zusammenbruch der DDR
    • Joas1    Koehli2
  • 117
    • 0141800962 scopus 로고
    • German psychology after unification
    • Angela Schorr and Salli Saari, (Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers)
    • Manow, Gesundheitspolitik im Einigungsprozess, 1994; Joas and Koehli, Der Zusammenbruch der DDR, 1993; Angela Schorr, "German Psychology After Unification," in Angela Schorr and Salli Saari, Psychology in Europe (Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1995), 35-58.
    • (1995) Psychology in Europe , pp. 35-58
    • Schorr, A.1
  • 118
    • 0141577743 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This shift affected therapists' subjective work-experience as well as their relationships to clients. They argued that as independent practitioners they cater to the needs of their clients more as they are economically dependent on them. Whereas the commercialization of therapy was first seen as problematic, therapists increasingly reconstructed it as promoting a more egalitarian therapeutic relationship. For a preliminary study of how the institutional context can affect therapeutic interaction, see Leuenberger, The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism; see also Thomas Szasz, "Anti-Psychiatry: The Paradigm of the Plundered Mind," in Oscar Grutsky and Melvin Pollner, The Sociology of Mental Illness (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981), 334-347.
    • The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism
    • Leuenberger1
  • 119
    • 0141577738 scopus 로고
    • Anti-psychiatry: The paradigm of the plundered mind
    • Oscar Grutsky and Melvin Pollner, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston)
    • This shift affected therapists' subjective work-experience as well as their relationships to clients. They argued that as independent practitioners they cater to the needs of their clients more as they are economically dependent on them. Whereas the commercialization of therapy was first seen as problematic, therapists increasingly reconstructed it as promoting a more egalitarian therapeutic relationship. For a preliminary study of how the institutional context can affect therapeutic interaction, see Leuenberger, The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism; see also Thomas Szasz, "Anti-Psychiatry: The Paradigm of the Plundered Mind," in Oscar Grutsky and Melvin Pollner, The Sociology of Mental Illness (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981), 334-347.
    • (1981) The Sociology of Mental Illness , pp. 334-347
    • Szasz, T.1
  • 120
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    • Chronischer sanierungsfall?
    • see also the homepage of "Bundesverband der Vertragspsychotherapeuten e.V.", for further details and statistics
    • The income from statutory health insurance is the main source of revenue for psychotherapists. However, some patients pay privately for their treatment. There are also some smaller private insurance companies that recognize treatment methods not reimbursable through the statutory health insurance. According to Hartmut Reiners ("Chronischer Sanierungsfall?," Dr. med. Mabuse 122 (1999)), income from private patients constimtes just 9% of the total income of East German doctors (see also the homepage of "Bundesverband der Vertragspsychotherapeuten e.V." http://www.bvvp for further details and statistics).
    • (1999) Dr. Med. Mabuse , vol.122
    • Reiners, H.1
  • 122
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    • for further detail
    • "Behavioral therapy" is a short-term, conflict-oriented form of therapy that attempts to alter maladaptive behavior (which includes motor, physiological, cognitive, and emotional processes) in a beneficial manner according to learning theoretical precepts (see Faber and Haarstrick, Kommentar: Psychotherapie-Richtlinien, for further detail). For the purpose of this article I am only concerned with "Analytical Therapy" and "Depth-Psychological Psychotherapy."
    • Kommentar: Psychotherapie-Richtlinien
    • Faber1    Haarstrick2
  • 123
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    • Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag
    • It should be noted that these guidelines were constantly revised as certain therapeutic approaches came to be seen as scientifically validated, effective, and efficient forms of treatments. The first Psychotherapeutic-Guidelines passed in 1967 recognizing depth-psychological and psychoanalytic psychotherapy provided by medically qualified personnel, and have subsequently undergone numerous revisions. It is not until the 1980s that behavioral therapy was reimbursable by insurance. In 1999, a "psychotherapist-legislation" (Psychotherapeutengesetz) passed that requires practitioners to have a medical or psychological degree, to assure higher quality care and tighter control over therapeutic offerings [Karl Salzl and Reinhard Steege, Psychotherapeutengesetz (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1999)]. Given these professional requirements, it remains to be seen to what extent psychoanalysis will remain a core therapeutic method in a health care system currently ridden with economic problems.
    • (1999) Psychotherapeutengesetz
    • Salzl, K.1    Steege, R.2
  • 125
    • 84855619410 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For statistical figures of how many kinds of therapies are reimbursed by the statutory health insurance each year, see the homepages of "Vereinigung der Kassenpsychotherapeuten e.V." http:.//www.vereinigung.de. See also "Kassenaerztliche Bundesvereinigung" http://www.kbv.de.
  • 126
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    • For statistical figures of how many kinds of therapies are reimbursed by the statutory health insurance each year, see the homepages of "Vereinigung der Kassenpsychotherapeuten e.V." http:.//www.vereinigung.de. See also "Kassenaerztliche Bundesvereinigung" http://www.kbv.de.
  • 127
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    • Mein selbstverstaendnis als psychotherapeutin in den neuen bundeslaendern
    • Hans-Joachim Maaz, Heinz Hennig, and Erdmuthe Fikentscher, editors, (Berlin: Pabst Science)
    • Agathe Israel, "Mein Selbstverstaendnis als Psychotherapeutin in den neuen Bundeslaendern," in Hans-Joachim Maaz, Heinz Hennig, and Erdmuthe Fikentscher, editors, Analytische Psychotherapie im multimodalen Ansatz: Zur Entwicklung der Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland (Berlin: Pabst Science, 1997), 144-148.
    • (1997) Analytische Psychotherapie im Multimodalen Ansatz: Zur Entwicklung der Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland , pp. 144-148
    • Israel, A.1
  • 128
    • 0003764788 scopus 로고
    • New York: Pergamon Press
    • Karin Knorr-Cetina, The Manufacture of Knowledge (New York: Pergamon Press, 1981); Karin Knorr-Cetina and Michael Mulkay, Science Observed (London: Sage, 1983); Michael Mulkay, The Word and the World (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985).
    • (1981) The Manufacture of Knowledge
    • Knorr-Cetina, K.1
  • 129
    • 0004223243 scopus 로고
    • London: Sage
    • Karin Knorr-Cetina, The Manufacture of Knowledge (New York: Pergamon Press, 1981); Karin Knorr-Cetina and Michael Mulkay, Science Observed (London: Sage, 1983); Michael Mulkay, The Word and the World (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985).
    • (1983) Science Observed
    • Knorr-Cetina, K.1    Mulkay, M.2
  • 130
    • 0004288105 scopus 로고
    • London: George Allen & Unwin
    • Karin Knorr-Cetina, The Manufacture of Knowledge (New York: Pergamon Press, 1981); Karin Knorr-Cetina and Michael Mulkay, Science Observed (London: Sage, 1983); Michael Mulkay, The Word and the World (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985).
    • (1985) The Word and the World
    • Mulkay, M.1
  • 131
    • 0042345838 scopus 로고
    • (New York: Pantheon Books) for further detail
    • His practice of "system therapy" was done in the context of family therapy. System therapists are concerned with relatedness (e.g., patterns of relationships), as against the inner, subjective life of an individual. Therapists attempt to diagnose pathological communication and replace it with a new interactional pattern [see Joel Kovel, A Complete Guide to Therapy (New York: Pantheon Books, 1976) for further detail].
    • (1976) A Complete Guide to Therapy
    • Kovel, J.1
  • 132
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    • Maaz et al., Analytische Psychotherapie im multimodalen Ansatz. The criticisms against this therapeutic approach and its institutionalization ranged from ad hominem arguments about its practitioners to claims that these practitioners built up this therapeutic approach and their own professional
    • Analytische Psychotherapie im Multimodalen Ansatz
    • Maaz1
  • 133
    • 0141577745 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mein selbstverstaendnis als psychotherapeutin in den neuen bundeslaendern
    • Maaz et al.
    • Maaz et al., Analytische Psychotherapie im multimodalen Ansatz. The criticisms against this therapeutic approach and its institutionalization ranged from ad hominem arguments about its practitioners to claims that these practitioners built up this therapeutic approach and their own professional society because their practice of "psychoanalysis" was not recognized by the main psychoanalytic umbrella organization (see also Israel, "Mein Selbstverstaendnis als Psychotherapeutin in den neuen Bundeslaendern," in Maaz et al., Analytische Psychotherapie im multimodalen Ansatz), as they either refused or tried to circumvent further psychoanalytic training. Critics (who re-trained) didn't see such a synthesis of East German approaches as constituting a coherent scientific approach to the psyche any longer.
    • Analytische Psychotherapie im Multimodalen Ansatz
    • Israel1
  • 134
    • 0141466099 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Multimodaler weg zur psychoanalyse - Eine exemplarische darstellung
    • Maaz et al.
    • See Ulrich Bahrke, "Multimodaler Weg zur Psychoanalyse - eine exemplarische Darstellung," in Maaz et al., Analytische Psychotherapie im multimodalen Ansatz, 123.
    • Analytische Psychotherapie im Multimodalen Ansatz , pp. 123
    • Bahrke, U.1
  • 136
    • 0141577728 scopus 로고
    • Seelische und soziale bedingungen der deutschen vereinigung
    • These functionalist types of accounts fail to acknowledge the complexities involved in the success or failure of new forms of knowledge, as they disregard the effect of sociocultural and economic factors on the constitution of knowledge as well as its likely diffusion through the social structure (e.g., by the media). For psychological practitioners' own accounts of how social forces effect therapeutic practice, see, e.g., Roger Kirchner, "Seelische und soziale Bedingungen der deutschen Vereinigung," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):7-14; Christoph Seidler and Michael Froese, "Die Utopie von Individuation und Bezogenheit in Deutschland," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):307-314; Harry Schroeder, "Identitaet, Individualitaet und psychische Befindlichkeit des DDR-Buergers im Umbruch, " Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie 1 (1990):163-176; Irene Misselwitz and M. Bormuth, "Deutsche Verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von Befremdung und Vorurteil," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):293-306; Irene Misselwitz, "Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der Psychotherapie," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):20-25; Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997):93-108.
    • (1993) Psychologische Beitraege , vol.35 , pp. 7-14
    • Kirchner, R.1
  • 137
    • 0141689324 scopus 로고
    • Die utopie von individuation und bezogenheit in Deutschland
    • These functionalist types of accounts fail to acknowledge the complexities involved in the success or failure of new forms of knowledge, as they disregard the effect of sociocultural and economic factors on the constitution of knowledge as well as its likely diffusion through the social structure (e.g., by the media). For psychological practitioners' own accounts of how social forces effect therapeutic practice, see, e.g., Roger Kirchner, "Seelische und soziale Bedingungen der deutschen Vereinigung," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):7-14; Christoph Seidler and Michael Froese, "Die Utopie von Individuation und Bezogenheit in Deutschland," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):307-314; Harry Schroeder, "Identitaet, Individualitaet und psychische Befindlichkeit des DDR-Buergers im Umbruch, " Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie 1 (1990):163-176; Irene Misselwitz and M. Bormuth, "Deutsche Verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von Befremdung und Vorurteil," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):293-306; Irene Misselwitz, "Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der Psychotherapie," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):20-25; Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997):93-108.
    • (1993) Psychologische Beitraege , vol.35 , pp. 307-314
    • Seidler, C.1    Froese, M.2
  • 138
    • 84929225885 scopus 로고
    • Identitaet, individualitaet und psychische befindlichkeit des DDR-buergers im umbruch
    • These functionalist types of accounts fail to acknowledge the complexities involved in the success or failure of new forms of knowledge, as they disregard the effect of sociocultural and economic factors on the constitution of knowledge as well as its likely diffusion through the social structure (e.g., by the media). For psychological practitioners' own accounts of how social forces effect therapeutic practice, see, e.g., Roger Kirchner, "Seelische und soziale Bedingungen der deutschen Vereinigung," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):7-14; Christoph Seidler and Michael Froese, "Die Utopie von Individuation und Bezogenheit in Deutschland," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):307-314; Harry Schroeder, "Identitaet, Individualitaet und psychische Befindlichkeit des DDR-Buergers im Umbruch, " Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie 1 (1990):163-176; Irene Misselwitz and M. Bormuth, "Deutsche Verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von Befremdung und Vorurteil," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):293-306; Irene Misselwitz, "Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der Psychotherapie," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):20-25; Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997):93-108.
    • (1990) Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie , vol.1 , pp. 163-176
    • Schroeder, H.1
  • 139
    • 0141800951 scopus 로고
    • Deutsche verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von befremdung und vorurteil
    • These functionalist types of accounts fail to acknowledge the complexities involved in the success or failure of new forms of knowledge, as they disregard the effect of sociocultural and economic factors on the constitution of knowledge as well as its likely diffusion through the social structure (e.g., by the media). For psychological practitioners' own accounts of how social forces effect therapeutic practice, see, e.g., Roger Kirchner, "Seelische und soziale Bedingungen der deutschen Vereinigung," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):7-14; Christoph Seidler and Michael Froese, "Die Utopie von Individuation und Bezogenheit in Deutschland," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):307-314; Harry Schroeder, "Identitaet, Individualitaet und psychische Befindlichkeit des DDR-Buergers im Umbruch, " Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie 1 (1990):163-176; Irene Misselwitz and M. Bormuth, "Deutsche Verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von Befremdung und Vorurteil," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):293-306; Irene Misselwitz, "Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der Psychotherapie," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):20-25; Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997):93-108.
    • (1993) Psychologische Beitraege , vol.35 , pp. 293-306
    • Misselwitz, I.1    Bormuth, M.2
  • 140
    • 0141689326 scopus 로고
    • Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der psychotherapie
    • These functionalist types of accounts fail to acknowledge the complexities involved in the success or failure of new forms of knowledge, as they disregard the effect of sociocultural and economic factors on the constitution of knowledge as well as its likely diffusion through the social structure (e.g., by the media). For psychological practitioners' own accounts of how social forces effect therapeutic practice, see, e.g., Roger Kirchner, "Seelische und soziale Bedingungen der deutschen Vereinigung," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):7-14; Christoph Seidler and Michael Froese, "Die Utopie von Individuation und Bezogenheit in Deutschland," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):307-314; Harry Schroeder, "Identitaet, Individualitaet und psychische Befindlichkeit des DDR-Buergers im Umbruch, " Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie 1 (1990):163-176; Irene Misselwitz and M. Bormuth, "Deutsche Verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von Befremdung und Vorurteil," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):293-306; Irene Misselwitz, "Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der Psychotherapie," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):20-25; Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997):93-108.
    • (1993) Psychologische Beitraege , vol.35 , pp. 20-25
    • Misselwitz, I.1
  • 141
    • 0141466105 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zwischen autoritarismus und demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen gesellschaften
    • These functionalist types of accounts fail to acknowledge the complexities involved in the success or failure of new forms of knowledge, as they disregard the effect of sociocultural and economic factors on the constitution of knowledge as well as its likely diffusion through the social structure (e.g., by the media). For psychological practitioners' own accounts of how social forces effect therapeutic practice, see, e.g., Roger Kirchner, "Seelische und soziale Bedingungen der deutschen Vereinigung," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):7-14; Christoph Seidler and Michael Froese, "Die Utopie von Individuation und Bezogenheit in Deutschland," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):307-314; Harry Schroeder, "Identitaet, Individualitaet und psychische Befindlichkeit des DDR-Buergers im Umbruch, " Zeitschrift fuer Sozialisationsforschung und Erziehungssoziologie 1 (1990):163-176; Irene Misselwitz and M. Bormuth, "Deutsche Verhaeltnisse diesseits und jenseits von Befremdung und Vorurteil," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):293-306; Irene Misselwitz, "Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung in der Psychotherapie," Psychologische Beitraege 35 (1993):20-25; Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997):93-108.
    • (1997) Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns , vol.67 , pp. 93-108
    • Meyer, G.1
  • 142
    • 0141466107 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Berlin Wall on the therapists' couch
    • Christine Leuenberger, "The Berlin Wall on the Therapists' Couch," Human Studies 23 (2000):99-121.
    • (2000) Human Studies , vol.23 , pp. 99-121
    • Leuenberger, C.1
  • 143
    • 0141466106 scopus 로고
    • Entfremdung. Eine heilungsgeschichte
    • Berlin: Rowohlt
    • Wolfgang Moeller, "Entfremdung. Eine Heilungsgeschichte," in Kursbuch: Abriss der DDR 101 (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1990):67-73. According to interviewees, shortly after the transition East German clients flocked to West German therapists, who were thought to be more competent than East Germans. These patients tended to return to East German therapists as they felt misunderstood by the West Germans. Also Elisabeth von Strachwitz ["Ueber die Wiederbelebung der Psychoanalyse im Ostteil Berlins seit 1990," in Peter Diedrichs, editor, Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland (Goettingen: Vancienhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998), 51-65] writes about the cultural divide between East and West Germans and the consequences for therapy.
    • (1990) Kursbuch: Abriss der DDR , vol.101 , pp. 67-73
    • Moeller, W.1
  • 144
    • 0141577727 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ueber die wiederbelebung der psychoanalyse im ostteil Berlins seit 1990
    • Peter Diedrichs, editor, (Goettingen: Vancienhoeck & Ruprecht
    • Wolfgang Moeller, "Entfremdung. Eine Heilungsgeschichte," in Kursbuch: Abriss der DDR 101 (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1990):67-73. According to interviewees, shortly after the transition East German clients flocked to West German therapists, who were thought to be more competent than East Germans. These patients tended to return to East German therapists as they felt misunderstood by the West Germans. Also Elisabeth von Strachwitz ["Ueber die Wiederbelebung der Psychoanalyse im Ostteil Berlins seit 1990," in Peter Diedrichs, editor, Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland (Goettingen: Vancienhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998), 51-65] writes about the cultural divide between East and West Germans and the consequences for therapy.
    • (1998) Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland , pp. 51-65
    • Von Strachwitz, E.1
  • 146
    • 0039344960 scopus 로고
    • Eigeninitiative am arbeitsplatz im osten und westen Deutschlands: Ergebnisse einer empirischen untersuchung
    • Gisela Trommsdorff, editor, (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter)
    • After the transition, the concept of identity was not only reconceptualized in psychotherapy but also in increasingly prevalent "self-help groups." According to East German self-help coordinators, East Germans lacked the individual characteristics (e.g., individual initiative, individual responsibility, self-confidence, self-reliance, and independence) necessary for "self-help" to be of use. They maintained that self-help groups illustrate the need to reconceptualize and re-make the individual and they provide an occasion in which to introduce and reinforce such new self-conceptions. See Michael Frese and Sabine Hilligloh, "Eigeninitiative am Arbeitsplatz im Osten und Westen Deutschlands: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung," in Gisela Trommsdorff, editor, Psychologische Aspekte des sozio-politischen Wandels in Ostdeutschland (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1994), 200-215; SEKIS: Selbsthilfe-Rundbrief 14, Selbsthilfe in Ost-Berlin (Berlin: Synanon International, 1990); Leuenberger, The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism; see also Philip A. Mellor and Chris Shilling," Modernity, Self-Identity and the Sequestration of Death," Sociology 27/3 (1993): 431-441.
    • (1994) Psychologische Aspekte des Sozio-politischen Wandels in Ostdeutschland , pp. 200-215
    • Frese, M.1    Hilligloh, S.2
  • 147
    • 0141689325 scopus 로고
    • Berlin: Synanon International
    • After the transition, the concept of identity was not only reconceptualized in psychotherapy but also in increasingly prevalent "self-help groups." According to East German self-help coordinators, East Germans lacked the individual characteristics (e.g., individual initiative, individual responsibility, self-confidence, self-reliance, and independence) necessary for "self-help" to be of use. They maintained that self-help groups illustrate the need to reconceptualize and re-make the individual and they provide an occasion in which to introduce and reinforce such new self-conceptions. See Michael Frese and Sabine Hilligloh, "Eigeninitiative am Arbeitsplatz im Osten und Westen Deutschlands: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung," in Gisela Trommsdorff, editor, Psychologische Aspekte des sozio-politischen Wandels in Ostdeutschland (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1994), 200-215; SEKIS: Selbsthilfe-Rundbrief 14, Selbsthilfe in Ost-Berlin (Berlin: Synanon International, 1990); Leuenberger, The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism; see also Philip A. Mellor and Chris Shilling," Modernity, Self-Identity and the Sequestration of Death," Sociology 27/3 (1993): 431-441.
    • (1990) SEKIS: Selbsthilfe-Rundbrief 14, Selbsthilfe in Ost-Berlin
  • 148
    • 0141577743 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • After the transition, the concept of identity was not only reconceptualized in psychotherapy but also in increasingly prevalent "self-help groups." According to East German self-help coordinators, East Germans lacked the individual characteristics (e.g., individual initiative, individual responsibility, self-confidence, self-reliance, and independence) necessary for "self-help" to be of use. They maintained that self-help groups illustrate the need to reconceptualize and re-make the individual and they provide an occasion in which to introduce and reinforce such new self-conceptions. See Michael Frese and Sabine Hilligloh, "Eigeninitiative am Arbeitsplatz im Osten und Westen Deutschlands: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung," in Gisela Trommsdorff, editor, Psychologische Aspekte des sozio-politischen Wandels in Ostdeutschland (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1994), 200-215; SEKIS: Selbsthilfe-Rundbrief 14, Selbsthilfe in Ost-Berlin (Berlin: Synanon International, 1990); Leuenberger, The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism; see also Philip A. Mellor and Chris Shilling," Modernity, Self-Identity and the Sequestration of Death," Sociology 27/3 (1993): 431-441.
    • The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism
    • Leuenberger1
  • 149
    • 21144461641 scopus 로고
    • Modernity, self-identity and the sequestration of death
    • After the transition, the concept of identity was not only reconceptualized in psychotherapy but also in increasingly prevalent "self-help groups." According to East German self-help coordinators, East Germans lacked the individual characteristics (e.g., individual initiative, individual responsibility, self-confidence, self-reliance, and independence) necessary for "self-help" to be of use. They maintained that self-help groups illustrate the need to reconceptualize and re-make the individual and they provide an occasion in which to introduce and reinforce such new self-conceptions. See Michael Frese and Sabine Hilligloh, "Eigeninitiative am Arbeitsplatz im Osten und Westen Deutschlands: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung," in Gisela Trommsdorff, editor, Psychologische Aspekte des sozio-politischen Wandels in Ostdeutschland (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1994), 200-215; SEKIS: Selbsthilfe-Rundbrief 14, Selbsthilfe in Ost-Berlin (Berlin: Synanon International, 1990); Leuenberger, The Social Construction of Psychotherapy and Psychotherapists' Reconstruction of Socialism; see also Philip A. Mellor and Chris Shilling," Modernity, Self-Identity and the Sequestration of Death," Sociology 27/3 (1993): 431-441.
    • (1993) Sociology , vol.27 , Issue.3 , pp. 431-441
    • Mellor, P.A.1    Shilling, C.2
  • 150
    • 2442767811 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Psychoanalyse im multimodalen ansatz
    • Diedrichs, editor
    • For instance, therapists maintain that after 1989 early childhood experiences became increasingly important in analyzing trauma. Consequently after 1989 there was a remarkable increase in the diagnosis of early childhood disorders, see Hans-Joachim Maaz "Psychoanalyse im multimodalen Ansatz" in Diedrichs, editor, Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland, 1998: 107; Michael J. Froese, "Zur Wiederbelebung der analytischen Psychotherapie in der DDR," Forum der Psychoanalyse 15 (1999): 184. Therapists disagree as to why childhood disorders were diagnosed less before the transition. Some argue that the lack of psychoanalytic knowledge accounts for the "failure" to diagnose childhood traumas, whereas others argued that psychological factors were responsible for the inability to see these problems (such as a weak socialist "ego" meant such disorders did not surface or therapists themselves suffered from various psychological problems). These debates call for further investigations. For a discussion on the possible links between the importance placed on the private sphere in capitalism and the psychoanalytic emphasis on childhood as the locus for discovering the self, see Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41.
    • (1998) Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland , pp. 107
    • Maaz, H.-J.1
  • 151
    • 0141466103 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zur wiederbelebung der analytischen psychotherapie in der DDR
    • For instance, therapists maintain that after 1989 early childhood experiences became increasingly important in analyzing trauma. Consequently after 1989 there was a remarkable increase in the diagnosis of early childhood disorders, see Hans-Joachim Maaz "Psychoanalyse im multimodalen Ansatz" in Diedrichs, editor, Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland, 1998: 107; Michael J. Froese, "Zur Wiederbelebung der analytischen Psychotherapie in der DDR," Forum der Psychoanalyse 15 (1999): 184. Therapists disagree as to why childhood disorders were diagnosed less before the transition. Some argue that the lack of psychoanalytic knowledge accounts for the "failure" to diagnose childhood traumas, whereas others argued that psychological factors were responsible for the inability to see these problems (such as a weak socialist "ego" meant such disorders did not surface or therapists themselves suffered from various psychological problems). These debates call for further investigations. For a discussion on the possible links between the importance placed on the private sphere in capitalism and the psychoanalytic emphasis on childhood as the locus for discovering the self, see Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41.
    • (1999) Forum der Psychoanalyse , vol.15 , pp. 184
    • Froese, M.J.1
  • 152
    • 85055898529 scopus 로고
    • Towards a sociological understanding of psychoanalysis
    • For instance, therapists maintain that after 1989 early childhood experiences became increasingly important in analyzing trauma. Consequently after 1989 there was a remarkable increase in the diagnosis of early childhood disorders, see Hans-Joachim Maaz "Psychoanalyse im multimodalen Ansatz" in Diedrichs, editor, Psychoanalyse in Ostdeutschland, 1998: 107; Michael J. Froese, "Zur Wiederbelebung der analytischen Psychotherapie in der DDR," Forum der Psychoanalyse 15 (1999): 184. Therapists disagree as to why childhood disorders were diagnosed less before the transition. Some argue that the lack of psychoanalytic knowledge accounts for the "failure" to diagnose childhood traumas, whereas others argued that psychological factors were responsible for the inability to see these problems (such as a weak socialist "ego" meant such disorders did not surface or therapists themselves suffered from various psychological problems). These debates call for further investigations. For a discussion on the possible links between the importance placed on the private sphere in capitalism and the psychoanalytic emphasis on childhood as the locus for discovering the self, see Peter Berger, "Towards a Sociological Understanding of Psychoanalysis," Social Research 1 (1965): 26-41.
    • (1965) Social Research , vol.1 , pp. 26-41
    • Berger, P.1
  • 155
    • 0141800950 scopus 로고
    • Der mensch im spannungsfeld zwischen mangel und konsum
    • The psychoanalytic pathologising of the East German past was part of the short-term response by psychotherapists to the transition. In the long term East German psychotherapists became more cautious about " pathologising" East German society as what they perceived to be the "Golden West" has not turned out to be as immaculate as they may have expected. Also discrediting psychoanalytic accounts of East German society became increasingly seen as justifying the imposition of West German standards in all spheres of social and institutional life. Consequently East German therapists increasingly pathologised "Western" life-styles and maintained that unification revealed pathologies in the West as well as in the East. See, e.g. Heinz Hennig, "Der Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mangel und Konsum," Psychosozial: Ossis und Wessis: Psychogramm deutscher Befindlichkeiten 59 (1995): 59-70; Thomas Krauss and Angelika Faas, "The Wall: On the Psychology of the Reunification of Germany," Contemporary Family Therapy 16/3 (1994):199-213; Michael L. Moeller, and Hans-Joachim Maaz, Die Einheit beginnt zu zweit: Ein deutsch-deutsches Zwiegespraech (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993); Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997): 93-108; Alison Lewis "Unity Begins Together: Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification," New German Critique 64 (1995):135-159.
    • (1995) Psychosozial: Ossis und Wessis: Psychogramm Deutscher Befindlichkeiten , vol.59 , pp. 59-70
    • Hennig, H.1
  • 156
    • 21344475444 scopus 로고
    • The wall: On the psychology of the reunification of Germany
    • The psychoanalytic pathologising of the East German past was part of the short-term response by psychotherapists to the transition. In the long term East German psychotherapists became more cautious about " pathologising" East German society as what they perceived to be the "Golden West" has not turned out to be as immaculate as they may have expected. Also discrediting psychoanalytic accounts of East German society became increasingly seen as justifying the imposition of West German standards in all spheres of social and institutional life. Consequently East German therapists increasingly pathologised "Western" life-styles and maintained that unification revealed pathologies in the West as well as in the East. See, e.g. Heinz Hennig, "Der Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mangel und Konsum," Psychosozial: Ossis und Wessis: Psychogramm deutscher Befindlichkeiten 59 (1995): 59-70; Thomas Krauss and Angelika Faas, "The Wall: On the Psychology of the Reunification of Germany," Contemporary Family Therapy 16/3 (1994):199-213; Michael L. Moeller, and Hans-Joachim Maaz, Die Einheit beginnt zu zweit: Ein deutsch-deutsches Zwiegespraech (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993); Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997): 93-108; Alison Lewis "Unity Begins Together: Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification," New German Critique 64 (1995):135-159.
    • (1994) Contemporary Family Therapy , vol.16 , Issue.3 , pp. 199-213
    • Krauss, T.1    Faas, A.2
  • 157
    • 0141577723 scopus 로고
    • Berlin: Rowohlt
    • The psychoanalytic pathologising of the East German past was part of the short-term response by psychotherapists to the transition. In the long term East German psychotherapists became more cautious about " pathologising" East German society as what they perceived to be the "Golden West" has not turned out to be as immaculate as they may have expected. Also discrediting psychoanalytic accounts of East German society became increasingly seen as justifying the imposition of West German standards in all spheres of social and institutional life. Consequently East German therapists increasingly pathologised "Western" life-styles and maintained that unification revealed pathologies in the West as well as in the East. See, e.g. Heinz Hennig, "Der Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mangel und Konsum," Psychosozial: Ossis und Wessis: Psychogramm deutscher Befindlichkeiten 59 (1995): 59-70; Thomas Krauss and Angelika Faas, "The Wall: On the Psychology of the Reunification of Germany," Contemporary Family Therapy 16/3 (1994):199-213; Michael L. Moeller, and Hans-Joachim Maaz, Die Einheit beginnt zu zweit: Ein deutsch-deutsches Zwiegespraech (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993); Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997): 93-108; Alison Lewis "Unity Begins Together: Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification," New German Critique 64 (1995):135-159.
    • (1993) Die Einheit Beginnt zu Zweit: Ein Deutsch-deutsches Zwiegespraech
    • Moeller, M.L.1    Maaz, H.-J.2
  • 158
    • 0141466105 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zwischen autoritarismus und demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen gesellschaften
    • The psychoanalytic pathologising of the East German past was part of the short-term response by psychotherapists to the transition. In the long term East German psychotherapists became more cautious about " pathologising" East German society as what they perceived to be the "Golden West" has not turned out to be as immaculate as they may have expected. Also discrediting psychoanalytic accounts of East German society became increasingly seen as justifying the imposition of West German standards in all spheres of social and institutional life. Consequently East German therapists increasingly pathologised "Western" life-styles and maintained that unification revealed pathologies in the West as well as in the East. See, e.g. Heinz Hennig, "Der Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mangel und Konsum," Psychosozial: Ossis und Wessis: Psychogramm deutscher Befindlichkeiten 59 (1995): 59-70; Thomas Krauss and Angelika Faas, "The Wall: On the Psychology of the Reunification of Germany," Contemporary Family Therapy 16/3 (1994):199-213; Michael L. Moeller, and Hans-Joachim Maaz, Die Einheit beginnt zu zweit: Ein deutsch-deutsches Zwiegespraech (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993); Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997): 93-108; Alison Lewis "Unity Begins Together: Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification," New German Critique 64 (1995):135-159.
    • (1997) Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns , vol.67 , pp. 93-108
    • Meyer, G.1
  • 159
    • 84937300708 scopus 로고
    • Unity begins together: Analyzing the trauma of German unification
    • The psychoanalytic pathologising of the East German past was part of the short-term response by psychotherapists to the transition. In the long term East German psychotherapists became more cautious about " pathologising" East German society as what they perceived to be the "Golden West" has not turned out to be as immaculate as they may have expected. Also discrediting psychoanalytic accounts of East German society became increasingly seen as justifying the imposition of West German standards in all spheres of social and institutional life. Consequently East German therapists increasingly pathologised "Western" life-styles and maintained that unification revealed pathologies in the West as well as in the East. See, e.g. Heinz Hennig, "Der Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mangel und Konsum," Psychosozial: Ossis und Wessis: Psychogramm deutscher Befindlichkeiten 59 (1995): 59-70; Thomas Krauss and Angelika Faas, "The Wall: On the Psychology of the Reunification of Germany," Contemporary Family Therapy 16/3 (1994):199-213; Michael L. Moeller, and Hans-Joachim Maaz, Die Einheit beginnt zu zweit: Ein deutsch-deutsches Zwiegespraech (Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993); Gerd Meyer, "Zwischen Autoritarismus und Demokratie. Persoenlichkeitsstrukturen in postkommunistischen Gesellschaften," Psychosozial: Geschichte ist ein Teil von uns 67 (1997): 93-108; Alison Lewis "Unity Begins Together: Analyzing the Trauma of German Unification," New German Critique 64 (1995):135-159.
    • (1995) New German Critique , vol.64 , pp. 135-159
    • Lewis, A.1
  • 160
    • 0141800958 scopus 로고
    • In Der Zusammenbruch der DDR (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1993) Hans Joas and Martin Koehli (editors) point out that there is a whole range of explanations commonly given for the fall of socialism such as: the increasing predominance of social movements; political reforms in the Soviet union; problems in the East German political or economic organization; as well as psychological factors. A psychological account thus presents one of many possible accounts of the demise of socialism.
    • (1993) Der Zusammenbruch der DDR
  • 161
    • 0141800952 scopus 로고
    • University of Konstanz. Unpublished manuscript
    • Thomas Luckmann, Rekonstruktive Gattungen. University of Konstanz. Unpublished manuscript, 1990.
    • (1990) Rekonstruktive Gattungen
    • Luckmann, T.1
  • 162
    • 0141577724 scopus 로고
    • Psychology and the media in Germany
    • Angela Schorr and Salli Saari, editors, (Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers)
    • Therapists maintained that after 1989 psychological issues became increasingly dominant in mass culture (e.g. the media) contributing to a "psychoboom." Thus the build-up of psychological services may concur with the diffusion of psychological knowledge in society. See Angela Schorr, "Psychology and the Media in Germany" in Angela Schorr and Salli Saari, editors, Psychology in Europe (Goettingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 1995): 205-237.
    • (1995) Psychology in Europe , pp. 205-237
    • Schorr, A.1
  • 163
    • 0003415315 scopus 로고
    • London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
    • Peter Winch, The Idea of a Social Science (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958); Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1953).
    • (1958) The Idea of a Social Science
    • Winch, P.1
  • 164
    • 0004251932 scopus 로고
    • Oxford: Blackwell
    • Peter Winch, The Idea of a Social Science (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958); Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford: Blackwell, 1953).
    • (1953) Philosophical Investigations
    • Wittgenstein, L.1
  • 165
    • 84972730335 scopus 로고
    • The seamless web: Technology, science, etcetera, etcetera
    • Thomas Hughes, "The Seamless Web: Technology, Science, Etcetera, Etcetera," Social Studies of Science 19 (1986): 281-292.
    • (1986) Social Studies of Science , vol.19 , pp. 281-292
    • Hughes, T.1
  • 166
    • 0141800953 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The reconstructed individual: A cultural history of the psychological self in the two Germanies, 1945-1989
    • Unpublished
    • How socialist psychological concepts were drawn upon in clifferent areas of social life (e.g. education, the workplace, military psychology and psychiatry, criminology and psychiatry) is a matter for further investigation. See Greg Eghigan, "The Reconstructed Individual: A Cultural History of the Psychological Self in the Two Germanies, 1945-1989" Project Statement. Unpublished, 1998.
    • (1998) Project Statement
    • Eghigan, G.1
  • 169
    • 0005080453 scopus 로고
    • The assenting echo: Anglo-American values in contemporary psychoanalytic developmental psychology
    • See also Susanne Kirschner, "The Assenting Echo: Anglo-American Values in Contemporary Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology" Social Research 57/4 (1990): 821-857.
    • (1990) Social Research , vol.57 , Issue.4 , pp. 821-857
    • Kirschner, S.1

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