Vol.89 (1995), pp.168-73; Margaret Levi, Social and Unsocial Capital: A Review Essay of Robert Putnams Making Democracy Work, Politics and Society, Vol.24 ( 1996), pp.45-55; and The Economist, 6 Feb. 1993.
See David Laitin, The Civic Culture at Thirty, American Political Science Review, Vol.89 (1995), pp.168-73; Margaret Levi, Social and Unsocial Capital: A Review Essay of Robert Putnams Making Democracy Work, Politics and Society, Vol.24 ( 1996), pp.45-55; and The Economist, 6 Feb. 1993.
The Civic Culture at Thirty, American Political Science Review
Laitin, S.D.1
We are, of course, assuming that New Labour can be stylized in some sense, however weak, as a social democratic party.
We are, of course, assuming that New Labour can be stylized in some sense, however weak, as a social democratic party.
Vol.94, supplement (1988), S95-S120, S98.
James S. Coleman, Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology, Vol.94, supplement (1988), S95-S120, S98.
Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology
Coleman, J.S.1
105-10S. See also R.S. Burt, Models of Network Structure, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.6 (1980), pp.79-141; and David Knoke et al. Comparing Policy Nenvorks (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Coleman, Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, S105-10S. See also R.S. Burt, Models of Network Structure, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol.6 (1980), pp.79-141; and David Knoke et al. Comparing Policy Nenvorks (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, S
176. For an empirical analysis see Paul Whiteley, Economic Growth and Social Capital, PERC Policy Paper No.6, Political Economy Research Centre, University of Sheffield (1997).
Putnam, Making Democracy Work, p. 176. For an empirical analysis see Paul Whiteley, Economic Growth and Social Capital, PERC Policy Paper No.6, Political Economy Research Centre, University of Sheffield (1997).
Democracy Work, P.
Putnam, M.1
p.9. Hall is less concerned than Coleman by the public goods nature of social capital. It is, he suggests, a club good: It is available primarily to
Hall, Social Capital in Britain,p.9. Hall is less concerned than Coleman by the public goods nature of social capital. It is, he suggests, a club good: It is available primarily to
Capital in Britain
Hall, S.1
those who are in the networks that constitute it (p.29).
those who are in the networks that constitute it (p.29).
Vol.24 (1996), pp. 19-44; and S. Tarrow, Making Social Science Work Across Space and Time: A Critical Reflection on R. Putnams Making Democracy Work, American Political Science Review, Vol.90 (1996), pp.389-98.
This criticism is shared by other commentators. See F. Sabetti, Path Dependency and Civic Culture: Some Lessons from Italy about Interpreting Social Experiments, Politics and Society, Vol.24 (1996), pp. 19-44; and S. Tarrow, Making Social Science Work Across Space and Time: A Critical Reflection on R. Putnams Making Democracy Work, American Political Science Review, Vol.90 (1996), pp.389-98.
Is Shared by Other Commentators. See F. Sabetti, Path Dependency and Civic Culture: some Lessons from Italy about Interpreting Social Experiments, Politics and Society
Criticism, T.1
1 (1998), pp.47-73, pp.61-2.
R.W. Jackman and R. A. Miller, Social Capital and Polities, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 1 (1998), pp.47-73, pp.61-2.
And R. A. Miller, Social Capital and Polities, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol.
Jackman, R.W.1
10. Fukuyama refers to spontaneous sociability; The Culture of Prosperity, p.4.
Rothstein, Breakdown of Trust and the Fall of the Swedish Model, p. 10. Fukuyama refers to spontaneous sociability; The Culture of Prosperity, p.4.
Of Trust and the Fall of the Swedish Model, P.
Rothstein, B.1
Vol.1 (1998), pp.47-73, 50.
Jackman and R.A. Miller, Social Capital and Polities, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol.1 (1998), pp.47-73, 50.
Miller, Social Capital and Polities, Annual Review of Political Science
Jackman, R.A.1
1930s Britain, British Journal of Political Science, Vol.29 (1999), pp.77-107.
Desmond King and Randall Hansen, Experts at Work: State Autonomy, Social Learning and Eugenic Sterilization in 1930s Britain, British Journal of Political Science, Vol.29 (1999), pp.77-107.
And Randall Hansen, Experts at Work: State Autonomy, Social Learning and Eugenic Sterilization in
King, D.1
6 from The Future of Socialism, Crosland papers, British Library of Economics and Political Science, p.7.
A. Crosland, Bumham and the Managerial Revolution, unpublished draft chapter 6 from The Future of Socialism, Crosland papers, British Library of Economics and Political Science, p.7.
Bumham and the Managerial Revolution, Unpublished Draft Chapter
Crosland, A.1
1998; and Bo Rothstein, Breakdown of Trust and the Fall of the Swedish Model.
For different perspectives on the role of exchange and bargains see Chris Howell, From New Labour to No Labour: The Blair Government in Britain, paper presented to the American Political Science Association, Boston, 1998; and Bo Rothstein, Breakdown of Trust and the Fall of the Swedish Model.
Perspectives on the Role of Exchange and Bargains See Chris Howell, from New Labour to No Labour: the Blair Government in Britain, Paper Presented to the American Political Science Association, Boston
Different, F.1
1996. For an overview see Stephen Driver and Luke Martell, New Labour Politics After Tlmtcherism (Oxford: Polity Press, 1998); and Ruth Levitas, The Inclusive Society? Social Exclusion and New Labour (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998).
For a critical examination see David Willetts, Blairs Gurus (London: CPS, 1996). For an overview see Stephen Driver and Luke Martell, New Labour Politics After Tlmtcherism (Oxford: Polity Press, 1998); and Ruth Levitas, The Inclusive Society? Social Exclusion and New Labour (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998).
Examination See David Willetts, Blairs Gurus London: CPS
Critical, F.A.1
13 Nov. 1995, p.8.
Tony Blair, speech, annual conference, CBI, Birmingham, 13 Nov. 1995, p.8.
Speech, Annual Conference, CBI, Birmingham
Blair, T.1
9 Dec. 1995, quoted by P. Gould, The Unfinished Revolution, p.253-4.
Internal Labour party policy paper, 9 Dec. 1995, quoted by P. Gould, The Unfinished Revolution, p.253-4.
Party Policy Paper
Labour, I.1
13 Jan. 1996, quoted by P. Gould, The Unfinished Revolution, p.254.
Internal Labour party policy paper, 13 Jan. 1996, quoted by P. Gould, The Unfinished Revolution, p.254.
Party Policy Paper
Labour, I.1
13 Nov. 1995, p.8.
Tony Blair, speech, annual conference, CBI, Birmingham, 13 Nov. 1995, p.8.
Speech, Annual Conference, CBI, Birmingham
Blair, T.1
1999, pp.253-76.
Desmond King and Mark Wickham-Jones, Bridging the Atlantic: the Democratic (Party) Origins of Welfare to Work, in Martin Powell (ed.), New Labour New Welfare State? (Bristol: Policy Press, 1999), pp.253-76.
And Mark Wickham-Jones, Bridging the Atlantic: the Democratic (Party) Origins of Welfare to Work, in Martin Powell (Ed.), New Labour New Welfare State? Bristol: Policy Press
King, D.1
1987-1992, Politics and Society, Vol.23 (1995), pp.465-94.
Mark Wickham-Jones, Anticipating Social Democracy, Pre-empting Anticipations: Economic Policy-Making in the British Labour Party, 1987-1992, Politics and Society, Vol.23 (1995), pp.465-94.
Anticipating Social Democracy, Pre-empting Anticipations: Economic Policy-Making in the British Labour Party
Wickham-Jones, M.1
581, 1997. See also many of the contributions to Carey Oppenheim (ed.), An Inclusive Society Strategies for Tackling Poverty (London: IPPR, 1998).
Peter Mandelson, Labours Next Steps: Tackling Social Exclusion (London: Fabian Pamphlet 581, 1997). See also many of the contributions to Carey Oppenheim (ed.), An Inclusive Society Strategies for Tackling Poverty (London: IPPR, 1998).
Labours next Steps: Tackling Social Exclusion London: Fabian Pamphlet
Mandelson, P.1
11-28, p.12.
Carey Oppenheim, An overview of poverty and social exclusion, in Carey Oppenheim (ed.),An Inclusive Society, pp.11-28, p.12.
An Overview of Poverty and Social Exclusion, in Carey Oppenheim (Ed.),An Inclusive Society, Pp.
Oppenheim, C.1
15 Sept. 1998; and The Tunes, 16 Sept. 1998.
Financial Tunes, 15 Sept. 1998; and The Tunes, 16 Sept. 1998.
Financial Tunes
3805, (London: TSO, 1998).
For example, Department of Social Security, New Ambitions For Our Country: A New Contract for Welfare, Cmd 3805, (London: TSO, 1998).
Department of Social Security, New Ambitions for Our Country: a New Contract for Welfare, Cmd
Example, F.1
1998, p.69.
Patrick Seyd, Tony Blair and New Labour, in Anthony King et al., New Labour Triumphs: Britain At The Polls (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1998), p.69.
Tony Blair and New Labour, in Anthony King Et Al., New Labour Triumphs: Britain at the Polls Chatham, NJ: Chatham House
Seyd, P.1
1997, p.118. McCormick also notes the influence of Francis Fukuyama.
James McCormick, Mapping the Stakeholder Society, in Gavin Kelly, Dominic Kelly and Andrew Gamble (eds.), Stakeholder Capitalism (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997), p.118. McCormick also notes the influence of Francis Fukuyama.
Mapping the Stakeholder Society, in Gavin Kelly, Dominic Kelly and Andrew Gamble (Eds.), Stakeholder Capitalism Basingstoke: Macmillan
McCormick, J.1